Sheldon's eyes opened and closed in fluid, disoriented motions. By holding onto the railing he managed to pull himself to his feet, though a wave of vertigo hit him violently once he straightened.

That non-operational elevator will be the death of me.

You see, Sheldon had been standing on one of the many landings of the staircase of the apartment building in which he lived. Not a dangerous activity, unless of course you're holding a fairly heavy computer and you have a particularly lanky stature.

So, he'd fallen backwards down the stairs, finally hitting his head on either a step or the wall (he'd been tumbling too much to be sure) and had at this point lost consciousness.

Sheldon climbed the stairs with rapidly decreasing energy, ignoring the smashed computer on the floor below. Normally, he would've been greatly upset by the destruction of such a fine piece of machinery, but it was insured by the California Institute of Technology. So he wasn't overly concerned.

When he reached his door he fumbled with the key before slowly collapsing to the ground. He pulled out his phone, fighting to keep his vision stable while he called Amy Farrah Fowler.


"Amy Farrah Fowler, according to section four of the Relationship Agreement..." Sheldon's speech slurred on the last bit and he tried to speak clearly as he continued, "You as, 'the girlfriend', are to tend to the injuries of 'the boyfriend, AKA myself, and..."

Sheldon felt his head gingerly and said softly, "I'm in need of assistance."

"Sheldon? Sheldon, wake up. SHELDON."

Sheldon was stirred by the arrival of his girlfriend and once she had repeated his name several times, he finally gave in, deciding that the volume of her voice must be far more painful than the bright light which would greet his eyes upon their opening.

Sheldon opened his eyes cautiously only to squeeze them shut again. His hypothesis had been proven incorrect; the light was just as painful.

"Sheldon, what happened?" Amy asked firmly, kneeling down to examine him closer.

"Those steep staircases are a hazard. One miscalculated step and you're toppling down onto the truly unforgiving landing below." Sheldon informed her.

Amy sighed and stood, carefully lifting Sheldon with her, she took half of his weight from him, positioning him so that his arm draped around her neck. She took him into his apartment and deposited him onto the couch, before speaking again.

"Open your eyes, Sheldon."

"I have no desire to do that again."

"Open them."

Sheldon sighed and opened them, giving Amy a particularly irritated look. She leaned closer to him, and forced his eyes open a bit more. He didn't flinch at her touch as he would most others. He allowed her to do all that she had to before she reported,

"Your left pupil is dilated."

"Fascinating." Sheldon mumbled, closing his eyes again and lying down.

"That wasn't intended conversationally. I was informing you that you have a concussion, we should probably go to the hospital-"


Sheldon sat up very quickly, eyes flying open wildly. He appeared to be about to explain his sudden exclamation when he lurched forward and vomited on the floor. Amy leapt back instinctively and Sheldon lifted his head.

"We're gonna need to disinfect that."