Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia

I know that I already completed this story, but I was thinking of this family a lot recently and with Mother's Day coming up I came up with a little story for them. Also the kids here are four-ish. Hope you like it =)

Entry 30

Today was certainly a Mother's Day for me to remember. Why, because today Fritz and Regina came up with their own plan for what to give me, instead of Gilbert simply buying something for them and slapping their name on it.

I sort of knew that they were planning something big a few days ago, when they called Gilbert over after dinner and was told by Regina that I wasn't supposed to be hearing this. Due to this, all I really heard was Gilbert laugh a few times and ask if they really wanted to do whatever they were planning. All the while I was simply trying to think about what in the world they were planning.

I did not find out what they were planning until this morning when I awoke to an odd smell. Trying to place what it was I smelled, I stayed in my bed for several minutes. I then realized that what I smelled was something burning, which instantly caused me to get out of bed and see what was burning.

Following my nose, I entered the kitchen to find Fritz standing on a chair looking over a frying pan, a spatula in hand and some sort of batter all over his face, with Gilbert supervising and the door to the yard wide open. After taking all of this end, I asked what was going on in here. In response, Regina came in from outside, still in her now dirt-filled pajamas and told me, "Mama, our present's not ready. Go away 'til later."

I was going to respond to this until Gilbert came over and said, "Just do as she says Birdie. They planned out something awesome for you, but it has to be a surprise."

I pouted a little about being kicked out of my kitchen, but went back upstairs to my bedroom; deciding to spend the time it took for them to do whatever by taking a shower. Gilbert was with them so I guess I was hoping he wouldn't let anything bad happen.

Soon after finishing my shower, I heard Gilbert call out for me. To his call, I said where I was and had him enter the bedroom several second later; telling me to come back to the downstairs. After getting dressed, I did so.

When I came downstairs I could not believe what I saw. The dining room table was set, with flowers picked from our garden as a center piece. Then on each plate were several pancakes; the most at my place surrounded by several cards made out of construction paper; most likely from the children. Standing next to the table were the three of them cleaned up and smiling at me. Fritz and Regina then shouted in unison, "Happy Mama's Day Mama!"

To say that I was shocked by all of this was certainly an understatement; I absolutely loved it. It even got to the point where I thought that I would begin crying out of happiness. I then walked over to the three of them, giving each of my children a hug to thank them and kissing Gilbert on the cheek.

The two children then began explaining everything they did excitedly, how Fritz tried making the pancakes like how I make them and how Regina picked the flowers. I always love listening to them talk so excited like that.

The rest of the day was spent as just the four of us doing whatever I wanted; which I really did like. It was truly a day to remember.

With Maple Syrup,

Matthew (Canada) Williams

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