The girl didn't speak to you at all after that, so you acted.

From trying to impress her with some of your wicked dance moves, to trying to woo her with some of the rhymes you've made up yourself.

She beat you up several times this week, each without saying a single word, but you didn't mind.

She was just too interesting.

You didn't know why. You didn't LIKE her or anything, that's absurd.

Okay, maybe a little.

Gamzee: Get some advice.

"You're a dumb, Gamzee. You're lucky I'm even your friend."

It's recess, and you and Karkat are sitting inside one of the 'tube slide things'.

"See, here's what ya gotta do," he leans close pulling your ear "You gotta kiss her."

You pull away sputtering, "Kiss her?"

He shooshes you, adding a kick in your side for good measure.

"Yeah, kiss her! Smack on the mouth, too. I saw it in a movie, and movies never lie. Trust me, she'll love you forever."

You rub your arm nervously, "I don't think I'm down with that, Karkat- Rhyme! I'm just ballin' today!"

This earns you a push and you almost loose your balance gripping the inside of the slide. (Another rhyme, jegus man, you're out of control.)

"Alright get out. Also, close your eyes. In the movie the hero did that and he also licks the girl.. In the mouth. I think? Whatever, good luck." He pushes you down the slide and you land in the hard wood chips with a thud.

Gamzee: Kiss/Lick the girl?

You scan the playground finally catching her near the far corner by the swings.

You note that today she's wearing a plaid light green dress with a cat on it. No hat today.

She seems to be collecting rocks.

You walk over to her grinning a little.

Karkat is never wrong, right? He watches movies.

You're standing right above her just as she gets up to move her rocks. She stares at you with a blank expression on her face, almost reminds you of someone from class D.

Here' goes.

You close your eyes tight, pucker your lips, and pretty much slam your lips against hers.


Except you didn't feel expected small soft lips on your chapped ones. You felt something round.

And small hairs.

You're first thought was 'Strange' then you remembered 'LICK' so you stuck your tounge out and she screamed.

You were pushed to the ground and you looked up to see her holding her eye.

You licked her in the eye.


Before you could even feel devastated enough, she started pelting you with rocks.

She really let you have it.

You blame the movies.