Hey. I found a new love of this pairing and I get that it's far from conventional and a lot of people might not like it but thought I'd give it a shot anyway.

Everything felt a bit hazy this morning. Like when you've been drinking but not quite enough to forget about public decency. My vision even seemed to have a fuzziness about it. I shrugged it off and sat at the table, eating some grey goop that Coach claims can help to build stamina. In reality it only seems to help build nausea but who am I to argue.

I heard heels clicking and felt my body momentarily buzz, the same as it does every morning, before the object of my affection came into view. Swallowing hard, I looked over her perfect body. Her knee-length skirt showed just enough of her long, toned legs and hugged her curves, making it impossible not to notice that amazing ass. A crisp white blouse clung to her figure in all the right places and I could swear that she was showing more cleavage than usual.

I managed to drag my eyes away from her barely clothed chest and slowly came up to meet the searing gaze of emerald eyes, the auburn hair perfectly framing high cheekbones, full, smirking ruby lips, and a playfully raised eyebrow. It was clear that I had been caught but I couldn't for the life of me care enough to feel embarrassed. Something about that look on her face felt like she was encouraging me, like she was daring me to continue my visual exploration of her body.

I stared helplessly, lustfully at her almost predatory expression. With an extra sway in her step, she crossed the room to the coffee pot.

She's doing this on purpose. She has got to know she's doing this, was all I could think while my eyes glued themselves to all the places I would never be able to touch.

"So, Emily," she turned to face me, leaning against the counter, coffee in hand and that sexy smirk still firmly in place, "Hanna's with Caleb tonight. It's just me and you."

It was a simple statement, but the tone caused my throat to clam up.

"M-mhm," was all I managed as I stood to clear the table and fill the sink, hoping for a distraction from the undeniable beauty in the room.

A minuet or so passed silently between us and though I wasn't facing her I could tell she was watching me. I knew she was coming closer. I could smell her perfume. I busied my hands with the dishes as I tried to ignore my pounding heart's plea to just pull her closer right now.

It's ok. Anyone would be turned on if they saw her like this, I tried to justify to myself, but who was I kidding. No! This is Hanna's mom. Stop it, Emily! Just

I was dragged from my thoughts by strong hands firmly on my hips, pulling me back against her. I let out a shallow gasp at the sudden contact then instantly held my breath as her mouth came impossibly close to my ear.

"I was thinking," she husked, leaving her lips parted to breathe hot air across my already tingling skin. "We could always find something to do. Just the two of us," her left hand slowly, painfully slowly, edged under the hem of my shirt, "In this big, empty house. Alone. All night." Her slender fingers ghosted over my abs. I felt every muscle quake under her touch. My senses were completely filled by this enchanting woman. All I could focus on was the crazy sensation of her enveloping me and the tightening feeling that it was causing low in my own body. I finally released my breath in a low moan as her tongue traced the shell of my ear before catching it between her teeth.

A floorboard creaked from upstairs and snapped me out of my ignorance. I spun in the older woman's arms, a look of alarm certainly accompanied my flushed cheeks. "Hanna. She'd hate me," I spoke, not really wanting to end this but feeling the need to at least try to be concerned for my best friend's feelings.

I was hoisted up on the counter before I knew what was happening and soft yet demanding lips seemed to be attacking every inch of my neck. She pushed herself between my spread legs and I was powerless again. I did nothing but draw her close, gasping out her name. I could feel her smile against my pulse point and then kiss her way back to my ear.

She opened her mouth to speak but I didn't understand her. So she spoke louder. And louder. And what the hell was that shrill noise coming from her?

"Shit!" I hit the floor with a loud bang.

"Jesus Christ, Emily. Turn your damn alarm off." I frantically looked around.

I was in a heap on mine and Hanna's bedroom floor with a very disorientated blonde glaring at me from her bed. Mumbling an apology, I reached up to the nightstand to shut off the real source of the shrill noise.

Recovering from my shock awakening, I got to my feet and gathered my clothes for the day, thankful that Hanna was now completely hidden back under her sheets and couldn't see my reddened face. This wasn't the first time that I had a dream about Ashley Marin; far from it. That didn't make it any easier to face my best friend the morning after a particularly heated one though. I always felt like if she looked hard enough she would see my guilt.

Though I could tell from the light snoring that Hanna was already asleep again, it felt wrong just being in the same room as the girl when I had just being mentally defiling her mother. Ok so her mother was defiling me but either way I had to leave.

I bolted out of the bedroom and immediately regretted rushing as I collided hard with the other occupant of the house. Her hands jolted out to catch my waist before I could fall over. She turned back towards the staircase chuckling softly.

"Good morning to you too, Emily," she greeted, amused. My head was whirling from that quick, innocent touch and now that sweet sound.

God, this is getting crazy, I thought as I stuttered, "M-morning, M-Mrs Marin. S-sorry about that."

She faced me again with a cocked eyebrow. "So I'm Mrs Marin again now?" The smile she gave me was torture. It was captivating and so very easy to become addicted to, which in my situation was trouble in itself. But it was also friendly. One of the most genuine smiles I had ever seen, being offered to someone she has respect for and enjoys the company of. I craved seeing that smile, but every time it stung like salt in an open wound. Knowing that I was not allowed her was one thing, but knowing that she didn't want me, that was hard.

I chose to ignore my internal self-torment, what did it matter anyway, she's off limits. I sighed, "Sorry. Ashley." I turned away, "I'm getting a shower."

Without another word I disappeared into the bathroom, hoping that I could clear my head.

This story will be a bit of a slow burner, can't exactly rush this pairing :/

Let me know what you think.