A/N: Finally got to finished this chapter. The story is coming to an end, just one more and that's it.
It Just Happened
"I hold it true, whatever befall; I feel it, when I sorrow most; 'tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."
-Alfred Tennyson.
Chapter 11: More than Sorrow
A knock on the door interrupted Grimmjow's conversation with Nel and Ulquiorra, followed by a request for permission to enter the office. After it was granted, Shawlong cleared his throat and began informing the recent news. The only words that the blue-haired man captured before running out of the office were 'explosion' and 'Ichigo'. Nel followed him, but not before telling Ulquiorra to wait there until they return.
Grimmjow was outside the mansion with his cell phone in hand, dialing a number that he hoped the owner of it would answer. There was no answer, only the automatic voice mail. Then he tried again. He was getting desperate. Ichigo wasn't answering and without noticing, Nel was already in her car waiving Grimmjow to get in. He was starting to lose the little sanity left in his mind. Again, he dialed the number and waited, but no one answer. He then decided to leave a message hoping that it would be heard, at least.
"Ichigo, call me as soon as you hear this. You don't know how worry I am. I need to know that you're okay."
Nel saw how desperate her brother was, and it worried her. This was the first time she ever saw Grimmjow act like that for someone who wasn't one of his friends. It only indicated that this person named Ichigo had made his way into Grimmjow's heart like no other. Not to mention that it looked nearly like he would ignore every effort or chance to get everything back to normal just to be with Ichigo. It almost sounded like he was… 'Falling in love?' The last thought made her giggle, causing the other to raise an eyebrow in confusion.
"Nothing. Let's go see the one in charge of the investigation and find out if there were any-"
"Don't say it."
At the thought of the possibilities on what Nel was about to say gave him the sensation of something heavy sinking in his heart. Grimmjow tried again and dialed Ichigo's cell phone number and this time it was answered.
"Hello! Ichigo?"
"Grimmjow, sorry I didn't-"
"Are you okay? Where are you? Are you injured?"
"Oh my god! Grimm, let him answer." Nell said with a demanding tone but happy that Ichigo was fine. Meaning that they could go back and solve the other problem.
"Yes, I'm fine. I wasn't in the building when it happened. Actually,I was on my way to Karakura…" He stopped and thought about the person who was lying down on one of the beds in the clinic.
"Ichigo, listen carefully. Don't tell anyone where you are, not even your friends."
"Think about it for a second. Who else knew that you were coming back to your apartment? I knew you left to Karakura. The night you told me that you didn't want to see me anymore I saw you with a bag leaving through the back door of the building. Just don't tell anyone, okay? I'll call you tonight."
As the call ended Ichigo thought about what Grimmjow said. It gave him an uneasy feeling since the only two people that knew were Renji and Shinji. He didn't want to think about the probability of one of his best friends betraying him. The problem about all this was that neither one of them had call to see if he was okay. It was making things harder for Ichigo to comprehend. He decided to go and see if Mila was awake, then he remembered about his neighbor Hisagi. Ichigo wanted to know if he was alive. He sent a text message to Grimmjow asking if he could check if there were any casualties. He hoped that Hisagi was not in the apartment the moment of the explosion.
Ichigo sat next to the bed where Mila was, placing his elbows on his knees and resting his forehead on his hands. He started to feel sorry for her. He thought about her father and if he somehow knew about Hisagi, which it could be. Knowing from experience that that man was capable of anything, 'even killing his own daughter?' The thought made him sick on the stomach.
Mila slowly opened her eyes. At first confused by where she was. Then she remembered about what happened and began to cry. Tears of sadness covering her face with no control. It was too much for her to handled, alone. Without Shuhei, there was no one else. Ichigo place one of his hands on Mila's shoulder as if trying to tell her that everything was going to be okay. Ichigo knew from experience the feeling of losing a loved one but he didn't know her and was afraid on how she will take things from now on.
She felt the compassion Ichigo was trying to show, but it confused her. Why would he care about the person whose father threatened to harm his family? The same person who was about to get married with his love interest. Mila Rose noticed the day of the engagement party how Ichigo looked at Grimmjow. What she saw in those brown eyes was the same sparkle she once saw in Shuhei the day he asked her to run away with him. It was love. She turned her vision away from the young man and closed her teary eyes.
"Do you love him?" Her voice trembled, trying her hardest not to shed more tears. But it was inevitable.
"Let's not talk about that." It may or may not be love, but what Ichigo felt just by listening to that man voice was like been out of breath. In addition, every time he saw those blue eyes his heart started beating fast as if trying to get out of his chest.
"Just tell me, please?" Mila smiled after Ichigo nodded nervously and closed her eyes.
After Mila fell asleep, Ichigo decided to rest for a while. He was exhausted and leaving her in the care of his father was a good idea at that moment. He went to his old bedroom, which it was located on the second floor of the house. He opened the door and smiled. Everything looked the same way he left it after moving to the city. The book he started reading years ago was in the same position he left it, on top of his desk. The memories from his childhood through his high school years were all there, in that small room. Ichigo smiled looking at the window, when countless times Renji invaded his haven in the middle of the night. And with those memories fresh on his mind, he went to sleep.
Ichigo suddenly woke up when his cellphone vibrated on top of the desk. He looked at the clock. It was a little after 1am and remembered that Grimmjow was going to call. Without looking at the caller ID, he answered.
"I'm sorry Ichi, it was my fault." It sounded as if the person was trying to catch a breath.
"What are you talking about? Where are you?"
"I didn't know Aizen was going as far as to attempt on your life. I never told him it was you, Ichi..." The person continued running until he found a place to hide. He was being followed.
"You're my only family and I care for you. You will always be the most important person in my life. I know what I did was wrong and I don't deserve your forgiveness but… all I wanted was for you to be happy. I guess I was wrong. Forgive me, Ichi."
"Where are you? Please tell me so I can-"
"Goodbye, Ichi-"
"I'm sorry to interrupt this heartwarming moment but if you want to see your friend again, you better hurry. I will say the address once, so it's best that you pay attention and do not tell anyone. That is, if you want to see him alive... So you better hurry up, I'm running out of patience." The arrogant voice was from no other than Aizen. He gave the location before abruptly hanging up.
Ichigo didn't want to believe what he just heard before the line went dead. How he felt at that moment was almost impossible to evade. He wished everything were just part of a bad dream. Things were happening one after another. Not a chance to exhale the tight air in his chest. It started to hurt so much that it was getting difficult for him to breathe. Ichigo was the kind of person that would react according to what he felt. At that moment, the cellphone fell from his hand. It only took seconds for him to go downstairs and out of the house towards the truck.
The streets were empty. Not a single soul around. Only the night sky accompanied Ichigo. Mad, frustrated, guilt and anxiety were the feelings running through his veins. In his mind, there was a question that even if he tried to avoid, it was impossible. 'What's his connection with Aizen?' He wished to find the answer soon.
It didn't take him that long to get to the warehouse. However, as soon as he got out of the truck there was an uncomfortable silence. Ichigo open the metal door, only to find the place dark and empty. At the other end, there was another door closing up slowly.
"I told you I was running out of patience. If you had arrived earlier, we could have come to some arrangement, but time is money." Aizen replied before closing the door, leaving a confused Ichigo behind.
"Ichi…" A tremble voice was heard and Ichigo looked in the direction it was coming from. Brown eyes trying their best to focus trough the dark. Heartbeat rising fast. He didn't want to think the worse. As he got closer, the smell of blood became stronger. He only wished it was only a nightmare and soon he'll wake up from it. Ichigo fell on his knees beside the trembling body, it started to feel real for him.
"I'm sorry Ichi-"
"Please don't talk, Renji." Ichigo moved closer, lifting the other's head and placing it on his lap. He couldn't hold the tears that were starting to fall.
"I'll call for help, please don't die." Hands shaking, trying to find the cellphone.
"Listen to me. I need to tell you something important." Renji coughed, trying his best not to choke with his own blood.
It was another banquet in one of the most prestigious areas in Tokyo. Renji was attending the bar alone. The mansion belonged to a man name Aizen Sosuke, who approached the bar. The man started a conversation with Renji. After a few drinks, he was given a proposition. To work for him.
"You can keep doing your normal job. I need someone to work for me from the shadows." Aizen took a napkin and wrote a six-figure number. "This will be your payment for each job you do for me." After Renji saw what was written, the man took out a lighter from his pocket and burned it.
"You got yourself a shadow, Boss." Without hesitating, he agreed.
"The only thing I ask in return is that no one can know you work for me, or you're a dead man."
It was as if he just sold his soul to the devil, and he did. Renji did not know the future or how it was going to end. However, the payment was good and he didn't have to kill anybody. Sometimes it was just listening to conversations while attending the bar. Others were just stilling specific documents. After a year, he was ordered to travel to America. To California for a banquet at a certain company, Hollows Architecture & Design. Few weeks after that he was ordered to follow two people.
"This is where Ichi lives. Too bad I'm working and can't visit him." The sadness went away when someone came out of the building. Two hours later a man with blue hair exited the building. Renji rapidly took out his cellphone and dial Aizen's number.
"Report." A demanding voice was heard from the man's cellphone.
"The young lady left at 9am and Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez left just now."
"So, two hours later…huh. Keep an eye on both of them and I want to know what's on that building that got both of them with stupid smiling faces." Renji couldn't get the last information until a few days later. That's when he saw Ichigo getting in Grimmjow's car. He didn't report it. Renji was afraid that something bad might happen to Ichigo. He stayed with the secret until a month later. He was ordered to work the day of Aizen's daughter engagement party. Also requested to bring help since it was going to be hard for him to work alone that night.
Renji was suspicious of Aizen, or you can say afraid. He needed a backup plan in case Aizen was planning to do something to Ichigo. He knew where Aizen kept important documents and one of them was the one from H.A.D. The night of the engagement party came and Renji was keeping an eye on his employer. Everything went fine until he noticed Aizen approaching the bar and said something to Ichigo. He was serving a drink at that moment but not moving his vision away from them. However, the moment he served another drink Ichigo disappeared. His heart skipped a beat and hands started to sweat. After a while, Aizen stood at the end of the bar. Renji clenched his fists with anger, imagining something had happened to Ichigo. However, he relaxed as soon as bright orange hair appeared in front of Aizen. Ichigo was furious.
"Ichigo…" Renji murmured, feeling guilty even if he didn't know what happened.
After that, he tried to get answers from Ichigo but always getting the "Not now, Renji." Later the man with blue hair approached the bar. '…why so close to Ichigo? Isn't he the one who's getting married? Don't tell me Ichigo is in love with him?' Renji hoped this was just a temporary thing and Ichigo was just friends with Grimmjow. He was wrong on the latter. Renji knew at that moment that something terrible was about to happen. He knew that Aizen always gets what he wants.
Isshin thought it was a good idea for Mila Rose to rest in the house instead of the clinic. Not knowing what was going to happen next. He told her she could take a bath and rest on Ichigo's bedroom. Somehow, he knew his son wasn't going to spend the night there. She was more than happy with the idea and agreed with the man. He showed her the way and told her that if she needed anything to not hesitate and ask. She was quiet. Words were not her choice as answer, only a surprise look followed by a nod. Mila was not being ungrateful, just confused by how they were treating her.
When Mila walked into the bedroom, she noticed a cellphone on the floor vibrating. She grabbed it, glared at the name on the screen and answered.
"Hello Grimmy, calling to see if I'm alright?"
"Mila… why are you answering Ichigo's phone? Where is he?"
"I'm sorry but your lover is not home right now."
"Care to explain what are you doing in Karakura?"
"Your lover invited me to his family house, why? Are you jealous?
"Mila, I'm not in the mood for your stupid games. Where is he? If something happened to him, I swear I'll-"
"Kill my father? Don't worry Grimmy, nothing is going to happen to him."
"And how can you be so sure about that?"
"Because I like Ichi and I made sure nothing happens to him. I have someone working for my father that I can trust. So don't worry, he's going to be find." At that moment, her cellphone rang. "Speaking of devil, don't hang up Grimmy."
After Mila spoke with the person who called her, she got nervous. Just a few minutes ago, she told Grimmjow that nothing was going to happen to Ichigo. But now, Mila couldn't find the right words to explain to him what just happened.
"Grimmjow…" Her voice trembled. She never called him Grimmjow.
"What the fuck happened, Mila Rose?"
"I'm sorry but Ichigo… something happened-"
"What happened, Mila?" He yelled.
"Just fucking tell me. Where is he?"
After she finally could say what happened, Grimmjow rushed to Karakura. He was at the mansion when he called. Trying to think of what to do with the wedding and Aizen. However, after he found out what happened to Ichigo's friend he decided to end everything. Even if he had to apologize to Nnoitra and the others. He was willing to invest in a new company for his friends. Money wasn't going to be a problem. Grimmjow would do anything to help them. Before he hung up with Mila, he told her that Shuhei was alive and the wedding was off. That she was free to disappear from Japan. He will take care of everything as long as she never comes back.
Grimmjow wasn't mad at Mila. It wasn't her fault that she was the daughter of that man. He told Mila to disappear so she can be happy and free from Aizen. On his way, he called an ambulance and the police of that city. He felt guilty about everything that happened to Ichigo. Guilty that he was not there for him. To place a hand on his shoulder. To tell him that everything will be okay. He didn't want any of these harsh moments for him. Grimmjow only wanted to make Ichigo happy. He ordered Shawlong to drive to the hospital. He needed to be next to Ichigo.
As soon as the car stopped at the entrance, Grimmjow rushed inside. Not caring he was running inside a hospital. He asked the nurse at the front desk which room Abarai was. After rushing to the end of the hallway, he turned left. Soon after, he saw a man standing in front of a glass window. With dark hair and eyes that resemble Ichigo's. Grimmjow got closer. When he looked towards the glass window, his heart skipped a beat. Sadness and anger at the same time invaded his heart. Ichigo was resting his forehead on Renji's chest. He died minutes after arriving at the hospital from two shots on his chest. One of the bullets reached the heart, but for some miracle, it gave him enough time to see Ichigo and say everything.
Shinji arrived at the hospital with Ichigo's father. As soon as he saw the late night news, he rushed to Karakura with a package he received earlier from Renji. On the outside, it had Shinji's name but as soon as he opened it, there were instructions for Ichigo and a key to a locker for Grimmjow. Shinji noticed the arrival of the blue-haired man and told Ichigo. Ichigo lifted his head and looked over his left shoulder. Brown eyes filled with tears gazed at Grimmjow, then turned back to position himself the way he was before. Ichigo didn't have the energy or motivation to walk where Grimmjow was.
Shinji, on the other hand, had to approach him. He had to fulfill Renji's last wishes.
"Renji left this for you." He gave the envelope with the name Jaegerjaquez on front. Inside, it contained a key and a letter.
"I'm so sorry. I know he was your friend, too. How's Ichigo?"
"He doesn't want to move away from Renji's body. He's being there since they arrived. I'm worry about Ichi…" Tears started to fall, again.
Grimmjow could not content himself anymore and entered the room. As he got closer to Ichigo, he could hear the other sobbing. It hurt him seeing Ichigo like that and not being able to do something about it. He extended his right hand and caressed the orange hair. Ichigo turned and saw blue eyes filled with sorrow. He stood up and fell into Grimmjow's arms. The hug tightened. Face buried on that wide chest, he started to cry as if he hasn't in years. The cold air of that hospital room became the blanket that embraced them. The agony that Ichigo felt that night for losing Renji was the same agony Grimmjow felt. For not doing something to avoid the sorrow of the one he began to love.
Nothing on his mind. It was like a book filled with empty pages. It must be a dream, or more like a nightmare. That was the only thing that came in mind from time to time. The pain of losing his best friend was excruciating. Ichigo didn't want to go to the funeral. He didn't even saw the people who tried to console him. He was alone in his bedroom staring at the ceiling. The light of the sun trying to invade the room, but dark curtains were in the way. He heard a knock on the door before it opened. Ichigo frowned and waited to see who violated his instructions of not to be bothered. Grimmjow approached him after apologizing for the intrusion.
Grimmjow started to tell Ichigo about what he did for Mila and that the wedding was canceled. He also told him about the risked his friend Renji made for him, stealing the contract from Aizen. He also told Ichigo that he was leaving to America for a while. He offered Ichigo to go with him. Ichigo looked into blue eyes and smiled, but refused the offer. He told Grimmjow that he needed to stay and clear a few things Renji left behind.
"I know it's going to be difficult for you since your friend left you his business. If you need help-"
"Grimm, you need to be present at the hearing. It's Aizen's trial and you promised me you were going to make sure the asshole will rot in jail."
"I know but that can take months and I don't want to lose you."
"You won't. Unless you fall for a blond and-"
Grimmjow kissed Ichigo without giving the other a chance to say anything else. More than sorrow covered the hearts of these two. This was a chance to be together, but life wasn't going to be easy for both of them. They lived in two different worlds and now distance was going to be an obstacle for their relationship. What Grimmjow didn't tell Ichigo was that he might not come back to Japan. This was one of the conditions Nel warned her brother. She didn't tell Grimmjow until he found Ichigo was alive. That there was more than one company that Aizen got his hand on.
Not always love last forever. There are times when it just happened and can hurt us like hell. Sometimes we just have to put a bandage on the wound and move on with our lives. Grimmjow was known to be a man that would do anything for others, but also for the one he love. Time was something that could work for better or for worst. Occasionally, it is needed for wounds to heal. After losing his best friend, Ichigo needed as much time as he could to recover. However, Ichigo also was a fighter. He was someone that would continue living his life the best he could. Not letting the sorrow hold him for too long.
Hope you guys enjoyed and will try to finish the last chapter soon(already working on it)... Until next!