This has sex.



Sweating, panting, the young man gripped his left hand onto the starch white sink for support.

"Ngh... Agh..."

He grit his teeth as white hot pleasure danced and swirled in his mind.


Groaning, he released himself on the cold blue tile floor, heart pounding in his ears. With shaky legs, he lowered himself on the edge of the tub, looking towards the door for the hundredth time to make sure nobody would be able to burst inside. After regaining his breath, he quickly cleaned up the mess he had made, turned on the shower and stepped inside.

He stared, emotionless at the wall. The unusual mix of guilt, disgust, frustration, and lust wracked his mind once more.

'I'm a horrible person.'

Those words resonated through his mind each and every time he did this. He felt so dirty after he did this.

But, he couldn't stop himself. Sexual frustration could be tamed by either two things. Pleasuring yourself by yourself, or pleasuring yourself with another person.

That other person, will not, shall not, and can not be involved. Ever.

"Ichigo! Hurry up! You're going to be late for school, you idiot!"

The said person was currently banging his head against the tile wall of the shower. This was his daily routine. He might as well get used to it.

The orange haired teenager quickly got out of the shower, threw on his clean school uniform, and opened the door.

What a tempting visage. There she was, little Kuchiki Rukia-san, wearing a skimpy tank top and matching booty shorts. Her short hair was pinned up, wisps framing her face. The cute scowl was icing on the cake.

Ichigo gently bonked her on the head, much to her dismay, and grabbed his school bag. "See you there." He said, exiting the room and heading downstairs to the front door.

Rukia may be short, feisty, and hot headed.

She may also be impatient and stubborn.

However, she wasn't stupid.

'What a pervert.'

The petite shinigami crossed her arms as she looked at the residue, still blatantly visible, on the blue floor.

She grabbed a towel and threw it on the floor, reminding herself to wash that towel three times on laundry day.

Turning on the faucet in the shower, she slowly undressed as she felt her insides twist, turn, and flip.

'God, I'm horrible.'

These feelings started on the day that she had woken up earlier than her alarm clock. She wasn't very tired anymore, so she had shut it off.

Opening the closet door, she had seen that Ichigo wasn't in his bed.

Strange, but not too strange. She figured he was in the restroom. Walking to the door, she had been ready to kick it and piss him off.

Except, she had heard something.

As she pressed her ear against the door, she could clearly hear him panting, grunting, moaning. Her cheeks felt hot, and her eyes widened at what she heard next.

"A-Agh.. R-Rukia..."

The ebony haired beauty was too shocked to speak. Blushing, flustered, she hurried back to bed and tried to shut her eyes closed, forgetting what she had heard.

She couldn't. Provocative dreams of her and the strawberry haired teenager wouldn't escape her mind. She'd wake up, gasping, drenched in sweat and other fluids.

She felt dirty, disgusting for actually enjoying those dreams, and revulsion toward herself for wanting to pleasure both her and Ichigo.

And yet, she didn't give a flying fuck. She basically wanted to get inside the guy's pants.

Finishing her shower, she sighed, hitting her head against the shower wall.

'Another day filled with sexual tension, another dollar.'

She quickly toweled herself off, got dressed, and left through the window to go to school.

"Ichigo, could you help me with this?"

"After 3 years, you still don't know how to open one of these?"

"It's difficult! Last time I tried, all of the apple juice squirted out and dirtied my shirt!"

The young teenager sighed. "Fine. Let me see."

Ichigo took the small juice box, and quickly punctured a hole with the white bendable straw.

"Thank you." Rukia replied, sipping the tiny box quietly.

Ichigo looked at her, the way her lips pursed around that little white straw, and began to feel pin prickles dance around his lower regions.

'Shit... Not now... Not during school...'

"Is something wrong, Ichigo?"

Ichigo coughed awkwardly. "Hmm? O-Oh, no. Nothing's wrong. Uh, would you excuse me for a second?"

Before the tiny black haired teenager could utter a word in reply, Ichigo got up and quickly left the rooftop. He ran around mindlessly, until he found an empty restroom.

Running inside, he quickly entered the first stall and banged the door shut.

Panting heavily, Ichigo tried his damndest to compose himself. After about 10 minutes of not being able to do so, he finally let lust take over.

Moaning, groaning, gasping, grunting.

He had really hoped nobody wanted to use this restroom.

Releasing himself, he flushed the toilet, cleaned himself with as much toilet paper as he possibly could, and stepped outside.

The look of shock on his face was indescribable.


Sitting there on the stained white sink, brushing her short skirt off, was Rukia. Looking calm and collected, her insides were coiling with heat and desire. However, she maintained her cool, and smirked.

"So, you like using girls' restrooms now?"

Ichigo felt like hitting his head against a wood board until he hit the ground, unconscious. Only he would be that stupid to enter a girls' restroom by mistake.

"I-I... I-I mean... I-I..." The poor, blushing boy was at a loss for words. Embarrassed was too weak of a word to describe what he was feeling at that second.

"Come on. I'm taking you home." Rukia said, sliding off the sink and heading for the door.

"W-Wait, wh-"

"You obviously can't think with your head right now, so I might as well take you home so you could rest."

Ichigo, feeling helpless and shameful, had no choice but to listen to the dark haired girl.

Going home probably wasn't the best idea.

The two had been sitting in an awkward silence for about 20 minutes, until Rukia took a chance and spoke up.

"Could I say just one thing?"

Ichigo, facing the wall while lying down on his bed, nodded his head in reply.

"You're horrible at cleaning up in the morning."

Suddenly, Ichigo sat up and faced the shinigami who had been sitting on his desk chair, criss cross apple sauce.

"W-What did you just say?" He asked incredulously, cheeks burning hot.

"Why didn't you just go in the shower?" Rukia asked, face impressively calm.

"T-The walls are slippery!" Ichigo yelled, his voice cracking in embarrassment.

"Would it kill you to try and clean up better?"


"The girls' restroom? Really? So, apparently, you become blind when your horny."


"I could hear you from outside the door. Anyone could have just passed by, walked in and-"

"Fuck! I get it!"

Ichigo, face far more red than anyone could ever imagine, walked up and slammed his hands on his desk, trapping Rukia on the small black chair.

She looked up at the blushing, flustered, pissed off teenager. Out of her peripheral vision, she could see his strong, rippling muscles.

Mmm, tempting, tempting.

"I get it, alright? Don't you think I'm embarrassed enough? And with you, in there, listening..." Ichigo's ears were practically enflamed as his adam's apple began bobbing.

"Listening, to what? Listening to you pleasuring yourself while thinking of me?"

Deadpanned, Ichigo whispered, "What are you talking about?"

"I know, Ichigo. I heard you say my name a month ago."

Ichigo stood there for a second. Any chance of reconciliating their friendship had just been thrown of the window.

"You did?"


Ichigo hung his head in shame. "I'm.. sorry.." Words couldn't describe how utterly embarrassed, shameful, and horrible he was feeling.

"No need to be sorry." Rukia said, smiling weakly.

"I don't know how you were able to cope with that." Ichigo said, looking at her with self-loathing eyes.

"How? Well, I just-" She froze.

'I just spent a month dreaming about riding on top of you.'

Ichigo stared at her quizically as she blushed, coughed, and turned away.

"Rukia... please, don't tell me that you-"

"W-What? No, of course I didn't dream about you!"

Awkward silence.

Ichigo's widened until his pupils were the size of small dots. "You... You...?" His brain couldn't comprehend what he had just heard.

"I-I have to go." Rukia said, trying to stand up. Ichigo gently pushed her back on the chair.

"So, what you're trying to say, is that you've been having the same feelings? And for a month, you've done absolutely nothing about it?"

God, a month? Rukia didn't try and make the ginger suffer on purpose.

"I-I was embarrassed, too." Rukia said, looking away again.

The young teenager gently cupped the young woman's face.

"Tell me this. Do you love me?"

Rukia could only nod. Those amber eyes were very sexy.

"Good." And he kissed her.

Next chapter coming NEVER.

Kidding, it's coming soon.

I just had that feeling of writing smut.

So, I wrote some smut.


Next chapter is going to be filled with sex.
