Author's Note: Just an idea that has been in my notebook for quite some time. I hope this isn't too bad. :] Please note that updates might be pretty slow since I'm busy with school and have not fully developed the plot for this story. Cheers. :)

And no, I've never kicked a person there, in case you were wondering. :')

Disclaimer: Maybe if I'd asked Santa during Christmas I'd own GA. Not.

Head Over Heels

Chapter 1: Ouch

Summary: She never thought that kicking someone, erm, below the belt, could change both of their lives. And an ice-cool millionaire womanizer's below-the-belt at that.

"No, don't do this, N-Natsume! You can't do this to me!" a petite woman with long strawberry-blonde tresses cried, banging on the table so hard that the two tall glasses of cappuccino on it almost toppled.

A few people in the cafe glanced over at their table, and Natsume Hyuuga rolled his eyes behind his Louis Vuitton sunglasses. He should have known better than to do this in a place swarmed with people.

"Shut up," he hissed. "I have a damn reputation to keep up, unlike you. So you had better stop your stupid whining and just take this all in and move on, Chiyo, or was it Risa? Well, whatever. Don't waste my precious time." With that, he scraped his chair back, got to his feet and slapped a crisp fifty-dollar bill onto the tabletop.

"Use this to foot the bill for our last meal, or more appropriately, drinks. Keep the change."

"You can't freaking break up with me like this! I've genuinely fallen for you! How could you do this to me, you bastard?" the woman screeched and snatched up one of the glasses of cappuccino. Before Natsume knew what was happening, a stream of brown liquid hit him in his face and dripped all over his long-sleeved black-and-white shirt.

By now, the whole cafe was gaping at the confrontation before their very eyes. Whispers and giggles could be heard everywhere in the cafe.

"You damn bitch," Natsume growled menacingly, anger invading his blood like poison. He had only been amused earlier, treating this whole thing as a joke as usual, but now he was really fired-up. How dare she, how dare this little blonde fool throw cappuccino at him, the heartthrob celebrity model worth a few millions?

Frothy cappuccino was all over his hair and clothes, not to mention face. He ripped off his designer sunglasses which were also coated in coffee and glared at the woman with blood-red eyes blazing with so much hatred that she trembled.

"It's Natsume Hyuuga!" Gasps arose from all around the room.

"I told you he looked familiar!"

"Kyaaaa! He's even hotter in real-life compared to those mags and commercials, even with coffee dripping from him! Kyaa!"

"Oh my gosh, please can I have your autograph? Please? Please? Please? Please? Please?"

"Shut the fuck up!" his voice was like a machine gun, piercing through the senseless babbles. Natsume picked up the other glass of cappuccino and poured it perfectly over the blonde's hair.

"Aaaaaaah!" she screamed as the warm liquid trickled down her hair and body. "AAAAAH!"

"Have a nice day," Natsume smirked as he spun around and pushed through the crowd that had gotten up from their tables and started crowding around him. Then he paused, "Oh, and about you being in love with me? You're wrong. You're in love with my status and my money. Not me. Get your facts straight. You want to be my girlfriend? Dream on. I, Natsume Hyuuga, will never believe in love, and will never settle for just one woman." He smirked again at the deranged-looking blonde.

"Oh my God, Natsume-kun poured coffee on a girl?" There were gasps around the cafe, and Natsume blinked, as though he had just woken up from a dream.

"I always thought he was Prince Charming..." Someone sniffed.

"He always said he's waiting for that special someone... But that's just a lie after all? He doesn't believe in love!"

While all this hubbub was going on, a pretty young brunette was sitting at a little table tucked away in the corner of the cafe and sipping her caramel frappe calmly. She tucked away her notebook and pen into her bag and smiled contentedly. She had had quite a fulfilling day. It was definitely a good decision to go to Starbucks instead of going to karaoke with her fellow co-workers. Not that she didn't like them, but their singing could give a person a throbbing headache. She pulled out her iPhone and speed-dialed her boss-slash-best-friend.

After a few rings, a soft monotonous voice answered, "Hotaru Imai speaking."

"Hotaru? It's me, Mikan. You should so look forward to tomorrow's column! I've got a scoop on, and I kid you not, Natsume Hyuuga! He was such a blasted jerk."

"Oh? Am I glad to hear that. I shall be expecting it before five."

"Roger that, boss!"

"Well, of course I love you, and you alone," Natsume drawled into his phone as he waited for his photo-shoot in his private waiting room. He fingered the black choker around his neck, bored. "Yeah, see you later, hon."

He rolled his eyes as he ended the call. What a windbag that woman was. And Natsume couldn't even remember her name, not that he cared though.

"Natsume!" the door burst open and a middle-aged blonde man scurried in, carrying a page from a newspaper. "Natsume!"

"What the heck is it?" Natsume sighed at his dramatic manager, Narumi.

"Look at this! Look at this filthy rag of a newspaper!" Narumi trilled in a panicked voice, handing over the page to the supermodel. Raising his eyebrow curiously, Natsume peered at the page.

Coffee, Tea or Me?

Fallen head over heels for celebrity model and millionaire Natsume Hyuuga? Have posters of his glorious face and body all over your room? Well, it's about time to snap back to reality and take them down from your walls!

Natsume Hyuuga, 23, one of the hottest models right now, was spotted in a Starbucks outlet yesterday evening. He was wearing a pair of sunglasses as disguise. (Really, now? Do celebrities really think a pair of designer shades are going to let them not attract attention?) He was apparently breaking up with a young amateur model, Chisa Miyazaki, 21, for reasons unknown. Things got chaotic when the latter threw cappuccino all over the former. Mr. Hyuuga was livid, and in retaliation, poured coffee over Ms. Miyazaki's head.

Let's just say things got ugly, shall we? Mr. Hyuuga, who was among the Top 10 Most Sought-After Men according to Entertainment!, swore and gave Ms. Miyazaki, who was on the brink of breaking down, a dressing down. "Oh, and about you being in love with me? You're wrong. You're in love with my status and my money. Not me. Get your facts straight," was what the black-haired heartthrob said to the blonde model before leaving the cafe. It is no wonder Ms. Miyazaki was crying her heart out and stuffing her mouth with bread after this little incident.

"He's a stupid twit, I hate him!" Ms. Miyazaki was heard crying.

Well, all I can say is, the previous rumors of Natsume Hyuuga being an ice-cold womanizer without a compassionate bone in his body proved to be true. He was spotted once again with another girl just two hours after breaking up with Ms. Miyazaki. So girls out there, stop drooling over the rich bachelor and see his true colors!

"What the eff is this crap?" Natsume burst out, ripping up the page. "What is this filthy shit? They're just plainly insulting me! Didn't I tell you I don't want to see my name in tabloids? Those darned reporters... Well, I'm definitely suing the pants off this crap newspaper. Give me the name of this rag, Naru. Now."

"Before you get your pants in a twist, I'd appreciate it if you told me if this story is true or false," Narumi replied calmly, his eyes twinkling.

"Well, obviously it's-"

"Before you lie through your teeth, you should know that if this is true, it definitely will not benefit you if you sue them," his manager said pleasantly.

"Fine. It's true, okay? But that girl threw herself at me. And you know what I'm like more than anyone else. I get bored with them. And when I do, I jilt them." Natsume shrugged.

"Ah, of course. You're a playboy. You don't like to get tied down."

"Generally, no. I don't believe in this whole love crap. It's just bullshit people came up with to sell more chocolates on Valentine's Day, that's what I think," Natsume rolled his eyes.

"Didn't I tell you that if you don't want to have a bad reputation in the press and start alienating all the female fans, you need to be more careful with your... well, 'extracurricular activities'?" Narumi sighed, tapping his nose. "Don't date more than 2 girls at once. Don't insult them to their faces. Don't..."

"Don't embarrass them in public," Natsume finished, sighing. "I know, Naru, I've heard it all before. I don't know what came over me today. She was just being too damn annoying that I just exploded, okay? Well, that and the alcohol I still had in my system."

"I told you not to drink that vodka before you went," Narumi said sadly, shaking his head. "Now look what you've done. You know that your fan base is made up of mostly of young girls lusting after you and your image as a cool bad boy who has a kind heart beneath his leather jacket, right? What if they now see you as a complete asshole who doesn't treat women with respect?"

"Shit. Who the hell leaked the news? I made sure no one in the cafe said anything. Get me the newspaper's name and this column's reporter. I have to give her a taste of her own medicine, this little bitch."

"Very well," Narumi said, nodding, already feeling sorry for the poor little reporter who was sure going to get a harsh dressing-down from the almighty Natsume Hyuuga. "The newspaper is Tokyo's leading photo newspaper, The Tokyo Chronicles. Ms. Mikan Sakura is the gossip columnist."

"Good," Natsume said, his eyes blazing. "You're going down, Mikan Sakura."

"Mikan! Is what that thing in your column today true?" Misaki Harada, the style editor, stared at Mikan as she passed by her desk.

"Well, of course!" Mikan said, a little offended. What, did people really think Natsume Hyuuga was an angel? "I saw them with my bare eyes."

"Dang. I should've gone to Starbucks with you instead of karaoke. Do you have any idea what those people were singing and dancing to? 'Sexy and I Know It'. Seriously! I had to cover my eyes and ears," Misaki complained.

A bubble of laughter escaped Mikan's lips. "Anyway, have you heard about Winona Ryder and-"

'Ring! Ring!' the phone sitting on her desk trilled.

"If you'd excuse me, I'll tell you about the whole Winona thing later..." Mikan beamed at the pink-haired style editor. Misaki returned her smile in relief- she'd heard too much about celebrity gossip from Mikan that she could survive without another one.

"Hello? Mikan Sakura speaking," Mikan said into the phone.

"Ms. Sakura, this is Narumi L. A-" The man was interrupted and a crash could be heard.

"Ms. Sakura, this is Natsume Hyuuga. I would like to meet you, preferably this evening. I have a serious issue about that gossip column in the Chronicles today," a low, husky voice said.

Mikan's eyes widened slightly. She'd never liked Natsume Hyuuga. She'd known that he was a stupid womanizer in the first place. And his attitude in the cafe yesterday? Not pretty.

"Dear Mr. Hyuuga, I'm very honored to receive a call from you. Unfortunately, I'm not available this evening. I have to cover a charity event."

"Don't give me that crap. I knew this was coming so I got my manager to speak to your boss, Ms. Imai. She informed me that you are free after 5.30pm."

Hotaru! How could you? Mikan clamped a hand to her forehead. "Oh, I'm terribly sorry. That happens to be tomorrow. I got confused. Anyway, I'd be honored to meet you, Mr. Hyuuga. Say, how about 5.45pm at the Starbucks nearest to the Chronicles building?"

"Don't you ever fucking mention Starbucks, you pig," he said harshly.

"You sure have a foul mouth. Want me to mention it in my next issue, hm?" Mikan challenged, getting irritated by Natsume's cocky, arrogant and rude tone. He didn't even know her! How dare he be so rude? "I dare you to."

"You said so yourself, Mr. Hyuuga," Mikan said in a fake chirpy voice.

"We will discuss this later. 5.40pm at Alice Park, near the fountain. I don't care how you get there. If you don't get there by 5.40pm, I will personally kill you. I'm a busy man," Natsume snapped.

With that, the line went dead. Mikan pinched the bridge of her nose as she put the phone down. She checked her watch. 1731 blinked up at her. Well, if she was going to get there before 5.40pm, she had to practically fly there.

"I'm no Wonder Woman, bastard," she muttered as she hurried out of the building and hailed a cab. Well, damn. Natsume Hyuuga had better had a darn good reason to meet her for her to splurge on a stupid cab.

"You are one minute and twenty-three seconds late," Natsume glared at Mikan. The two of them were standing under a tree near the fountain, hidden away from view.

"I sincerely apologize," Mikan droned in a tone that was anything but sincere. Who wanted to be polite to a big fat jerk? But she had to admit, he looked gorgeous in the flesh now that she got to see him up close. His ink-black hair was slightly ruffled by the breeze, and he was wearing a plain long-sleeved black shirt, ripped jeans and sneakers that she knew probably cost more than her annual salary. Damn these rich bastards, seriously.

Natsume looked Mikan up and down. She was wearing a white cardigan over a floral tube dress and stilettos with at least 3-inches heels. Her auburn curls were pulled up into a high ponytail and her bangs touched her eyebrows.

"Not as ugly as I thought she'd be," Natsume thought grudgingly.

"Stop staring at me like that, idiot," Mikan snapped, interrupting his thoughts.

Natsume stared at her, appalled. Did she just say what he thought she just said? "Say that again."

"Stop staring at me like that, idiot," the brunette rolled her eyes. "What, do you have hearing problems? Well, great. Another thing to add to my column tomorrow."

Anger washed over Natsume like a tidal wave. This was the first time in his life anyone has ever talked to him like that. No one has ever raised their voice at him, for that matter. Now this little shortie was glaring at him and spouting insults? Well, damn, she needed to be taught a good lesson.

"You little shortie, listen up," Natsume growled. "I contacted you to give you a piece of my mind about that piece of crap in your newspaper and now you're just digging your own grave. I swear if you weren't a woman, I'd have pummeled the life out of you, you little weasel."

"Well, bite me," Mikan hissed. Her bottled-up frustration seemed to explode all at once. She couldn't stand this arrogant brat. So what if he was good-looking and rich? That didn't give him a right to insult and hurt people, did it? She couldn't believe she was standing up to a gorgeous, rude-as-heck and filthy rich celebrity. But there was no going back. This was war. "You think you're so great, aren't you? Just because you're somewhat famous, you think you're all that, huh?"

She took a step towards him, a challenging look on her face. "What gives you the right to bully women, stupid jerk? And now that I've exposed you, you want to make me take it back? Well, dream on. You deserve to have your true colors exposed."

"You asked for it," the raven-haired model hissed back. Just who did this little girl think she was, insulting him, the Natsume Hyuuga like that? He pulled back his fist and swung it at Mikan's face, no longer caring if he destroyed her not-so-ugly face. Well, the rude brat deserved to get her face disfigured, he thought.

To his surprise, Mikan blocked the attack by catching the fist with her palm. She pushed him with just one arm and he staggered one step behind.

"I might have forgotten to mention, I have a black belt in taekwondo. So, ready to give up yet, jerk?" she said airily. She didn't know where her new-found confidence came from, but she just knew that she wasn't someone who would let herself get insulted like an idiot. Especially not by this stupid womanizer who seemed to belittle her gender.

"You... little... bitch," Natsume growled, his crimson eyes blazing with menace. He lashed out and managed to scrape Mikan's cheek.

She winced, feeling blood trickle down her face. She was suddenly filled with determination to exact revenge. "You damn jerk!" She landed him a hefty kick using her other leg right on his manhood. With her high-heeled shoe. Mikan watched in guilt and satisfaction as Natsume groaned and collapsed onto the ground, curling up. She seriously had no idea whether she had done it on purpose or accidentally.

"Fuuuuuuuuuu..." Natsume moaned. "You asshole, I'll kill you for this. I'll strangle you with my bare hands, I swear."

Mikan could only stand rooted to the spot, watching in horror as the model writhed in pain on the ground. "Err..." She started scooting away, but Natsume managed to growl, "Move an inch and you're dead!"

Oh God, what have I gotten myself into? Mikan thought in exasperation.

Sorry for the swearing, but I figured it really fitted in the situations, you know? Reviews are, as always, appreciated. :)

P.S. /shameless It's my birthday today. :P (Happy birthday to me! XD) Birthday presents are welcome in the form of reviews. XP