A/N: Thanks to my friend Maggie for being my beta, so if you find any mistakes blame her ( I kid!) Enjoy.

He could no longer keep his eyes open. His hand was the only thing from his head lying out on the desk. Stiles was regretting staying up most of the night, but then again, it wasn't really his fault. Derek, the alpha, sour wolf extraordinaire, woke him up last night when he came in through his bedroom window. At first, Stiles didn't even know; he was already tucked in bed, in that state between sleep and being awake.

So naturally, he assumed that he was imagining the whole thing. Dream Derek was hovering over him, dream Derek was sniffing him, and dream Derek was trying to snuggle into him. The warmth coming off Derek felt too real, and he knew he wasn't dreaming anymore because there was no way he was dreaming all this in perfect detail. It was not that he didn't know what it felt like having his body pushed up against Derek's firm and his very, well, warm body. After all, the alpha loved to push Stiles on walls, floors, actually any hard surface that would keep him still. Stiles would be lying if he said that it didn't do something for it, hell, maybe he subconsciously pissed off Derek just to be pressed against him.

After Stiles made up his mind that he wasn't dreaming, he jolted up, accidentally knocking Derek back, Stiles would have laughed, but the look on Derek's face made him keep his giggles to himself. He just decided to save the image of Derek being knocked to the floor for later use. "What are you doing down there, hmm?" Stiles yawned and taunted because hey, he was allowed to taunt, even just a little. Derek stood up but still said nothing; he looked awkward. Stiles, having been in a lot of awkward situations, was a wiz in recognizing the signs like Derek didn't make eye contact, was still silent, and maybe a blush but it was a bit too dark to make sure.

"I smelled…" Derek paused and didn't seem like he wanted to continue.

"…a gas leak?" Stiles tried to help, his eyes squinting.

Derek rolled his eyes and then just like that, he jumped out of the window like the window jumping wolf that sneaks in through teenage boy's windows to sniff them and then leave.

"Great, just sniff and leave," Stiles mumbled, "It's not like it makes me feel cheap or anything." Stiles got out of bed to close the window, his bare feet making contact with the cold floor, sent a shiver through him. He locked it and pulled the curtains. He really needed to make sure his windows were locked before he went to sleep, not that that would keep an alpha out, but still.

Stiles' hand finally gave away and his head almost hit his desk, but something squishy prevented it though. When he opened his eyes, Scott was holding him up. "You okay?" Scott asked. He looked worried, but that really wasn't saying much since that was Scott's regular face when it concerned Stiles, the boy needed to relax.

"Fine," Stiles pushed himself up right and cleared his throat, "I'm fine. I just didn't get much sleep."

"Research again?" Scott inquired. Their teacher wasn't in the classroom, so Scott was giving Stiles his full attention.

Stiles quickly looked around and whispered, "It was Derek. He showed up in my room in the middle of the night while I was sleeping." He didn't need to lean in, Stiles knew Scott heard every word. Stiles didn't want to mention the part about Derek saying he smelled something because he really had no idea what that even meant. He was probably going to have to go and ask the wolf himself, but not until he had a long nap.

The bell rang, and Stiles' body almost cried in delight. He was going to be able to go home and sleep! He pulled his backpack on and made his way out of the building, not noticing the puzzled look Scott had etched on his face.

But with Stiles luck, it seemed fate wasn't on his side, and he wasn't going to get his way because Jackson was leaning against his jeep.

"Jackson, buddy, pal, get away from my Jeep," Stiles wouldn't normally be so bold with the boy that bullied him through most of his high school years, but he wasn't thinking rationally and was too tired to care. Jackson had his left hand over the door handle. "What's wrong with you?" he sounded annoyed and not at all concerned as the question might have suggested.

"Like you care," Stiles was close to getting pissed off. He just wanted to go home, get into bed and sleep; was that really too much to ask?

Jackson moved closer to Stiles, their bodies just inches away from each other. Stiles looked directly into Jackson's eyes. Stiles wasn't backing down and wasn't going to take his bullshit today. Jackson licked his lips, his eyes cast down to Stiles lips. Stiles didn't know if he was imagining things, or the lack of sleep was really getting to him , but he was almost sure that Jackson was about to kiss him. Stiles could even smell the spearmint gum that Jackson was chewing. It was making him dizzy. "Move," Stiles said and pushed Jackson out of the way. Stiles made it out of the parking lot, leaving Jackson and his unusual behavior behind.

Finally making it home and managing not to get into any accidents, Stiles pulled up into his driveway. The cruiser was there, which meant his dad was home so Stiles stepped inside.

"I'm home!" he yelled from the stairs as his dad popped out of nowhere, at least that's what Stiles was going to go with. His dad had a great knack for doing that, so he sometimes wondered if he wasn't really just an undercover wizard that learned how to apparate and fail to mention it to his squib of a son.

Stiles held his right hand over his heart as he sighed, "Oh. My. God." He elongated and emphasized every word. His father, used to this, only raised an eyebrow.

"You didn't take out the trash out last night like I told you to," the sheriff stated. The tone was very fatherly, judgmental, and the I-am-disappointed tone that only parents knew how to do. Stiles wondered if that was something parents learned as they had kids, or if it was something already embedded into their DNA. "Stiles," his dad added with that tone Stiles just loved to hear.

"See…about that," Stiles was already thinking of the lies he could make up, but it seemed like his dad was one step ahead of him.

"Just do it," He used his judgmental tone, and the sheriff disapparated. Stiles blinked a couple of times and half whispered, "He needs to teach me that trick."

"Now!" his dad shouted from somewhere in the house. Stiles dragged himself to the kitchen, and he could not stop yawning. He took the trash out of the bin, and slowly walked outside. He threw the bag into the trash can.

There were whispers, so someone was whispering at him. Stiles looked around but there was still no one there. He put the lid back over the trash can, and there were more whispers. "Alright, come out. I warn you, I can kick ass…kind of," he warned, but it wasn't very threatening. Stiles needed to work on that.

He shrugged it off and turned away. A hand flew over his mouth as he was being dragged away from the house and into the forest. He struggled against his kidnapper, but it only made the person hold on to him tighter. Once in the sanctuary of the forest, his kidnapper let him go. Stiles quickly spun around and was relieved to see that it was just Scott.

"What the hell, man? You know you could just have said hello instead of doing," Stiles paused and moved his hands in a circular motion between them, "this!"

Scott actually looked sorry, "I think there's something wrong with you." Stiles rolled his eyes, threw his hands in the air. "This coming from the dude that drags his best friend into a forest, kidnapper style. Unbelievable," Stiles was really grumpy when he was lacking sleep.

"For once Stiles, shut up, and let me explain," Scott looked annoyed.

Stiles exhaled, and calmed down, crossed his arms over his chest and waited. "Alright, there's something wrong with you, I can't explain it but you just smell different. I went after you and saw you with Jackson At first I thought he was looking for trouble. I texted Derek," Scott put his hand up because Stiles was going to interrupt him, "I thought maybe he would keep Jackson in check. Anyways, but by the time I got to where you were, you had already left and Jackson was being…weird," he finished.

This was all fine and dandy for Stiles, really it was, and it wasn't like he wanted to sleep. But as riveting as Scott's story was, Stiles thought sleep was more interesting. He started to walk back to the house, but the power to humor Scott was evaporating. "Stiles, listen. I don't know what's going on. All I know is whatever it is, it could explain why Derek woke you up last night and Jackson looked like he wanted to, yeah," Scott finished so eloquently, a trait Stiles admired.

Stiles sighed and turned around, "Maybe it's my charming-come-hither-wolf-boys personality." He didn't wait any longer and just went back into the house. Scott was making no sense, and Stiles' brain could not process it all when he wanted to do was pass out.

When he made it up stairs and into his room, Stiles didn't even bother to close his door or take his shoes off. He threw himself on his bed and closed his eyes. It was silent for a whole minute, and he could already feel himself drifting off into dream land. The click of his door being locked made Stiles shift in his bed, he refused to open his eyes, if an unexpected visitor was in his room, and wanted to watch him sleep then so be it but he wasn't getting up. Just like that, he drifted off.

His alarm went off, and Stiles tried to stretch out his arm to turn it off hit the snooze button but just seemed to be stuck. Maybe he slept on it again. He opened his eyes, and the first thing he noticed was a chest in his face. How exactly did this come about, Stiles had no idea.

Moving his head up to see if there was a head attached to the chest, Stiles was not entirely shocked to see Derek sleeping next to him. Stiles looked back down and tried not to freak out. Here he was, in his bed, and waking up next to Derek-freaking-Hale. He didn't know how he did it, but he managed to get an arm free and turn his alarm off without waking up Derek. Stiles loved the feel of Derek cuddling him, but this was still all kinds of weird.

Stiles moved closer to Derek and relinquished of the feel of having someone in his bed. It was really nice but, kind of hard to move since his bed wasn't big but still comfortable. Eventually, and reluctantly, Stiles decided that being late to school wasn't an option even if there was a hot guy in his bed. Stiles sighed and started poking Derek, "Hey, dude, wake up."

Nothing happened. Derek didn't even stir. So Stiles knew what he had to do. He leaned in and gave Derek a kiss on his cheek. If it worked for sleeping beauty, then it might work for him.

It didn't.

"All right, I didn't want to do this, but I am left with no other choice," Stiles told the sleeping Derek. Stiles pushed Derek off of his bed. Derek slammed onto the floor, emitting a small groan from the alpha. Stiles peaked over the bed, and he smiled once Derek opened his eyes, "Good morning, sunshine," Stiles greeted him in a sing song voice.

"I'm going to kill you," Derek said in a deep throaty tone and a little smile was forming in the corner of his lips, so Stiles didn't take the threat seriously. "I'm sure," Stiles said. Was he actually flirting with Derek and was Derek actually flirting back? It was too early for stuff like this to happen. Feeling a sense of awkwardness coming on, holding in the urge to ask why he woke up with him holding him, Stiles got out of bed. "Right, well uh," How did one start conversations like these? Hmm, oh hey Derek good morning, why did I wake up with you snuggled up against me, right oh, ok no this is not weird at all, Stiles thought.

"Get ready for school. I'll drop you off," Derek said as he stood up, and Stiles couldn't help but stare at his bare chest. When did it get so hot in here? Stiles wondered.

"Stiles, school," Derek said to snap him out of his little trance.

"Right, I'm just going to get ready then," Stiles nodded, grabbed some of his clothes and went to take a shower.

By the time Stiles came back, Derek was dressed and ready. He even made the bed. Stiles was a little disappointed that there was no more nakedness, but he wasn't going to admit it. The sheriff left a while ago, so it was safe for Stiles to have Derek follow him down the stairs to the kitchen.

They had cereal in silence. Stiles tried to avoid looking at Derek, but he managed to steal some glances.

"So," he began, Stiles put his bowl in the sink. "Why did-why were you in my bed?" he finally asked, cheeks flushing. This was ridiculous because he shouldn't be the one that felt embarrassed about this, after all he wasn't the one that sneaked into someone else's bed. Yes, Stiles was blushing. Yes, Derek was smiling and looked a little embarrassed himself.

"Scott texted me yesterday," Derek started off. Stiles nodded his head, he knew this already. "I think you're emitting some kind of pheromones. Basically signaling that you're ready for a mate," Derek wasn't going to beat around the bush with this one. The boy smelled good and it took all he had in him to control himself. He wanted to reach out to Stiles, touch him, hold him close, and take in his smell.

Stiles blinked fast, and shook his head a couple of times, as if by doing so it would make this whole thing go away. Stiles did have a crush on Derek, which he realized a while back. At first, he thought the wolf was annoying and had a lot of issues. Then Stiles took some time to get to know Derek, the real Derek, not the brooding I'll-rip-your-throat-out-with-my-teeth Derek. It helped that Stiles was open-minded, he didn't believe love was about gender but about love. Not that he was in love with Derek, no, oh god no.

"Stiles, you've been standing there quietly for far too long, in normal circumstances I would be fine with this. But this is a little unnerving," Derek didn't move from his chair, he was looking straight at Stiles as if he was the most important thing right now.

Stiles pinched the bridge of his nose, "So what you're saying is my milk shake brings all the boys to the yard?"

It was Derek's turn to blink, the confused expression on his face was comical, and all he managed was a "What?"

Stiles couldn't help but smile, "So does this only apply to werewolves or…?"

"Everyone but humans aren't very susceptible, and since werewolves have better smelling senses-" Derek went on.

"Kinky," Stiles interrupted, and Derek pretended he didn't hear him.

"So to answer your question, I was trying to mask your scent with mine. I can control myself, but I don't think Jackson can. That's why he was-"

"All up in my grill?"

"Sniffing you out," Derek finished. He wondered how in the world he ever managed to get into this.

"So why doesn't Scott react the way you and Jackson do?"

"Because he's already has Allison."

Once Derek dropped him off at school and an agreement from Stiles that he would wait for him to pick him up, it was turning to be a better day than yesterday. Stiles was well rested, and now that he knew what was going on, he wasn't worrying about thinking about his situation. That is until he actually did start thinking about it. Did he have to make up his mind and pick between Derek and Jackson? He wouldn't mind dating Derek, actually he wished him and Derek did a little bit more than "date". Stiles had no interest in Jackson, and he hoped the feeling was mutual.

He didn't want to prove his theory, so he avoided Jackson, and managed to do just fine. When Stiles went to his locker, the hallway was empty do to the fact that school had ended for the day. Maybe Derek's plan to mask his scent did work.

Suddenly Jackson spun Stiles around, looking annoyed and curious. Stiles didn't say anything, it seemed as if Jackson had the same plan, he just stared at Stiles.

Stiles couldn't take the silence anymore, "Jackson?"

Jackson snapped out of his little reverie and grabbed Stiles by his shirt, and pushed him against the lockers. Stiles wondering if this manhandling thing was what Derek was teaching his betas, or was he just special. Jackson had his face right next to Stiles neck, and he could feel Jackson's hot breath on him making him shiver. "You smell different," Jackson breathed onto Stiles' neck. This was proof enough, Stiles didn't need anymore, and he was getting uncomfortable. He pushed Jackson off of him, but now that Jackson was a werewolf, and had more strength, it was kind of hard to get out of his grasp. "New body wash, you can get it at any store," Stiles tried humor and still kept pushing.

"Oh, God. Is that your tongue, are you licking me?" Stiles was panicking now. This was not cool, he was still a virgin, and hell, Jackson? Just no. Jackson growled at him, in a I-am-turned-on kind of way.

Stiles used all the strength he could muster and gave Jackson one hard push, which actually worked. Stiles didn't wait to see what Jackson would do next, he ran for the exit, and made a bee line for the parking lot. That's when he remembered he didn't have his jeep, and he was supposed to wait for Derek. Stiles didn't look back, because that's what people in horror movies do, and it always ends up badly. He searched the parking lot for a black cameral and there, Derek was there. Hallelujah, Stiles screamed internally.

Derek sensing that something was wrong, got out of the car, Stiles slammed into him, it would have knocked him down if he would have been a regular human, but Derek was the alpha and took it like the big werewolf that he is. He put his hands on either side of Stiles and straightened him up. Stiles was a little out of breath from the whole running from his life. "Why are you running?" Derek asked him, his eyebrows knitted together with concern.

Seconds later, Jackson was standing there too. Derek looked between the two, and could smell Stiles pheromones mixed with his scent and Jackson, and also fear. Derek pushed Stiles behind him, "Don't. You Dare. Touch. Him. Again." Derek growled, he looked like he was ready to murder Jackson right then and there. "Stiles, get in the car," Derek ordered. Stiles walked behind the car and went in through the passenger door. He didn't have to be told twice. So he waited there as Jackson was being shouted at by his alpha.

After what seemed like a sufficient amount of shouting, and growling, and then whispering, Derek calmed down, Jackson went back to being normal jerky self. He left, and Derek got into the car. "So, how about this weather?" Stiles said, trying to lighten the mood, but Derek wasn't laughing. He still looked pissed.

Derek drove them to a pizza place, Stiles didn't say anything because A) Pizza is delicious, and B) He was hungry.

Stiles ordered for them while Derek did his silent brooding thing. It was adorable, Stiles thought, when his anger wasn't being directed at him. "Stop that," Derek told him. Stiles looked away as if looking for their waitress, and then back at Derek, "Stop what?" he asked him. Stiles kept looking around, you'd think someone was holding a gun to his head. Derek raised an eyebrow and tilted his head, because he knew what Stiles was talking about.

Stiles turned his head and finally settled on Derek's face, which wasn't brooding anymore. Stiles still thought Derek was doing the adorable thing that just made him want to aw.

"Can you read my thoughts?" Stiles wondered out loud, Derek just shook his head. Of course, Stiles knew this, but he just wanted to be make sure. Then again, Derek could be lying to him. Derek sighed, and took a sip of his water, "I can smell what you feel, sort of. You give off distinct scents for every emotion you are feeling," he took another sip.

Stiles was about to ask something but stopped himself as the waitress dropped off the pizza at their table. She asked them if they needed anything else, they both said no, and Stiles thanked her. Once there was a fair amount of distance between her and the two of them, Stiles served himself a slice on to his place. "So what am I feeling, according to your super cool senses?"

Derek waiting for Stiles, then served himself, "Joy, and longing," He replied as he bit into his pizza.

They ate the rest of the pizza with Stiles asking more questions, and Derek answering them. When Derek drove Stiles home, the cruiser wasn't there. Stiles got out of the car, he was about to just walk inside, but Derek was walked him to his door. If Stiles didn't know any better, he would think that the two just went on their first date, but that was ridiculous. He didn't even know if Derek was interested interested in him. Aside from Derek trying to protect him from his own body, there was really no reason to think that they had a chance. Stiles took his keys out and started unlocking the door. He turned his head sideways, Derek was looking at him with a blank face.

Stiles didn't know if he was supposed to invite him in or just say goodbye. He settled with, "Thanks for dinner. I had a good time." They stood there quietly.

Stiles' heart started beating faster than normal. He was nervous and wondered if Derek could tell. Mustering enough courage, he looked into Derek's eyes. Oh my god why do I have to be so obvious, Stiles though. He couldn't breathe anymore because Derek was leaning in. Stiles moved closer. This was really happening, this was real. What felt like forever was actually seconds. Stiles closed his eyes, and then he felt Derek's soft lips on his. One of Derek's hands moved behind Stiles' head, and the other one was encircled around Stiles' waist. Derek brought Stiles closer to him, lifting him up a little off the ground. All Stiles could think was how amazing this was with Derek was kissing him hard and fast as Stiles tried to keep up. Stiles was the first one to pull away, for lack of air, not because he wanted to.

His lips were swollen, and even though he gasped for air, Stiles loved this euphoric tingly feeling that spread around him. His heart was still beating a mile a minute, and he really didn't care if Derek could hear it. Derek's eyes had turned red, which probably meant he was having a hard time trying to keep himself from devouring Stiles. So he did what he thought was best, he walked to his car and drove off. Derek felt mixed emotions, and he hated it. Gripping the steering wheel, Derek pressed on the gas, getting as much distance as he could to be away from Stiles.

Stiles went inside his house feeling disoriented. He ran up the stairs, turned on his laptop and checked if Scott was online. He was, so he started a video chat.

"Why are you grinning like an idiot?" was the first thing Scott said when he looked at Stiles through his webcam.

"I'm not," Stiles put his hands on his cheeks, and pushed down. Making himself stop smiling.