Author's Note: Okay. So, I saved the best for last!

Yes, I said last. This will be the final chapter, unless we learn more about the Zanpakutos that I had to skip for lack of information about them. I'm sorry, but I will not be doing the Arrancar's weapons, or the Vizards', or anyone else's. I hope that you all enjoyed this, and I'd like to give a big thanks to everyone who read, favorited, and reviewed it. If you liked it, keep an eye out for my upcoming murder-mystery-Christmas comedy Bleach story, Fruit Cake, which should be out either around Halloween or Christmas; I haven't decided yet.

Until then, I bid thee farewell! :)


I have but one fear.

His name is Ichigo Kurosaki.

He is a teenage boy with spiky orange hair, sparking brown eyes, and a semi-permanent scowl on his face. He is of slightly above average intelligence and excels in all things athletic, particularly fighting. He will do anything for his loved ones.

Do not misunderstand. I am not afraid of Ichigo Kurosaki. I am afraid for him.

Ichigo is hotheaded, compassionate, and just. He is wise beyond his years. And yet he is also somehow young, somehow innocent. He wishes to protect not the whole world, not just himself, but a mountain of people.

A mountain.

In reality, Ichigo will protect who ever is in need of it. He did that well before he became a substitute Shinigami and acquired me. He protects his sisters, his friends, the wandering souls he sees. He protects complete strangers.

But there is one person that Ichigo does not protect.


Thus the foundation for my fear. Ichigo is my Shinigami, and I his Zanpakuto. We are two who are one. Partners of mind and soul. But we are more than that, now. Ichigo is my responsibility. He is my friend. And I do want to protect him.

I give him advice, guidance when I can, I force him to stand back up when he falls. I deny him my ultimate power, the power that I know will destroy him. He will ask for it eventually, although he does not know it exists, and he will fight for it. I will not relinquish it lightly. It is a desperate power. One that he will use. One that will leave him defenseless for the rest of his life.

And he will not regret it. He will mourn the loss of his ability to protect so many, he will hate feeling powerless, but he will not regret it. Because Ichigo would gladly leave himself defenseless in the face of danger than let a single innocent person perish. Especially when that person is one he loves. He always loves with his whole heart, even though he will not show it.

I've discovered that my sighs sound like Ichigo.

His inner world is a glass city. I've tried to tilt it, to turn it, to make it more comfortable, more natural, but of course it never works. The glass is slippery when it rains. I hate that.

Sigh. Ichigo.

On the other side of the glass is a monster. He is a pale, ragged spirit. His laugh sounds like the rattling of bones. He wields a blade, a Zanpakuto. He wields me.

The monster looks like Ichigo.

He is Ichigo.

Ichigo's Hollow half, the evil desires that bubble behind his intense brown gaze. Ichigo has him under control, maintained just enough to harness his power. The Hollow speaks to me, in whispers, in screams, trying to influence and warp my thoughts. He is trying to drive me to insanity.

But he shall not.

Not while I have Ichigo to protect.