Prince of Tennis: Babysitter's Club

Summary: Just an AU collection of drabbles (I think that's what chapters this short are called O.O) that portrays some Prince of Tennis chars as babysitters. This story is based off the Baby Sitter Club books in a way. They were my muse.

A/N: No Romance or Pairings just an attempt a humor. This is dedicated to My Sister-in-Law Ann-Chan and my friends Choco-Chan, Sakoori-Chan and Suki-Chan in hopes that this will at least make you giggle, or laugh or even smile XD

Disclaimer: As far as I know Prince of Tennis is still owned by the uber awesome persona that is Konomi-San. I do not own anything that is bold.


As the small black haired energy ball know as Akaya Kirihara threw himself at Seiichi, Genichirou wondered for what seem to Umpteenth time why on Earth he had agreed to come here again.

Probably to carry everything. He thought as he started putting down all the various items Seiichi had coaxed him into carrying.

I don't even know why he keeps bringing all this stuff

Out of the corner of his eye he saw that Akaya had finally spotted him.

Especially when he knows that we're just going to end up playing video games.

He knew that they were going to end up in the living room for the next four hours playing Donkey Kong just as surely as he knew that Akaya would jump on him and demand horsey.

Oh yes, he knew that evil little glint in the five year old's eye very well-it was the look of a predator and he was definitely the prey.

"Hi Genichirou!"

He didn't even have time to react. In two seconds flat he had a five year old clinging to him, arms around his neck in a death lock and his partner stood there with his "Ah, how endearing" look.

Sighing, he knew it was going to be a long day and he was sure he had forgotten his aspirin.

"Let's play horsey," Akaya said tugging on his neck which was certainly going to end up sore with the surprisingly strong grip the boy had on him.

After a few more tugs Genichirou admitted defeat (He did need to breathe after all) and got down on all fours allowing Akaya to climb onto his back.


And to add on to the list of sorrows Seiichi just had to click that damn button when he was opening his mouth to neigh!

"You look good Gen," Seiichi said pouring salt on the wound. He smiled and held out a hand to Akaya. "Now let's go play some games."

And as the traitorous brat took the hand and lead the way to the living room Genichirou had felt like he had been hooked, lined and sunk.