Prince of Tennis: Babysitter's Club

Summary: Just an AU collection of drabbles (I think that's what chapters this short are called O.O) that portrays some Prince of Tennis chars as babysitters. This story is based off the Baby Sitter Club books in a way. They were my muse.

A/N: No Romance or Pairings just an attempt a humor. This is dedicated to My Sister-in-Law Ann-Chan and my friends Choco-Chan, Sakoori-Chan and Suki-Chan in hopes that this will at least make you giggle, or laugh or even smile XD
Also, thanks to:
CrystalRed, DepressedCaptivation, KHirari, Raine Amorial, coolcat5156 and iSayumix3 for favoriting and also thanks to Zemmno, iSayumix3 and KHirari for following~! It's very appreciated :)

Disclaimer: As far as I know Prince of Tennis is still owned by the uber awesome persona that is Konomi-San.

Jackal was so glad Marui hadn't handed him the phone when he found out the boy had been called in to watch over Masaharu Niou. He liked the boy well enough, except for when he was plotting something-usually against whoever was watching him. And in case you were wondering, the boy was always plotting. The few times Jackal had watched him had almost always been an utter disaster. Don't get him wrong, Masaharu behaved more for him than he did Marui but it wasn't by much. According to said six year old Jackal wasn't nearly as exciting to mess with as the "Sugar-freak". Neither of them had anything on Seiichi or Genichirou though. The boy rarely if ever dared to defy them. Except for the occasional theft of Sanada's hat for some sort of ploy or another he didn't do much else.

He was standing in the doorway of the Yagyuu household waiting for Hiroshi and his little sister to finish getting ready to go to the park. He agreed to take the kids to park to help Marui pacify the little trickster. Plus, it was a bonus that Hiroshi and Masaharu we're good friends and they never caused much trouble when Hrioshi's little sister was around too. It wasn't often they were called in to watch Hiroshi and little Hina at the same time, but when it did happen things usually went by smoother.

"We're ready Kuwahara-kun," That was Hiroshi. The six year old stood at the top of the stairs his snow boots and think sweatpants on. In his arms he held both his and Hina's jackets and scarves. Hina, a little over four stood behind her aniki their gloves tight in her hands. Jackal walked up to where they were and took the scarves first, throwing them over his shoulder before he took their jackets also tossing Hina's over his shoulder as he helped Hiroshi into his first. Once the boy was in his jacket and it was buttoned up, he took the gloves from his sister as Jackal proceeded to help her into her jacket as well.

That done, he fixed their scarves and let them slip on their gloves. Mr and Mrs Yagyuu sent them off with small smiles and waves. Jackal reassured them that he would bring them back safe and sound. That done, they went on their way. As they walked out Jackal took Hiroshi's right hand in his left and Hina's in left hand in his right.

Most boys would complain that they were old enough to walk on their own but they hadn't nicknamed little Yagyuu "the gentleman" for nothing. He was one of well manners and he knew he was setting a prime example for his imouto- something the boy took pride in.

"I think I see them." Hiroshi commented as they arrived at the park not even three blocks from his house. Craning his neck Jackal saw what was without a doubt Marui and Niou. It looked like they were arguing again.

"I think you're right," Jackal replied. "and by the looks of it Marui's getting a verbal beating." He added under his breath a bit surprised when Hiroshi chuckled. He looked down at the boy who was fixing his glasses.

"Can we go surprise them?"

Jackal nodded his consent and off he ran. He looked down at Hina who looked back up at him.

"Hiro-nii said it's not polite to run," the four year old merely said before trailing after her brother at a slower pace.

Jackal shook his head ruefully. Those Yagyuu kids were something without a doubt.