After school, Gohan and Goten made their way to C.C. Before thy even knocked on the door, trunks flew out the window and tackled the two of them. "Hey Gohan, Hey Goten. What's up?" the hyper saiyan prince asked.
"We just got back from my first day of school. It was really fun, I learned a lot of things, and Gohan and I even have a class together,"
Goten explained. Vegeta walked in not too long after.
"Hello Vegeta, you're looking the same as always," greeted Gohan.
"And you actually took the woman's advice and went to school, I thought you had more sense than that and would have spent that time training the boy. Trunks needs a worthy sparring partner, not someone as weak as a human, or stronger than Cell. That reminds me, we haven't had our weekly two on two, have we?"
"Nope, let's get to it," answered Gohan, then redirecting his gaze towards Goten and Trunks, "Boys, let's get a snack before we start."
"K!" they said.
He followed the two into into the kitchen.
"Well Mr. Golden Fighter, you sure showed theses puny earthlings the power of the saiyan race. If you wanted to kick the shit out if humans, you should have called," Vegeta said, shortly followed by a hearty laugh.
"Well, it wasn't planned. We saw them, we kicked their ass and left. That's part of the reason we are here. You see, Goten and I, we need some sort of suit so we aren't recognized by our clothes."
"Well I'll have the woman make you some armor. Now enough if this stupid bull shit. Boys to the desert, I have a match to win."
"We'll see about that, won't we Goten?" questioned Gohan.
"Aw, I wanted mote food. We didn't have rune to eat more then 10 courses at school," Goten complained as they walked into the G.R.
"If by some miracle you win, I'll have the team of chefs cook up a Kakkorot sized meal. But if we win, Gohan will have to rebuild this room every time I blow it up for two months. Deal?" Suggested Vegeta.
Gohan walked up to him, "Deal," he said as he sent a fist flying at Vegeta's face. Staggered, he launched a counter attack.
The battle continued for about 3 hours. It ended with Goten and Trunks forfeiting, then fainting, from exhaustion, and Vegeta and Gohan were locked in a wave battle. Vegeta had already went ss2, but Gohan had only ascended once. Gohan decided that now was a good time to transform again, so he did.
The fight ended not long after that. Gohan, fell to his knees, exhausted.
Once they awoke, Vegeta pushed himself out of his pod and proceeded to release Gohan.
The worlds eyes were once again glued to the television. Everyone, even the Z warriors, stood dumbfounded.
Brief home( Vegeta, Gohan, Goten, Bulma, and Trunks.)
On the screen was an enormous crater. Only it wasn't a crater a few moments ago. It used to be a continent. Europe, to be exact. It was gone. Destroyed. 3 minutes ago, some unknown explosion had taken it all out. The 5 stared at the screen in silence. Vegeta was the one to break the silence.
"With this planets luck, a dragonball was in that explosion." it was a blunt statement but it knocked the others out if their stupor. They all, bar Vegeta, scrambled around looking for the radar. Goten was the one to find it. Bulma took it from and activated it. She expanded it, and her eyes widened. Her hands began to shake and she dropped the radar.
Satan residence. (Videl alone)
She couldn't believe this. It was the bugger event since Cell and her dumb-ass dad refused to even let her watch. All she had seen was a large whole and the words Europe, or at least it was. She couldn't imagine anyone being able to do this. Sure, her country was able to produce a large number of ionic explosives, but this kind if power was unheard of. Then, she heard it, and her heart stopped.
"Greetings, puny humans. I due so hope you remember me. If not, allow me to remind you. It is I, the perfect being. Cell. I have spent the last 6 years in Hell, and I'm back and stronger than ever. Thanks again to the red shark gang. Now, if you would be so kind as to all tell me the location of the one who killed me, I'll refrain from blowing up another continent. Meet me at the spot where we last met. I'll be waiting."
Videl was in shock. That was quickly replaced with anger. Her dad hadn't finished him off. Now he's going to go back, win again, and become even more famous. No, worse. He's going to send Lou. Now he'll get all that glory too. Not on her watch. She's going to go, and she's going to win. Shell will be the new world savior. She grabbed her jet, decapsulized it on her balcony and took off towards the 2nd cell games.
Briefs home.
Gohan was enraged. All the pain and loss he went through, and this monster still came back. His energy was already near super-saiyan.
"Aunt Bulma, whats going on?" asked Goten. She just stared in shock.
"Dad, Mr. Vegeta, what's going on?" Goten now demanded.
Vegeta was the one to answer. "The monster who killed your real dad has returned. And Gohan is very angry. On top if that, no Dragonballs are being detected."
"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go kick his cricket but!" shouted Trunks. "I'll get the senzus."
When he returned, Vegeta neck chopped him. "Bulma, keep him here. I've watched Cell kill him once, I don't need to see it again."
"Vegeta, Goten will come." Gohan seethed through his teeth.
"Fine, let's go!" Vegeta comanded.
Cell Stage
Videl had just arrived and saw nobody else was here.
"You are much to old to be hid daughter. You are what, 13?"
"I'm sixteen you big green brute."
"That just proved my point even more."
"Grr, that's it!" she charged him and unleashed a flurry of blows onto to Cell's body. He didn't even flinch. After a few minutes, he looked towards the east.
"Ah, there he is."
Videl looked up at the direction he was looking. She saw three dots headed straight towards them. As they came closer, she realized one was the short man from the first games, and the other two were from that robbery. All three were glowing gold. They landed on the stage. The tallest one, the one she slapped, looked at her with a mix of shock and annoyance. He looked back at Cell with a look if absolute hatred.
"Well it's good to see you Vegeta; I didn't expect to see you here. Not with what happened last time. We will get this started as soon as I deal with this little twerp," said Cell. He charged and punched Videl in the chest. She went flying back. He felt herself land on something warm and sturdy. Looking up, she saw the tallest gold fighter had caught her.
"So Vegeta, who have you brought with you? I don't recognize either." inquired Cell.
"The boy is Kakorot's youngest, and you should remember the other."
"Ah. My how you have grown. It is good to see you Gohan." Cell sent a coy smile towards Videl and Gohan. He set her down and she looked right at him.