A/N: Okay that's the end. I'd love to know what you thought. Please review. Thanks for reading!


Once he had Rapture under his control, David was mildly tempted to use the Big Sisters to take over the city, to steal all the ADAM. But it was a fleeting whim, and he quickly dismissed it. He stole a glance at the corpse that still hung from the wall. No, I'm not going to be like you.

The first thing he had to do was get Tenenbaum from her hiding place in the Calypso Square's train station to Ryan's home. When she arrived, having ridden on Ryan's personal train car, she glanced at Cassidy before putting a comforting hand on David's shoulder.

"I think we should be getting you out of that thing." David wasn't sure what the doctor did after she used a powerful anesthetic to put him to sleep. Like her explanations regarding the suit, he didn't care. When he opened his eyes, he no longer needed the heavy, spun-copper helmet to stay alive. "You can live without the rest of the suit as well," Tenenbaum explained. "However removing it will take several hours of delicate surgery, and I do not want to be risking that while we are down here."

With David freed of the need for the diving suit, and an area for the Little Sister in place, the self-imposed leader of Rapture sent the Big sisters into the city. Meanwhile, Tenenbaum went to work deprogramming the armor clad teenagers.

Each Big Sister reacted to the rehabilitation differently. Grace, the first to be treated, was silent save for the occasional outburst of homicidal rage. Conversely Rachel would talk incessantly, until something would rub her in just the wrong way. Then, she would become silent, like a snake ready to strike.

As more and more of the Little Sisters filled Ryan's home, David found himself growing restless and irritable. Even though he was constantly surrounded by others, he felt alone, isolated. Before long he took to snapping at anyone who came within a few feet of him, shouting at them over nothing. Tenenbaum ignored or avoided David whenever he gave her the same treatment, until one of the Little Sisters asked him for something and he yelled at her.

"Enough," the doctor shouted, pulling the little girl aside. Once they were out of earshot from the others, Tenenbaum rounded on the former assassin, her jaw clenching. "What are you doing?" Having no reasonable excuse for his actions, David stared at the floor. The doctor's fists tightened into balls, her anger showing at last. She opened her mouth to shout at him, and then abruptly closed it again. The way she stared at him, her eyes locked onto his, made David feel like she was peering into his soul.

"Take one of the rehabilitated Big Sisters and go find her." When he opened his mouth to argue, Tenenbaum put her hand under his jaw, clamping it shut. "You are needing this. For yourself and for them."

Lindsey, one of the deprogrammed Big Sisters volunteered to go with him into the bowls of Zeus's Crown. David swallowed the urge to tell her to piss off. After Tenenbaum had undone some of the damage Lamb had inflicted on the teenager, Lindsey had taken to checking on David every chance she got, as though if she lost sight of him for more than five minutes, he would vanish.

The trip back to the flooded area of Zeus's Crown was uneventful, but painfully long. First they took Ryan's train back to Volcanus Flats, then, walking along the ocean floor, they arrived through the shattered glass David had used to escape the mob of Splicers. Considering that this was where he had landed after his plummet through Zeus's Crown, they figured that would be the best place to start. Already the ocean had reclaimed three floors, and was still rising, albeit very slowly.

As they searched through the ruined building, David began to wonder what it was he was looking for. Did he need to see her body? Why was he bothering with this time consuming search when there were more important things to be done?

The moment he decided to give up, to find Lindsey and call the whole search off, was the moment when she called out, telling him that she'd found something. When David caught up with her, he found her in an open area, once a lavish restaurant, now nothing more than a pile of ruins. She was standing over a broken table whose grey cloth had been stained by a splotch of bright crimson. She pointed to the spot on the tablecloth. This was where Alice had landed. But where was her body?

"Splicers… they must have found her and," as Lindsey trailed off, unable to complete her thought, David saw something that caught his attention. Beside the table, an Audio Diary had been intentionally laid in the open. At one point everyone in Rapture had owned one of these simple recording devices, a simple recording machine.

Closing his eyes, David pressed play. Initially, only silence emanated from the small machine. Then, a voice, almost inaudible, could be heard whispering. David could neither make out who was talking nor understand what they were saying. As the tape wound to an end, a request suddenly sounded, clear as day and in Alice's voice: "Find me."