Ashley and Marshall had a really long history. Their relationship consisted of her nagging Marshall to do this and that for her while she would secretly steal from him. Marshall Lee, being the lovesick puppy that he is didn't even notice the abuse until she sold his valuable bass. Furious, he walked out on her and that was the end of his awful abusive relationship.

When Fiona walked into Marshal's life, he felt a refreshing wave of something new and pure. A curious human who wanted to see what was out there in a dark forest? What wasn't appealing about that. They clicked almost instantly, he found himself extremely comfortable being able to tease her over her simple mannerisms he found adorable. Her reactions were animated and spontaneous something he hadn't seen in the Land of Aaa in so long since the War. When his strawberry crystal showed that she was in potential danger, something snapped in him. He had never wanted to protect anything that didn't benefit him before, but this was different. He knew the happiness that she brought him was rare, and no other being would ever be able to make him feel the same. Overdramatic? Perhaps, but that's what love does. He had decided he would keep Fionna as his friend since she was only mortal, but every day he ached to hold her, to caress her, and to kiss her. This decision was hard for him, but her friendship was worth more than anything to him.

. The strawberry crystal never lied and everything projected on it would come true one way or another, yet his stubbornness wouldn't budge. Marshall was determined to keep her safe and sound even if that meant being in her constant the fateful day came that changed everything. Sunlight started peeking through the window into Fiona's bedroom. Marshal sat across her room staring at her as she woke up. He made himself seen to her and told her good morning. She looked at him and smiled. Fiona got up to get ready for her day. Marshall disappeared for a quick scare, and spooked Fiona. For some reason, Fiona didn't take this too well.

"Marshall! What the glob! Why are you always hovering over me, and scaring me like I'm some kind of toy?" Her scold hurt him, and made something snap inside him. Without even thinking he yelled back, " Sorry, Miss I'm suddenly to mature for Marshall's pranks! Didn't know I was annoying you that much," Fionna angered even further responded with, " Yeah, it annoys me that you can't even trust me to handle myself. I wish you would just leave." Marshall took a step back. " Fine I will." He jumped down from the treehouse to walk down the hills. "Why did my feelings get so hurt? Why did I just leave? What are these feelings I'm experiencing?" His thoughts troubled him and for the rest of the day he was in a daze.

Fionna laid back thinking about her pointless argument. Cake approached her trying to comfort her.

"Buttercup, It'll be okay… there's always fights like these whenever you spend too much time with someone."

" I guess it's because I've never been so close with someone other than you. I just started getting annoyed being with him all the time. I know I shouldn't be bothered so much he's only trying to help, but I'm a fighter for crying out loud! It's pointless being here with him. I know how to wield a sword. I know how to fight. IT'S USELESS."

"Fiona.. Baby you should've communicated that with him instead of letting him just loiter around. I'm not telling you what to do, but you should probably go apologize."

Fiona agreed and walked up to get her stuff. "Hey Cake, I think it'd be better if I did this alone."

"Whatever you think is best sugar,"