This story is going to be all human. I dont own the vampire diaries, or anything believe me if I did it would be alot different. Please read. The first two chapters, maybe 3 will be flashbacks. Will try to be related to the story as much as possible. (By the way Stefan/Elena same age. Jeremy 2 years younger. Damon two years older.)

Flashback to 8th Grade-

My mom dropped me off at the Salvatore Boarding House for what seemed like the millionth time, Stefan wasn't answering his phone but I figured it died or he lost it like always. So I knocked on the door, it was promptly 6 o'clock and I was supposed to be having a movie night with Stefan. Everyone thought it was so weird that I stayed such good friends with the Salvatore's but I've known them forever, and Stefan is my best friend. Other than Bonnie of course. But that's besides the point. I go to see who answers the door and its Giuseppe and Martina dressed up, "Oh Hi Elena lovely to see you tonight, go right inside I'll let Damon know you are here."

"Thanks" Damon is two years older than me and he is my best friend also but its always been so different with him, with Stefan there has never been anything there, but with Damon he has always protected me, and been there for me in times of need. I guess some people might call it a crush but I can't be he's known me since Im a baby and hes a high school boy, im only in 8th grade and he looks at me like a kid. It would never work.

Martina and Giuseppe leave after calling Damon down, and now im beginning to wonder if Stefan blew me off. That would be so wrong, hes done this before and I didnt speak to him for two weeks for it last time. "Hey there Lena what are you up to tonight?" Damon said coming downstairs obviously freshly showered with his hair still messy with his classic dark jeans and a black shirt on.

"Well since Stefan obviously blew me off for tonight, Im going to try and arrange a ride home..." I said feeling weak at his words.

"Why would my brother do something as stupid as that? What other 8th grader would be worth spending time with?" Damon said as he took a seat next to me in the kitchen. I was about to dial my mom when Damon grabbed it from me, "I'll tell you what you stay here and well hang out instead. We haven't hung out in too long."

"You're not doing anything tonight?" I asked hoping the answer was no, really liking my options.

He hesitated but his eyes settled and he said sweetly, "Lena there's nowhere I'd rather be tonight."

Flashback End***

I later found out he was lying ... He had a big party to go to that night, apparently thats where Stefan was... He got invited because he was on JV Football and the whole high school would be there. Damon's high school girlfriend who dated on and off was also there and he blew her off for me.

Flashback 2-

"So Elena how have your first day of classes been?" Bonnie said as we stared across the large high school cafeteria. The first day of high school wasn't bad. I found out I made the varsity cheerleading squad and even though i was the only freshman to make the squad it only made my day better, with having a bunch of the girls know me from practice over the summer to having Bonnie in my morning classes.

"Good I made Varsity" i told her as we picked an empty table to sit down at.

"You did! Im so proud! I thought you had to be like a junior to make that!"

"Apparently no- OH MY GOD... CAROLINE!" I screamed almost half way across the school.

"ELENA! BONNIE!" The bubbly blonde yelled back.

"Caroline no way why didnt you tell me you were coming back in any of your emails? " Bonnie inclined. And I leaned forward.

"Guys calm down we have 40 minutes for this thing... First off I wanted it to be a surprise... " Caroline said and then she continued, " I moved back because my Dads job was too unstable he moved again for the 3rd time in a year so I moved back in with my mom. Yeah theres problems there but we worked on them over the summer, and yes thats why I did not contact you. But now it can be just like before! Take on high school together... Elena , Bonnie did you try out for cheerleading like we always dreamed?" She finally got to her questions.

"Yeah I did I tried out the first day, I made varsity Bonnie here wouldnt try out with me though" I laughed at the memory.

"Oh... So I wont be seeing you at practice then..." Before I could reply I saw Damon Salvatore out of the corner out of my eye.

"Hello ladies and who is this stranger..."

"Caroline Forbes nice to meet?"

"Damon Salvatore... Im sure you wouldve remembered me but ahhh you were young. Anyway, " He said moving right inbetween me and Bonnie, "Elena how are your classes? Hows school? Any good looking older men?" He did that thing with his eyebrows that made me go wild. I couldnt help but feel faint.

"Haha Damon did you bother Stefan like this today?" i managed to get out.

"No why would I bother him, little wanna be hes on JV doesnt even try to play the fact that his big bro made it to Varsity freshmen year. Only person in Mystic Falls High history. "

"You know Elena made varsity!" Caroline spat out. I could tell she knew and I was going to kill her if she said anything.

"Really? So what volleyball, swimming? What?" He asked.

"Cheerleading..." I said.

"Really, so youll be cheering for me, hmmmmm how interesting... Ill see you round Lena." He winked and walked away.

I watched him walk away and noone said anything until Caroline saw me in the halls later. "So now that I remember Damon Salvatore, I do happen to remember a certain someone having a crush on a certain blue eyed 8th grader. "

"Car that was 3 years ago... get a -"

"Dont say that you two were totally flirting in the cafeteria... If you could snag an older man and be on varsity you could be my queen."

"Ok Caroline whatever you say"

*Flashback End*