Lover With a Bullet

The forty-five year old grandparent scowled as he marched down the marble floored hallway holding a popular tabloid article, nearly destroyed by his angered, fist. His faithful assistant, Eleanor, buzzed around him, fixing his new, nice and relaxed Italian suit that he liked, but not merely because he was Italian. Eleanor was trying her best to ease her boss down from a boil to a simmer, afraid that his wrath will affect him in his next business affair that he needed to attend to in a half an hour from now.

But that was far from Impero Vargas's mind, even if he was an important millionaire in society.

Though that was a story for another time. Right now Impero was glaring straight ahead at the mahogany doors that led to one of his grandson's bed rooms. Eleanor rushed ahead and opened the door for Impero to the dirtied room, where Lovino Vargas, his grandson, laid under a heap of blankets. Of course his grandson Lovino was not the most... Gracious or anywhere near nice person, especially in the mornings or towards people who try to help him, which is why him and his cursed mouth had ran every single maid from his room yelling: "I quit!" or on the borderlines of that statement. Impero marched over to Lovino's bed, ripping the sheets off his half naked grandson, making both grandfather and grandson meet glare for glare.

"What the fuck do you want old man?" Lovino growled unpleasantly.

Impero threw the magazine on his grandson's face with a distasteful look. Scoffing in surprise, Lovino grabbed the magazine from his face and looked at the front picture which had a good shot of him holding a reporter in a tight head lock, baring his teeth at the camera that had token the shot. The headline on the cover said: LOVINO VARGAS SHOWS HIS WILD SIDE!

"Explain why I had to wake up to a call at one in the morning after the first copies of this was dropped off at a connivence store all the way in Venice," Impero demanded, crossing his arms.

Lovino sighed, grabbing his pillow and planting his face in it for a change of character by acting on this shy act.

"They wanted to ask about mom and dad," Lovino said muffled by his pillow.

Impero's look softened to a sad and sympathizing look down at his grandson. His dear daughter and step son had died a year ago in a fatal incident which had caused some traumatic stress on Lovino and his twin Feliciano as well as Impero too because he had to both deal with the death of his daughter and her husband and take of their children. Impero placed a gentle hand on top of Lovino's head, ruffling the dirty hair a bit in some sort of comfort.

"They'll always want to ask about them Lovino, I have to go now, just stay away from the press for a while and cool down. You need to check up on your brother as well too, I'm surprised two people living in the same house haven't had contact in almost a month," Impero laughed lightly.

"That's because he's been over at that fucking potato bastards house ever since he declared he was in love and fucking spent three days at his house, though from what I hear he's his fucking soul mate that fucking loooooves potatoes."

Impero bellowed in laughter so loud that it consumed the room into echoes of his laughter.

"Oh Lovi, Ludwig isn't a bad guy, your just jealous that your brother isn't clutching onto your arm saying; "Lovi, Lovi, Lovi, help me!" Like he did when you two were little, such cute faces."

"Shut up and go to work old man!"

"Sigh~ I seriously need to go right now, bye Lovi," Impero bent down and gave a peck on top his grandson's head before being rushed out of the room by Eleanor right at his heels.

Hearing his doors close, Lovino sat up in his bed and took out his cell phone from his jean's pocket, turning it on and regretting so when his phone started vibrating, for what seemed like hours, in his hand. All seventy-eight text messages and twenty-two voicemails were from his brother Feliciano. Deciding that he should make sure his brother knew he was not dead, Lovino pressed down on his brother's speed dial number.

"Lovino! Why haven't you answered your phone! I was so worried! I had to read the obituaries in the newspapers to make sure you weren't dead every day! And I-"

"FELICIANO!... Shut up!" Lovino silenced his brother on the other end.

"Good, you need to stop rambling like that or else people will start to naturally channel your voice out when you talk."

Lovino loved his brother very much. He was the first born and was entitled to protect him and teach him to become more mature even though Lovino was one to talk when it came around about the way he used curse words like it was an everyday thing.

"I know, hey Lovi, you haven't met Ludwig properly yet have you? We're going to this club slash bar tonight in Valencia, drinks on Ludwig, what do ya say?"

"Wait, Valencia? Where is that?"

"It's in Spain."

"So you want me to fly all the way to Spain just so I can get some free drinks and meet your boyfriend?"


At this statement Lovino thought about what his grandfather said about staying away from the press for a while, but he would be going to Spain where probably no one knew who he was, and hey, he could make an excuse to pretend to be drunk and beat up Feliciano's potato loving boyfriend.

"Sure I'll make a reservation for a flight."

"Good, well I'll see you- oh!"

There was a sound in the background of the other end of the phone followed by hushed whispers and giggles coming from Feliciano whom kept telling whoever interrupted to stop it, leaving Lovino's mind to wander. This of course led to a thought that made him blush and get angry.

"Hey tell your fucking boyfriend that if he fucking starts molesting you while we're at the bar that I won't hesitate to chop his fucking balls off!" I screamed into the phone before hanging up with a humph.

Getting all riled up again, Lovino got out of bed to go to the work out room so he could punch something, while a confused Feliciano holding his cell phone looked up puzzled at his boyfriend. Ludwig held a more confused look at Feliciano while he was holding his misbehaving Labrador that had started licking and biting Feliciano's face a moment ago.

"I wonder what made Lovi say that?" Feliciano said touching the tiny bite mark on his chin.

Author Note:

Hey, this is my first Sparmo fic so I hope you all like the intro chapter. I dont really know what the Roman Empire`s human name is so I used Impero which means Empire in Italian, I think, I`m not too sure because google translate is not a realy dependable source, but it still works!

I cant wait to write more of the story and I hope you all have a fun time reading the story!

And leave a review, its an order, I now demand it, leave a review!