Quick Author's Note

I forgot to add this in but here it is:

Normal Speech Demon/Inner Self Speech

Normal Thoughts/Flashbacks Demon Thoughts


I do not own Naruto or any of it's characters/places. They are the sole property of Kishimoto. The only thing I own are any OC's and my fan-made story line. Please read, review, and enjoy!

Naruto: Meeting of the Modern Ninjas

Chapter 2: New Bonds Formed

Naruto Uzumaki walked into the classroom to find his other classmates talking amongst themselves, excited about graduating from the academy and finally becoming ninjas. He had been thinking about the two things that he had discovered last night. One was him being the jailer of the Nine-Tailed Fox and the second being the discovery of the 'other world'. As he started to walk to his seat he recalled the discussion that him and Iruka had before leaving for the day.


"Now Naruto there's something that you have to promise me." said Iruka.

"Yeah? And what's that Iruka-sensei?" asked Naruto

"You have to promise me that you won't tell anyone about this scroll that the two of us have found. Understood?"

"What? How come?"

"There's the possibility that there may be others that might want this discovery for themselves to use for the wrong purposes. I'm going to talk with the Hokage about this and see what he makes of it. Now promise me you won't go tell anyone."

"Oh ok, I promise Iruka-sensei."

End Flashback

"It's hard to believe that the Nine-Tailed Fox is inside of me." thought Naruto, "All this time I couldn't figure out why the villagers hated me so much but now I know. But the idea that there's another world sounds really cool! I just wish I could tell someone."

As he finished his thoughts, Naruto had arrived at a seat between Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno.

Sakura, the girl that he's been in love with since he was seven. Every time he looks into those emerald green eyes of her's he feels like he gets lost in them. The only thing that dampened his mood a little bit was that she liked Sasuke.

Iruka then stood in front of the newly instated genin and used the Big-Head no Jutsu yelling, "ALRIGHT NOW QUIET!" Everyone immediately shut up and looked at Iruka as he began to speak. "First of all, I would like to congratulate all of you for graduating the academy. Now that you all are ninjas, you are about to lead a dangerous life. And with this life, comes great responsibility. You all have been given the task of protecting the village, your family, and your comrades. I now will read off the squads that you all will be put on. Squad One..."

This went on for a little while until the moment arrived. "Squad Seven will be composed of Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and Sasuke Uchiha." Iruka would have expected much more of reaction but the only thing that happened was the sound of Naruto hitting his head on the desk as Sasuke's name was called out.

"Hmmmm... interesting. I was expecting a much greater reaction out of that. I'll have to talk to Naruto after we're done." thought Iruka. "Squad Eight will be composed of Kiba Inuzuka, Hinata Hyuga, and Shino Aburame. "Damn it!" muttered Kiba under his breath, "I get stuck with bug boy." "On the other hand, I'm on the same team as Hinata! Yes!"

"Squad Nine is currently on rotation. Squad Ten will be composed of Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara, and Choji Akimichi." There was a scream from Ino as she said "NOOOO!" and a groan from Shikamaru has he muttered under his breath something about women being troublesome.

Rolling his eyes at the antics of Squad Ten, Iruka then said, "Now that you all know who your squad members are, you'll wait here for your senseis to come and get you." With that, everyone began to talk and move around as they waited for their senseis to come. Iruka walked over to Naruto and asked, "Hey, you ok Naruto?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah, I'm ok Iruka-sensei. Just thinking that's all."

"I would have expected you to be happy that you got put on the same team as Sakura, how come you weren't excited?"

"Well, after last night... I got to thinking that maybe I should try and not keep this a total secret. I mean about the Fox that is. I'm going to tell my team mates about it."

"Naruto, I'm proud of what you've decided to do. If you need anything, you can talk to me." said Iruka with a small smile. "Make sure to let me know how it goes okay?"

Smiling, Naruto replies, "Alright Iruka-sensei. Thanks."

One by one, the squads left with their jonin sensei. Eventually, the only one left was Squad Seven waiting. Deciding to have some fun, Naruto takes one of the chalk board erasers and sets up above the door so that when their sensei opens it, the eraser will fall on his head.

"Naruto!" said Sakura, "Ugh, you're so immature!"

"Oh come on, you know that its going to be funny!" said Inner Sakura.

"I know, but he acts so immature!" huffed Sakura. "Besides hes not as cool as Sasuke!"

"Oh please! What do you see in him anyways? Since when has he ever been nice to you, huh?"

"Sigh, never."

"Exactly! Besides, just by observing through your eyes, I can tell that there's someone that's everything that you've wanted."

"What! Really! Who?"

"I'm not telling you." Snickering, she then said, "You'll have to find out for yourself." Inner Sakura then became silent and there was not another word spoken from her.

"Argh! I can't believe her! Why does she always have to say things like that! She's impossible!"

At that moment, Kakashi Hatake opened the door to the classroom and the eraser hit him in the head sending chalk dust into the air. Naruto burst out laughing and clutching his sides, Sakura started to giggle, and Sasuke had his usual impassive look.

"Based off of my first impression of you guys, I hate you." said Kakashi. "Sigh, oh well. Meet me up on the roof." Immediately he disappeared in a poof of smoke. The trio looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders, and left the classroom as they headed up to the roof.

Iruka had decided that he was going to speak to the Hokage about the scroll that him and Naruto had found. So here he was, walking down the hallway in the Hokage Mansion towards the his leader's office. "I wonder how the Hokage is going to take this news." thought Iruka, "Maybe its not a big deal but I still hope he doesn't take this matter the wrong way." He soon found himself in front of the Hokage's office. Sighing he raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Come in." said the Hokage.

Iruka opened the door and entered into the Hokage's office closing the door behind him. "Now, I understand that you wished to talk to me about something urgent Iruka?" asked the Hokage.

"Yes. The last night, while we waited for the ANBU to take Mizuki away we found this." He reached into his back pocket, pulling out the scroll. "It was in a secret storage compartment on the back of the Forbidden Scroll. It said that it was written by the Sage of the Six Paths." At this, the Third's eyes widened slightly. Putting his pipe down he said "Iruka, let me look at this."

Nodding, Iruka handed the scroll over to his leader. Grabbing it, the Third opened it up and started to read. As he got to the end of the scroll he read this:

Here is a documented discovery of my findings of our world's twin world. In it describes what this twin world is like and how to travel to it. I've taken the liberty to also write some of my studies of jutsu for those I deem fit to learn. I, The Sage of the Six Paths, wish to share my writings with only ones that are worthy of this scroll.

As he finished reading part of the introduction of this scroll, he put the scroll down, picked up his pipe and leaned back. His brow furrowed, the Hokage began to contemplate about this latest development.

"This is quite interesting. I wonder if its really true that the fabled Sage wrote this. It does seem believable but I have my doubts about this."


"Uh, yes Hokage?" said Iruka.

"I would like to study this a bit more. However, I would like to copy the contents of this scroll. I don't why, but I have confidence in letting Naruto keep a copy of this scroll."

"W-wh-what? Y-you can't be serious Lord Hokage!"

Smiling, the Third said, "Just trust me Iruka. If its one person that I feel I can trust with this scroll, its Naruto. I know that he wouldn't use this information for the wrong purposes."

"Oh alright."

"Trust me Iruka, Naruto will not misuse the information in this scroll. Please notify him to come see in my office after they're done with their team meeting."

"Yes Lord Hokage." said Iruka as he bowed to his leader.

"You're dismissed."

With that, Iruka left his office to tell Naruto. As Iruka closed the door behind him, the Third Hokage went back to his paperwork. "I hate who ever came up with the idea of paperwork!"

Finally Team Seven had arrived up on the roof and took a seat in front of their new sensei, Kakashi Hatake.

"Yo." Kakashi said, "Now that all of you are here, lets start off with a little introduction. I want all of you to tell me your likes, dislikes, hobbies, and dreams."

Raising her hand, Sakura waits for Kakashi to acknowledge her.

"Yes?" said Kakashi.

"Sensei, aren't you supposed to go first?"

"Eh? Oh alright. My name is Kakashi Hatake, what I like or dislike is non of your business, I really don't have any hobbies, and dreams...well...uh...how about you blondie?"

"All he told us was his name!" thought all of three genin.

"Hey! Don't call me blondie! My name is Naruto Uzumaki, I like ramen, I dislike the three minute wait that it takes for ramen to heat up and people who think that they're better than anyone else, my hobby is pulling pranks, and my dream is to become Hokage so people will stop looking down on me and respect me!" as said his dream, he pumped his fist into the air with confidence.

Looking at Naruto, Sakura had a small smile on her face as she felt warm and inspired by the actions that Naruto had displayed. "Wow. I don't know why, but looking at him makes feel like I belong here."

Interrupting her thoughts, Kakashi went on to the next person. "Good, good. I like your dream Naruto." "If he sticks to his dream, he'll make a fine Hokage. I won't let your son down sensei, and I'll be there for him every step of the way." "Alright, your next." he said as he pointed at Sasuke.

"I don't have very many likes and I have a lot of dislikes. My hobby is training so I can kill a certain someone." Sasuke said with a dark look in his eyes.

"Oookkaayy... I don't like that look he has. I'm going to need to make sure I steer him away from the path." thought Kakashi. "Finally, its your turn... pinky."

"I...am...not...Pinky! Anyway, my name is Sakura Haruno, I like my friends, I dislike bullies, I like books, and my hobby is...um... I don't really know yet."

"Hm, well this team is more surprising by the minute. I thought she would act more like an overzealous fangirl. Oh well, guess there's a first for everything." "Good. Our first genin test will be tomorrow morning. Meet me at training ground #7, oh, and don't eat anything before you come because you might throw up. See ya." With that, he disappeared in a poof of smoke.

"Hey guys?" asked Naruto.

Both teens looked at Naruto and had curious looks on their faces. "What is it dobe? I've got somewhere I need to be." said Sasuke.

Sighing, Naruto said, "There's...there's something I need to tell you both and...you two are the only two people that I can trust with what I'm about to tell you."

Looking at each other and then looking back at Naruto, Sakura says "Ok, go on."

"Well...you know the Nine-Tailed Fox attack on the village twelve years ago?"

Nodding their heads, they waited for him to continue. "You've all been told that the Nine-Tailed Fox died in that battle, but that is a lie. The Fourth Hokage died sealing it in a newborn baby to insure the safety of the village. That baby...was me."

As he said this, he looked down with a sad look on his face as both of his team mates had shocked expressions on their faces. "I can understand if you don't want to be near me anymore so I'l-". Naruto didn't get to finish his sentence as he was engulfed in a huge hug by Sakura. She was sobbing into Naruto's chest as she said, "N-na-Naruto. I'm so sorry. I'm so v-very so-sorry. I-I-I shouldn't have t-tre-treated the way I have. Please forgive..." Sakura continued to sob into his chest with Naruto staring at Sakura in pure shock.

"Sakura." said Naruto.

Sasuke couldn't believe the news that he had just heard. This whole time since the Uchiha massacre he thought that he had it the worse. Worse than anyone else in the village. But after receiving this, it was too much for Sasuke to handle. This one moment, had become the start of a new beginning for him. "This whole time...I thought I was the one that truly understood loneliness. Naruto, however, has had it worse than I have ever had. How could I have been so blind to see that he was also suffering."

As he was thinking these thoughts, for the first time since the massacre of his clan, Sasuke started to cry. Walking over towards his two team mates, Sasuke also hugged Naruto while Sakura was still crying and hugging Naruto as well.

"Naruto, I'm sorry for being so blind to see the suffering in your eyes. I wish that I was there for you seeing as how you and me are so very similar. Both of us have lost something dear to us. You lost kindness and the chance to have a loving family, while I lost my whole clan. From this day on, you and I, are brothers."

With Naruto experiencing so much emotion at one time, he finally cracked. The cheerful mask that he had created earlier in life broke and he started to sob with happiness and sadness. "Sakura. Sasuke. Thank you both."

The trio sat and cried into each other's arms for the next 5 minutes. Standing in a tree from a far watching the scene taking place was Kakashi, the Hokage, Iruka, Towa, and Komachi. All five had smiles upon their faces. "Those kids, I'm so proud of them. I can already tell that they will be great and will serve as an example for others." said Kakashi.

"I'm happy that Sakura and Sasuke took the news without hating him and that they accepted him." commented Iruka.

"Way to go, Naruto." replied Komachi.

"Good job buddy." said Towa.

"Kakashi, based on what has just transpired before us, already I'm proud of your students. They will indeed be great." said the Hokage with admiration.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay in updating the second chapter guys. What I'm to try and do is update this story once a week so that way there is a schedule to it and I don't keep you all waiting too long. For anyone that may be wondering who Towa and Komachi are, they are ANBU members from the video game Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution 2. I haven't seen these two in any fanfictions that I have read thus far and so I thought it would be cool to have them in the story. These two characters have big roles to fill in upcoming chapters. To see what they look like, you can go to google and type the game title mentioned above to see images of them. They are by far some of my most favorite characters in the Naruto Universe and I think they should be used more often in stories. As I was writing this chapter, I kinda got emotional with all the feeling that I was putting into the last part of this chapter. This is the beginning of Team Seven forming unbreakable bonds and I wanted to get that point across. Sasuke will be different from his canon, revengeful self. More of our world will be introduced as the story continues. The beginning part of the story will mostly be dedicated to character development, but don't worry. Our world will get its first look real soon. Thanks for waiting patiently and I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.