By Demons Be Driven

Chapter 1: Left In My Misery

Standing next to the casket that held her oldest friend, Juliet Delany fought the tears that threatened to fall down her face. Her first appearance in Charming in 5 years and it was for Donna's funeral. Although they gathered for Donna, many of the members' attention had shifted to Juliet when she had stepped out of her mother Luann's car. Gemma had rushed to hug her surrogate daughter, and Juliet was even able to get a small smile out of Opie. Older members greeted her and welcomed her home, but one person stood alone with an irritated look, Tara Knowles was not happy to see Juliet.

They stood on opposite ends as the funeral proceeded, Juliet stood next to her mother and Gemma, while Tara stood at the end next to Piney. Staring at her family, Juliet couldn't help but notice Jax's absence, being Opie's best friend she'd expected him to be there, even Gemma had no idea where he was. Tara looked lost without the protection of Jax by her side; Juliet couldn't help but feel angry at Tara standing there with a bored look on her face, as if she was forced to be here.

Shaking her head Juliet concentrated on the sermon when she saw Jax coming out from the cemetery. Tara greeted him with his cut, helping him into. Catching sight of Juliet, Jax just stood still staring at her, only being brought out of his gaze by Tara wrapping her arms around him and bringing him into a kiss. Tara and Jax were causing a scene making out at Donna's funeral; Juliet scoffed at Tara's display of ownership, how insecure was she? Tara and Jax broke apart and joined the group allowing the funeral to finish. As the groups started to disperse, Juliet began walking with her mother towards the car when she felt a hand on her arm.

Looking back she saw Gemma, "You're coming with me, baby girl. Got some things we need to discuss."

The look on Gemma's face let Juliet know that there was no room for her to contest. Nodding her head Juliet followed Gemma to her Cadillac. The door had barely closed when Gemma had begun her assault.

"You're mom may be fooled but I know those bruises on you aren't from falling down the stairs. Now, you got some explaining to do or else I'm going to send Happy up to New York to get answers."

Instinctively, Juliet's hand went to her throat, she should have known that even with the makeup she put on to conceal the bruises that the Queen Bee would notice, nothing got passed Gemma. Throwing her head back against the seat Juliet looked up at the roof of the car and sighed.

"I assume my mother told you that I was moving back," Gemma nodded, Juliet let out a chuckle, "My mom has never been to good at keeping her mouth shut. Shit with Leo was getting bad. Ever since we got engaged, at first it was fine but then he started coming home drunk and violent, he never laid a hand on me but I was getting tired of him and New York. Then the other night he came over drunk, we got into a fight, I told him it was over and he didn't like it. I won't go into detail, I'm sure you can gather what happened." Juliet motioned to the hand shaped bruise on her neck.

"I'm going to fucking kill him." Gemma growled.

"Calm down Momma Bear, I called the police and he is no longer an issue. I had already started getting ready to move back here, had my mom find me a house. When I heard about Donna, I packed the rest of my shit and flew out here."

Pausing Juliet sighed, "I can't believe she's gone. We grew up together for God Sakes. When I started planning to come home, I called her; she was so excited for me to come home. I knew she was having trouble adjusting with Opie back out and the club, but I thought I could change that. I should have been here for her."

"Honey, there was nothing you could have done to change her mind. Don't beat yourself up for it. Dry those tears; we gotta be strong for Op."

Tara was inside the house when heard more cars pull up, peeking out the window she spotted Juliet and Gemma step out of the car, Clay greeting them. Tara watched with envious eyes as Clay kissed the top of Juliet's head and brought her into a hug. The King and Queen were happy to have her home, it was all too obvious. It slightly sickened Tara how much everyone loved Juliet, although Tara had the love of Jax, she would never have the love and respect that everyone else showed Juliet. Her hate for Juliet had just been festering since high school. Juliet and Jax had once been inseparable, although claiming to be best friends, Jax never hesitated to take Juliet's side and be there for her. She'd done everything in her power to ruin their friendship and only succeeded once Juliet began to David Hale. It may have been jealousy that Jax had felt but Tara no longer cared so long as Jax refused to talk to Juliet. She'd heard through her father that a year after she left the two had begun seeing each other, which had almost caused her to come back home.

Moving to the kitchen Tara, checked the food and beverage situation, double checking that the Crow Eaters had set everything up properly. As much as Tara wanted Jax to leave SAMCRO, she'd come accustomed to being an Old Lady and the free labor that came with it. There were perks, to being part of a motorcycle gang.

Juliet stepped into the living room and her eyes were immediately drawn to a devastated looking Opie. Throwing her arms around him, Juliet squeezed him as hard as she could.

"Welcome home, trouble." He muttered.

"I'm so sorry Op. If you need anything just let me know. I'm not going anywhere."

Opie just nodded and greeted the others as they came in the door. Juliet moved to the kitchen where she grabbed a beer and joined Tig on the couch.

"Hey Doll."
Locking eyes with Tig, Juliet saw something she never had seen in Tig's eyes before, uncertainty. His normally bright vibrant blue eyes were hollow and dull, something in all her years of knowing Tig he was not dull.

"Hey Tigger, a penny for your thoughts?" A sudden flash of emotion came across Tig's face but as soon as it had appeared it was gone too fast for Juliet to make out what it was.

"It could have been any one in that truck. We could have been putting Gemma, Tara or even you in the ground tonight. I just don't…"

"I know sweetheart and those fuckers who did this are going to get what is coming to them. With a Sergeant At Arms like you, they won't stand a chance." Juliet placed a chaste kiss on Tig's cheek, "I have faith that'll you'll guy get all this shit sorted out. Now how 'bout another beer?"

Juliet grabbed two beers when Tara interrupted,

"Make sure you fill that back up, and you might want to start cleaning up soon."

Turning around to face Tara, her eyes narrowed and she placed a hand on her hip.

"You're talking to the wrong bitch. Go find some Croweaters." She said, passing Tara.

"I am."

Turning on her heel Juliet couldn't believe that Tara had the balls to call her a Croweater.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. First day back and you are already hanging off Tig, surprised you haven't gone off to suck his dick yet. You were always best on your knees."

Juliet let out a laugh, but it was definitely not one that you'd want to mistake for surrender.

"For a doctor, you are a dumb bitch. And after all these years, you still don't know what the fuck you are talking about."

"Oh really? I saw you all up on Tig on the couch. So how about you learn your place and start cleaning up like a good slut. Croweater."

"Does Jax pay so little attention to you that you don't know what talking to a friend looks like."

By now, a small crowd had formed in the kitchen watching the two alpha females go at it. Gemma had a smirk on her face as she watched Juliet and Tara's standoff. Tara' may have been the VP's Old Lady but none of that mattered when you met with Juliet Delaney. Her daddy may not have been first 9 but he still was held in high esteem with the club. But regardless of whom her father is, Juliet could hold her own. A lesson Tara never seemed to learn. This wasn't the first nor would it be the last that these two were at each other's throats

"You leave Jax out of it whore."

"No wonder he sleeps at the club house. Who'd want to come home to your frigid pussy?"

Tara's nostrils flared but she was silent.

"Don't play with fire unless you want to get burnt." Juliet told her as she turned around to walk out of the kitchen. Before Juliet could take one step, Tara reached out and slapped Juliet across the face. Tig, who was standing next to Gemma moved to pull Tara away, but Gemma put a hand out to stop him. These girls needed to figure this shit out on their own.

Juliet was still for a moment, in disbelief that Tara had actually hit her but she kept her composure.

"You just don't know when to stop, do you?"

Before Tara could even answer, Juliet punched Tara in the face a sickening crunch coming from her nose. Tara let out a shrill scream and crouched over holding her bleeding nose. Her scream had captured the attention of Jax who had been outside with Opie, causing them both to run inside, Jax immediately running to Tara's side.

"That crazy bitch just fucking attacked me Jackson! You fucking psycho bitch!" Tara screamed.
"Someone get me a towel." Jax demanded, comforting Tara.

The person to make the first move and get the towel surprised everyone. Juliet placed the towel in Jax's hand and leaned down to Tara's level.

"I am no croweater and you are not Queen Bee. I may not be an Old Lady, but I am SAMCRO born and raised, I've earned my place, the only reason you've got yours is because of who you're fucking."

Juliet spoke directly to Tara, but the hang arounds under stood that the message was meant for them too. Juliet grabbed her purse and headed out the door, her mother following behind her.

"What the fuck was that Jules?" Luann screeched.