A/N: Hey there! So I'm really new to this. This is my first fic ever, and I'm so nervous but excited at the same time! So please be on the nicer side with the reviews! This is just an intro chapter. If I have time I'll post the second tonight! This chapter is on the shorter side, I don't plan on having the all this short. So with that go read! Thanks for reading! xoxo P.S: It starts out with a journal entry.

August 1997

If you find this, please return to the Weasley family. Thank you.

My name is Hermione Granger. I was born in 1979, and I was raised by muggles. The most shocking part of my life was the discovery that I was special. I had always been gifted. I excelled a lot in academics. However, anyone can do that. I was special in my own unique way, and that's what made me so happy when I found out that secret. When I had found out that I was a witch.

Your first reaction is to think it's a prank. My parents certainly thought so. However, I didn't. I knew I was special. I made weird things happen, things that just could not be logically explained. I spent hours in various libraries trying to find out how I did these things. But there was no answer.

The whole process is overwhelmingly unusual. That's why I believed that this wasn't a prank. It's not every day an owl shows up to your house carrying a letter addressed to you. My parents were very hesitant in letting me opening it. I didn't care though; I proceeded to open it anyway. When I read the letter something inside me clicked. Magic! It explained how I changed the colors of my clothes when I disliked the color; it explains how whenever my mother couldn't successfully tie up my bushy hair I managed to flatten it. I made things disappear, I made flowers float. I knew there was something unique about me, this just made it fit.

As pleased as I was, my parents believed it to be a joke. It wasn't until Professor McGonagall came to our house, they believed it. I remember how she came just like it was yesterday. I was up in my room reading when I heard a knock on the door. I chose to let my parents tend to it. A few moments later I heard my name being called. I climbed down the stairs to find an older woman dressed in emerald green robes, and a pointy hat. She then explained to my parents and me everything about this exciting new place called Hogwarts!

My parents, still unconvinced of the entirety of truth, made Professor McGonagall perform magic. She gladly obliged. She had turned my mum's favorite coffee table into a beautiful canary. I remembered how excited I was, especially when my parents had agreed to let me attend.

That was seven years ago. Today, I sit here in the Burrow, the place that I now will call home. My parents don't remember me. They don't remember a thing. There is a raging war going on all around us, and the only thing I could do to protect them was wipe their memories and ship them off to Australia. I am a best friend to Harry Potter, the number one target. The Death Eaters will surely find my parents to pry information out of them. I couldn't bare it, I had to do something.

I'm staying at the Burrow until Bill and Fleur's wedding. After this, Harry, Ron, and I plan on leaving. We're skipping our last year of Hogwarts to bring down Voldemort. We will be devoting all our time to bring him down. We have no clue how long we will be gone for.

Being completely honest, I'm terrified. I'm terrified something will happen to one of us. I'm terrified something will go wrong and we're finished. With that, Voldemort would have a victory. Harry had to be the one to kill him. I don't want to leave the comfort of the Burrow. I don't want to go at all, but I have to. I know I have to be there for Harry. I would never forgive myself if I let Harry go alone.

I'm bringing this entry with us. If something were to happen to me I want this journal going back to the Weasleys. That way they can know what happens. However, I hope they don't read this whole thing because there are some embarrassing things about Ron in hereā€¦. Fred, George! Wipe that smirk of your face. I can feel it already.

However, since this is my diary I should confide one last secret before making this my keep safe. I'm over Ron. So if you're reading this Fred and George you can stop laughing. Ron is a git, and he knows it. It all shows in the way he treats me, everything last year with Lavender. It shows me how he is. I could never be with someone like that.

That was the last personal confession. The rest of this journal will be used to display my adventures, if you want to call them that, with Ron and Harry. I suppose if we come out of this alive, I could use this as a documentary. Kind of like Anne Frank's diary.

It's that time to go, I hear Ron's obnoxiously loud footsteps coming. So goodbye journal. Hopefully I will be writing again soon, with tales of happiness and not the news of my death.

Lots of love,


That was the last journal entry I wrote in that notebook. Looking back on it, it seems so distant. I know it wasn't terribly long ago, but I can't help but laugh on the entry. All that was before him,the one thing that matters in my life now. All the lost time we had was wasted. I suppose I didn't know better. Finding love in him was a surprise to me, even to this day. This journal at one point had meant the world to me, and it didn't contain him in it. I look at that old journal and feel the urge to write in it. I decide to write the story of him. Starting right after that entry was written.