This the start of a BadBoy!Kurt fic, please let me know if you would like me to continue! Thanks! :)

Chapter One

Damn, Kurt, why'd you have to wear the leather pants again...? I bit down on my lip as I made my way closer to the front of the queue at the local Bowling alley, wittingly called 'Lima Lanes'. I tried to be discrete as I checked out the boy behind the counter, as I did every Friday night. I thought I was succeeding, too- fiddling with my glasses was always a winner- but obviously I wasn't discrete enough, because once again I found myself centre of ridicule from the other Warbler boys.

"Blaine...Blaine!" Nick stage-whispered over Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, eyes twinkling mischievously. "Look who it is! Your favourite guy!" He winked like he'd said the most ingenious thing in the world. The disco lights flickered over their faces as the he and Jeff snickered behind their hands together.

"Oh, ha ha you guys, very funny." I tried to sound calm, but really my heart was doing backflips. It was always like this. For the past six or so weeks, the weekly Warbler bowling trip had turned into the weekly watch-Blaine-squirm-and-blush-as-he-got-his-bowling-shoes trip.

I smoothed back my hair awkwardly as I crouched down to take off my old red Converse at the front of the queue. I couldn't help but stall my standing up. What was the rush if I was only going to make a fool out of myself? And I would make a fool of myself. I always did.

I stood up slowly in a way I hoped looked alluring, running a hand through my curly dark hair and gazing over Kurt's shoulder, nonchalantly resting an elbow on the counter. Be cool, Blaine, be cool, I told myself.

"Hey. Didn't see you down there," Kurt's beautiful voice spoke. I couldn't help but feel my knees go weak as I glanced over to see the speaker. Kurt's lip was curled in a smirk, and it was only as I smiled brightly back that I noticed the innuendo. Oh, God, that's embarrassing. I could practically feel the sympathy and shock oozing off of Nick and Jeff as I wracked my brain for something clever to say in return.

"Yeah..." came my response. Yeah? Seriously? Dammit, Blaine! I could barely will myself to raise my eyes to look at him as I pushed my Converse over the counter. Please, just let the ground open up and suck me in, please.

I heard Kurt snigger slightly as I blushed. It was a lovely sound- even if he was laughing at me. His laugh was high, but also husky like he smoked a lot or something. I couldn't help but stare as he bent down to retrieve some shoes from the alcove. Those trousers! He flicked a strand of quiff that had escaped out of his eyes as he straightened up, and our eyes met for a second. His eyes... I think I might just...

"Uh, size ten, right? Converse guy? Hello?"

Oh shit.

"Right, right, yeah, sorry! Haha, I zoned out for a bit there," I faltered. I could feel the dorky smile already appearing on my face, and I knew I was doing that weird thing where I squinted up my eyes because I was grinning so wide. So much for being cool!

"Yeah, I noticed that," he spoke, then paused. Nick and Jeff were looking at the signed bowling balls in the glass cabinet to the right, shooting glances at me every so often. Discrete. Not. I looked back at Kurt and realised he was still smiling at me, but not harshly this time- his head was tilted to the side slightly and he was sucking on his lower lip thoughtfully, as though he were analysing me. I diverted my eyes awkwardly in fear of doing something stupid, like opening my mouth. God, his cheekbones were good.

"What's your name, Harry Potter?", he spoke, just loud enough to be heard over the background music and people-sounds. It took a moment to realise he was actually talking to me.

"Blaine. You're Kurt!" I blurted out, eyes wide as I looked back at him. He's actually talking to me! He asked what my name was! His hair is so nice! "I mean, I'm not a stalker or anything, it says your name..." I gestured vaguely to his name tag. ('Hi! I'm Kurt! I'm here to help!' it read, only he'd crossed out 'help' and replaced it with 'Earn money').

I fixed my vision past Kurt on a pair of hideous knee-high green Go-Go boots laying on top of the alcoves, feeling my face burn. It was all going so well. Had to ruin it didn't you, Blaine? I could hear Kurt chuckling again, but couldn't bring myself to look at him. The awkwardness was coming off me in waves, I swear. Kurt turned around to see what I had locked my gaze on.

"Oh, you like those boots? They're mine", he told me, face completely straight. I looked at him, trying to work out if he was being serious or not. He seemed sincere, but there was something in his eyes that seemed as though he was testing me.

"They're quite nice, I suppose...They probably look okay with your pants..." I lied, uncertain. Oh, Kurt, anything would look okay with those pants. Swoon.

I looked back at Kurt to find him laughing hysterically, nearly doubled over. I smiled weakly, worried I'd done something really dumb (again). "What?" I asked. His laugh was contagious and adorable, and I really wanted to join in. I didn't, because that would be weird.

"Your face! You're such a terrible liar," he told me. Yep, thanks, already knew that. "They're not really mine, they're hideous, aren't they? I actually have a plan to "lose" one before the end of the night," (he actually did the air-quotes with his fingers. They were really long, I noticed. Could he be more perfect?)

I let myself laugh with him this time. More out of relief, though, really. I could feel myself relaxing in his company. It was odd to think that all this time I'd known his name from a badge on his shirt, and now I actually had a voice to go with it. He was much less intimidating than I'd first thought.

It was just as we were stemming our laughter that I realised there was a young couple standing behind me, looking annoyed.

"Size fourteen, please," the man boomed with a loud voice rudely at Kurt. I saw Kurt's eyebrow flick upwards at this, and I honestly think my heart stopped for a second or so. The woman with the loud-voice-man was pulling an epic bitch-face, and gave my sweater vest and trouser ensemble an obvious once-over, which made me blush.

I sat on the bench to put on my shoes, regretting not dressing in something nicer. Kurt probably thought I looked really dorky, especially since I'd lost my glasses and had to resort to my old Harry Potter-esque ones. My hair was all over the place, too, no doubt. Who am I kidding? Kurt would never like me in a million years, he was just being nice by talking to me.

The man and woman were leaving now, so I stood up to go and find Nick and Jeff, who had wandered off to the bar to buy drinks. Kurt was leaning on the counter, resting his chin in my palm, looking around. It was quite busy, and the room was fall of arcade music and the sound of bowling pins toppling. When he saw me he stood up and leaned over.

"I'm so spitting in his shoes later," he whispered conspiratorially, winking. Oh, God, that wink! I honestly didn't realise boys like him existed outside the pages of fashion magazines. I tried to take in the words he was saying whilst watching his mouth move, but it was proving to be quite hard.

"I would. Better yet, tell him there was a mix-up and you lost his shoes," I added, surprised that the words came out my mouth at all. Not a bad thing to say either, I thought. I could almost be fooling him into thinking I was a normal human being.

"Yeah, and the only ones left are the green Go-Go boots!" We both cracked up laughing again, and I noticed how his eyes crinkled up at the corners as he smiled.

Talking to him was very different to how I first anticipated- he was much more lighthearted than I'd imagined. The kind of person I could actually be friends with. I wondered if he would ever be friends with me?

"You're fun to chat to, Blaine," he told me, looking right into my face as he smiled. I raised a hand to my forehead self-consciously, realising that this was his polite way of telling me that the conversation had gone on longer than a normal one would. Nick and Jeff had probably even started the game by now. I had learnt to notice the ways people let me know I'd exceeded my welcome- it was a regular occurrence.

"Yeah, you too, I'd best get back..." I trailed off awkwardly, gesturing over my shoulder to where Nick and Jeff stood, shaking a vending machine in a vain atteipt to get free sweets. Kurt smirked when he saw them.

I wandered back from the counter. Keep your cool, Blaine, I told myself. Don't fall over. NIck and Jeff had seen my approaching, and came over looking more excited than I'd seen them in a long time. I could tell they were waiting to flood me with questions, but I made a cutting gesture at my throat with a finger to tell them to stop until we were out of eyeshot.

As we walked together over to lane two, I had to resist the urge to look back at Kurt. Nick and Jeff were obviously resisting the urge to explode, and we were all relieved to finally reach our lane and sit down in the shelter of our alcove.

"What did you say to him! You were talking for ages!" Nick blurted as Jeff did a little happy-dance, sliding about on the plastic bench. I let myself smile, and couldn't help but look back to see if I could catch a glimpse of Kurt through the people milling about. All that was visible was the tip of his brown quiff, but it made me grin even wider.

"Hey!" Nick alerted me, shoving my arm. I turned round to face him, trying to contain the smile.

"We just talked, that's all. He's really nice. Funny," I told them. I could feel my eyes glazing over as I remembered his wink, and my focus fixed somewhere over Nick's shoulder.

"Stop daydreaming and tell us when you're meeting up again!" Jeff exploded, still bouncing slightly in the plastic chair. The pair were both grinning their faces off. They'd been waiting for me to 'get it together and get a boy, already'. They were a second away from setting me up with a guy themselves, so I could understand their excitement about me doing it myself.

"I'm not going on a date, if that's what you mean! We were talking for, like, two minutes!" I laughed calmly, when really I was so flattered that they were acting as if we were practically soul mates.

"He was so into you! And he looked really upset when you left!" Nick told me in earnest.

...Wait, what?

"He looked sad to see me leave! Are you serious?" I asked them, looking for any facial expressions that would say they were having me on. I didn't find anything. Nick slapped his palm to his face in distress.

"Yes, Anderson! Sometimes you're really thick. He obviously wanted to stay and chat with you- from where we were you could have been a couple or something, you were getting on so well!" Jeff shook his head at me in disappointment as he picked up a blue bowling ball to start the game.

I stayed very still, in a stunned silence. So it hadn't just been my imagination. I really did talk to Kurt Surname-To-Be-Confirmed, and we really did get on well together!