Blaine's POV

Thank Merlin…the Doctor has finally left.

I close my one good eye tiredly and cover both eyes by my open palms.

Jeez…this has been one hell of a morning.

I woke up barely half-an-hour ago and was instantly bombarded with too-cheery nurses. I tried asking what the hell was going on (since my head was fuzzy I didn't bother trying to remember) and why my right eye was bandaged, but no one would pay attention to me. It wasn't until I almost started hyperventilating and when the Doctor finally decided to show up did I finally find out and realize what was going on.

According to the male Doctor, he was treating my hurt eye at the moment.

When I asked what happened, he told me that my brother had told him that I had obtained the hurt eye from a sing-off gone wrong. At first I was going to tell him as politely as I could (even though all I could think was that I must be in a weird Urban Legend) that there was no way in hell my brother was here, that my brother's in New York at the moment attending NYU…

But before I could correct him, it hit me. Hard.

"Did this…brother…have stormy blue eyes and an impeccable choice of clothes on?"

The Doctor raised his eyebrow and answered, "I don't know about an impeccable choice of clothes but I do know he has blue eyes and his name is Kurt."

For the first time since I woke up a grin spread on my face. Immediately I asked if he could come in and visit and thankfully the Doctor agreed. After all, the nurses had already done my check up in the middle of my confusion.

So now, the Doctor is gone and I'm stuck letting everything sink in and trying to remember. After a few seconds of waiting and wracking my bed for the memories, the memories suddenly and thankfully hit me.

I fall to my knees, hearing an agonized cry as I do so (as I look back on it I now realize it was me). I hold my hands against my eyes, protecting it from any other damage that can be done to it. It still hurts though. I moan as I rock back and forth, feeling tears in my eyes. I try and blink but that only makes the pain worse.

Well, crap.

I really did it to myself this time huh?

A knock sounds at the door.

I quickly sit up and move my hands away from my eyes. "Come in." I call softly. Please please please let it be—

The door opens a fraction and I smile.

Yep; there's my angelo in person.

Kurt smiles shyly and opens the door the rest of the way. He steps in quietly and closes the door behind him before timidly coming to my bedside.

"Hey." I say happily, a little shy myself. After all, Kurt had only just a couple hours before this seen me at my absolute worst…sobbing and curled up in a fetal position on the ground. But…I feel better knowing that Kurt handled me perfectly, despite it. After all, he had gotten me to hospital hadn't he?

"Hey." He said, grabbing my hand and squeezing it. I look at him and I'm instantly taken aghast. What…? Why are his beautiful eyes so red? Why does he look so upset? He shouldn't be upset…I'm fine and he looks fine and for all I know, everyone else is fine…so…

"Why are you upset?" I question, looking at him in the eye. Surprise flits across his face before faux calmness takes its place.

"I'm not upset." He answers, not looking me in the eyes. I scoff loudly; making it known that there was no way in heck I'm going to believing that lie.

He gives me an exasperated look but doesn't comment. I sigh and shake my head. I guess I'm going to push him a little (not literally of course…).

"Kurt, please tell me the truth."

I don't expect the reaction I get; Kurt narrows his beautiful eyes at me and his face goes a little red. He's…angry! At me! What the…?

"Why can't you trust that I'm fine?" Kurt cried, crossing his arms.

"Because you're obviously not hun." I say, keeping cool. I know losing my temper would only make this situation worse, so…the cool road is the way to go.

Kurt suddenly sighs and seems to deflate. The anger that had taken place in his body seemed to slip from his body, leaving a shaking, bitterly smiling Kurt behind.

"It's not fair…you know me better than I know myself." Kurt laughed, though there was scorn and bitterness behind it.

"Hun…why are you upset?" I question yet again.

"Isn't it obvious?" Kurt asked dramatically, reminding me of the carefree boy from only a few hours ago, "You're hurt. You're in a hospital. You're going to have to get surgery."



Kurt seems to realize this piece of information—of having to get surgery—had never reached my ears. His eyes widen as he stutters, "Oh my Gaga, I'm so sorry! I thought the doctor told you—I'm so—"

To distract myself from freaking out I answer, "Its fine…I was going to find out anyways. But enough about that; don't worry about me babe. I'm not in any pain; I'm actually feeling good right now. So I must ask; how are you? Did they hurt you?"

Oh God, if they hurt my Kurt I swear to Merlin—

"No, I'm fine. My Teenage Dream stepped into front of the slushie meant for me, therefore keeping me from harm. Him on the other hand…"

…Oh yeah.

I have to get in between Kurt and Sebastian. Because if I'm not careful something could go down between those two. Merlin knows they hate each other. And wouldn't this be the perfect time to do something to Kurt?

I did step in front of Kurt. And personally I'm glad I did so.

"Good…if you weren't fine I would have to get my fellow Warblers back."

Kurt smiles softly and whispers, "You don't need to hurt the Warblers…and don't forget, there's no need for 'fellow' anymore. You're not a Warbler. You're a part of New Directions now."

That dampers my mood.

I'm not a Warbler…I'm a part of a Glee Club that doesn't even really accept me yet. At least, as my own person. They accept Kurt & Blaine—or as Brittany nicknamed us Klaine—but they don't accept Blaine.

The man.

The student who's new to McKinley High.

The boyfriend of a friend who's more than just that.

No…they see the lovesick teenager who's in love with one of their best friends.

And that kind of kills me.

Kurt seems to notice my sudden change of mood, because he's quick to smile and open his mouth. I open my own mouth to tell him not to bother with reassuring me, since we both know it's beyond true.

So imagine my surprise when Kurt gushes, "They all stayed here last night."

I frown, urging him with my look to continue.

"After you got hurt, everyone stayed in the waiting room until the doctor came. And even after that at least half the group stayed until I ordered them to leave. So don't go saying that they don't care."

"They felt guilty." I brush off, not really concerned. After all, we both know that they haven't really, truly accepted me into New Directions…and I'm kind of okay about that. I mean, I'm kind of like a vaccine; I'm new to the body and it might take awhile for them to get used to me.

They're all already used to Sugar

I shrug that thought off. That's a whole different situation.

Not really…

Shut up.

"They're not guilty," Kurt huffs in that 'Bitch, plz' way that I happen to love before correcting himself, "Well, they're a little guilty but for the most part they care!"

"Oh sweetie…" I say as if consoling a child.

"Stop that!" he reprimands, before seemingly remembering that I'm in the hospital, "I mean—"

"I know."

Kurt smiles before grabbing my hand and kissing it gently. I grin and lean up, trying to capture his lips. Before I can though, Kurt yelps and pushes me back down.

I continue to smile, though more confusedly. "What is it?"

"I just—You're in the hospital. I don't want you moving."

"But it's just my eye. I'm not hurt anywhere else…"

"Just let me initiate the kissing until you leave the hospital, okay?"

I frown but nod. There's nothing wrong with me below the neck, so I don't get why he won't let me move properly…


His mom. I know this must have something to do with his mom…after all, she did spend many months here, dying from cancer…he must've pushed her down millions of times because she wanted to kiss him and comfort him like a mother only would.

Merlin…I don't know how she survived without kissing Kurt for months. I mean, it's hard for me not to kiss him right now…but to be a mother and not being able to kiss your own child?

I'd die.

That's probably why she did.

Kurt finally gives me a small kiss and I can't help but grin and sigh. For a second there I was worried Kurt wouldn't let me kiss him at all…but thankfully he isn't so cruel.

"So tell me," I begin nonchalantly, "How is Burt with the whole you skipping school to be here thing?"

Kurt goes a bit pale before smiling. "He's totally fine with it."

He's lying.

Burt's a school freak. He hates it when Kurt skips school. I know this for a fact. When I met Burt for the first time; just a few weeks after we became friends; he made it clear during supper that there was no way in hell he'd let Kurt skip any class for any other reason than he was horribly sick. Unknown to him, I have a father like that was well, so skipping was never an option in the first place. But it was good to know that Kurt had a father who totally and completely cared.

Kurt can tell that I've caught him in his lie, because he bites his lip and gives me a helpless grin. I raise an eyebrow and that seems to lure the truth out of him.

"Okay; when I first told him he was less then pleased—well, he wasn't pleased before but still—"

"What? What do you mean he wasn't pleased before?" I question, a little concerned. Burt's normally a down-to-earth guy who makes the most out of things and loves his sons as much as he can before he can't anymore. So I know when Burt of all people wouldn't fight with Kurt unless it was serious.

"He—he was upset with me. He was disappointed in me." Kurt whispers, sounding like a lost puppy. I want nothing more than to take him in my arms and hug the living shit out of him but he wouldn't allow it.

Instead I give him a listening ear. I whisper back, "Why?"

"Because—this eye came from a stupid decision we all made."

I give a questioning look.

"We shouldn't have been out there Blaine. Having a freaking a sing-off in the middle of the night, at an empty mall parking lot."

I immediately feel sympathetic. Damn, I've messed everything up and I didn't even have to be awake for it!

"Baby, we had no idea our former friends would fight so dirty. We thought it would just be a sing-off, not an actual fight."

"We should have!" Kurt bursts out, getting teary.

I sigh and take his hands in mine. "Stop it. Blaming yourself doesn't help me. It doesn't help anything. None of us could've known that anyone, let alone me, could get hurt from a simple sing-off. So please stop. For me?"

And I do the one thing that Kurt has never said no to; I give a small pout. The moment he notices it and his gives a small smile, I know he's wrapped around my finger.

"Fine." Kurt dramatically sighs, swiftly wiping any tears that would've fallen.

"You know what we should do until the doctor comes back in?" I question, knowing this would provides distractions for both him and me. The distraction we definitely need.

"What?" Kurt asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Watch RENT on your iPod."

Kurt grins and immediately takes out his iPod.

And a few minutes later, as I hold him tightly against me and let my worries float away as we sing along to one of Kurt's favourite musicals, I realize this; No matter how much eye surgeries I will have to go through, I would take a million slushies to the face as long as I could stay here…where I belong.


Is this a good place to end this? Shall there be more? Is there anything to be added? Am I asking too many questions? Lol

Seriously though, leave me a review and tell me if I should add, how good or bad I did, etc. Any type of review is good enough for me :)