A/N: Thank you for the reviews :) They really pushed me to get this chapter up sooner. This is the first time I've ever written G!Peen so I hope you enjoy it. I recieved a few reviews about some confusions with this story, all will be addressed next chapter, I think I'm going to turn this into a multi-chapter fic. Well here's the continuation of Chapter 1...enjoy, and review please :)

Brittany breathes hard through her nose, her fingers digging into Santana's hips hard enough to bruise and Santana is sobbing against the carpet, nails scratching at the fabric hard enough to show the markings, her body trembling as she rocks back on Brittany's cock, begging to be fucked.

"Move move oh god please move," she hiccups and Brittany obeys because she can't imagine how desperate Santana must be feeling to just give up her control like this. Usually Brittany was the one on her back, pleading for more, begging Santana to stop being a bitch and just ride her but now things had changed so drastically that Brittany wasn't sure how to react.

Fucking Santana feels so good.

She moans the second she shifts her hips, trying to get used to the tight heat around her cock and Santana grunts, a whine stuck in the back of her throat. Santana is sure she's biting at the carpet by this point as she croaks out, "Oh, god. Fuck me, move, babe, let me feel your cock."

"Santana, shit," she finally breathes and she slides out a few inches, thrusting back in hard enough for Santana to cry out, tugging at her own hair at the feeling.

"Fuck," Brittany sighs, starting to roll her hips nice and hard, watching as her cock slid home and back. "Baby, so wet for me."

Santana choked out a moan, her body rocking back against Brittany's every time Brittany thrust forward. Sweat was pooling in the arch of her back and Brittany leaned down to lick at the salty skin. She bit down and Santana's body convulsed and for a second Brittany thought Santana had come, but no such thing had happened. Santana was still clawing at the carpet, still moaning in pleasure, still fucking back on Brittany's cock.

"Look at you," Brittany groans, fucking into Santana harder, delighting in the noises coming from the body below her. "Fucking back on my cock like a little whore, moaning and whining, such a slut for me."

The sound that came out of Santana was nothing but a keening whine, and Brittany saw one of Santana's hands snake down her navel and rub at her throbbing clit.

On a whim, Brittany reaching under as well and slapped Santana's hand away from her clit. The brunette giving a pathetic little sob when Brittany pulled her arm out over her head, grabbing the other and holding them down with one of her hands, effectively pinning Santana to floor. Santana moaned, her body shaking as Brittany fucked into her, hard and fast and deliciously deep.

"You gonna come, baby?" Brittany husked, hips falling into an erratic rhythm as she felt her orgasm build hot and low in her belly. Santana's walls squeezed spasmodically tighter around her cock, answering Brittany's question clear enough. "Wanna see your face when you come."

Santana whimpered as Brittany pulled out, but that whimper turned into involuntary yelp when Brittany pushed her over so she fell onto her side, involuntarily rolling onto her back. She whined in protest when Brittany didn't slide back home immediately, but her whine cut off when she caught the look of pure hunger on Brittany's face.

Brittany licked her lips, cock twitching at the sight of Santana laid out in front of her. Hair disheveled, cheeks flushed, lips plump. Her body was covered in sweat, and there was a trail of cum leaking out of Santana's abused center. "So sexy," she murmured as she grabbed one of Santana's legs and threw it over her shoulder, the position angling Santana's hips in a way Brittany knew would best hit that spot deep inside her girlfriend.

Gripping the base of her cock, Brittany positioned herself and once more slid home, Santana moaning the whole way in. Brittany started thrusting immediately, setting a hard, rough pace that had Santana arching off the floor, moaning and groaning like a bitch in heat.

God, she was such a fucking bottom when you got her going.

"Mmm, yeah, like this?" Brittany says and she feels like her breath is getting knocked out of her with each thrust, her grip on Santana's wrists tight. Her ears are ringing with the sound of Santana's little moans the way she keeps rocking back on her cock.

Santana nods, nearly hysterical with the want as she wraps her other leg around Brittany's waist, begging to be fucked deeper. Brittany groans, sweat running down her back and dripping down the valley of her breasts. She leans down to kiss Santana wet and messy, nearly bending the girl in half.

"Touch me, touch me, touch me," Santana keeps panting, her chest heaving with it and her back arching, pleading for Brittany's touch. Her clit is pink and throbbing and Brittany shouldn't be making her wait but it's so hot, watching her like this and seeing her lose control. "Mmm, babe, want me to touch your clit?"

Santana keens for it, nodding her head as her noises start turning into sobs again, Brittany's harsh thrusting sending her into a frenzy. She feels half crazy with the arousal, the want, the need to cum and she half chokes on a moan when Brittany lets go of her wrists to squeeze at her hips, her nails digging into the skin to make her thrusts smoother and harder.

"Ah, ah, touch my clit." Santana whines, jaw hanging slack and eyes so dark Brittany can barely recognize them and Brittany smirks, panting above her and feeling her orgasm coming soon, so soon. "You want me to touch your clit, huh? So desperate for me baby, being such a little slut for my cock, aren't you? Just waiting to come when I say so, yeah, baby? Just for my cock?"

Santana hiccuped a sob, her heel digging into Brittany's lower back as she tried to pull Brittany in deeper. "Just for your cock, fuck, love your cock, love how you fuck me, want you in me all the time," Santana babbled, head whipping side to side in some sort of crazed desperation.

Brittany bit her lips, hips stuttering as she feels her orgasm build up, closer and closer and she's so right there, Santana's hurried words getting her that close. She knows if she keeps thrusting she's going to come, so she still her hips and swallows down the broken sob Santana gives with a chaste and sweet kiss.

"B, please please please don't stop," Santana begs, and fuck, there are actual tears. Brittany feels like a bitch, but there's also a high behind the guilt that she made Santana like this. Santana, who was the top in the relationship, Santana who always had the control. She had Santana under her, bouncing on her cock, begging for Brittany to keep fucking her, begging for Brittany to let her come, and not the other way around for once.

"Not moving until you beg me, bitch."

Santana gave a keening whine, the sound high and piercing. "Move for the love of God, please please move I can't take it I need it please fuck I need to cum just please move."

Britttany grunted, one hand coming down to rub circles around Santana's clit, her stilled hips finally began to move again. Santana only lasted for three or four more languid flicks and Brittany's cock brushing against her

g-spot before she was coming with a shout, voice hoarse and cracking and so fucked-out it made Brittany's whole body clench up, and only seconds after Santana, Brittany was moaning out her own orgasm as she came deep inside the body under her.

Santana shuddered as Brittany filled her, some of Brittany's orgasm already managing to run down her thighs. Santana shivered, giving a content little coo when Brittany's arms wrapped tightly around her.

They lay in silence after Brittany pulled out, the blonde holding Santana tightly to her chest. Brittany was perfectly content to lay there, naked on the foyer floor with Santana in her arms, but Santana whispering something that Brittany couldn't quite make out made the blonde sit up, rolling Santana onto her back so she could look her in the eyes.

"What did you say?"

"It's gone," Santana croaked, tears sliding down her cheeks, and Brittany yanked her back into her chest in horror.

"Baby, I'm so sorry," Brittany apologized, although she didn't quite know what for. "I'm so sorry."

"No sorrys," Santana mumbled, Brittany tilting her head back to look at her. "Happy," Santana croaked in explanation.

"Happy?" Brittany questioned, and Santana just nodded. "Okay, you're gonna have to explain that to me when you can talk again. But for now," Brittany slipped out of Santana's arms, the brunette whining as the warmth was taken away. "You're going to take a bath, because you're filthy."

Santana looked up at Brittany a pout on her lips. She lifted her arms, a proposition. "Carry?" She asked, and Brittany just smiled.

A/N: So next chapter will be the morning after...