Danny wasted no time skidding around the corner and going ghost flying up and out of the school angrily and scared. Landing on the roof of a far-away house and trying to calm down.

He deserved what he got. Conflict said suddenly. Danny shook his head but even though he didn't want Dash to die… he did enjoy just the least little bit the look of terror on his face as he stared down at the jock.

"That's not true." Danny said shaking the thoughts away.

Part of you revels in it, its justice. He had to pay one way or another.

"It's not right." Danny persisted. Conflict just laughed.

If you think so. He said. Danny stayed on the roof a bit longer before standing up and pacing the rooftop. He wondered if he could hit himself with the weapon again and reverse it or even if the weapon had a reverse process in the first place.

Groaning Danny remembered that he had a test and he remembered that there was still Dash to worry about and then he just didn't want to deal with it all and just wanted to sleep it off. Danny sighed running a hand through his white hair before taking off and landing in the boys bathroom making sure it was empty before changing back.

Danny then ran through the halls trying getting to his locker just as the bell rang. Sam and Tucker walked up to him.

"Dude, where were you we had a test." Tucker said.

"Yeah I know." Danny said, "I had a small… internal Conflict issue." Danny whispered. Conflict snorted at this and Sam shook her head.

"Honestly Danny you really should tell your parents before they mess you up really badly one day." Sam said.

Sure, scold but don't offer any advice. Danny heard but he wasn't sure if that was his own thoughts or Conflict's.

"I can't tell them you know that." Danny said, Tucker shrugged and Sam sighed. Danny's fists clenched as he turned toward his locker and grabbed his books.

"What happened?" Tucker asked finally.

"Conflict nearly killed Dash that's what. Had him squealing like a pig." Danny said a smile coming to his face at the thought, then he remembered that Conflict had taken over his body and quickly sobered up before Sam or Tucker noticed, "He… he just took me over." Danny said. Sam and Tucker exchanged a look.

"Why don't we go see Clockwork after school?" Sam suggested. Danny nodded.

"Sounds good, we should have thought of that first." Tucker said. Sam rolled her eye and Danny forced a smile and a laugh.

"Sounds like a plan." Danny agreed.

(Alright everyone, sit down, quiet down, listen up)

Feeling half dead… oh wait… he was… anyway feeling overworked Danny drug himself up the stairs and deposited his backpack on the stairs, his parents were on some massive quest to find Phantom again so Danny simply walked downstairs and took the Specter Speeder into the Ghost Zone, Sam and Tucker in the seat beside him.

"NO, NO, NO, NO, and NO!" Danny was yelling Sam and Tucker watching him amused for the seats beside him.

"I just doesn't work that way! Of course it's not magic, its science! Well I don't care what wizard from what time period told you that! That's absolute bull- AAAAAAH! NOOOOOO! NO WAY! UGH! You know for an old dude you are extremely perverted." Danny had spent most of the journey arguing with Conflict, curiously enough the argument started after Conflict saw a microwave being used to make the popcorn that Sam and Tucker were now eating contentedly while watching Danny.

"Are you really going to keep staring at me like that?" Danny asked frustrated already with Conflict's amazing ability to go from murderous freaking vampire ghost to murderous freaking vampire ghost filled with childlike wonder. It. Was. Scary.

Apparently though Sam and Tucker didn't share his frustration and were currently holding back giggles as Danny maneuvered the Specter Speeder through the infinite realms of the Ghost Zone.

Danny was in a twitchy sort of mood and didn't seem to be all there. The was a look of intense concentration on his face but whatever he was concentrating on wasn't the floating islands and swirling sky off the Ghost Zone. Thrice, Sam and Tucker had to grab the wheel too keep them from running into the "no zones" of the Ghost Zone, namely Walker's prison, Skulker's island, and the Ghost King's castle.

By the time they reached Clockwork the random outbursts of Danny yelling, scolding, or just all out being frustrated at Conflict had stopped and an intense brooding look had replaced his expression. The Specter Speeder landed softly in the great room full of clocks that Danny had first gotten beaten up in, the wizened old time master waiting patiently as they climbed out and Danny scoffed at something that Conflict had said.

"Welcome." Clockwork said sadly. Danny nodded and then rubbed the back of his neck.

"So I guess you know why I'm here." Danny said. Clockwork nodded.

"And I cannot help you."

"WHY NOT!" Danny yelled suddenly and then clamped his hands over his mouth. "Sorry." He said sheepishly. Clockwork sighed.

"I am well aware of your… roommate's temper." Clockwork said and Danny's eyes flashed black and he che-ed. Clockwork shook his head, "It may surprise you but long ago I considered Conflict as my apprentice… he went by a different name then which I am not obliged to disclose."

"You have always bored me Time Master." Danny or rather Conflict said folding his arms and looking around un-amused, "I do not intend to waste much more time on this child, I'll even leave him be if you wish but you must separate us." Conflict said. Sam and Tucker were taken aback by how easily their friend had been taken over.

"Danny?" Sam asked. Conflict sent her a pointed smile.

"He sends his regards, truly your boyfriend has quite the mouth on him presently." Conflict teased. Sam grabbed the front of Danny's shirt and held Danny's face with Conflict's smirk up to her eyes.

"Leave, Danny alone." Sam growled. Conflict laughed pulling Sam closer to him eyes boring into hers intensely.

"As you wish." Conflict smiled placing Danny's lips upon Sam's. Blue eyes blinked and Danny abruptly pulled away.

"Dammit!" Danny growled punching a nearby wall. Sam blushed then walked straight up to Danny and slapped him across the face.

"HEY!" Danny said, "that wasn't me!" Danny protested, Sam folded her arms and glared at him.

"Stop." Clockwork said appearing between them, "There is no more obvious reason of what Conflict exists for than his own name." Clockwork looked at Danny, "it makes him stronger." Clockwork warned red eyes boring into Danny's. Danny nodded.

"So basically if we starve Conflict of conflict… he might go away?" Sam asked her tone changing instantly. Clockwork sighed.

"No." Clockwork said sadly. Sam frowned.

"Then what's the point?" she asked.

"When a ghost is stronger than Danny what happens." Tucker said suddenly.

"That's what I'm asking him!" Sam said.

"No, not Conflict specifically… any ghost that Danny fights, what happens when they fight when the ghost is stronger?" Tucker pressed.

"Danny gets beat up, he loses the fight then he come back kicks butt and we all learn something about morals or something." Sam said flippantly.

"But if Danny loses to Conflict…" Tucker cast a strange look at Danny, "We don't know what could happen." Danny frowned. Then looked at Clockwork.

"Could he… uh…" Danny shuffled not wanting to voice what he was thinking.

"Yes." Clockwork said gravely, "So it's important that you, the both of you stay balanced." Clockwork said. Danny shuddered this strange new concept in his head.

"So… he could… take Danny over?" Sam said. Clockwork simply nodded.

"Well then we have to get him out! There has to be some way!" Sam yelled. Clockwork shook his head.

"It's not so simple. Having two souls in one body… its typically not possible without tremendous amounts of power or ancient magic. It doesn't happen often." Clockwork shook his head. "To think a simple shortcut could be discovered in the modern world. I cannot help you now, I cannot interfere anymore." Clockwork warned. Danny nodded.

"I thought something like this might happen." Danny sighed, "Thanks anyway CW." Sam's fists clenched.

"HOW CAN YOU NOT HELP!" She yelled at Clockwork. Danny cast a cold glance over at her eyes black.

"Clockwork's word is absolute, that is one conflict even I don't want to get involved in." Conflict said before his eyes faded back to blue and Danny held his head.

"Fine." Sam said stomping back to the Specter Speeder Tucker and Danny not far behind, Danny turned to Clockwork just pausing a moment after Tucker and Sam had already entered the Specter Speeder.

"If Conflict thrives on conflict… it's not just the emotional kind is it… me fighting ghosts… that'll do something to right?" Danny stated more than asked.

"You'll have to figure that one out on your own." Clockwork stated. Danny sighed.

"Thought you might say something like that." Danny said before waving his goodbye and joining his good friends in the Speeder.

On that disconcerting note I will now answer reviews which I haven't done in a while.

One question though, should I turn Conflict lose on your reviews next session just in a bit of fun or should we keep him safely in the sword and not so safely in Danny. I'm trying to get into the habit of reconnecting with my reviewers again.

Ok in order from first submitted to last because I'm being a lazy contractor.

ChristinCC: I think conflict will be rather bummed about the lack of conflicts.

Flueatraya: Thank you, I think my style has evolved quite a bit over the past year, expecially if you look at my first published story which is Watashi wa yurei desu, watashi wa ningen desu.

VampireFrootloopsRule: LOL, well I'm glad you loved the story and since I haven't updated in centuries you're probably going to have to go back and read what you wrote.

Rebecca: I updated, can I haz a cookie? (is that right, haz?)

MiniHayden: I don't know Conflict seems like the kind of guy to be totally evil one minute then doing a great impression of that annoying guy in every place that we all seem to hate. 4-6 grade that guy's name was Joe.

Hellbreaker: After reading your review I'm beginning to think that this is before the reuploaded chapter reviews, oh well. Glad you have your support even if it's from a months back.

DPraven: Yeah sorry I re-did the chapter so I'll start introducing stuff like that later.

Zii Raevyn: I don't plan on adding Danielle anytime soon and probably not ever, I'm not a big Danielle fan I mean I like her and all but I'm no good a writing her.

StarStreakedSky: Ahem… *goes into Ed rant mode* WHO YOU CALLING A BEAN SO SMALL HE COULDN'T EVEN BE DINNER FOR A LADYBUG! *deep breath* now excuse me while I find a way to send alchemy through a wireless signal.

ThePurpeSuperCow: Hey there Miss Nemesis Face. And you call me short just to make me angry at you so you can get material to write short rants, well there is one up there and now I will shun you on Skype an Facebook so there. :P

JoWashington: haven't heard from you in a while, my first kinda fail at a fan fic story I believe, anway thank you for your review and I highly doubt Conflict would be any help during European History and would likely be the one distracting Danny if Danny is even in History and not fighting some ghost. Just saying.

ChopSuzi: You know I believe you're right. Dash's terror level it at code brown.

Ckittykatty: Sugoi!

Guest: I'm sorry, there will be dramatic plot building once I discover what that plot is to be, but my muse PIMA is currently silent so I shall endeavor to fire her and replace her shortly. Plus lost of college = not a lot of time to do fan fic.

Awesomegirl: I wish I had a million dollars, not in ones or pennies though, like maybe hundreds… aw crap, I thought maybe because your wish was granted that maybe mine would be but no such luck.

Kitty: Ok updated. I'm currently debating whether you are my fledgling or if you are just saying Kitty for some other reason… I thinking the latter because my fledgling would have put kitten not kitty.

Guest: YAY YOU'RE THE LAST ONE! Anyway I updated enjoy and I'm going to peace out now!