Grimmjow is a researcher. He isn't a normal one. He almost is an animal when in nature so he is the one sent to all kinds of exotic places. Right now he is headed to his newest job. Find the remains of an ancient civilization on this small island. Simple. Well Grimmjow thought so. Not that easy.
The small ship docked on the sandy shore. Grimmjow grinned. He was gonna have some fun searching this new place. The isle was fairly large. Trees, bigger than buildings covered the whole thing, their roots reaching out into the sands of the beach. Grimmjow walked slowly towards the forested area. He was listening to see if he could find any animals. There was a crunching sound before everything was silent again.
"Yuki!" A voice called followed by more, softer crunching sounds. Grimmjow blinked, people lived on the island? He followed the noise to a small clearing.
There was a giggle, sounding as if it belonged to a young child, before there was a rustle in the trees.
A flash of black and light blue passed Grimmjow followed by another yell of "Yuki!"
Yet more giggling before there was a yelp, and a blur of white and grey fell down onto the ground from a high branch. The flash of black and light blue jumped over to where the blur laid. Grimmjow was surprised to see were both almost Human. They had cat ears and tails.
"Oww! That hurt, Nii-san!" The younger voice cried out, though it didn't sound like it was crying, just complaining.
"Then don't go jumping out of trees" the older Neko teased, kissing his little brother's forehead.
"Nii-san!" The little Neko whined, rubbing his forehead thoroughly.
"Yuki-chan" the oranget shot back in the same whining tone.
The smaller one pouted, his ears drooping a little as his rather large and fluffy tail swished around. They looked like a snow leopards. The older wrapped his long, thin black tail around Yuki and then kissed his forehead again. "Nii-san, stop! That's gross!" The smaller one nearly screeched, rubbing his forehead yet again.
"Why? Dad does it to us and mom…why can't I do it to you" the larger one chuckled.
"Because. Nii-san is Nii-san!" Yuki whined, a pout on his face.
The other smirked and then laughed. "Fine fine" he sighed before kissing Yuki's cheek. "Better?" he teased. The smaller pouted a little more before nodding slightly. "Ya wanna try some huntin' 'fore we head back?" the oranget asked.
The white-haired child tilted his head a little. "Momma said that I have to learn first the last time I asked if I could.." He mumbled, his tail twitching.
"Wanna learn then?" the older tried.
"Momma's gonna teach me though! Momma said so!" The smaller protested, his ears twitching when there was a rather loud noise behind them.
The bigger one's gold eyes dilated. He grabbed Yuki and held him close as he tried to locate the sound. The younger squeaked and clung to his big brother's shirt with his claws.
Grimmjow mentally cursed himself. He had shifted and made a noise. He was interested in these creatures. A low, dangerous growl started from the oranget as he laid his black ears flat against his head and held his younger brother close. The noise he made was a warning to scram. Grimmjow had heard this noise many times before. Grimmjow tried to match his breathing with the oranget's breathing.
"Nii-san?" Yuki asked, tilting his head with a confused look.
"Nothing Yuki…let's head back" the oranget stated, turning and starting towards the village, still holding his brother.
"...Daddy will be mad if he knows that you took me out... mommy too." The little boy stated, looking up at his big brother.
"I know…the worst he can do is hold my passage back" the older replied, kissing his brother's cheek.
The other giggled a little. "But Nii-san is a big strong alpha! Nii-san is ready!" Yuki smiled and wagged his tail.
"But with everyday I grow stronger so does dad" the older replied.
"Nii-san isn't as strong as daddy though." Yuki laughed as the other scowled down at him.
"You aren't very supportive Yuki-chan" the older whined, making his little brother giggle.
"Daddy is strong though! Daddy can beat Kuro-nii easily!" Yuki grinned and giggled as they entered the village. The front of the village started right outside of a huge ruin, the rest of it spreading out into the ruins.
Kuro rolled his eyes, setting Yuki back on his feet. He looked around the small village. It had a few of families. His family, Renji and Rukia's family, Renji's brother, Shuhei lived by himself, Shinji, his mom's friend also lived alone, and then there was Gin and his daughter Tori.
"Maybe Tori-ue wants to play today!" Yuki gasped, hopping up and down in his spot a little before he trotted to catch up to his big brother. He still had to jog to keep up with his big brothers gait, considering he was so much bigger than him.
"You can go ask…I am gonna drop by Yoruichi and Kisuke's" Kuro replied, giving his brother a quick kiss on the cheek.
"If daddy finds out that Mrs Yoruichi-dono has been giving you the 'Adult drinks' that your not supposed to have till after your passage he's gonna take away your bow and arrow and keep you from going hunting for a whole moon." Yuki stated, his tail swishing around as he stared at Kuro.
"I know I know Yuki-chan…but…just don't tell him…mkay? And have fun with Tori" Kuro replied.
"Momma and Daddy said it's not good to lie..." Yuki mumbled, one ear falling limply as he tilted his head slightly.
"It's not lying…it's just not telling the whole truth" Kuro replied.
"...Really?" Yuki asked, his eyes dilating slightly.
"Yeah" Kuro replied.
"...I'ma go see if Tori-ue wants to play today then!" Yuki giggled and hugged his big brother's leg before running off.
Kuro watched his brother run off, smirking slightly. Then he turned and left the village again, going to see Yoruichi and Kisuke. He always wondered why they lived outside the village.
Shiro was laying on top of Ichigo, licking him with a small smirk as they oranget struggled to escape. They were back at their own little hut, the latter struggling underneath the larger, and stronger alpha. "Shiro! Not right now! I need to go out to the fields today, and you need to go hunting!" He yelped, his ears flattening. His ears were nearly the same shade as his shoulder-length hair, along with his long tail that was very lightly striped with a darker orange that was only a few shades darker.
"…Okay, I will clean you later" Shiro chuckled, giving his mate one last lick before getting off him.
"I highly doubt that you were trying to clean me." Ichigo grumbled as he sat up.
"I was…honestly" Shiro replied, kissing Ichigo's nose.
The oranget blushed a little as he stood up, glancing at his shirtless partner. "...Kuros nearly ready for his passage..." He sighed softly, walking up behind thee larger. "...Shiro, if he passes, he's going to leave us... Going to go live in his own hut inside the temple with the mate he chooses... Shiro, you can't let that happen. I cant loose him" He stated, his voice sad and soft as he hugged him from behind and set his head on the other's back, the ear not being held up by the other's form drooping. Ichigo felt Shiro's tail brushing against his leg and going up to curl around his own.
"Ichi…someday every cubs gotta leave the den…I will try my best to keep him here…and he will visit, you know he will" Shiro comforted, his tail curling around Ichigo and Shiro turned his head to kiss Ichigo's forehead.
The oranget sighed a little and nuzzled his mates back, his own tail curling with the other's. Shiro was a snow leopard just like his son.
"MOM DA…" Kuro stopped. "sorry you are having a moment…I will come back later" he stated before turning to leave.
"Kuro!" Ichigo exclaimed, releasing Shiro and trotting over to his son and hugging him, despite the boy's protests. "...Where's Yuki?" He asked after a moment.
"Playing with Tori" Kuro replied, his ears twitching.
"And what have you been doing?" Ichigo asked, not hugging him anymore but he was looking his son over and inspecting him for any type of injury and brushing off any leaf he found.
Kuro shrugged. "Not much, walking around…I found something interesting near the shore" Kuro stated.
"You went all the way out to the shore? Please tell me you were with a hunting party..." Ichigo grumbled, inspecting some scratches on his arm.
"…I was on a hunting party…make you feel better?" Kuro joked.
"What do you find" Shiro asked.
"A small boat and some stuff…like this" Kuro replied, tossing Shiro a digital camera.
Ichigo huffed and nodded a little. "... What is that?" He asked.
"It's memory thing…" Kuro started, taking the camera from Shiro. He pressed a few buttons and pictures appeared. He showed his parents, moving from picture to picture.
"Thats... amazing.." Ichigo murmured as he stared at the tiny screen.
Shiro nodded, though he was glaring at the camera suspiciously.
"...How do you think it got here?" Ichigo asked curiously, his ears twitching. There was squeals of laughter outside and you could easily guess that Yuki and Tori were probably playing tag or something. Tori was a little over five years older than Yuki, at the age of ten, but she had the mentality of a five year old so they got allot pretty well. Ichigo found it rather cute.
"…Well while I was out I heard something…but all I found were unfamiliar tracks that went in circles" Kuro stated.
"... We better alert the elders about this. " Ichigo said, running over to another room before coming out with a very small cub, only looking to be a few months old. "Shi, come with me, father needs to know about this." He said as he put the small child in a cloth sling on his back. He pulled down his white shirt a little and adjusted the sling a little so the boy's head could rest on his shoulder from behind. He felt the boy's claws dig into the back of his shoulder blades as he tried to pull himself over his shoulder so he could see in front of them but he eventually gave up and slid back down into the colorful pouch-like sling on Ichigo's back.
Shiro started to follow Ichigo but he stopped and looked at Kuro. "Don't do anything stupid or rash" he commanded.
"I know I know…don't worry dad" Kuro replied.
Shiro turned and followed Ichigo.
Another roleplay of me and IS...It's supposed to be loosely based on Avater...though we like hybrids better than over-sized smurfs xD
This is ShiroIchi...with some mentions of one-sided GrimmIchi...but THIS time Shiro gets to keep his mate ^^
Oh and whatever other pairings we wanna do
If you have any questions ask me or IS...
Thanks ^^ Review
IS: Ichigo/Yuki/Tori
Me: Grimmjow/Shiro/Kuro
*If there was a character in this chapter I forgot to mention, tell me ^^;