It was the weekend, Stiles rolled over in his bed and was disappointed that once again he woke up alone. It wasn't like he was use to waking up next to someone, he had done it for seventeen years, if you don't include the nights he slipped into his parents' bed when he was a little boy and had a nightmare. Stiles loved being curled up against his mother's protective arms, nothing could ever harm him once he was with her. He got out of bed and sighed, he wasn't going to let the sadness overwhelm him. Instead, Stiles put on his shoes and drove over to Derek's house. It was actually really early in the morning, the sun was barely peaking, but Stiles felt a powerful urge to see Derek. Albeit, he could just have sent him a text, and waited until he got back to him. But that would take out the fun out of it, besides, Derek couldn't ignore him if he was at his doorstep.

Stiles turned the radio on, and let the indie pop song blend into the background, the windows rolled down, and the wind crisp if not a little on the cold side. Stiles right hand gripping the steering wheel loosely, his left arm draped over the door. The closer he got to Derek's house, the easier it was to breathe. Stiles couldn't explain it, and probably didn't even realize it, but he missed the alpha.

His jeep turned into the gravel road, trees on either side, Stiles smiled. The large, once glorious, Hale house came into view. Stiles made a mental note to tell Derek that he needed to fix up that place. He parked his jeep, now feeling ridiculous for coming on a whim. "Be cool," Stiles whispered to himself in an effort to calm himself. It wasn't working.

"What are you doing here?" Derek was standing next to the driver's door, looking at Stiles.

Stiles nearly jumped out of his own skin, but settled with jumping in his seat and being pulled back down by his seat belt. "Don't do that!" Stiles' voice reaching a high pitched level that made Derek wince. Stiles hanged his head, still trying to recover from the scare, his heart beating a mile a minute, he was sure Derek could hear.

Derek opened Stiles door, if Stiles thought he was going to receive an apology from Derek, then he was deceiving himself. A hand on his chest came into Stiles' line of vision, a hand that made its way to his chin, and then he was looking up at a smiling alpha. "You just love to mock," and Stiles sentence died as Derek caught his lips with his own. The kiss wasn't demanding or hungry like their first kiss a few days ago, this one was slow and delicate. Derek pulled away, his hand was still on Stiles' face, "Why are you here?" Derek asked Stiles' again, while brushing his thumb over Stiles' lower lip.

Derek was clearly not in his right mind if he thought Stiles would be able to answer, while he distracted him. Stiles unbuckled himself, and then grabbed Derek's hand. "I woke up this morning alone, it seemed strange not to have you there," Stiles admitted. Derek nodded as if that was reason enough, and entwined his hand with Stiles, pulling him towards his house. Stiles bumped his shoulder into Derek's side, Stiles emitted a chuckle, and Derek just shook his head, but there was a smile on his face.

Derek had dragged Stiles all the way up to his room, Stiles kicked his shoes off and got under the covers. Derek took his shirt off and took his shoes off, followed Stiles under the covers. He pulled Stiles by his waist and wrapped his arm over him. Stiles closed his eyes and sighed with content.

After what was a sufficient amount of time, Stiles had not been able to sleep. He was still being spooned by Derek, which Stiles found amusing. This big alpha, that had an enormous amount of power, holding him like he was something precious. Stiles could not stay quiet, he nudged Derek, "Hey, are you awake?"

Derek sighed, "No."

Stiles smacked his teeth, "You are," he turned around, so he could be facing Derek, "I have something to ask you."

Derek's eyes were closed but he commented more to himself than Stiles, "I knew the silence wouldn't last."

Stiles started to pull away from Derek's embrace. "I'm being serious here, alright," Stiles' tone was definite, which wasn't something he did often, only when it came to important matters. Derek opened his eyes now, Stiles was sitting up and looking at the wall. "What is it?" Derek asked while looking at Stiles' face.

Stiles was still looking at the wall, he didn't know how to start, he was nervous and his heart was beating quicker than usual, conscience that Derek could hear it. Letting out a breath, Stiles asked, "So you said that the reason why people, uh werewolves, were going batshit crazy for me was because of my pheromones. But my question is why am I giving out these crazy pheromones, what makes me so special?"

What seemed like forever and a day, and just when Stiles thought Derek would never answer him, it didn't help that he was looking at him with those crazy eyes. "Your bloodline," Derek half whispered as if someone would overhear them, not that anyone would of course. They were several miles away from anyone, and if anyone did decide to come close, Derek would know in a heartbeat.

Stiles furrowed his eyebrow, his mouth slightly open, he didn't think this could any weirder, was he some kind of Sookie Stackhouse now, it had to be a joke, right? "Uh," Stiles had no response for that, and if his mouth stayed open like this any longer, flies might start going in.

Derek didn't loosen his grip, "I'm assuming it came from your mother, your dad is human as you can get. I can't be sure exactly what type of fairy," and Stiles gave a half laugh, interrupting him.

"I'm Sookie Stackhouse, I'm a freaking fairy," Stiles yelled, breaking the comfortable ambiance the two had created.

Once again, Derek had no clue of what Stiles was going on about, he really was out of touch with pop culture references.

Stiles face saddened, his mother had been some kind of fairy, and now it turns out he was. Yet, it didn't help any, she was gone and he was left alone. Except…

Derek's hand moved up slowly to grasp Stiles's face, "Don't," he started off saying

Brown eyes looked up to the green ones, don't what? He thought.

Don't be sad?

Don't worry?

Don't think about it?

Derek didn't have to finish his sentence, he silently conveyed his message, and Stiles nodded.

You have me, you don't have to feel alone anymore.

The intensity between them was not much of a shock to Stiles, even from the beginning, before any of this, the two had some kind of pull towards each other. At the time Stiles had mistaken that with fear, because he wasn't sure what it was exactly. It wasn't like he was any different now that he knew, somewhat, of what he really was. He was the hyperactive boy who took a lot of Adderall, or not enough.

Scott was still a little weary of Derek and Stiles being an item, he warned him to keep away from the alpha. But Stiles knew better, because he knew Derek better than anyone right now.

Stiles sat next to Scott while they had lunch, "So Derek finally agreed to teach me how to fight, or at least defend myself," Stiles commented. Jackson snorted, he was sitting in front of them. "You think this is funny? I can learn, just watch, I'll go all Nikita on you," said Stiles, glaring daggers at Jackson. "Wow, you have been hanging out with Derek a lot, you even have his glares down," Scott commented, "All you're missing are the red eyes."

Jackson actually did look a little put off by the look Stiles gave him, which was saying something. "Can you stop, it's enough that I get that look while he trains me, now I have to get this from you too?" Jackson put down his fork.

"Which reminds me, you two are on for training tomorrow? I was working with Derek and it's going to be awesome," Stiles smiled, he was back to his usual self, making the two young teen wolves feel more at ease. "Do I have to? I have a date with Allison," Scott was once again trying to wiggle his way out of training, it would piss off Derek, and Stiles would have to play mediator between the two. He was sick of it, he wished the two would just get their head out of their asses and get along. "Whatever," Stiles said. He got up and took his tray with him, no longer feeling hungry, he left the cafeteria.

"Way to go, dumbass," Jackson sneered at Scott.

"What did I do?" Scott looked clueless, he didn't know why his best friend left so abruptly.

"You've upset mommy," Jackson grabbed his apple and left too, leaving a very confused Scott staring after him.

Stiles stopped by his house first, he was still upset, but managed to finish his homework, make some dinner, and shower before he headed out to Derek's house. He actually felt better now, he wouldn't even mention Scott to Derek, and he would just change the subject if he did come up.

The sun was setting, Stiles turned on the headlights and kept on driving, already in a happier mood, he would see his boyfriend. Stiles couldn't help but smile at that, Derek was his boyfriend.

A figure blurred in front of his jeep, Stiles hit the breaks, screeching to a halt. He blinked several times, but there was nothing there. His heart raced, Stiles turned off the radio with a shaky hand. He waited a few seconds, he wasn't about to get out, he had seen enough horror movies to know that he wasn't suppose to get out. Stiles let out a breath, and continued driving, more cautious now, and maybe a little over the speed limit.

He didn't stop until he was in front of Derek's house, and seconds later Derek was there. Stiles couldn't climb out faster, Derek wrapped him in his arms and rubbed Stiles' back. "What's wrong?" Derek asked him, he could smell Stiles' fear, and it made him angry, and wanted to make it go away.

"I don't know, I was driving over here and it was probably nothing. Can we just go inside?" Stiles looked up at Derek, he felt silly now, he was probably overreacting. Derek put a hand around Stiles' waist, and the two made their way inside.

A glass of water, and being so close to Derek, made Stiles forget all about the figure that he probably imagined. "You know, you're making this hard," Stiles was looking at a shirtless Derek that was only wearing shorts, Stiles was trying to listen to Derek, and get all the information in his head about fighting, but it was proving to be distracting. Derek smiled, "That's what she said." Stiles blinked, and then burst out into laughter, "Oh no you didn't just use that joke," Stiles closed his eyes for a second and when he opened them Derek was standing in front of him. "You're bad," Stiles laugh started to calm down. "Oh?" Derek smiled wickedly, and Stiles knew too well what that look meant, "No," Stiles squeaked, he tried to move back, but Derek had him in his grasp and started to tickle him. "Stop," Stiles breathed out between giggles. Stiles wished Derek hadn't discovered how ticklish he really was, but one night when Stiles slept over, Derek started to kiss him on the stomach and a giggle was emitted from him. Derek knew what Stiles' kryptonite was, and he was not scared to use it. "Mercy!" Stiles screamed as he started to fall to the floor, Derek hovered over him, and had stopped. "What do I get if I stop, hmm?" Derek liked to tease Stiles, and it didn't hurt that it was him that put a smile on his boyfriend's face.

"I'll dance," Stiles' eyes were half closed, the smile on his lips still hanging there. Derek looked at Stiles suspiciously, but he agreed anyway, curiosity getting the best of him, which was something Stiles was rubbing off on him.

The two were in Derek's room, there was an ipod player, and Stiles set up his "sexy time" playlist, he had made a while back knowing he would need it for such an occasion. Derek was lying on the bed watching the whole thing. Stiles pressed play, and the room filled with techno beats, and a melody mixed with the soft tone of the singer. Derek raised an eyebrow. Stiles started bobbing his head, and slowly made his way toward Derek.

"Come on, dance with me," Stiles demanded, he pulled Derek up.

"Stiles, you're being incredibly cheesy," Derek chuckled.

"I think I am being incredibly romantic and spontaneous," Stiles countered, already swaying along with the song.

"Cheesy," said Derek, not really meaning it.

"Mmhm," Stiles didn't stop dancing. Derek stood there watching his boyfriend move hypnotically, maybe he was rethinking the idea. Stiles grinned and started dancing closer but not touching the alpha.

Derek swallowed hard, his mouth had gone dry. Just when he couldn't wait any longer, he placed his hands on Stiles hips, bringing their bodies together. Stiles kept swaying, which in turn got Derek to move along with him. "See," Stiles assured him. Looking into Derek's eyes, he noticed they had turned red, something that should have scared him but it didn't.

Stiles caught Derek's lips, he licked his bottom lip asking for access. Derek opened his mouth, welcoming him inside, his hands gripping Stiles' hips harder. Stiles felt himself being lifted off of the floor, it always amazed him how easily Derek could pick him up, and hold him like he was nothing but a rag doll.

Stiles automatically wrapped his legs around Derek's waist, his hands on either side of Derek's face. Frantically and desperately, Stiles kissed Derek, he was having trouble breathing because he felt lightheaded. Derek started grinding Stiles against his erection. "Oh, God," Stiles mumbled against Derek's mouth, he felt himself getting hard too. It wasn't like this was the first time he had ever gotten a hard on over Derek, but it was the first time he had felt Derek pressing his so close to him. His body tingled, wanting Derek closer to him, so close that they would become one. "I want," Stiles was having trouble communicating, shit, why thinking have to be so hard when he had a hard on.

"Derek, I want you," Stiles said between kisses and grinding his hips trying to come by dry humping his boyfriend, while standing. "I can feel that," Derek rumbled, he didn't even sound like himself. "I want you inside of me," Stiles finally got out, he moved to biting Derek's neck, and seconds later he was on the bed, with Derek hovering over him. Stiles had to look up into those familiar red eyes, Derek was so serious, and it almost hurt to look at. Stiles' breathing was coming in fast, and he wanted to whine because Derek had stopped moving their bodies together.

"You want me to fuck you?" Derek asked him, Stiles hated how intense Derek's gaze could get when it was directed at him, it made him small and awkward. "No, I want us to go all Freaky Friday and swap bodies. Of course I want you to fuck me," Stiles now wondered if Scott's stupidity was spreading. "Well?" Stiles urged, since Derek was still thinking about it.

Derek pressed himself against Stiles, and oh God, Stiles had to close his eyes because he could feel how erect Derek still was, and he felt big. Derek pressed his whole upper body against Stiles, and he felt the stubble against his cheek as Derek whispered into his ear, "You don't know how long I've waited for this."

A blush spread like wild fire from Stiles' cheeks to his neck, and a grin played at his lips, he couldn't help but laugh as Derek undressed him, practically ripping his clothes off. His clothes went flying around the room. Derek went to a dresser, and got out a bottle of lube, his gaze was predatory, "How convenient, now did you buy that before, or while we started dating?" Stiles joked. Derek grunted, "When I kissed you the first time."

"How presumptuous of you," Stiles teased, and just like that, Derek took away the last particles of clothing that kept the two from being completely naked. Warn somebody before you do that, Stiles thought of saying but for the first time he couldn't speak, all he could do was stare at Derek's beautiful naked body. His mouth watered, and he felt his damn cock twitch.

As if Derek knew what he was thinking, he grinned, and got on his knees, pulled Stiles by his legs. Stiles stared down at Derek, curious and exited of what was coming next. Derek grabbed Stiles cock, and used his thumb to brush over the tip, and for fuck sake, Stiles dithered. Then the most amazing thing happened, Derek's mouth took him all in, and Stiles wanted to scream because this was fantastic, this was surreal, but he settled for a moan as he ran a hand through Derek's hair.

Derek's mouth worked magic, he sucked and licked like he was meant to do this, like he had been waiting his whole life for Stiles' cock. Stiles moved both hands between Derek's hair, pulling and encouraging, he couldn't stop moaning, or gasping. One of Derek's hands was working on Stiles balls, and the combination of the sucking, was unbearable, he loved how hot and slick Derek's mouth was. Which probably explained why he started to come, it didn't take long, Derek kept licking up like a good little pup, Stiles made a choked laugh at the thought.

Derek kissed his way up Stiles' stomach, leaving bite marks against Stiles pale skin, making them stand out even more. He finally reached Stiles' neck and lingered there for a while. "You know, you're really good at that," Stiles gasped as Derek hit a very sensitive spot.

Stiles felt Derek's cock against his leg, and wanted to whine because he was not inside of him yet, don't get him wrong though the blowjob was amazing but he wanted to move from the appetizer to the main course already. "Derek," Stiles moaned, because fuck, Derek's mouth was heavenly.

Derek moved away, opened up a condom Stiles hadn't noticed before, and put it on. He then grabbed the bottle of lube, clicked the top off, and squeezed a good amount onto his hand. Stiles just watched from half opened eyes, it was like watching an artist at work, the pure concentration in Derek's eyes made Stiles smile.

He spread his legs opened, anticipating Derek's next move, Stiles felt one finger work at his hole. Then two fingers, Stiles was getting hard again, thank goodness for teenage hormones. He pushed himself and worked against Derek's fingers, and then three were working inside of him.

Derek wanted nothing more than to be inside of Stiles already, but he had to be patient, he didn't want to hurt his mate. Which was what Stiles was, his mate, his wolf had recognized him as such the first time they met in the woods but Derek was too busy to listen. Stiles looked so fuckable in the dim light, and the smells in the room where overwhelming to Derek's werewolf senses. The rapid heartbeat of Stiles, his smell, the feel, everything Stiles, was driving him over the edge, he needed to be inside of him before he went mad.

In one swift move, Derek flipped Stiles to his stomach, he spread Stiles' legs, and positioned himself. Slowly he told himself, don't rush it, Derek tried to keep himself controlled. He pushed his cock inside, an inch at a time, and if Stiles' gasp was any indication, Derek guessed his boyfriend was excited for this just as much as he was.

Stiles pushed himself back, it hurt and it felt good at the same time. He never thought himself as a masochist, but he understood now what deriving pleasure from pain was. It didn't take long before Derek's hands were at Stiles' hips, pulling him back and forth, Stiles rocked himself, glad that they were on the bed while he was on all fours. Stiles closed his eyes, all he could focus was on the lower part of his body, his own moans were lost in him. They were perfect this way, Stiles thought, he never wanted to stop. Derek positioned himself better, and rubbed Stiles' prostrate with his cock. It was gentle thrust, and Stiles gasped, he arched his back, Derek pulled him up and held him by the throat. Derek groaned it was getting difficult to control his wolf and just ravish Stiles completely; instead he nipped at Stiles neck. His left hand was holding Stiles up, his right hand took Stiles cock and he processed to jerk him off.

Stiles was in seventh heaven, there was so much pleasure coming from everywhere, he couldn't focus on just one spot. He gasped for air, he was sure he was going to die out of sheer ecstasy. Stiles spilled his seed all over Derek's sheets, he was not sorry at all.

Derek grunted, and pushed Stiles down, he was close to coming. He pushed himself inside of Stiles, trying to get as deep as he could, Derek spilled his seed with a loud howl.

Seconds later, he collapsed on top of his boyfriend. Stiles tried to regulate his breathing, "I feel like," he sucked in, "I just ran a marathon," he finished. Derek snorted, but his breathing came in labored too.

Derek conscious of his weight now, moved from on top of Stiles, to lying next to him. Stiles had his eyes closed, there was a sheen of sweat coating his skin, and a smile tugging at his lips. Derek leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "Give me a few minutes, not everyone has the stamina of a werewolf," Stiles said, earning him a small chuckle from Derek.

"I wouldn't dream of it," Derek said, his hand stroking Stiles' back. Stiles shivered at the touch, and opened his eyes, he couldn't help but smile at Derek.

A/N: This was my first time writing real smut. Review?