A/N: Happy Valentines everyone! I hope you'll like this one. Since I always rite on Jenny's side of the story, now, I'll write his side of the story.

Thanks for the reviews Agent Striker (Me too! FOREVER ALONE), K8 G.H. Ducey (I also love that part)and left my heart in Paris! (I also think that, that last one is sweeter. I'll read the second chapter of Unmasked soon)

I was thinking about making another drabbles like this entitled "Things she does for him". Do you think I should do it?


All he ever wanted is to give her his name.

He took a deep breath when he saw her. Tears were forming in her eyes. He only exhaled when she reached him and enveloped her delicate hand with his.

They stood there, hand in hand. The blues were clashing with the emeralds. They didn't care about the world around them.

Right now, it was only the two of them.

Jenny and Jethro.

They were on auto-pilot as they replied to every statement.

Finally, he whispered."You're the last Mrs. Gibbs."

"I'd better be." She warned him.

"You may now kiss the brideā€¦" but Gibbs didn't wait for him to say that.

It's up to you to think which Gibbs didn't wait for him to say that.