Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Sasuke finally comes in and meets with Hinata! And so do the other rookies.

AoNoExorcist-Naruto: In this chapter. Hinata might fight him but not yet. I want to make her bad but still in character.

girl-of-anime: thanks! :)

Cupcakes327: Thanks I'll try to make it interesting

SasuHina4evr: haha XD thank you!

Saki-hime: thanks! (^_^)

ColorfulShippersUnite: Yeah the first two chapters were kind of boring. Thanks, it means a lot since I'm not really confident in my writing.

It had been three years since Konohagakure has last seen Uzumaki Naruto. Three years and so much has changed for everyone. Everyone grew taller, more mature, and grew in their shinobi rank. All except for Naruto on the last one.

Naruto and all his old friends of the twelve rookies, or at least what's left of it, were sitting at Ichiraku's Ramen. Occasionally eating some noodles and catching up on things. Most were indulged in conversation but some just sat quietly.

"So, Naruto, you know you're still a genin, right?" Kiba asked as he put some more noodles in his mouth. Kiba wasn't a huge fan of ramen unless there was meat. Kiba picked up some teriyaki that he ordered as well as fed it to his large dog, Akamaru.

Akamaru used to be a small puppy and would always stay on Kiba's head. Now he was a big and successful tracking dog for the Inuzuka.

"Yeah, whatever, I'm gonna be Hokage so it doesn't matter" Naruto drank some more soup then continued, "hey, what rank are you guys?"

"Oh we're all chunin, except for you and Neji. He's a jounin" Sakura explained as Naruto's eyes widened and found Neji who was uninterestingly poking his food with his chopsticks.

"Really? Wow. I heard Gaara is the Kazekage now, dattebayo." they all nodded. "Neji, do you have a team of genin as well?"

"No, I didn't want any" he said coldly. Naruto wasn't expecting that but decided to leave him alone. Maybe he just had a bad day or something.

"Wait, something's missing" Naruto finally noticed. Three years ago their size seemed bigger even though they all were sixteen or seventeen now.

Naruto watched as he noticed everyone stop eating their ramen for a moment and tense. Naruto concluded that there was something his old teammates were not telling him "Yeah, well Sasuke-kun left" Rock Lee reminded him.

The whiskered teen saddened at the mention of his best friend's name. He hadn't seen him in three years and still planned on getting him back home. "I know about...him, but something else"

Everyone tried to avoid his gaze. Naruto started counting the people there. Even though he wasn't the smartest under the sun, he could do something as simple as addition. "Hey, there's only ten of us. Shouldn't there be eleven of us now?" he asked.

"Umm well you see, about that..." Sakura trailed off casting a worried glance to the rest of them.

Naruto stood up from his seat in frustration "Is someone sick or something?"

"Something like that" Shikamaru added lazily.

"Yeah, you're right. They are sick. But sick in the head, if you know what I mean" Ino pointed to her cranium and smirked.

"Ino!" Kiba yelled at her. He had a soft spot for his teammate, Hinata. It was more like he was longing for her. It hit Kiba hard when she left and he always wanted to see her face once again. However, even Kiba knew that his longing would never come true and only in a dream they would.

Neji had a reaction as well. He slammed his chopsticks on the table in anger and glared at Ino, who shrunk back. He didn't like when anyone said anything bad about his cousin, where ever she was now. Even though they had no ties together anymore, he still cared for his family since it was the only thing left with his parents dead.

"Huh? Umm... Is it Hinata? I haven't seen the shy girl, but I guess I haven't even noticed. Did she fall on the head or something?" he asked referring to Ino's words. Naruto was oblivious to what happened.

"Umm yeah it is H-hinata. But we hoped you wouldn't noticed" Kiba looked down with sorrow in his slit eyes.

"Uhh, can we go visit her at the hospital?" Naruto asked oblivious to everything. "She will be able to be a ninja again right?" he asked not wishing she went through something like Lee had when he was handicapped.

"Uhh Naruto, she's not really sick in the head. H-Hinata just...she, wait you really don't know? You traveled the world and don't know?" Kiba asked him. It was even hard to even mention her name. Now he understood what Naruto had gone through when Sasuke left.

"Oh, well no I hadn't heard. What happened?" Naruto asked and cocked his he's to the side.

Jiraiya had purposely kept Naruto in the dark about this. The sannin didn't want Naruto to freak when he found out that another friend ha left.

"She Uhh, well let's say she's a better ninja than any of us here now and had to leave for a while" Sakura explained in the nicest way possible sugar coating her words.

"Awesome! So she's an Anbu and is on a mission?" Naruto grinned and pumped his fist in the air.

"No, she left permanently. Like Sasuke" Shikamaru added trying to make everything easier for everyone by being blunt.

Neji, while they talked about this he kept clenching his fists. He still has not forgiven Hinata for what she had done. She had betrayed her clan, stole from the village and then stabbed everyone in the back. She even gained some advanced eyes that did wonders. At least, that's what they told everyone.

People at the village called her something other than human. That she could see through people like a demon. They made stories about her and people scared their children by telling them that Hinata would eat their soul if they misbehaved or didn't eat their vegetables.

However, what angered Neji the most was what they compare her to. They said she was like another Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke. They cursed all three of their names and made up tales about their deaths.

Some were very graphical, but the common villagers fed off of them. Neji wasn't surprised that Hinata had, in fact, gained herself a terrible reputation.

When she left, the only thing that kept him going was the hope of seeing her again. That is what eventually pushed him on becoming jounin. If he raised his rank and went on mission outside of Konoha, he may see her again.

Naruto's eyes widened "She went to Orochimaru as well?"

"No, she joined a group called Akatsuki. Apparently they hunt jinjuriki and are the worst S-ranked criminals ever" Neji cleared up before anyone said anything else. He wanted to speak for his cousin instead of people who shouldn't.

Naruto's eyes widened. That was even worse since basically she was against him. When Sasuke left he had not technically been against Naruto, but now Naruto was at danger even if he wanted to get her back and convince her that what she did was wrong.

Naruto slammed his elbows on the table and shoved his face in his palms and let out some tears he was holding back previously. "Another friend. If I had been here, she wouldn't have left. I could have been her friend but I never noticed her, ever."

Kiba put a hand around his friend's shoulder. "It's ok Naruto. A whole mob of Hyugas chased her, but then she just... disappeared. Now she's involved with those people so there is no hope. Just give up, we have all tried. Plus, at this point I don't think just any shinobi would be a match for her"

"No, I won't give up, dattebayo! I'll get both of my friends back!" he raised a fist in the air and his tears streamed down his face and to his chin where they fell to the ground.

Uchiha Sasuke was sitting on a large boulder pondering what he would do now. There was only one goal in his life, and that was to kill his brother. However, he needed to find the older Uchiha in the first place.

The raven knew that his older brother was with the group called Akatsuki. Sasuke had researched and asked Orochimaru everything he knew about them since the snake had been involved with them as well. However, the words that Orochimaru told him only helped him so much.

Sasuke was one step closer to locating his brother. He now had gathered his team. However, the only way to find his brother would be if he ran into another Akatsuki member and asked then for help or ask them to locate him.

However, he was pretty sure that not one of them would be willing to give out information just like that to a stranger like him. He also knew that their base was almost impossible to get into if you were not one of them.

However, if they were not strangers, the Akatsuki person might reconsider. He only knew two people there. His brother, which he would not ask or find, and a girl in there.

Her name was Hyuga Hinata. She was from a rival clan of the Uchihas. She was also a girl that graduated in his year. They never really spoke, however, he may as well start now.

Sasuke was convinced that she would help him. Or at least won't reject him all the way at first. He knew how her personality was. She was shy and wasn't capable of saying no. Especially if he used force on her. Sasuke smirked thinking of the ways he could convince her.

If everything went as planned, Sasuke would make his life twenty times easier. Now, he just had to find her somewhere on the world.

Hinata, Deidara, and Tobi were on another one of Pein's personal missions. The Akatsuki needed to collect money in order to improve, expand and afford everything their leader offers them.

The way Pein got all this money was by sending his members out to steal. Mostly it was from the rich who didn't even need all that money in the first place. Hinata didn't see much wrong with it since the money would benefit people.

Right now the three were walking through the crowded streets of a village. Hinata didn't bother to remember the names of any villages they went to. It's not like it mattered anymore.

In the beginning when Hinata had first joined, she was excited that she would visit all kind of new places. But now it doesn't seem like she cared much. All villages were the same.

However, they couldn't just strut through the streets in their Akatsuki cloaks. Each of the three S-ranked criminals were wearing simple grey commoners' clothes and hid their headbands in their pockets. It may not be the best disguise, but for commoners it wouldn't matter since they couldn't read chakra and tell that they are shinobi.

The three wanted shinobi hid their cloaks in bags that each of them were carrying. Civilians may have thought they just finished grocery shopping.

"Tobi gets to feel like a normal person!" Tobi shouted and started clapping loudly.

"Tobi! Shut your trap, un" Deidara replied just as loud. Both were causing a scene with the level of voice they were using. People turned their heads to look at them. However, with Hinata and Deidara, people just assumed they were crazy teenagers.

"Shut up both of you" Hinata said in a normal voice so people wouldn't hear her.

"Tobi is bored" He crossed his arms on top of his chest.

"Heh, so am I" Deidara said and smirked. Hinata watched as Deidara took a small amount of clay in his hand's mouth and made a small white spider. It was so small that Hinata wondered if it would even explode. However, she made no attempt to stop Deidara from completing what he wanted.

The millimeter sized clay spider crawled on Tobi's shoulder. "Katsu" Deidara made a hand sign and the tiny thing exploded on his shoulder. Since it was small, it only made a small spark and the worst it did was rip Tobi's shirt a bit. However, Hinata was suspicious that Tobi had another black shirt underneath as well.

Tobi cried out in surprise but not in pain while Deidara chuckled to himself.

"Deidara-sempai, you're mean!" Tobi dusted off his shoulder.

"Guys, you're attracting attention" Hinata reminded them. They seemed like toddlers to her. Although she was the youngest of all the Akatsuki, most of them acted so childish.

Hinata was not looking in front of her. Instead she was looking down at her feet as she walked through the crowded street. There was no need to show her face to the world. Also, many would recognize her face that was on wanted posters just by looking at her eyes. The white translucent eyes were noticeable anywhere.

On the other side of the block Sasuke was walking with his teammates Suigetsu, Karin, and Jugo.

He wasn't paying attention to what they were bickering about once again, as always. The only thing his eyes were focused on was a group of three odd people walking toward him and his group.

They were going toward them and getting closer and closer. The three were obviously shinobi and he could tell by their high amounts of chakra. However, he could also tell by the way they carried themselves, the way they walked, and their physical appearance.

They did a bad job of disguising themselves in civilian clothes, he noted. But Sasuke concluded that they were probably not good ninja anyways or just really careless ones.

The longer he looked at the dark haired girl in the middle of the two men, the more memories of Konoha that came rushing to his head. He couldn't see her face clearly since she was looking down.

But why did she bring back memories of Konoha when he didn't even know her? The Uchiha shoved all those memories out of his head and continued walking on.

Tobi leaned in to whisper in Hinata's ear as he noticed Sasuke staring at her "Hinata-chan, why is that handsome boy looking at you like that?"

Hinata looked up suddenly to meet cold, dark eyes in front of her, a couple feet away glaring at her. Once she looked up and their eyes met, his eyes widened. Hinata gritted her teeth together. He probably recognize her and wanted to collect her bounty.

Sure there were plenty of bounty on every single member in the Alatsuki. However, her father had placed a bounty on her that was so high that almost all bounty hunter were now after her. After all, with being the head of the whole Hyuga clan, her father had a lot of money to spend.

Hinata studied the boy's face carefully as he did hers. He had black hair and the same color eyes. The dark haired boy was tall and was wearing a white shirt that exposed his muscular chest and purple and blue pants.

The boy looked about her age and looked very familiar. A thought crossed her mind about a certain Uchiha that left Konohakagure before her. However, Hinata knew it was this was an impossible coincidence.

Now that he and the people traveling with him got closer, she noticed that he really did look like Itachi. Hinata was sure that this was Uchiha Sasuke, but she wouldn't say anything.

"Uhh, I don't know" Hinata shrugged and told her teammates after a couple moments of examining him and coming to a conclusion.

"Maybe because you're so pretty Hinata-chan" Tobi gushed.

When the two teams passed each other, no one said anything. However, each of them were glaring at the one opposite of them.

Hinata activated her byakugan to search through the boy to see if this was really him. She looked back behind her to look at the boy once again.

When she stared back with her byakugan eyes, she didn't notice that the dark haired boy was planning the same thing and looked back at her as well with his sharingan.

Byakugan met sharingan and both of their eyes widened in complete confidence and realization that this was someone that walked the same path away from the same village.

This was the one who killed Orochimaru and now was after his own older brother. The Hyuga was well aware of Sasuke's goals from what she heard from Itachi.

A moment after their kekkei genkai eyes clashed, they both looked away and pretended nothing had happened. Each continued on separately from their team.

Hinata was laying in her bed that night in a hotel they had found close by. Deidara and Tobi went out and said they wouldn't arrive back until later. The two males probably went to drink or collect some extra cash by stealing it. Most likely the second one knowing them and this organization she was involve with. Deidara still wasn't the legal age to drink, but it's not like he cared about those rules anyways.

Hinata took off her cloak, folded it neatly and placed it near her bed. She was getting ready to go to sleep, but she didn't have any pajamas as always. The byakugan user took of her ninja sandals and her jacket.

Now she was in short and loose black pants and a black shirt. These were the clothes she wore underneath her cloak since it would get hot at times. Hinata never liked fishnets since they got in her way and were not useful so she never wore any.

The rouge kunoichi turned off the lights and lay on the bed. She laid on her side looking at the wall in front of her face. Slowly, her eyes closed. However, sleep did not consume her right away.

She thought about Uchiha Sasuke that she saw today again after three years. He had not changed much on the face, except that he looked more mature and older than before. His hair was still in the same spiky style as always with bangs framing his face.

However, she remembered that he wore no headband at all. Neither did any of his other companions. In he Akatsuki they wore their old headbands except there was a slash through the middle of their village's symbol.

Sasuke watched from the window of the hotel room as the girl he used to know stripped down to her underclothes (AN: not in a perverted way) and laid down in her bed.

Sasuke waited a few moments. He turned on his sharingan and scanned the room, only to find that she was the only one in it. This was amazing luck for him since he wanted to get her alone.

It was surprising that he ran into any Akatsuki in the first place and now three of them at once. He couldn't believe his luck and he found the one that he wanted to find.

He slowly crawled in through the window. As he stepped he was attacked. Hinata quickly reacted and threw a shiruken at the invader. However, Sasuke just caught it with the help of his sharingan scanning everything. Now his finger was in the hole in the middle of the weapon. He was sure he hid his chakra so the Hyuga wouldn't notice, but she did.

"I'm not going to hurt you" he said as he fully stepped into the dark room and let the shiruken drop to the floor. The only source of light visible in the room was coming from the full moon.

Hinata stood up and sat the edge of her bed. She kept her hands locked around two kunai that she kept under her legs just in case. Hinata wasn't afraid of him, but she always had to be alert.

She looked at who entered. It was Uchiha Sasuke. Once again, she had seen him for the second time this day. The moon illuminated the room and since it was behind him, the only this that was shown was the silhouette of his figure.

From the other side, Sasuke saw the her whole face. He had to admit that she had matured in these years and looked beautiful. But it's not like he cared anyways.

"Why are you here?" she asked him.

"I needed to ask you something" The Uchiha leaned against the window frame and the cold air was blowing against his back.

When she said nothing in response he continued "I want you to help me get my brother and-"

"No" she cut off and laid back down on her side and turned her back to face him. She knew he wouldn't try anything, and if he did, she just held on tight to her weapons.

Sasuke frowned since he was not used to being rejected right away. He wasn't expecting her to be so hostile. "Hear me out. We form an alliance between us and you join my team. You help me find my brother since I know that you know where he is. Also, you help me exploit some of his weaknesses and after I kill him, I'll help you achieve whatever goal you have"

"No" she replied once again after his long speech. "I'm not helping you get Itachi" Sasuke cringed at how easily his brother's name slipped her tongue "and I have no personal goals"

"Hn, there must be something I could give you in exchange or just think of it as doing me a favor"

"The only thing I want is peace an happiness" she was thinking, but she accidentally voiced her thought out loud about what she said out loud and to who.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow at this. Well he certainly didn't know how he would give her those things. From what he had heard, she didn't fight like the shy girl she used to be. She certainly didn't seem like it either from what he could judge in two minutes.

Right after those words came out of her mouth, she regretted it. "Actually, there is another thing you can do. Stop what you are doing and go back to Konoha. You don't know how much Naruto misses you" she still wasn't facing him and laid on her side.

"I could say the same thing for you" Hinata scowled at that. However, he was right. Sasuke continued, "Speaking of the dobe, you're organization...the Akatsuki. Are you aware that they capture jinjuriki and extract the tailed beasts?"

"Of course I'm aware of that. What does it have to do with anything?" she asked hastily.

"Are you aware that Naruto IS a jinjuriki? He has the kyuubi or nine tails inside of him. Would you want to kill your old friend with the Akatsuki or refrain from that action with me?" Sasuke informed the girl.

"What? No he's not" she asked and shot up from her bed to face him. They both glared at each other.

"I think I would know, I saw him in his beast form" he told her remembering the kyuubi. He was convinced that it would be hard to convince Hinata on giving him the information he craved.

Hinata just glared at Sasuke. He got her weak spot. When Hinata had first joined the Akatsuki, Pein promised that her old friends and comrades wouldn't be harmed. But by capturing the kyuubi, it would kill Naruto, not just harm him.

Hinata and Sasuke turned to look at the door quickly when they heard the lock unlocking.

Hinata jumped off her bed and went up to Sasuke. She put her hands on his shoulders and pushed him out of the window. "Just go" she whispered "I'll meet you some other time"

Sasuke complied and left back to his own team. It wouldn't be good if they noticed he was gone and then would question him. However, he still planned on convincing her somehow.

Tobi came through the door first and the Deidara followed him.

"Where were you?" Hinata asked them casually trying to act natural as if nothing happened a moment ago. She just hoped they haven't noticed.

"I told you, we went out to get some more cash and gamble, un" Deidara explained.

"Yeah! It was fun, right Deidara-sempai?" Tobi burst and clung on to the blonde's arm. Deidara swiftly pushed him off.

"Right Tobi. You look off Hinata"

"N-no, I'm j-just going to sleep" Hinata explained. Whenever she got nervous, she felt as if she hadn't full grown out of her old habit of stuttering.

"Whatever, g'night Hinata un" Deidara went to change.

"Doesn't Tobi get a good night?"

Deidara peeked his head from the bathroom's door "NO, UN!" and slammed the door.

Hinata sat on her bed while Tobi lay on his. "Tobi, who is the holder of the Kyuubi?"

Tobi shot up from his bed. "Kyuubi? I don't remember but Itachi and Kisame would know, after all, they are hunting him"

Tobi seemed awfully serious for his usually carefree character. Hinata had noticed that he would have these mood swings once in a while but only when they were alone or if Itachi or Pein was there as well.

However, she could tell he was lying and decided to press further. "Is it Uzumaki Naruto?" she asked.

"Hmm, yes it is. Is there a problem?" Tobi asked her in an emotionless and low voice. Since this wasn't the first time he did this, Hinata was beginning to think that he was implying or wanted her to know something.

Hinata glared at the hole in his mask. She could not read his soul every single time she tried. Although Hinata didn't use that technique many times since she didn't want to go colorblind. However from the few times she did use it on enemies, only some pigmentation was lost in her sight and it didn't make much of a difference.

What reason would he have to hide his face? Hinata did, however, know that he had a lot of wrinkles. Her byakugan could see through the mask but it seemed as if her put a seal on himself specifically from her.

This was why Hinata didn't trust her partner and her partner knew that she didn't trust him. However none of them discussed any of this with each other. It was unspoken but both knew.

"I know you had a visitor" he said once again.

Hinata heard the door slam and looked up to see Deidara with nothing but a fishnet shirt and loose pants. "Everyone be quiet, I want to sleep, un" he turned off the lights.

Hinata thought about today for a while before falling asleep. Who was 'Tobi' and what secrets did he hold?

Hyuga Hinata laid on the hotel's bed. She lays on her stomach kicking her feet behind her. She had been thinking. Even after all these years, it was still hard to get used to new things.

After a couple months she had gotten used to the Akatsuki but always felt some pain when a member died. Recently they had extracted the shukaku from an old friend of hers called Gaara. Hinata was reluctant of doing this to someone she personally knew though.

She wasn't there at that time because Hinata wasn't assigned that mission to do. But she did still have to help with extracting the beast. However, she heard from Deidara that Naruro came to save Gaara.

During the battle of some sort that happened, Sasori died. It had hit hard on Pein that someone was actually capable of killing one of his Akatsuki members. Deidara now had no partner.

With no one else joining the organization, Hinata and Tobi now joined Deidara on a team.

A month or so after that, Hidan and Kakuzu had died as well. There were members missing now and one team was uneven. If someone else would die, Deidara would probably get transferred.

"Hinata, are you ready, un?" Diedara peeked his eye through a small gap in the door frame.

"Yes" Hinata stood up and zipped up her cloak. However, not all the way because she had to show her slashed headband which still adorned her neck.

"Well we are going" Deidara opened the door further just to see her walking to the door.

They had no major mission right now ever since they captured the three tails not a while ago and that was their main goal. For now, Pein just sent them on missions...to basically steal.

Hinata closed the door behind her and stood in front of Deidara with the keys in her hands. They were the closest in age with only three years apart. That is probably why they became friends in the Akatsuki. Hinata hadn't shared her story with anyone except Itachi, who would understand and he told her his, and Deidara. Deidara told her his as well and how he despised Itachi and his eye.

Hinata had also became friends with the others, however she was closest with Deidara. Tobi, however, she didn't trust.

The long haired boy nodded. "Good, now let's go" Deidara walked downstairs just to meet Tobi next to the check-in desk.

Hinata walked to the front desk of the hotel. The fat lady at the counter smiled at her sweetly. Hinata placed the keys on the counter. "Thank you" she said emotionlessly.

The lady smiled at her. She took the keys and placed them behind her on the proper place. The lady turned back and smiled. "No problem dear. Now," she looked at the girl in front of her's odd friends. "How will you pay"

"We won't, un" Deidara smirked as his hand was on the door knob of the exit. He was ready to walk out or something else if the situation calls for it.

The lady's smile never left her face "No, no. But you can pay with credit of you don't have cash" obviously the worker was oblivious to what was happening.

"No, we plenty of money either way, but we can't spend it on hotels, un" Deidara continued.

"But then how-" the lady was cut off when Deidara appeared behind her with a kunai to her neck. The woman turned her head away from the blonde boy but was terrified with the weapon on her neck.

Hinata just watched ready for the woman's life to end and for them to continue. However, Deidara didn't move his hand just yet. "Come on Hinata, finish her off" he smirked at the lady.

"H-Hinata? Y-you are the A-aka-" the woman started freaking out. Everyone had heard of the merciless Akatsuki. There were stories of them in every land. Although some villages tried to keep their citizens from knowing so they wouldn't worry.

"You should blame yourself for not noticing earlier, but Deidara..." Hinata glared at him. Deidara frowned but released the woman.

"Oh Thank you, thank you" she bowed her head to Hinata. In response Hinata raised an eyebrow. A minute ago so spit her name like it was a curse and now she was thanking her.

Hinata slipped some coins from inside her large sleeve of the Akatsuki's uniform into the woman's hands. It wasn't enough to pay for the night, but at least it was some.

Deidara hadn't noticed this, but Madara had with his sharingan, although Hinata didn't know it.

Madara had in fact put a seal on his eyes and body from Hinata's eyes. This was why she never figured out his secret. However, he was planning on telling her who he is one day since she is suspicious already. Plus, she could be some use to him for his goals.

The fat woman looked at Hinata and then closed her fist with the money in it. "Well, uh, have a good day" she told them after everything and waved.

"You better not tell anyone, lady or Tobi will come after you" Tobi said in his usual cheerful voice and twirled a kunai on his index finger.

"What now Deidara-sempai?" Tobi asked as they leaped through trees in the forest. After finishing the mission of collecting the money, they were to go back to the Akatsuki base.

"Now I am going to do something by myself" The blonde boy smirked.

Hinata looked at Deidara. She wasn't aware that he had any personal goals, just like she didn't have any either. The long haired boy had a sadistic grin on his face and Hinata couldn't help but think what that meant.

"What do you want to do?" Hinata asked her best friend.

"Kill Uchiha Sasuke" He said while grinning.

Hinata was surprised. The white eyed girl knew that the boy hated the sharingan because of Itachi. Actually, Deidara didn't like any dojutsu so it took a while before he got used to Hinata as well. He felt that it gave them a huge advantage in the shinobi world.

Yes, it did, but Hinata didn't understand why he made a big deal. Deidara had a kekkei genkai as well; the explosion release. That helped him get far too.

However, why would Deidara take his anger out on Itachi's little brother when he did nothing to him directly. "But why?" she asked.

"I saw him through the streets the other day and now need to fulfill something, un" He continued.

Hinata knotted her eyebrows together and shook her head "You always get into trouble Deidara"

"Just wait and see the trouble I cause that bastard" Deidara clenched his fists at his sides.

Hinata couldn't help but get worried at his words. She wondered how everything would turn out.

AN: OK! So it's finally done. I've been looking for a beta reader, but I couldn't find one. If any of you are beta readers or want to recommend one, please PM me. Thank you!

Reviews appreciated! :) and I hope the characters weren't too OOC

And again, next chapter next week. That's my schedule for this fic. I'll update anytime from Friday-Monday.