Hello there everyone! My interest in Gundam Seed was suddenly rekindled after a while when they started releasing the remaster of Gundam Seed. To be honest, i don't see much of a difference but it made me watch the series again and I was reminded of how much I loved Athrun and Cagalli together.
So without further ado, please read my 2 little notes! it's very important that you do!
Things you need to know:
(1) This story is completely AU other than the personalities the characters have and the places in Gundam Seed/Destiny.
(2) The title of this fic comes from the awesome movie 'The Proposal' with Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds, so you will notice there will be some similarities with regards to the story plot, BUT I will be adding my own spin in it so there will also be a lot of differences as well. I just want to clarify this now before people start going 'hey wait a minute this plot is a little too familiar…'
So hopefully you're all still interested in reading!
Athrun was having the most amazing dream about his boss, Cagalli Yula Athha.
"Good morning, Ms Athha."
Cagalli reached out for her morning coffee only to find that Athrun had thrown its entire contents at her clean and crisp office shirt.
Athrun was sniggering and stood proudly for having stood up for himself once and for all.
Cagalli however, stood there sputtering, shock registered on her face.
She opened her mouth but her voice didn't sound like her usual voice. In fact, that voice sounded a lot like…
"Oh god, Kira, what the hell are you doing in my room?" Athrun rubbed his eyes sleepily and recalled his dream and smiled at his audacity to give his boss exactly what she deserved.
"Uhm, Athrun, I don't think smiling is appropriate right now. Seeing as its 845". Kira then pointed to Athrun's alarm clock, "I think your alarm clock ran out of batteries…"
Before Kira even left Athrun's room, Athrun was already stripping and changing his clothes. "Geez, let me get out of the room first before you start stripping!" Kira then made his way to the kitchen and started making breakfast. He made sure to leave a sandwich on the kitchen table so that Athrun could grab it and make his way to work.
"You're a lifesaver Kira!" Athrun said as he grabbed his workbag and stuffed the sandwich into mouth while going through the door. Athrun had thrown on his usual work attire of a white work shirt with a dark blue tie, black dress pants and black shoes.
Athrun looked at his watch and noticed that he now only had 10 minutes to get to work.
"Shit. Shit. Shit!" He muttered while dashing into Starbucks to get his boss's and his morning coffee.
He cursed some more when he saw the line up for coffee. At this rate he would definitely be late!
"Athrun!" Meyrin the coffee girl called out to him. She was holding two grande sized coffee cups.
"Hazelnut latte with whip cream and chocolate powder on top." Meyrin finished for him while handing the two cups to him.
"You're also a lifesaver Meyrin! Thank you!" Athrun said as he gave her the cash and dashed out towards his office building.
Just as he exited from the elevator he crashed into a mail clerk and spilled his boss's coffee over himself.
"Jesus Mike!"
"Oh damn Athrun, sorry man, didn't see you there". Mike quickly apologized and sped away in the opposite direction before Athrun could wring his neck.
Athrun turned around and found his friend on the computer, "Tolle, give me your shirt."
"Excuse me?" Tolle then noticed his coffee stained shirt.
"Two tickets to the basketball game this Friday night. Front row seats. Offer is good for 5 seconds."
Tolle's eyes went as big as they could go as he shook hands with Athrun to finalise their gentleman's agreement.
Cagalli Yula Athha looked at her wall clock which said 0800. She had just finished a run on a treadmill and was about to go for a shower.
"Alrighty, right on time as usual." She thought to herself.
Cagalli lived on routine. She would wake up every morning at 6, stay in bed and read for an hour and then exercise for an hour before showering and getting ready for work.
As she finished her shower, she dried herself and put on her power attire combo. Black blazer, black skirt and her black Louboutin heels. She tied her hair up in a neat ponytail and applied minimal make up to her face.
When she was younger she had been a complete tom boy and refused to even go near the stuff. Her father was glad in a way that she wasn't wasting her time with materialistic things but he had on more than one occasion expressed his wish that she be a little more feminine.
As she finished applying her make up, she closed her eyes and prayed that her father was proud of her now.
She made her way down to the main street and hailed a cab to get to work. Whilst in the cab, she phoned up one of her current clients and managed to convince him to attend an interview on a tv show.
When she arrived at her office building she noted how everyone got out of her way and the office was suddenly very busy and people were talking on phones or looking at their computer.
So she knew that she was pushy and seemed cold at times, but this was the way she believed she functioned best. She was in the best publishing firm and she was one of the best executive editor in chief the publishing company had seen. She was one of the rare females who occupied such a high post as most of her colleagues on the same level were male.
She stepped into her spacious office and was greeted by her assistant, Athrun Zala.
"Good morning boss." Athrun greeted, having already exchanged his coffee stained shirt for Tolle's clean one.
Athrun suddenly had déjà vu of his dream earlier this morning but instead of throwing the coffee at her, he simply held it out to her while she grabbed it and passed her bag to him and then told him to start reciting her schedule for the day without bidding him good morning.
"Good morning to you too Athrun", Athrun said in his head and then started reciting her schedule for the day.
"Oh and your immigration lawyer called, he said you needed to-"
"Push that to tomorrow or something, we have more important things to deal with today. Mwu is doing the Murrue show" Cagalli interrupted while furiously typing away on her computer.
"Of course, Ms Athha."
As Athrun was about to make his way back to his desk outside her office, Cagalli called out to him.
"Athrun, who is this Meyrin and why is she asking me to call her?"
Athrun turned around and only now, noticed that on the side of the cup, there was a name and number written on it along with a 'Call Me!' at the end.
"Because that's actually my coffee."
"And why am I drinking your cup of coffee instead of mine?"
"Well, actually, I-" Athrun started adjusting his tie as he racked through his brains to come up with a plausible answer.
While waiting for Athrun's answer, Cagalli was calmly taking a sip when a thought crossed her mind as the taste of hazelnut filled her senses.
"Could it be that you actually enjoy a skinny hazelnut latte with whip cream and chocolate powder on top or…"
She paused as she took another sip, "do you order the same drink as me should anything happen and I would be coffee-less in the morning?"
Athrun gulped and replied, "No, no, I most certainly do enjoy a skinny hazelnut latte with whip cream and chocolate powder on top." He had tried to muster as much conviction in his voice as possible in order to convince his boss.
Cagalli looked into his green eyes and smirked, "A bit of a girly drink for you don't you think?"
Athrun was just about to defend his manliness as her office telephone rang.
Cagalli then clicked her fingers as a sign she wanted him to answer the phone and proceeded to go through her work email.
"Ms Athha's office… Yes, sir. Right away sir."
The sound of the keyboard clacking paused as she looked up from her screen, "Who was that?"
"Shinn wants to go over some documents with you."
Cagalli placed her hands together, "Hmm. Maybe today will be a good time to do it then."
Athrun's right eyebrow went up as he looked at Cagalli, he had no idea what she meant to do.
Cagalli abruptly stood up and motioned for him to follow her.
The two of them entered Shinn's office and Cagalli immediately went to his sitting area.
"Oh, new coffee table?"
With a proud smirk, Shinn replied, "Actually it's a vintage oak from the Amazon, but yes it is new to my office."
Deciding to move away from mindless chit chat, Cagalli suddenly turned to him and in the most businesslike manner she could muster, said, "You're fired Shinn."
At the sudden change in atmosphere, Athrun decided it was best he close the door to Shinn's office.
Shinn's face changed and his eyebrows crunched together. But before he could say anything, Cagalli continued speaking.
"I told you to get Mwu La Flaga to agree to the interview and you didn't do it-"
"The man hasn't agreed to an interview in 10 years! There was no way-"
"-so I had to take matters into my own hands and I managed to get him to agree to an interview with tv talkshow host Murrue Ramias in two months time." Cagalli continued as if Shinn had never interrupted.
She sipped her coffee and then proceeded to exit Shinn's office while saying with a tone of nonchalance, "I'll give you two months to find a new job." And left with Athrun in tow.
"How's he looking?" She asked quietly when they were only a few steps away from Shinn's office and Athrun was still able to peek into his office.
"Er he's pacing, he looks a little crazy, eyebrows still furrowed, he has crazy eyes…" Athrun reported.
"Don't do it Shinn. Don't do it." She was hoping that there would be no office drama today.
She then heard Athrun mutter that Shinn was going out the door.
"You poisonous bitch!"
A collective gasp of shock registered throughout the office as everyone turned their heads towards the commotion.
"There is no way you think you can fire ME!" Shinn said while pointing straight at Cagalli.
Athrun merely stood at his boss's side while thinking, well technically she definitely outranks you so she could fire you…
"You just want to look good to the board!" spit was flying from Shinn's mouth as he looked pleased with himself for figuring it out.
"You are threatened by me!"
Cagalli rolled her eyes and took a another sip of her coffee. She decided she might as well let Shinn get everything off his chest in one go.
"You are a monster! Just because you have no resemblance of a life outside of this office you think you can treat everyone here like your personal slaves. I actually feel sorry for you Cagalli." Shinn thenn re-adjusted his suit and smirked at her.
Cagalli sighed before she started speaking, "Listen carefully Shinn, I didn't fire you because I feel threatened. I did it because you're lazy, incompetent and don't think I don't know about you messing around with your secretary instead of being with your wife or worse yet doing work that you're supposed to be doing."
Athrun's eyebrows scrunched together as he realized that to his boss, not doing work was worse than not being faithful to your spouse.
"If you have anything else to say, I suggest you don't say it."
"Another word Shinn and I will get Athrun to get security to throw you out of this building."
"And I will also get Athrun to film it on his camera phone and get it posted on Youtube. Is that what you want?"
She stared him down as he slowly shook his head. He still had his crazy eyes on Cagalli but it seemed that he decided it wasn't worth fighting with her.
"I didn't think so." As Cagalli turned around and started walking back to her office, "Everyone else get back to work!"
Immediately people starting typing away or talking into phones or scribbling away notes.
"Yes boss!"
"I need you to go through all Shinn's clientele this weekend and have them consolidated and ready for me to go through on Monday."
"Oh but…"
"What you have a problem with that?" Cagalli stopped just outside her office doors. Her honey brown eyes looked him straight in the eyes while she impatiently waited for his answer.
Deciding that he needed to at least try and reason with her for once, "No, no, but I, uhm, told you two weeks ago that it's my Gammy's 90th birthday party this weekend-"
Cagalli's eyebrows shot up and she narrowed her eyes at him.
Athrun decided to change tactics to save himself, "but of course I can cancel, no problem at all."
The moment Athrun said the word 'cancel' Cagalli turned back and entered her office, closing the door in Athrun's face.
"I am so so sorry Mom. Tell Gammy I'm really sorry and I'll try to see her another weekend alright?"
Athrun tried consoling his mother by telling her a little white lie, out of the 3 years he had started working for Cagalli as her assistant he had only made it back home to December twice.
"Yea Mom there's nothing I can do, she's making me work the weekend."
"Mom, I have worked way too hard to get this promotion in order to throw it all away-" Athrun then noticed that Cagalli was walking towards him and just before she swung her office door open, "but we take all of our submissions seriously Sir and we'll get back to you as soon as we can, ok thank you, bye."
"Was that your family?" Cagalli asked, not fooled one bit by Athrun's act.
"They tell you to quit?"
"Every single day boss."
Athrun's phone started ringing before Cagalli could retort with anything.
"Miss Athha's office."
Cagalli decided she might as well hang around for a few moments and find out who called her office.
"Yea, okay, yes Sir."
She looked at him expectantly, "Kisaka wants to see you upstairs immediately boss."
Cagalli grunted a little and wondered what Kisaka wanted.
"Okay, well give me 10 minutes there and then come and get me. A lot to do today."
"Sure thing boss."
Athrun swiveled around on his office chair and started typing away on his computer.
"Good morning Ms Athha." Kisaka's secretary greeted.
Cagalli merely nodded her head in response before making her way into Kisaka's office.
"Kisaka." She greeted.
"Ah Cagalli, first off, congratulations on the Murrue thing." Kisaka started.
"Thank you. Would this be about my second raise?" She inquired with a polite smile.
"Actually, I just got off the phone with your immigration attorney."
"Great, so we're all good to go?" Cagallie said, clapping her hands together, thinking the meeting was over.
Kisaka put his hands on the table and continued, "Seems like you didn't fill out some forms in time Cagalli. Your visa application to Plants has been denied."
"I'm sorry what?"
"You're being deported back to Orb." Kisaka deadpanned.
"Deported? There's gotta be something we can do?" Cagalli asked.
"Well, we can try re-applying but you would still have to leave Plants for at least a year."
"Er okay, that's not ideal but I can work from Orb. We can run conferences online and I'll phone in-"
"I'm sorry Cagalli but we can't have you working here in a Plants company if you're deported I'm afraid."
Cagalli couldn't believe what she was hearing, she had to go back to Orb?
"Until this is resolved, I'm handing your duties over to Shinn Asuka."
"What? The guy I just fired?"
"He's the only one in the building who has the qualifications and the experience to handle your job right now."
"You cannot be serious! I am begging you-"
"Cagalli, I am desperate to have you stay but the situation has gone out of my power now! If there was any way we could make this work we would be doing it."
She was about to say something when a knock interrupted her thoughts.
"Hi-" Athrun began.
"Excuse me, we're in a meeting here." Kisaka said to Athrun.
"Sorry to interrupt sir but Ms Athha has a very important business conference to take place in 5 minutes and she needs to prep."
While Athrun was talking, Cagalli mind formulated the craziest idea.
Athrun had noticed but continued talking. However, as she suddenly smiled very widely at him, he couldn't help but feel genuinely scared.
She suddenly mouthed to him, "Come here!"
He was confused, and still scared but complied with her command anymore. He slowly walked over to stand beside his boss.
"Kisaka, I understand the predicament very well. But, uhm, I think there's something you should know."
Kisaka was curious as to what she would bring up at this point in time and his face showed it.
Athrun was still standing beside Cagalli, clueless as ever as to what was going on.
"Athrun and I… are getting married."
Athrun turned his head to his boss in shock and she looked at him and repeated, while patting his chest, "we are getting married."
He stared at her as she looked at him and signaled that he should say something.
Athrun had no idea how he managed this, but he managed to cough out, "Er yes, we are-"
"-getting married…" Cagalli finished for him.
"Isn't he your secretary?" Kisaka asked.
"Assistant." Athrun replied gruffly.
"It's an office romance Kisaka. Nothing unheard of."
"I see."
"We were just two people who found love in an office."
"Yup, two totally different people who fell in love." Athrun chipped in. He had no idea what he was doing but he felt he should contribute to the conversation somewhat.
"All those weekends and late nights in the office you know. And weekend book fairs." Cagalli continued on.
"It just happened."
Cagalli nodded and again awkwardly patted Athrun's chest.
"uhm, okay then I'm happy for you-" Kisaka started.
"Oh yes, we're very happy too. Aren't we Athrun."
"Yes, yes we are indeed."
"Well, just make it legal mm?" Kisaka said as he pointed to his ring finger.
"Oh, oh yea, for sure. I guess that means we need to go to the immigration office now and work this out."
Athrun nodded stupidly while staring at Kisaka.
"Thank you very much Kisaka, we'll get this done right away."
Cagalli turned and headed out of Kisaka's office.
Athrun was still nodding when Cagalli's voice reached his ears, "Athrun, come on, get going!"
As they exited Kisaka's office, people were smirking at Athrun and some of his colleagues winked at him.
Oh god he thought, news here spreads way too fast.
"Dude, for real? Her?" Tolle said as Athrun quickly made his way into Cagalli's office to get some answers.
Athrun closed the door as Cagalli sat down and started shifting through papers.
He continued to stare at her, waiting for an explanation.
"What?" She said not looking up but feeling his eyes on her.
"I don't understand what's happening here."
"Relax, this is for you too."
"Do explain to me how this is for me as well."
Cagalli joined her hands together as she started to calmly explain that if she got fired, Shinn would definitely fire him straight away.
"I am not going to marry you Cagalli." For the first time Athrun felt that he should be using her first name in this situation.
Unfazed by Athrun using her first name she continued calmly, "Well if you don't marry me Athrun, your dreams of one day being an editor and all those late nights and weekends working, would all go to waste if you don't marry me."
Athrun felt his knees go weak at the realisation and slumped into her office chair.
"83… 84… Dude, so you're telling me that you're getting married to the woman you loathe and complain of every single day to anyone who would listen? 85… 86… 87…"
"88… 89… I don't really have a choice Kira."
Kira and Athrun were doing sit ups in their living room. They did this everyday in order to decide who had to do the dishes. Rock, paper, scissors relied on too much luck so they had decided when they first moved in together that they might as well compete to see who would last the longest in sit ups. Whoever paused long enough for the other to do 3 push ups had to wash all the dishes by themselves.
Might as well exercise while they were at it right?
"90… 91… You do know that if Plant finds out that this marriage is a sham you'll be fined $250,000 and 5 years in prison right? 92… 93…"
"94… Yes I am aware of that, this annoying immigration dude at the immigration office called Yzak Joule happily told me so. 95… 96… 97…"
"And yet you're still going through with it?" Kira asked as he paused to look at Athrun.
"98. 99. 100. Alright! Looks like I win tonight, dishes are yours!" Athrun took advantages of Kira's distraction to win their competition.
"Hey, wait no fair I-"
"No loser talk please. Dishes are yours." Athrun said and took a towel to wipe the sweat off his face and body.
"Are you sure about this?"
"Yes I am sure, though the Yzak dude did threaten me strangely by saying he would get me arrested and Cagalli deported if we didn't get any of our answers to match."
"Hmm…" Kira was wondering how it would work out. "Oh wait, so what's happening this weekend? You still working or what?"
"You'll never believe me buddy. She's coming along with us."
Kira put down a plate he just washed onto the drying rack, "You kidding! So it's going to be me, you and your evil witch of a boss going back to December city?"
"I kid you not! I guess she was trying to convince Yzak that we were really serious about each other or something." Athrun proceeded to take a bottle of water from the fridge.
"I am getting something from this business deal of ours though."
"Oh yea?" Kira asked while washing.
"I get a promotion once we're married."
"Nice one!"
"But dude, I even got her to propose to me on one knee in the middle of the streets!"
"HAHA you did what?"
"Seriously! It was hilarious! For everything she's ever done to me. So totally worth it!"
"You expecting her to buy you a ring too?" Kira chuckled at his own joke.
"Hey why not right?" Athrun shouted across the apartment as he made his way to the showers and Kira started on the dishes.
"Real men are the ones who propose with a ring you know! Not the other way around!"
How was that for a first chapter? Review and let me know! I apologise for any mistakes in advance, I can't be bothered with a beta reader.