At first a living without parents in a massive mansion in Neptune was awesome. It was better than awesome, Dick was young and rich and entirely without supervision, every teenager's dream surely. But it got old faster than he expected. It also had a tendency to get sort of lonely. Which is how the Casablancas brothers ended up in their current situation, drinking, playing kids board games and gambling.

It was fortunate for Dick that Beaver for all his book smarts was entirely hopeless at board games especially those that required significant hand eye coordination like this one, Jumping Monkeys. The fact that Beaver had by this point downed at least half of a two-six of vodka certainly wasn't helping him land any of his monkeys in the big plastic tree either. In fact there was a rapidly growing pile of Beaver's monkeys on the other side of the tree, where he had accidentally catapulted them.

Dick took another slip of beer and aimed his monkey catapult carefully, his monkey rocketed forward and landed in the top tier of the plastic tree. "Ha, bet you can't beat that Beav," he chortled, reaching over to muss up his brother's hair.

Beaver swatted Dick's hand away drunkenly. "There's nothing to bet anyway. We've even shaved the neighbor's dog. I think we're out of ideas. Doomed to boredom. Doomed I tell you," his melodramatic slurs trailed off and he made an unsuccessful grab for the vodka bottle, missing it by at least two inches.

"Come on, Beav. You're smart. We need a bet to up the stakes, especially since I'm whupping you soundly."

Beaver now had a firm grip on the vodka bottle and was downing it. He paused to shush his brother. "Okay, let me think." The room was silent for almost a full minute before he exclaimed, "Skinny dipping."

"Done it. Besides, dude you'd totally sink. You're soused."

"Am not."

"Are too!"

Beav stuck his tongue out at Dick. Dick laughed and grabbed at Beaver, maneuvering him into a headlock.

"Leggo of me, asshole."

Dick was still laughing when he released Beaver, who was now panting and flushed with embarrassment. "You're such a jerk sometimes," he spat angrily.

"We could moon the neighbors," Dick was still trying to come up with a suitable forfeit for their next bet.

"We did that earlier. Anyway, we should lay low for a while, once they see what happened to Pepper, we're dead meat."


They both fell silent again, deep in thought. The game just wasn't the same without a decent and highly humiliating wager.

"What about a kiss?" Beaver whispered it so softly that Dick almost didn't hear him.


"The loser has to kiss the winner."

"No way. Besides a kiss is pretty tame. It's a sissy bet."

"What you think the winner should fuck the loser? That's gross."

Dick was quiet. This conversation was taking a weird turn, it was doing funny things to his insides, making them all hot and twisted up. The idea of Beaver fucking someone, especially him, it was too bizarre, picturing those big red lips, wet, swollen, moaning, the pale delicate skin flushed pink and sweaty, writhing in ecstasy beneath you. Oh god, don't go there Dick, run away, that's your brother.

"Dick? Dick? Hello? Are you there?" Beaver was waving a hand in front of Dick's face.

"Shove off, Cassidy." Dick pushed Beaver away roughly.

There was beat and then, "So the bet?"

"A kiss then. Have it your way," Dick was doing his best to pretend to be casual and entirely focused on counting his stack of cardboard bananas. He wasn't thinking about the way Beaver was biting his stupid big red lips nervously. He wasn't thinking about what they would look like parting under his.

At least Beaver was quiet as he concentrated on aligning his catapult. Dick could tell already from the way it was angled that Beaver was going to shoot wide. He couldn't tell you why he seemed elated with that knowledge. Beaver's monkey flew through the air and bounced off the side of the tree.

"Best two of three?" Beaver asked hopefully.

"Sure," Dick smirked, there was no way Beaver was going to be able to land a monkey in that tree. Beaver really was shit at this.

Another monkey flew past the tree landing in the pile of fallen monkeys on the other side. Dick's smirk widened. Beaver's lashes fluttered wildly as he seemed to be searching for an escape. A dark blush was creeping across his cheeks.

"Come here, little brother," Dick's voice came out lower and huskier than he had intended.

Beaver gulped and scooted toward him apprehensively. Dick was staring at Beaver's lips, they looked ripe and delicious. He wondered absently if Beaver had ever kissed a chick before or if he was going to be the first. Beaver was leaning forward slowly, too slowly for Dick's liking and he grabbed Beaver by his shirt hauling him forward and kissing him roughly.

Beaver just seemed to melt into Dick in spite of the rough handling. Dick moved his hand to Beaver's waist trying to fit them closer together. He was nipping at Beaver's lips trying to get them to open. Beaver trembled and gasped allowing Dick to use the opportunity to thrust his tongue into his brother's mouth. Beaver tasted of vodka, but underneath that there was a sugary sweet taste that seemed uniquely his own. The game was forgotten in a haze of warm, wet mouths and tangled tongues.

Dick started to push Beaver down, but then Beaver collided with the plastic tree knocking plastic monkeys everywhere. Beaver giggled and pushed Dick away. The moment had passed and Dick was left hard, hot and bothered, as Beaver stumbled down the hall in search of a new game.