The Middle-Eastern Variable

Chapter 4

A/N: Yep, I was finally able to fight the struggle with juggling a lot of fanfics at a time and the frustration of a million plot bunnies nibbling my brain! I love Cooper Coupons! Amy was the only one to appreciate it. :)

Gah! Sorry for the long wait.


With a turn of the wheel, Amy has reached 2311 N. Los Robles. She parked her car next to a red Volkswagen whose check engine light blinked every time it was in use.

"I'll wait for you here." She switched off the engine with a turn of the key.

He was looking intently at her, as if she might disappear once he blinks. Thoughts raced through his head, ranging from Amy getting hitched from her laboratory by a guy riding a camel to a genie appearing in midair and taking Amy away from him. Okay, now that's just ridiculous even for his standards.

She noticed the lack of movement from her passenger based from her peripheral. "Please hurry up, Sheldon. Unlike some people, I still have a job to go to."

He snapped out of his trance and instantly turned his head towards the side mirror. He bowed his head before nodding and finally getting out of the vehicle.


As he entered his apartment, he saw Leonard pouring soymilk to his cereal bowl by the kitchen island. He gently closed the door and rushed to his room.

Leonard looked up from his bowl as he noticed Sheldon pass in front of him. "Hang on, Sheldon."

"What?" He trailed off without even looking back.

Leonard dropped his spoon into the bowl and followed his friend. "Where have you been?"

"Leonard, I don't have time for your small talk. Amy's waiting for me in her car." He entered his room and almost shut the door to the smaller man's face.

Leonard just stood in his spot for a moment before his brain made some kind of connection. "Wait. You mean you went out to your girlfriend's apartment in the middle of the night?" He waited for the other man to say something else but there was no response. He smirked. "Sheldon, I didn't know you're the type who would even request a booty call."

The door opened and out came a theoretical physicist clutching a bathrobe and a set of clothes. He stormed pass Leonard, almost bumping into him and went straight to the bathroom, closing it with a loud bang.

A huge grin painted Leonard's face as he walked back to his breakfast. As he passed through the bathroom door he said, "Seems like Amy enjoyed the Texan Ride."

Sheldon came out of the bathroom just as Leonard had his last spoonful of cereal. His hair was still dripping and he noticed wet spots on his clothing. "Did you even bother using a towel?"

"No time left. Amy might leave without me. Women are unpredictable at times," he huffed, picking up his handbag and jacket. He was in such a hurry that he was nearly skipping to the door.

"Are you even going to work—" Leonard asked but his friend was already out of the apartment before he could even finish his query. "Alright, I guess I won't be driving you today."


Sheldon paused for a moment to catch his breath as he got out of the apartment building. He went down the stairs as fast as he could that he almost tripped on the bicycle that a 2nd floor resident left lying in front of their apartment. His heart was racing and he was panting mad! Just then, a loud honk made him leap on the spot, making him more breathless.

A car with its right door open was stationed right in front of him.

"Is everything alright?" Amy asked, her forehead scrunched up in worry, both of her hands clutching the wheel.

Taking one deep breath, he walked towards the car where he claimed eternal shotgun. "You said you were going to be late so I changed as fast as I can, "explained Sheldon, in between breaths.

"Very well. Seems not the very thing you would do but still practical." She nodded as the car accelerated.

The journey to Amy's workplace was a quiet one, mainly because Sheldon was hesitating to ask his girlfriend the million questions that were popping in his mind. Every moment or so, he would turn to look at her as she focused on driving but would look away in an instant once she would look at him. All Amy could do was to roll her eyes.

"Alright, here we are." She turned off the engine with a sigh. Glancing at her watch, she shrugged. "Woah. We were pretty much early."

Sheldon wasn't paying attention. He was focused at the limousine parked a few meters away from them. He noticed small green flags attached in front of the vehicle. He squinted as he tried to see what was written on the flags. Green flags with Arabian writings. His eyes widened in shock. "Oh no. No."

"What? What's wrong?" Amy leaned closer to him to check what he was looking at. "I don't see anything wrong." She reached for her bag at the backseat of the car


"Sorry?" Amy's head snapped at Sheldon with a confused look on her face.

"I said drive!" He was tapping Amy's arm so fast as if he was having a panic attack, and ended up grabbing her by the wrist. "Come on, let's go!"

She tried to pull her arm lightly out of his grasp, still confounded as to why her boyfriend was acting that way. "Sheldon, I work here. Why would you want us to go? If you don't want to be here in the first place, then you're free to take the bus." She was finally able to take back her hand and she stormed out of her car.

Sheldon threw his head back to the seat's head support in frustration. Why can't just Amy listen to him for once? And if suspicion was right, then all hell would bend loose. Finally, he decided to leave the car and follow her into her office.

As he entered the building, he instantly spotted Amy's purple sweater. "Amy!" He tried to catch her, taking one huge step at a time. "Wait!"

Amy paused and turned to look at him. She gave another sigh. "Oh, look who decided to drop by."

Once he finally able to catch his girlfriend, Dean Smith—the stern-looking woman who was unusually fond of Sheldon whenever he visits—approached them.

"There you are Dr. Fowler!" Her grin was making her face look more wrinkled. "Someone special was looking for you since this morning." She took Amy by her arm and pulled her towards the next room.

Of course, Sheldon followed them. How can he leave his girlfriend with this "special someone" they were talking about. His suspicion was proving to be true based from the older woman's excitement. This could be the day Sheldon would have to face his nightmare. Literally.

Once the door to the Dean's room opened, a handful of cameras flashed in front of them as a guy wearing the typical middle-eastern Kaffiye stepped forward. "Amy, my sweet habibi!" He flung his arms forward towards Amy.

Habibi your sweet patootie! In a heartbeat, Sheldon lunged forward and found himself cuddling with an Arabic Prince on the floor.

All of the people present in the room were staring at the two men lying on the cold tiles. Moments later, cameras flashed to take the embarrassing snapshots of Sheldon Cooper being tied to the ground by a camel-lover.

Amy was still in shock and was probably still processing the event that just recently took place. "Uh, Faisal, this is Sheldon Cooper. My boyfriend." She said the last word with a hint of embarrassment.


Endnote: Yep, Faisal was full of surprises, and seems to be following an advanced schedule. :P

Reviews might make me post sooner though. Tell me what you think. :P