A/N: Did you catch the second episode of PR MegaForce? I did. It's getting better! And I think this chapter will be interesting.

Chapter 14: Vision Quest Part 1

Isaac's eyes snapped opened, and he quickly sat up. He was in a dimly lit place, like a dark tunnel or cave of some kind. Isaac stood up and began to walk through the cave until he could see light towards the end, and began running towards the light. He entered the bright light, his eyes adjusting, and found himself in a forest. All Isaac wondered was what happened and how did he get here? Last thing he remembered was...

"Element of Lightning!"

"Element of Water!"

"Element of Air!"

"Element of Earth!"

All four energy blasts were sent towards Isaac who looked up to see the four energy blasts combine into one. Isaac shouted as the blast soared right into him and created a very huge explosion, nearly destoying him, but not even touching Psycho Isaac.

Isaac continued walking, thinking about what happened earlier. He was nearly destroyed by his own teammates, but how could they do that to him? They couldn't have known it was really him since he was disguised as Psycho Red who was the monster to be blamed for this. But how did Isaac get to where he was? Was he transported here? Or was he dead? No, he couldn't be dead, right? That blast he was hit with was surely enough to kill him, so was he dead? Was he in heaven?

Suddenly, there was a snap of a broken twig. Isaac quickly turned around, ready to fight, and there standing in a row about twenty feet away, were all the monsters him and the other rangers had destroyed; The Black Knight, Silver Ape, Pteropus the Bat Warrior, Tygris and Tigre the Twin Tiger Warriors, The Wizard, Argon the Dragon Warrior, Mysterio, Chimerian, Serpintore, Ravage, and Simia the Ape Warrior.

"Great, this can't be good," Isaac said to himself, then lifted his wrist. "It's Morph - " He stopped when he noticed that he didn't have his morpher. "This is definitely not good." And just then, all 12 monsters growled and ran towards Isaac.

It was a quiet night in the Astoria Cove Hospital as Michelle had noticed. She was there, sneaking in as visiting hours were over and she wanted to see the boy she was crushing on, worried for his life. Since Alpha and Adam didn't have the supplies or equipment to help a person in a coma, they had to send Isaac to the city hospital where the tools were there to help people in comas. Isaac's family too had to be notified of his condition, tears were shed, and an excuse had to be made up to them and the doctors to ensure Isaac's safety and secret identity as a Power Ranger.

Michelle entered Isaac's dimlitted room, where sounds of beeping was heard. She quietly walked over to Isaac's bed and stopped on the side, her breath unsteady as she looked down at the boy she cared about. It has been a week since Isaac was put in his coma by his own teammates, thanks to the intelligence of Psycho Red. A week of monsters that the Rangers had to destroy all in the lead of Scott. But Michelle couldn't help think that it was their fault as well. How could she not know the fake Isaac wasn't really him. She knew he was acting strange, but she didn't do anything about it.

Michelle sighed and sat down in the chair next to the bed, grabbing Isaac's hand and squeezing it. "Isaac," she whispered softly. "Please come back to us."

Isaac kicked Serpintor in the stomach, causing the snake to bend over, where Isaac flipped over his back and ducked under the Black Knight's sword. He stood straight and back flipped away, and then faced the Monsters who were running towards him.

"This is going to be a long day," Isaac said to himself, clenching his fists. "Lucky for them, I never give up on a good challenge!"

"...Isaac, please come back to us..."

Isaac stopped and looked around when he heard that voice, and he knew that that voice sounded like Michelle. "Michelle?" But before he could investigate more, Isaac was tackled by Argon and Simia.

"Would you shut up!" Katie whispered fiercely to Jay. "You're going to get us caught!"

"We're not going to get caught," Jay whispered back. The two teens were also at the same Hospital Michelle was in. The two were walking through the hallways, looking for Isaac's room, both wearing nurse scrub uniforms. "We look like nurses on the job, so calm down."

"Yeah, but we look like teenagers in nurses' uniforms," Katie replied, following Jay as she hugged her self. "And why the heck are hospitals so cold!"

"So, what. No one's going to notice," Jay said, and right then, a Doctor turned from a corner and began to walk their way, while reading a file. "Act natural," Jay told Katie who nodded. As the two teens passed the doctor, Jay spoke. "Evening, Doctor," he said, and gave a firm nod.

The doctor glanced at Jay and Katie, who was holding her breath, "Evening Nurses," he replied, and continued on walking. Katie let out a breath of relief.

Jay looked at Katie as the two turned a corner. "See, we didn't get caught," he said. "I told you these disguises would work!"

"Yeah sure," Katie said as the two stopped at a doorway.

"Here we are," Jay said, and then held out an arm. "After you." Katie rolled her eyes and walked into the room, and Jay followed. The two stopped when they saw that Michelle was sitting next to Isaac, holding his hand.

"Any changes?" Katie spoke up after a few moments of silence. Michelle, knowing it was Katie, shook her head.

"No," she said. "He's still the same." Katie nodded and moved next to Michelle while Jay moved on the other side of the bed and sat down. Katie, just like Michelle, couldn't help feel that they were responsible for putting Isaac in the coma. It was their powers that nearly destroyed them, not the Psychos.

Jay, on the other hand, did feel a little guilty, but knew it was entirely their fault cause they were manipulated by Psycho Red, and now Jay had a vendetta against him for nearly making him kill his best friend. Jay would go all out the next time he ran into Psycho Red, he would do whatever it takes to destroy that red monster once and for all.

"Don't worry, Isaac. We're here for you," Jay said, looking at his best friend.

Scott exited his trainging chamber, sweaty and with a towel over his shoulders. It's been a whole week since Scott became the temporary leader for the Rangers while Isaac was in a coma. Scott would admit he was a good leader, but he wasn't as great as Isaac was, and it wasn't the same without him. Yeah, they were able to defeat the monster's that tried to attack through the week, but only barely. Things were now tougher than ever and they need Isaac. And all Scott knew, is that if the Psychos decided to attack at the moment, the Rangers would lose.

Scott entered the lab where he found Luke sitting in a chair and staring at the two remaining gems they had found when they had traveled to the Mesozoic Island in a time warp. It's where the Rangers had got their powers back, all except Luke who's own spirit told him that he wasn't worthy enough to wield the powers of the gem. It had been heartbreaking for Luke who wanted nothing more than to be a Power Ranger. But even though he wasn't a Power Ranger, he was still part of the Dino Fury team. Scott watched Luke for a moment and then left the lab and made his way home for the night.

Since Isaac was indisposed, Luke would help out anytime the Rangers needed. Alpha had made him a pair of Cyber Swords and a Blaster to help him fight against the monsters and Kamotos, but Luke knew it wasn't the same as his Ranger Powers which he wanted back, but he didn't know how he would get them back, but something else was turning in his mind. That thing his spirit has said to him even if he was worthy.

"Even if you were, I still wouldn't be able to give you this new power. You have an evil inside you, a great one that will make you do things if you do not get rid of it."

Did that mean that Luke was still under the influence of Kaizer's control? If he was, then how was he suppose to get rid of it? Luke sighed and scratched his back.

And at the moment, Alpha entered the lab, and Luke suddenly turned towards the robot. "Alpha!" he shouted a bit loudly, causing the robot to jump in fright.

"Oh, Luke! I forgot you were here," Alpha said, turning towards Luke. "How can I help you?"

"I need you to scan me!" Luke said, standing up and walking towards the robot while scratching his back. "I need you to scan my brain or scan my whole body to see if you can find evil in me!"

"We actually don't have the technology for that," Alpha said, causing Luke to slump his shoulders in defeat. "But." Luke looked up at Alpha. "It doesn't mean that I can't build anything that can!"

"Alright!" Luke said, clapping his hands together. "Let's get started!"

"Yes," Alpha agreed. "To the Scrap Room!" Luke gave a low fist pump and followed Alpha towards the Scrap Room which was a room full of lots of technological and broke material that Alpha uses to create whatever he needs to create. As Luke followed Alpha, scratching his back, he was determined to get this evil out of his body and finally get his powers back!

Isaac quickly jumped up and dodged a kick from the Wizard and then rolled out of the way of Tygris's stomp, and then stood up to his feet. "I don't understand," he said, blocking a kick from Tigre, that sent him flying. "You guys are suppose to be dead!" he groaned, sitting up. He then backflipped up and to his feet. "I guess I just have to send you back to the graveyard!" he growled, as Ravage and Chimerian ran forward.

Isaac waved his arms in a circle, which caught fire. "Let's finish this!" he growled, running forward, kicking Chimerian and kicked off of him, double punching Ravage, sending him flying. He turned just in time to power punch Mysterio in the chest. "Is that all you got!"

"...Don't worry, Isaac. We're here for you..."

Isaac stopped, knowing that that voice was his best friend, but where did it come from. "Jay?" Isaac said, distracted. "Where are you!?"

At that moment, Tigris kneed Isaac in the abdomen and Pteropus elbowed him in the back. He was then picked up by Argon with one claw and then punched him a few times with the other claw and then tossed him to the ground. Isaac groaned and stood to his feet.

"I can't..." he breathed out and then took off running, in the opposite direction of the monsters.

"I'm bored!" Psycho White whined, as she lounged around on a crate in an empty warehouser. "When are we going to attack or destroy something?"

"Yeah, Can we do that now?" Psycho Yellow said while sitting on the ground, his arms on his elbows. Psycho Blue and Psycho Green were seating back to back, one asleep, the other watching Psycho Red standing there with his arms crossed, while Psycho Black leaned against a pillar, thinking.

"Yeah," Psycho Blue agreed. "I say we go out and blow up some buildings and destroy some Rangers!"

"Not now," Psycho Red said, turning towards his team. "Now is not the time. We have to wait for the right time to attack."

"Why?" Psycho Black said. "Why are we waiting? We should be out there causing havoc. No one can stop us, not even the Rangers."

"Because I said so," Psycho Red growled out, waking up Psycho Green who was shaking his head. "I say we wait, so we wait. And besides, we're under direct orders from Kaizer to wait!"

"Screw Kaizer!" Psycho Black said, pushing off the pillar. "We shouldn't be taking orders from anyone but ourselves. We do whatever we want, whenever we want!"

"Last time we did that, we were beaten," Psycho Red spoke, looking over at Psycho Black. "Or did you forget when we were destroyed by both the Space Rangers and the Galactic Rangers." Psycho Black didn't say anything, but turned away. "And if it wasn't for Kaizer, we wouldn't be alive right now. So we owe him our allegiance."

Psycho Black continued to stay quiet, moving back over to leaning against the pillar, facing away from Psycho Red.

Psycho Green stood up and began to walk away. "Where are you going?" Psycho Red asked.

"Out," Psycho Green said, and continued to walk.

"If you go, you better be in disguise," Psycho Red told Psycho Green.

"Yeah, yeah," Psycho Green said, changing into a human man in a black jacket with a green t-shirt, black pants, shoes, with black hair and green eyes.

"We're going with him," Psycho White spoke as she and Psycho Blue followed Psycho Green, both changing into women. Psycho White turned into a woman with a black jacket, pants, and shoes, with a white shirt, with long blonde hair and grey eyes. Psycho Blue nearly looked the same, though she had a blue shirt, black shoulder-length hair, and blue eyes.

"It's getting late," Jay spoke, looking at his watch then at the two girls. "We should head home."

"Good idea," Katie agreed with a nod. "I could use some rest, so could you," she said, shaking Michelle's shoulder who was falling asleep.

"What?" Michelle moaned, looking at Katie. "What is it? Something wrong?" she asked.

"Everything's fine," Katie replied with a smile. "It's just time to go home."

"Oh, ok," Michelle said, standing to her feet. Jay stood to his feet as well.

"See ya tomorrow, buddy," Jay said to Isaac and then began to leave the room.

Katie moved over and kissed Isaac on the forehead. "Be safe," she said. "See you tomorrow," she added, and then followed Jay. Michelle wiped her eyes and bent over Isaac and kissed him on the cheek.

"Bye," she said, looking at Isaac, then moved over to whisper in his ear. "Don't give up, Isaac. We need you back, I need you back. Don't give up the fight," she finished and then followed her friends out of Isaac's room.

Isaac ran as fast as he could. He need to get away from all the monsters as fast as he could. He could take them all on. They were strong and he wasn't strong enough. There was nothing he could do. He had to get out of there.

"...Don't give up, Isaac. We need you back, I need you back. Don't give up the fight..." Michelle's voice echoed through the wind, which made Isaac stop in his tracks.

"I can't give up," Isaac said, breathing heavily, his body in pain, but knowing that Michelle was right. He can't give up. "I won't give up the fight!" He growled, and turned around where the 12 monsters were running up to him.

Michelle, Jay, and Katie exited the hospital together, Katie and Jay back in their normal everyday clothes. "Come on, ladies, I'll walk you home," Jay said moving in front of the girls. Michelle and Katie glanced at one another, rolled their eyes, and laughed.

"Let's just hope nothing happens while we're out here," Katie said, crossing her arms and hugging herself. Michelle nodded and agreement. Ten minutes later, the three teens were crossing through a park, which was pretty close to Michelle's home.

"You know," Jay started, looking around the park. "Parks do look a little creepy in the dark."

"I agree!" said a voice, causing the three teens to quickly turn around, ready to fight. There, leaning on a tree, was a girl in a black jacket and blue shirt, watching the other three. But she wasn't alone. Sitting on a branch in the tree was a boy in a black jacket with a green t-shirt, and another girl with a white t-shirt, sitting against the tree.

"Who are you?" Jay asked as him and the girls loosened up.

"Us?" the girl in blue said. "We're actually new in town. I'm Blithe, that's Whitney, and that up there, that's Greg. We're siblings."

"Oh, hi," Jay said, moving up to shake the girl's hand. "It's lovely to meet you. I'm Jay, the girl in blue is Michelle, and the other one is Katie. We're just friends, nothing more." Blithe smiled seductively at Jay who grinned back, not noticing Greg glaring at him.

"So, you're new here?" Katie asked, not noticing how Whitney was staring at her.

"Yes, we are," Blithe spoke, glancing over at Michelle, her eyes flashing to which Michelle noticed. "We just arrived a couple weeks ago."

Luke paced around the Scrap Room while Alpha was working on the Evil Scanner; the name chosen by Luke who couldn't come up with anything better. "How much longer, Alph?" Luke asked, moving towards Alpha and hovered over him, trying to scratch his back

"Just under an hour or so," Alpha answered. Luke sighed and nodded, then began to pace once more. A minute later, Adam entered the lab in his sleep wear and holding a mug of hot chocolate.

"Ah, guys, it is a little late, don't you think?" Adam said, moving over to the teen and the robot. "What are you two up to?"

"Well, Luek suggested that we should try to find out if there was evil inside him," Alpha began to explain. "And we thought I should make an Evil scanner to see if he does have evil in him."

"Oh, I see," Adam said with a nod. "Luke, let me ask you something. When you received you powers, how exactly did you get them? Start from the Beginning."

Luke nodded and scratched his back. "Well, I was in the gym punching out my anger when Kaizer appeared to me, told me that he could give me powers of a Power Ranger, a Shadow Ranger," he begun to explain. "When he convinced me and I agreed, he told me I had to go through some tests."

"What kind of tests?" Adam asked.

"Well, first he took me to this dark room," Luke started. "And in the middle of the room was a pedastal, and on the pedestal was a golden coin." At this Alpha stopped what he was doing and looked up at Luke.

"A coin like this?" Adam said, pulling out his Mastadon Coin from his pocket, and showing it to Luke who examined it while trying to scratch his back.

Luke nodded. "Yeah," he said. "But it didn't have a Mastadon on it, more like a T-Rex or an Allosaurus, some kind of carnivore."

"Right," Adam said, pocketing his coin. "So what happened when you the led you to the coin?"

"Well, I stood before it," Luke said. "And right before I grabbed it, it was surrounded by a black aura, and then it was like I was shocked with bolts of electricity, and then it was gone. I was on the ground. I stood up, and I felt energy and power. The coin was still on the pedastal, but the black aura was gone. I guess it was just an ordinary gold coin or something."

"Okay," Adam said, then looked over at Alpha, then back to Luke. "But you still attacked your friends. Why?"

"Oh, well, Kaizer did something to my head," Luke replied. "He said he'd take my feelings away, but I still feel and stuff, so I guess that didn't work."

"Unless it was a lie," Adam said. "Instead of taking your feelings and emotions away, he probably did something else. Has anything seemed unusual for you since that day he said he take away your emotions?"

"No, not that I can think of," Luke said, scratching his back. "Well, my back has been itching a lot lately, and it's pretty annoying."

"Well, that could be natural, like a rash or something," Adam said, beginning to sip his hot chocolate.

"Maybe," Luke said then turned around, and lifted his shirt. "Take a look for me, will ya?" And then, Adam spit out his drink.

Isaac watched and waited as the monsters ran towards him. He tensed up, flexing all his muscles at once, and then, his hands and feet caught fire. Isaac then began to run towards the monsters, and once he was close enough, he jumped up and kicked Argon in the chest, sending him flying into a tree.

Isaac then landed on one knee. As Serpintore and the Silver Ape closed in on him, Isaac rolled out of the way, and the two monsters crashed into one another, and fell to the ground. Isaac then quickly stood up, punching the Black Knight, then Mysterio, and then Roundhoused Pteropus. Isaac kept throwing punch after punch, but his energy was draining and he didn't know if he could hold on longer. It was as if the monsters had an infinite amount of energy.

And then, Isaac threw a punch towards Argon who dodged it and was uppercutted by a huge dragon claw. Isaac quickly flew to the ground, yelping in pain.

"So, what's brings you to Astoria?" Jay asked Blithe as the two began walking in the park, while Katie and Michelle stayed with Whitney and Greg, and chatted.

"Oh, a lot," Blither replied with a mischievious smile. "But mostly trouble."

"Trouble, huh?" Jay repeated, smriking. Blithe nodded. "What kind of trouble?"

"Follow me, and I'll show you!" Blithe spoke, running and hiding behind some bushes. Jay smiled and the followed after her, and then stopped when he didn't see her.

"Blithe?" Jay said, looking around the darkness. "Blithe?" And then, Jay was suddenly grabbed by his shirt and picked up off the ground. He looked down, and out of the shadows, Psycho Blue's face appeared.

"This kid of trouble!" she growled and then tossed Jay aside, who landed on the ground with a thud.

Jay sat up as Psycho White walked up to him. "You," Jay said, glaring at the Blue Psycho Ranger, and quickly jumped to his feet. "What do you want!?"

"Oh, I was just looking for some fun," Psycho Blue said. "And it was just lucky that we ran into you three losers."

"Katie, Michelle," Jay said, and then tried to run past Psycho Blue who all but roundhoused him in the chest, sending him flying into a tree.

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about them," Pscyho Blue said, walking up to Jay. "I'm sure they're fine." Psycho Blue then picked Jay up by his neck and began to choke. "But you, on the other hand, you are done for."

Michelle pulled Katie away from Greg and Whitney. "Michelle, what's wrong with you!" Katie said as she was being dragged away. "What is it?" she asked when Michelle stopped, thinking she was far enough away from the other two teens.

"Katie, I don't know, but I just have a bad feeling about those two," Michelle told her best friend. "They seem very stange."

"That's because they're new in town," Katie said. "I'm sure they're just regular people, like me and you. Nothing wrong with them."

"But - "

"Not talking about us are you?"

Michelle and Katie whipped around to see Greg and Whitney standing there staring at the two girls.

"Well, my friend here is pretty wary of you guys," Katie said with a small laugh. "But I'm sure there's nothing wrong with you guys, right?"

"Actually," Greg said, and then shared a look with Whitney. "You girls should be wary of us."

"Uh, why's that?" asked a worried Katie and backed into Michelle who stood her ground, glaring at the two others.

"Because, we're your worst nightmare!" Whitney growled, and her and Greg changed into Psycho Green and White, the girls screamed and the two Psycho's began to attack them.

"Katie!" Michelle said, kicking Psycho Green in the chest and away from them, while Katie ducked and Psycho White jumped over her. "Now!" Michelle screeched, and the two girls lifted their wrists and morphed.

"Wind Pterosaur Fury!" yelled Katie, morphing into the White Ranger in a flurry of high Winds.

"Water Parasaur Fury!" Michelle shouted and morphed into the Blue Ranger through giant waves of water. And Michelle began to fight Psycho Green while Katie began to fight her counterpart, Psycho White.

Meanwhile, Jay was still being choked by Psycho Blue who was laughing evilly, and Jay was beginning to lose consciousness. "It's over, Green Ranger!" Psycho Blue said, and then, Jay grabbed Psycho Blue's arm with his left arm, remembering his Morpher, and then quickly activated with his other arm, and Jay morphed into the Green Ranger and kicked Psycho Blue away, landing on one knee, coughing.

Jay looked up to see Psycho Blue getting to her feet, so he stood up as well. "I should've known meeting a girl like you would be too good to be true," he said.

"Like you could ever have a chance with me," Psycho Blue said.

"Like I'd want a chance with you!" Jay replied, "Tyranno Blaster!" He shouted, his blaster appearing in his hands. "Let's finish this nonsense!" Psycho Blue nodded and the two began their fight.

Luke felt Adam's hot chocolate splatter onto his back. "Hey, what the heck!" Luke said, pulling his shirt down. "You spit your chocolate all over me. Why?"

"Because of what's on your back, Luke," Adam said, looking worried.

"What do you mean?" Luke asked, looking at Adam anxiously. "What's on my back? What is it?!" Adam walked over to Luke where there was a large piece of shiny metal and lifted it.

"Raise your shirt and look into your reflection," Adam said. Luke nodded, turned around, lifted his shirt, and craned his neck to look.

"What the hell!?" Luke shouted in shock. There, on his back, connecting to his skin, were blue-green scales. "Adam! What the heck am I looking at! Why do I have scales on my back!?" Luke asked frantically, getting nervous and scared. "Adam! What the hell is happening to me!?"

Jay aimed his blaster at Psycho Blue and shot at her many times, but Psycho Blue was quick and Jay couldn't land on hit. Psycho Blue then pulled out her Psycho Rod and jumped high into the air, aflling on Jay and bring down the Rod on him which he blocked with his Blaster, but it wasn't enough as Psycho Blue's Rod wet right through Jay's blaster, splitting it in half.

"No!" Jay groaned, falling back, a half of the blaster in each hand, both pieces sizzling and giving off sparks. Jay stood up and faced Psycho Blue. "You destroyed my blaster!"

"Yeah, I guess I did," Psycho Blue said. "Looks like I have the upperhand!" she said, twirling her Rod.

Jay began to run towards Psycho Blue, but he was smashed as Katie and Michelle were thrown on top of him by Psychos White and Green. The three Rangers stood up, while the Psychos regrouped.

"You Rangers are really pathetic," Psycho Blue stated. "There's no way you could beat us, not even the slightest chance." Psycho Green and White agreed, and laughed. And then, all three Psychos held out and open hand, a orb of black energy appearing in their hands.

"Psycho Blast!" the three Psychos shouted together, and shot their black energy orbs at the three Rangers, creating large explosions, damaging the Rangers.

Michelle, Katie, and Jay fell to the ground, all tired out and hurt, and all were de-morphed in their regular selves. The three Psychos laughed as they moved closer to the fallen Rangers, and lifted their hands once more.

"Three down, one to go," Psycho Blue said, and then the three Psychos shot three more orbs of energy, but as the closed in on the three teens who covered themselves and waited for their destruction, someone or something had jumped in front and redirected the enrgy orbs to the sky, and created explosions in the sky.

"What the..." Jay said as he raised his head, surprised to see Psycho Red, standing in front of the teens with his sword in a blocking position.

"Oh my," Katie breathed out when she raised her head. Michelle raised hers as well, and was too shocked to see Psycho Red.

"Did Psycho Red just save our lives?" Michelle said as the three teens struggled to their feet.

"What are you three doing!?" Psycho Red growled out to the other three Psycho Rangers. "I thought it was clear for you to not fight the Rangers as we were to wait."

"We just happened to run into the three Rangers and we took our chance to surprise them," Psycho Blue spoke.

Psycho Red moved away from Jay and the others, and walked up to the other three Psycho Rangers. "I don't care," he growled. "You disobeyed my orders, and Kaizer's orders. Now, get out of here before I finish you myself." Pyscho Blue nodded and her, Psycho White, and Green teleported away. Psycho Red turned around and faced the Rangers.

"Soon, Rangers," he said, and then disappeared.

"What was that about?" Katie asked, looking over at Jay and Michelle.

"I don't know," Jay replied, looking worried. "All I know is, we need Isaac, and we need him now."

Isaac was picked up by Simia and then trown into a tree, yelping in pain as he hit the tree and fell to the ground. "Is that all you got," Isaac groaned as he struggled up to his feet, surrounded by all the monsters. "Because I'm just getting started." But then, each monster held out a open hand towards Isaac, where a ball of energy was created. "Son of a - " And the balls of energy were shot towards Isaac who covered himself with his arms.

But as the energy balls got a foot away from Isaac, a red blur appeared out of now where, grabbing Isaac and pulling him away from the energy that exploded where Isaac was just standing. Isaac opened his eyes and found that he was unarmed and still in one piece. If he had been there still, Isaac would have been terminated, but luckily he had been saved, but by who.

"Are you alright?" asked someone next to Isaac.

Isaac turned and was in awe. There, standing next to him, was a Red Ranger, a different suited one, different from him and Jason's. "Who are you?" Isaac asked.

"I'm the Tyrannosaurus Dino Thunder Power Ranger," he said, saluting. "I'm a Red Ranger just like you," he added, then pointed behind Isaac. "And just like them." Isaac turned around. There in a line, facing Isaac and the Monsters, were Red Rangers, a lot of them. "Those are the Red Rangers throughtout the years, all before you, starting with one you're familiar with, the Mighty Morphin Red Ranger; Red Alien Ranger, Zeo Red Ranger, Red Lightning Turbo Power Ranger, Red Space Ranger, Galactic Red Ranger, Lightspeed Rescue Red Ranger, Time Force Red and Quantum Rangers, Wild Force Red Lion Ranger, Ninja Storm Red Ranger, SPD Red Ranger, Mystic Force Red Ranger, Operation Overdrive Red Ranger, Jungle Fury Red Ranger, RPM Red Ranger, Samurai Red Ranger, and the most recent MegaForce Red Ranger."

"Wh-what are you guys doing here?" Isaac asked, looking back to the Dino Thunder Ranger. "What's going on?" He added as the Megaforce Ranger walked up to him.

"All will be explained once we are finished with these guys," the MegaForce Ranger said, and pulled out something and handed it to Isaac. "But I think it's time for you to Unleash the Fury!"

Isaac looked at what the MegaForce Ranger had handed to him and saw that it was his morpher. Isaac looked up, smirked and nodded. He then lifted his wristed and slapped his morpher to it, and activated it. "Fire Dragon Fury!" he shouted, and morphed into the Red Dino Fury Ranger in a rage of fire. "It's good to be back!"

"It is." Isaac turned to see that the Mighty Morphin Ranger had spoken. "Now, lead us to victory!" Isaac nodded, and turned towards the monsters, and a secone later, a hundred Kamotos appeared behind them.

"The More the merrier!" Isaac said, clenching his fists, And the Rangers began their roll call.

"Mighty Morphin Power Ranger!"

"Red Aquitar Alien Ranger!"

"Red Zeo Ranger!"

"Red Lightning Turbo Ranger!"

"Red Space Ranger!"

"Galactic Red Ranger!"

"Lightspeed Rescue Red Ranger!"

"Time Force Red Ranger!"

"Time Force Quantum Ranger!"

"Red Wild Force Ranger!"

"Red Ninja Storm Ranger!"

"SPD Red Ranger!"

"Mystic Force Red Ranger!"

"Operation Overdrive Red Ranger!"

"Jungle Fury Red Ranger!

"RPM Red Ranger!"

"Samurai Red Ranger!"

"MegaForce Red Ranger!"

"Dragon Fire Dino Fury Red Ranger!" Isaac shouted lasted, and a red explosion of smoke and fire exploded behind the line of Red Rangers. "Let's End This!" Isaac growled and ran ahead, leading the Red Rangers into battle against the Monsters and Kamotos.

A/N: How do you like them Apples? Eh? Eh? EH? Anyways, Isaac begins his Vision Quest, and Luke has scales. What do you think that means? Review!