Author's Note: Ooh! Thirteen more reviews! Thank you Mnitr, The Mouth of Sauron, Star Princess Meesa, Athena, Dreaming Reader, Sunkisses 643, Cassie, Nightshine, Shadow, Jam-Jackson, Twe Twe, Cosmic Goddess, and Jehane Wizardborn! You guys are great! I got all the Shatterglass info off Sheroes.

Disclaimer: I don't own The Circle Opens, or its characters. Tamora Pierce owns that. I don't own the 'squashed' concept. Abbykat owns that. I do own the Squashed Tamora Pierce concept, however, so please email me if you want to use that.

The Squashed The Circle Opens

Magic Steps

Pasco: (Does a little dance)

Sandry: Gods. Now I have to teach you.

Dihanurs: (Kill Rokats)

Pasco: (Does a dance)

Sandry: (Makes a net out of unmagic)

(Pasco and Sandry save everybody, the Dihanurs die)

Street Magic

Evvy: (Magics some rocks)

Briar: Gods. Now I have to teach you.

Evvy: But I don't want to be taught.

Vipers: (Try and get Evvy to join)

Lady Zenadia: (Kills people)

Evvy: (Magics some more rocks)

Briar: (Does some stuff with trees and makes them tear up a house)

(Briar and Evvy save everybody, Lady Zenadia dies)

Cold Fire

Nia and Jory: (Magic things)

Daja: Thank the gods. You need teachers.

Ben: (Sets a LOT of fires.)

Nia and Jory: (Magic some wood and food)

Daja: (Walks around in a fire)

(Nia, Jory and Daja save everybody, Ben dies)

Shatterglass (not out yet)

Keth: I need a teacher.

Tris: Gods. Now I have to teach you.

(I don't know what happens here)

Keth: (Magics some glass)

Tris: (Magics the weather)

(Keth and Tris save everybody and the serial killer dies.)

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This is the last of the squashed Tamora Pierce novels. BUT it is not the last of the Squashed Tamora Pierce. If you send me an email (it's listed on my profile) or review with 1. The name of a fic you would like me to squash. 2. The name of the fic's author. Doesn't have to be you. 3. The author's email address, then I will squash it. The requirements for the fic are this: 1. No NC-17 fics. 2. No fics under five chapters/3000 words. 3. No fics that aren't Tamora Pierce. 4. If it's not on FF.N, please tell me where it is.

Press the nice blue button!