Chapter 5- The Flight of the Hounds

I am so very sorry for not updating enough! Dang you school! So, for your enjoyment, new chapter!

BTW: My friend, fanfic name= Eryn Nicole Potter, helped me come out of the writing rut I was in. Thanks Flute Friend (see what I did there? *eye brow waggle*)! On with the show!

Harrison, God and Tormentor of the Dead, was seriously considering sending all the students at Hogwarts to Tartarus. How dare they try to come-on to Daphne, or even look him in the eye. No one had tried that since Orpheus, and we all know what happened because of that!

While Draco was attempting to convince Hermione that Sparta was better than Athens, a lost cause, a prim-looking older woman was attempting to tell them about the Houses of the school. Even though we were all in fourth year, we still had to get sorted. Fan-bloody-tastic.

The stick-up-arse woman was now calling up names. I saw Ginny be sorted into Gryffindor; house of the foolish. Draco was sorted into Slytherin; house of the paranoid.

Blaise was sorted into Ravenclaw, alongside Hermione and Daphne. Luna had arrived in a flurry of wind, and a very-stunned hat, really a stupid hat?, had declared her to be a Hufflepuff; house of the expendables. Neville had not returned to Hogwarts after his summer internship, much to the teachers' surprise. However, things were just heating up, when my name was called up.

Instantly, all the ghosts seemed to go white, well whiter, and went to a bowed position around the school. The awed students looked around, staring stupidly at the ghosts.

One particular ghost spoke out of the crushing silence, "My lord, may long your kingdom flourish. And may the Fates shine their fortunes upon your favor." Then the escapers-of-death bowed lower, in servitude.

I laughed at this, and raised a single finger, and said "go to the Styx, and pray that Cerberus doesn't eat your sorry souls" and with a snap sent them to the Underworld, being reined over by Thanatos.

"Boy, what is the meaning of this! Where did the ghosts go, and why did they bow to you!" a war-hardened old man, who I believe was called Mad-eye Moody, sneered disdainfully at me. When I turned my fury-filled eyes to face him, something caught me as odd. His soul was different from his appearance, and trust me, I could tell.

I tucked to information away for later use, and said in a honey-sweet voice "I don't know sir, perhaps you could tell me?"

By this time the whole Hall was shaking, except for my family. Eyes riddled with delicious fear was over-flooding the students mortal eyes.

"What is your name, boy!" a genial, old man said with a smile, looking a few seconds-away from Thanatos coming for his soul.

"What's yours old man? I want to know whose soul I take tonight." I said with a look of glee, madness dripping from my eyes.

"Oh for Olympus's sake!" Hermione shouted, then sent a obliviation spell through the entire student body. While that was happening, I had strolled over to the Slytherin table and sat down next to Draco. We nodded toward each other, laughter dancing in our coal-black eyes.

Let the fun begin, so long as Hermione doesn't castrate me.

Sorry it's short, next chapter is troll event.
