Alrighty. This is just an Author's note. I decided to make a fourth one for the whole "pregnancy YJ blah blah bah". Sue me. This story takes place about 12 or 13 years were the last chapter of "Not Again" left off.

(No one gets pregnant btw- except Artie. But that's not the main plot. Her pregnancy will only get mentioned at most... Four of firve times...)

It's also mainly focused around the evil little terrors the team calls their children. This right here is to just explain a few things:

1) The title is a work in progress. So don't be surprised if it CHANGES.

2) There will be time travel. I know it's been over used and all, but I imagined the look on SM's face when he get's called "Grandpa" and I about died laughing.

3) The story will officially start on chapter 3. Chapter 2 is just little summaries about the kiddies.

4) Don't expect a lot of updates. There's a 50/50 chance I'm going to Wyoming for the summer, and the person I'm staying with has NO INTERNET! This goes for ALL of my stories.

5) I'm not sure, but I just might kill someone off. Haven't decided. It's still undecided.

Well, that's it. I'll but up the Bio's sometime in the next... Ohh... I dunno two weeks maybe...