A/N: Hey everyone. He's just an idea that's been floating around in my head lately and I'm finnally putting it into full writing. I hope the people who click on it will enjoy it and stick around for more. I pretty much have it all mapped out. It's going to develop out like a season would, so the chapters are gunna be like episodes. Also I'm sorry to anyone who's reading my Blinn fanfiction. I swear I'm going to update soon!

McKinley Academy

William McKinley Academy is a school for boys. It not necessarily for the brightest or most athletic but those are perks to have. The campus is divided down the center. On the left side is W.K. Academy for boys and on the left is Jane Austin Academy for girls. In the middle is a big quad they can spend time in during free periods/before or after school/ or Lunch even. There school's residency is separated into dorm houses. Each house gets an overseer, while up to six students live with.

Episode 1: Pilot

Finn Hudson. He's only a Sophomore but he's the quarterback of the football team. He's extremely tall, 6'3". Brown hair and eyes, Awkwardly sexy , athletically built. Finn's an all-around good guy, he's nice to people, respectful, a little dim but he can't be everything. While on the surface it looks like he's perfect and without a care in the world, that's far from the truth. He has no idea what he wants to do with himself, or where he's going to go in the future. Also there is things he's not even sure of about himself. Finn lives in the Brown Dorm, where his roommate is Sam Evans.

Sam Evans is also a Sophomore. He's with Finn on the football team as well. He's 6 foot, with hazel-green eyes and Shaggy blonde hair. Underneath his pretty boy look, lies a hardcore nerd. Everyone is aware of this, as he gives impressions and speaks the language from the Avatar movie. Unlike Finn he has a pretty good idea where he wants to go, it just depends on if he actually wants to pursue his musical talents with his guitar. While Sam and Finn are friends, Sam spends most of his time hanging with his best-friend Mike Chang.

Michael 'Mike' Chang, like the other two is a Sophomore and in football. He has black short hair with brown eyes. Like Sam he's six foot tall. Most of the time for Mike, it seems he's just floating by. He has the best grades of the boys and is a good player, but sometimes he feels like something is missing but he can't figure out what it is. His dad is pressuring him into going to Medical school and being a doctor, but he really wants to find something he enjoys. Mike's roommate in the dorm his Noah Puckerman.

Noah 'Puck' Puckerman is the school residential bad-ass. He's 5"11' with hazel eyes. Puck also rocks a shaved head with a mohawk. He's a wild-card and no one really knows what he's going to do. Puck like the other guys is in football and a Sophomore. He's best friend's with Finn and is the only guy in a relationship, Cindy Carmela. He doesn't give much thought to the future as he sees living in the now is more important.

Kurt Hummel is the last boy in the dorm. Kurt is 5' 10.5' and has glasz eyes. His hair is light brown and usually is pushed to the side or styled up. He's the odd man out in many ways. To the fact that he isn't in football, instead he's in music. He's a Sophomore as well but another thing that sets him apart his that he's one of the only gay guys in the dorm. Since he's the last guy in the dorm, he has the privilege of having a room to himself. He gets along with his dorm mates for the most part, but mostly his brother, Finn. Kurt is in no way confused on where he wants to go in life, he knows his future is in music and he is determined to get there.

The boy's house overseer is Will Schuester. He was six foot tall with curly light brown hair. Will's dream was never to be a teacher and a boy dorm overseer but this is where he ended up and he's quite happy about it. He's bonded with the boys and cares about them.

Finn yanked open the bathroom door, toothbrush hanging out the corner of his mouth. On his way out, Sam rushed in. Finn charged down the hall into their room. He grabbed his lettermen's jacket, and bag then turned with a flash charging back out. Reaching the bathroom he knocked.

"Sam!" He called out, trying to not let any of the toothpaste fall out his mouth.

"One sec" He called back, pulling open the door, pulling his shirt on the rest of the way. He stepped aside, letting Finn use the sink then stepped around him.

"We really need to fix that alarm clock" Finn mentioned, washing his mouth. Sam laughed in agreement.

"We've been saying that since this year started" Sam reminded, giving him a look. "Come on, everyone's already waiting.". The two jogged from the bathroom to the stairs, and down them to the front room.

"Bout time" Mike said, pushing off the wall. Sam swatted the boy's arm, heading toward the door. Finn stopped once he reached the bottom, eyes roaming the area.

"Where's Puck and Kurt?" He asked. Mike shrugged.

"Already left" He explained, heading out the door. "I'm pretty sure Puck went to meet up with Cindy, while Kurt had some music thing.. I think."

"Come on!" Sam called from the passenger side. Finn and Mike hurried down the steps toward Finn's car. He clicked the unlock button, and they piled in. This would be the third day that they were late. Thankfully they had an easy going teacher for the first period, but if Coach found out. It wouldn't be pretty.

"So, is Puck and Cindy getting pretty serious?" Mike asked, as Finn started up the car.

"I doubt it" He answered, laughing a little. "It's Puck…" Honestly, he wasn't really sure. He'd known Puck since they were babies but it wasn't like the boy ever opened up to him. He really couldn't remember the last time his friend was even in a serious relationship. He didn't want to judge but he didn't see this one lasting much longer either.

Puck pushed away from the wall, backing away from the girl who had her lips pushed out. Begging for more. The two of them were behind the boy's gymnasium.

"We probably need to head to class, babe" He teased, leaning back in. Cindy opened her eyes, giving him a glare. He knew that look, he also didn't like that look.

"Fine." She said, shoving past him, bobbing her head. Puck repressed a laugh that was about to come shooting out, making the girl freeze. He apparently hadn't been quick enough. Turning slowly around, eyes almost shooting daggers at him.

"I'm sorry" He apologized, moving to get by her side. She scoffed, crossing her arms.

"It's fine, you'll just make it up to me tonight."

"Tonight..?" He asked, completely forgotten they had any plans. Her eyes widened.

"Whatever" She mumbled, storming past him, shoulder checking him.

"Cindy!" He called after her, trying to keep up. The girl spun around so fast he almost collided with her. She pressed her lips together to keep from saying anything, and rose her eyebrows. "I'm sorry, I forgot. It's just Mr. Schue wants everyone home tonight for something. I'll make it up to you I promise."

"Fine" She agreed, letting it slide. Her mouth relaxed, dropping her arms. "Tomorrow". With that she spun on her heel, hand gripping her shoulder strap, headed toward the girl's school building across the quad. Puck smiled to himself, watching her walk off. Then turned his head in the direction of the school and started his way.

As the bell rang for second period to end, Finn slowly slid from his seat, throwing his bag over his shoulder.

"Kurt!" He called over the crowd, making his way to the door. After the boys cleared out the door he found his brother waiting for him.

"Yes?" He asked, looking up at him.

"Did your music class go okay?" He asked. Kurt raised an eyebrow, not understanding what he meant. Finn realized this and rephrased the question. "Mike said you left early, because of a music thing?"

"Oh!" Kurt mumbled, and started explaining. "Well I was helping this one guy with his singing audition for the music club, but that was it". Finn nodded, understanding. Kurt continued to fill in him about the event while they made their way to Finn's locker. Finn put in the combination, and pulled it open grabbing the books he needed for the next class, and throwing in the ones he just used.

"Besides, it's not like I can afford another tardy"

"Shut up" Finn laughed, closing the door.

"It's true! Where you not late to first period?" He asked, and before Finn could get an answer out he started up again "Exactly. Unfortunately for me, I'm not on the football team, teachers won't look the other way."

"Kurt.." Finn whispered, knowing he had upset the boy.

"Whatever." He said, cutting the conversation off "I need to get to class anyway." He grasped his shoulder strap of his bag and headed off. Finn leaned onto the locker, turning his head to watch him go.

"Sam, please stop talking in that blue people language" Mike laughed. Sam shot him a look of hurt, but it quickly turned into a smile.

"Hey!" He smiled, "This bl-". His sentence was cut off as student passed, slamming their shoulder into the blonde boy. Sending him flying into the nearest set of lockers. Sam let out a yell, mixed shock and pain. Mike spun around to his friend, taking in what happened. He turned his eyes to look at the student. Randy Abrams.

"Watch where your walking Evans" He warned, turning to walk away. Mike shot the boy a dirty glare, then bent down to stretch his hand out to his friend. On the ground, Sam took it, pulling himself up.

"What the hell was that about?" Mike asked, eyes going back and forth from the boy to Sam. Sam bit his lip, trying to come up with an answer.

"I don't know" He admitted, hunching over from the pain "He's had it out for me ever since I transferred here last year."

"It's probably because Coach thinks your good enough to take his spot" Puck said, passing by the twosome. "You okay?"

"Yeah" He nodded, thinking over what Puck just told him. The mohawked boy nodded, turning back to be on his way. Mike turned back to his friend, watching him struggle from the pain in his back.

"Listen up boys!" Coach Rue roared, slamming his clipboard on one of the benches. "We're going into this year from an amazing last one. I don't want any slacking off. I'm going to be pushing you guys harder. The Seniors are gone and the new freshmen aren't up to par."

"That's an understatement" Noah whispered to Finn, louder than he should have.

"Got something to say Puckerman?"

"No sir!" He yelled back, with a smile on his face.

"Ten laps around the field."

"Yes sir!" He yelled back, jumping to his feet. Finn clenched his mouth, to keep from laughing as he gave Sam and Mike a look.

"As I was saying.." Coach Rue let out a sigh. "I'm not letting you guys coast this year, the ones who's been on this team need to step it up." He continued to lecture the team, but Finn's mind started to wonder. He knew the couch was talking to him with the last statement. It's not often when a Sophomore gets starting quarterback. Only time he really knew of was in that football show. Turning his head away from the couch, his eyes looked over the field. Their frist game was coming up and he had no idea if he was ready.

Kurt yanked his locker open, grabbing some of the books he would need for homework later. He just got out of his afterschool music class, and needed to go catch up with the guys for a ride home. Placing the books into his bag, he closed the door with a flick of his wrist.


Kurt leaped back, slamming into the metal. His whole body was shaking from the scare, once he caught his breath he looked up to see Finn.

"I hate you" He seethed out his teeth. Finn laughed, leaning onto the lockers.

"Listin Kurt.. I'm sorry about this morning" He begin, and once he saw Kurt's face he knew he better hurry up before the small boy cut him off. "I understand you can't be late so on the way home, we'll pick up a new alarm clock"

"Or you could just use your phone like normal people, Finn" he responded. The taller boy smiled, turning around as they began walking, stretching out an arm and wrapping it around his brother's shoulders.

"They don't work on me, I get used to the noise and sleep right through it" He explained, "Also, sorry about the locker scare I just gave you too. I didn't know you would do that."

"Its fine, Finn" He let out, calming down "I was headed to meet up with you anyway. You don't have to escort me around anymore"

"I know… I know". The two exited the doors walking into the front lot, where the other three boys were hanging around the car. Mike and Noah gave a wave as they headed towards.

"How was music?" Sam asked, sliding off the hood of the car.

"Fine, a new guy was pretty good but other than that the normal" He explained, exiting Finn's arm and walking toward the passenger side.

"New guy?" Noah asked perking up an eyebrow.

"Well, he's not really new, just new to the class I guess"

"Awwe, Kurtie got some competition?" He teased, pulling open the door behind the driver and throwing himself in.

"Shut it" Kurt shot out, rolling his eyes. Finn sighed, starting up the car as the others started piling in. It was almost always like this, Sam would ask Kurt about his class, Noah would make fun of him then the two would go back and forth.

"So Puck, you going out with Cindy tonight?" Mike asked, cutting in before the two could really continue.

"Hell yeah, man" He said, "We've been getting it on lately and she can't get enough of the Puckster". He threw his hand into the air, waiting for Mike to slap it. He did, letting out a laugh.

"Not what I ask, but okay" He said, turning to look out the window. Sam's laughter soon joined in and Kurt left out a scoff. Finn turned to look at him, giving a small smile. Kurt raised his eyebrows in returned.

Will closed the trunk to his car, letting out a huff. He had just finished putting the food into it from the market. It was quite a challenge to try and keep food in the house with five boys. Laughing to himself, thinking about it, Will pushed the shopping cart over to rack. Once he pushed it in, he turned on his heels only to smack right into a small blonde woman.

"Sorry!" He called out, quickly catching a hold of her before she fell onto the ground.

"Well thank you" She slurred, struggling to her feet. "If you hadn't of caught me I would have feel right on my behind!"

"If I wasn't here, you probably wouldn't have feel" He let out a small laugh. Trying to help her steady herself. She lady looked strikingly like someone he knew. But he was unable to place it. High-School? No. College? No..

"Err.." She let out, looking a little wigged out. "Would you like a picture?"

"Oh!" He caught himself, "No, I ju- You look like someone I know.."

"Oh, I get that a lot" She laughed, letting it go. "April Rhodes", raising her hand for him to take it.

"Will Schuester" He said, smiling. His hand found hers, gently shaking it. They held each other's gaze and hands for a bit, until April gave a small hiccup, snapping Will out of his thoughts. This women was clearly drunk and didn't need to be driving. "Let me give you a ride home."

"What?" She almost screamed, laughing "Don't be silly, my is right over ther-". Her voice came to a stop, looking in a direction. She groaned and spun to look another way. "Crap", she couldn't find it.

"It's fine" He laughed, "I'll drive you home and you can catch a taxi tomorrow back to get your car"

"Or you can just pick me up" She teased, with a giggle as they headed towards his car. Will was a little shocked, but gave her a smile followed by a laugh.

Will grabbed the last plate on the counter, turned to his right, walked from behind the counter and into the next room. He placed the plates down onto the dinning table in front of the chairs. Smiling to himself, he thought it looked pretty darn good.

"Guys!" He yelled toward the archway that was the main hall, where the stairs were. "Food!" He didn't always make the boys all eat together, but today had been a good day for the most part. He could hear footsteps heading toward his way.

"Whoah" Puck mumbled, entering the room, "What's this?" His hands raised up pointing at the food. Eyes wandering to the food plates around the table.

"What?" Will asked, "This isn't anything unusual" His gazed shifted from the table back to the boy.

"Yeah.. But usually you say ahead of time before you plan something"

"Just say it, Puck" Sam blurted out as he and Mike entered the room from the main hall.

"Say what?" Will asked, looking to Sam. Blondie just shrugged, taking a seat beside his friend. Puck went to shoot him a glare but didn't bother.

"I have a date with Cindy tonight". He admitted, dropping his hands to his side. Not waiting for a response, he turned heading for the front door.

"Nice, Noah" Kurt shot towards him, coming down the stairs.

"Bite me, Hummel" He threw back. Kurt stepped off the last step, crossing his arms. The two held each other's gaze in a stare off, neither one wanting to the be the first to break it. Kurt scoffed, heading toward the dining room. Puck smierked to himself, throwing open the front door and exiting.

"Thanks, Mr. Schue" Kurt said, taking his seat before the food. Will smiled, almost laughing at the whole situation. He should have learned by now, Puck would've cut out. He usually does. Finn was the last to enter the dining room. His face lighting up at the sight of the food, saying thanks before taking his seat. The eldest man, quickly took his seat as well.

"So, how was everyone's day?" Will asked, after taking a bite of the food, trying to start a conversation. The four boys looked to him, then around at each other before responding with 'Meeh, Okay, Boring'.

"What about you?" Kurt asked, "Something must have happened to put you in a good enough mood to cook"

"Got a date?" Sam joked, through a mouthful. Will smiled at the comment, sticking his fork into the meat.

"Yes, actually I do"

"Wait, what?" Mike asked, joining in on the conversation.

"Well, maybe He laughed, thinking it over "It's not really a date."

"Are you picking her up?" Mike asked. Will nodded.

"Possibly paying?" Sam asked. Another nod.

"It's a date" Kurt threw out, turning to look at his food.

"Way to go Mr. Schue" Finn cheered, giving him a thumbs up. Sam and Mike chimed in with some whooping noises as Kurt rolled his eyes.

"Enough" He sighed, laughing. He didn't really see it as a date at first but he guessed it possibly could be. Her face was still in his mind, he knew he recognized the women.

"Took you long enough" Puck whispered at the figure approaching. He had been waiting longer than he expected and certainly didn't like to be kept waiting.

"Sorry" The person responded, coming closer. Puck went ahead and wrapped his arms around the person's waist, and eased them against the wall.

"So who's this new guy in music, Kurt?" He asked.

"Jealous, Noah?" Kurt asked, already knowing the answer. He rolled his eyes at the look he was given. "Please, your dating Cindy. You can't get jealous of who I hang out with… But for the record, we're not like that.

"Glad to hear it" Puck responded, leaning in capturing the boy's lips with his own.

A/N: I know it's pretty slow right now, but I promise it gets better. I'm just kinda building everything up right now. Also I know my spelling and everything isn't the best so thank you anyways for sticking through it.