Quinn didn't know what to do. Leave Clay or stick with him. This was one of the worst and hardest decisions of her life and she knew that if she didn't come up with an answer soon things would get worse than they already were. As she lay there in her hotel bedroom she couldn't believe Clay would ever turn to drugs. What happened to the Clay she fell in love with? This question kept running through her mind while trying to sleep or the lack there of. She had so much heartache in her life and she thought she finally found the one who would change all of that. But while thinking it all over, maybe she was deceived by a another guy again. Clay was all she ever wanted in a man and she thought she was all he ever wanted in a woman. But maybe,
just maybe, she wasn't good enough and he had to turn to something to keep his perks up. But she knew one thing. She wouldn't stand in line for a guy who did illegal drugs.

Clay sat there on the couch and kept repeating Quinn's words earlier on that day. Seeing her sitting on the beach lost and confused like a little child broke his heart to pieces. He doesn't know why he keeps lying to her or why he is taking the drugs but ever since he started it was like an addiction. He loved the way they made him feel. They made him feel happy and normal. Was that normal for someone to take drugs just to make them feel like that? He didn't know but he knew that he was out and he had to go buy some more right this minute. As he got up and put his jacket on. He knew one thing was for sure. He would get Quinn back and she would accept him for who he was and what he does.

Clay reached the alley he always went to meet up with Shane Richards, the man who dealt him the drugs. As he was waiting there, he seen a mother go by holding her daughter's hand. The little girl looked to be about four and she had the cutest smile.
Maybe one day me and Quinn can have a daughter of our own. But he knew that wouldn't happen soon being that Quinn wouldn't even return his phone calls. As he was thinking about Quinn, Shane walked into the alley and looked mad. Clay wasn't even disturbed by this. He just wanted his drugs, to leave, and never bother the guy again until he needed a refill. As the guy approached him, he noticed he had a gun. This made Clay feel very uneasy. Before Clay could speak, Shane pulled the gun out on him. "Woah woah woah! What are you doing man?"
"You owe me some money and before you get your next dose you had better give it to me."
"Dude wait. I don't owe you anything. I pay you the right amount every time I get some. I think you got me mixed up with someone else bro."
"No I don't! Give me the money."
"Can we at least talk this out."
"Give me the money."
"Dude I only have enough to pay for the amount I'm getting tonight."
"Fine. Give it to me."
"This isn't even half of it."
"How much do you want? That's more than enough!"
"I want ten grand and this won't cut it."
"Ten grand!"
"Yeah. I'm giving you a week to get it. You better have all of it at this spot at midnight."
"O my God." As Clay was freaking out the inside on how he would get out of this mess, what the drug dealer Shane said next would ultimately change his life.
"Oh and Clay."
"I'll tell Quinn you said hi." What? Quinn? What he does mean by that? He better not hurt her.
"You leave her alone Shane! Leave her out of this!" As Clay started running towards Shane because he made him mad, Shane pulled the gun on Clay and cocked it. This made Clay stop in his tracks and Shane started laughing.
"That's right. Stop in your tracks. I wonder how Quinn will feel when I tell her that you didn't even fight for her when I told you that her life is in jeapordy. Tisk tisk. But that don't matter anymore now does it? She's not yours anymore because of what she found out about you. Man o man. I can't wait until I get her in my arms. Her blood is on your hands. Now take this warning and you better do it. Have the money or your hot little girlfriend will die." After he said this, he walked away with a smirk on his face. When Clay could no longer see him, he fell on his knees and leaned back against the alley wall. What was he gonna do now that that Shane involved innocent Quinn? The love of his life life's at stake here and it is all his fault. He wished that he could go back in time and never start drugs. He wished that he could be back at the beach house with Quinn and tell her that he loves her and that he would never do anything that would hurt her or ruin that. What was he gonna do about this predicament that he is in? He didn't know. But he knew that he needed some help. And although they would never look at him the same, probably would forever hate him, he had to tell the people who were closest in Quinn's life. Haley and Nathan.