Disclaimer: I do not own YYH or HP. If I did I would both have my revenge and live much better than I do.

AN: Its been a long time, but here is the long awaited update.

AN2: This is part one of a double update! The second chapter will be longer and cover a lot more ground, But I fell asleep while editing last night so It will be a two parter.

Standing the next day took a heruclean effort. Everything hurt, hell, Yuuki was fairly sure his hair folicles were protesting his movement. Such pain was to be expected after being subjected to the tender mercies of Toguro-san he thought as he stumbled his way to the shower, desperate to wash the dried blood off his batter body. Hissing in pain he detested himself of his bloodied and ruined yukata. The feeling of fresh blood running down his body as scabs that had attached themselves to the cloth were removed made him watch to retch. Yuki reached over and turned on the shower making sure to set the water to lukewarm so as not to aggravate his injuries further. Yucca hissed and he stepped under the cool spray, its pressure was agony tears of pain mixed with the cascading water and he gentle washed his body clean of blood and the grime of tortures long past picked up from the room in which he had been punished. Roughly fifteen minuets later Yuuki staggered from he showing, gritting his teen in pain as he slowly made his way across the the bathroom and into the bedroom proper. Just as he had crossed the threshold Togoro-sama entered the room. Yuuki started to lower himself to his knees when Toguro-sama spoke.

"You are to wash and wear yesterday's Yukata, I have need of your acting skills today, so don't shame me as you did yesterday." Toguro-sama said coldly as his brother, whom Yuuki had failed to noticed, walked over to one of the plush arm chairs situated in the room chucking veiling and leering at Yuuki's nude and battered body.

Yuuki didn't even respond as he turned and headed back into the bathroom, scooping up his ruined yukata and dropped it in the rather large sink before turning the cold tap, soaking the shredded cloth before taking a handful of hand soap and scrubbing the fabric as throughly as he could before tossing the wet mass that could now only be termed as rags into the shower before turning it on full blast so as to quickly rinse out the soap and not keep his mater waiting. After the soap washed away Yuuki did his best to ring out the tattered garment and slowly shrugged it onto his shuttering body. Turning he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and for the first time in a while he felt and looked like the slave he truly was. There he stood trembling, pale with wide pain filled eyes, dark bruises and lash marks covering visible flesh, the once fine silk yukata torn, frayed and stained with his blood was now nothing more than thhe tattered rags he had seen on the slaves in the black market. Yuuki didn't have time to settle the image and its truths in mis mind as Togoro-san barged in to the bathroom and tore the obi he had yet to don out of his hands cackling a sick grin on his face he brushed closely to Yuuki's body as he looped the torn obi around Yuuki's waist and tied it, rather loosely, in the front. A flush of embarrassment, and shame spread across Yuuki's features at the meaning of his obi being so tied.

Yuuki was then further humiliated by Toguro-san dragging him out of the bathroom by the newly tied obi, still held within Togoro-san's grasp. He was thrown to the floor with a gleeful cackle, but before any further abuse could take place Toguro-sama stepped in.

"Brother I will take care of this myself" He rumbled as he stood.

"But Brother-!" Toguro-san started before he was cut off.

"No I need to personally impress upon Yuuki the critical nature of this task and its going to get… personal. I'll meet you with my wayward pet in your room in say... half an hour?"

The elder of the two shorted half in amusement, half in disgruntlement at being denied his current toy before he gave a leering grin to the boy currently crumpled on the floor before giving his signature creepy giggle and exiting the room the door closing loudly in the now silent room. Yuuki didn't even bother trying to list himself off the floor as his body paused in agony. Cutting off his healing ability after such a beating was one of the worst punishments he had faced in his life. Not only has he weak from bloodless but he could no longer dull the pain by numbing the nerve endings, the results was the screaming agony of someone half healed, bruised bone deep and the stiffness that comes with sleeping in such circumstances. Yuuki blearily looked up from the floor at his master struggling to even raise his head a fraction.

"Yuuki I want you to listen very carefully, I need you to heal your body in various stages of the healing process. make it look like your punishment took place over several days." Commanded Toguro who smirked at the confused but obedient boy at his feet. "There are intruders coming to the mansion, and one of them is very special. I can feel from his energy that he has been trained by Genkai." Yuuki looked up sharply at the tone in his Master's voice. To those who were not intimately aware of the nuances of Toguro's voice it would have sounded the same as his usual gruff monotone, but to Yuuki there was the sound of sadness, longing, determination, and… finality in his voice. It seemed Toguro had hoped of finding his executioner in this boy. "Things are going to progress as to our long outstanding agreement with our long time friend and business partner. Your job is to play the beaten and abused slave and be rescued, then once free report back to me on the boys. I don't really care what their exact power level is just their rough placement, but their potential for growth on the other hand… your gift at auras and energy reading are what I need most. I trust that he'll be strong, Genkai wouldn't accept any less, but if he will peter out before he is strong enough to kill me than he isn't worth my time."

Yuuki nodded, taking a firm controlling grasp on his healing ability to make sure his body met the specifications on his Master'd order. He sagged in relief as the pain that had been near unbearable reduced to a manageable one note ache compared to the screaming agony that had been its predecessor. Toguro stood and moved to get some items out of the chair that his elder brother has vacated. As soon as Yuuki got to his feet he was met with Toguro-sama holding a leash in one and and iron shackled in the other. Yuuki wrinkled his nose in distaste, but knew that as per his roll and his current status of being 'in disfavor' that adding these as part of the ruse was both necessary but inevitable. He still shot Toguro-sama a disgruntled look.

Toguro chuckled in mirth at the look. "I took Midori and sent him on ahead to the apartments that our friend has set up for us." It was at that moment that Yuuki, who had been near out of it in pain, noticed his furry friend's absence, and sagged in relief that Midori-chan hadn't been punished for his misdeed. "Now lets go, we can't keep our guests waiting.

With that Toguro clipped on the leash and led a throughly embarrassed and though you'd never know it from his face, disgruntled Yuuki out of the room. It wasn't long before Yuuki could tell the direction in which they were headed, the ice maiden's tower prison. This time around the triad weren't there as guards, it stood to reason that they had been deployed to deal with the intruders.

They really must me something, most of the people that we deal with are barely ranked as a low C in power class. Thought Yuuki as the poor girl was sandwiched between the Toguro brothers and your standard armed guards.

About half way though their trek down the stairs the girl stopped. It was obvious to Yuuki that she was communicating telepathically with someone, however while he was polite enough not to listen in Toguro-san was not. The leering grin owning on his cruel face was evident from Yuuki's angle and sure enough once she finished her little chat we turned his head and cackled with malicious glee causing the poor thing to flinch. It didn't take them long to reach their destination. The terrified girl was taken to an observation room while the Toguro's and Yuuki headed down stairs. Once there Yuuki took his place, holding Toguro's jacket and huddled again the side of the room in apparent fear and anxiety while Togruo-sama made sure to attach the leash ,very visibly, to the wall, to put no doubt in his prey's mind about about Yuuki. Though Yuuki's fear was only slightly true, the anxiety was real as he could not afford to fail in his mission.

It was't long before the intruder's barged into the room. To Yuuki's shock the intruders were two teenagers and a ferry girl. Neither of the boys was much older than himself. They seemed to be stunned by the arena looking around and inevitably spotting him not longer they spotted the girl.

"What the hell! What kind of freak show are they running in this place?!" Yelled Yusuke in anger taking in the beaten form leashed to the wall.

"They're holding another girl here too?! What have you done to her?! You creeps have no honor! You don't hit girls!"Hollered Kuwabara as he angrily took in the damaged done to the slight figure huddled against the wall.

The Black Black club laughed in delight and the younger of the Toguro brothers actually smiled.

The fight was about to begin.