
Amanda Grayson settled herself at the small table in the rose garden and poured two cups of Vulcan t'ea. The incipient tingling of the past hour had now blossomed into full blown sexual heat, assuring her that her bondmate was growing near. The soft fluttering sound of an approaching aircar confirmed Sarek's arrival.

She rose to greet him as he strode across the carnelian colored sand toward the shady pergola, his deep plum robes trailing softly behind him like the sails of a frigate in the hot afternoon breeze. Sarek held out two fingers in the traditional gesture and she responded in kind brushing her fingers lightly against his.

"We are quite alone adun I have dismissed the staff for the day."

The faintest trace of a smiled warmed his weathered features as he pulled the slender woman into a long deep kiss.

"I find the prospect of our mutual solitude most agreeable my wife."

"I can prepare a light meal for us if you are hungry?"

"I am hungry my wife, though I do not believe my appetite would be sated by anything in the kitchen."

"I see." She responded, her blue eyes sparkling with delight. "The council negotiations went as expected?"

"Indeed, the influence of those who would have Vulcan withdraw from the Federation grows weaker." Sarek took a sip of tea, enjoying the slightly bitter taste. "Your roses appear to prosper."

"It seems the fertilizer Savvik brought on her visit has encouraged them to bloom."

"I almost forgot my wife, I have news from our son."


"Do we have another son of whom I am unaware?"

"What news?"

"Spock has agreed to a new bonding. He has requested that we see to the arrangements."

Amanda made no effort to hide the disapproval in her frown. "I am…surprised that he would agree to another arranged marriage after…that bitch."

"Aduana," Sarek responded, stunned by his demure wife's invective.

"I should never have allowed you to talk me into the bonding with T'Pring."

"Amanda, you know the bonding is the way of our people. Spock knows the danger he would face in remaining unbonded, and he understands his duty to provide an heir."

"I'm sorry Sarek, but I look at what our marriage has meant to me…what you mean to me. Don't raise your eyebrow like that at me. Am I so wrong to want what we've shared for our son? And what about me… you expect me to welcome some stranger into this house as my daughter?"

"Dr. Chapel is hardly a stranger Amanda, you have welcomed her into our home any number of times when she studied on Vulcan."

"Christine? You've arranged for Spock to bond with Christine?"

"It was actually T'Pau who suggested it but I find I concur, it is the only logical choice."

"But what if she doesn't accept his proposal?"

"I would compute the odds of her refusing him at approximately point oh oh seven twenty five."

"So there is still a chance she will say no."

"She is a human woman in love my wife, but our son is at times thickheaded, and lacking my diplomatic skills. It is possible he could present his cause to her in insensitive or oafish manner."

"As I recall your first proposal was hardly a major work of diplomacy. It sounded like you were asking me to open a business with you."

"A skilled diplomat learns from his mistakes. As I recall, your reaction to my second proposal was most enthusiastic."

A warm smile warmed her gently lined face. "The second proposal was considerably more attractive."

"I find my hunger has grown more pronounced my wife."

"I have some plomeek soup and t'kith bread."

"That is not precisely the feast I had in mind t'hy'la."

"What is it then that you have in mind adun? If you would like to dine in town I can change?"

He reached across the small table and brushed a silvery strand of hair back from her cheek and she shivered at the delicious flood of pure desire he sent her as his touch opened the bond between them.

"Everything I want is right here my wife," he whispered tenderly then captured her soft lips in a hungry kiss.