1. This is based on my story, The Young Lady Of Legends – it's an Avatar Fan Fiction.

2. The Extras are entirely inspired by the real Extras for actual TV show. They are facts, meanings and humorous comments.

3. I am writing this so that you have something to look back on, and read during the waits between updates, and when the story finishes. Also, life prevents me from updating as much as I can, so this is like…would-be updates…?

4. Please enjoy…Priestess Extras!

5 Don't read this until you've read the actual story!




* * The first book is called The Lunar Sea. * *

* * It is named for the largest body of Water in the worlds, as well as 'Lunar', which means 'Moon'.


Pink Light


* * Onboard Prince Zuko's ship, mid-morning. * *

The young prince's eyes were closed, but as he concentrated on his breathing he could sense that the flames of the four candles before him were expanding and falling with each careful breath he took. He was trained in the art of his Fire Bending, and this form of mediation was simple to him.

The light of the flames danced across the prince's room aboard his ship, illuminating the dual dao swords on the wall, and the well-weathered yellow scroll on the wall opposite to the prince. It lit the red and maroon robes the prince wore, as well as the faint but shining burn across his left eye.

Still the prince concentrated, but a small portion of his mind was focusing on what had just happened to him, hours ago. He had let the Avatar slip from his grasp, he'd been so close to regaining his lost honour, and then…

* *This story commences between episodes two and three of the TV show. * *

In the back of his mind, the young prince heard their voices:

"Your sister was born lucky – you, on the other hand, were lucky to born!"

"You will learn respect, and suffering will be your teacher!"

And his sister's voice, too, mocking him from afar now as she would one day rise to assume the throne…

* * His sister may have been foretelling the future, there… * *

But, no…the young prince clenched his fist, and the candle flames rose higher than ever. He would show them all. He'd hunt down the Avatar and capture him again, then deliver him to his Father and regain all that was taken from him.

He would show them…

As if looking behind him, he thought about the scroll painting on the wall. It showed a woman wearing traditional robes, and the scroll had a pink wash amongst the yellow.

He wouldn't forget who he was…

He'd promised them both that…


The young lady's eyes were closed, as tears slid silently down her face, messing up her eyeliner and mascara. The tears dripped down onto her hands, which shook as they clutched at the hem of her short black skirt. She wore a black singlet, a black waist tie with a red ribbon, black strappy-shoes and a red ribbon in her hair. A yin-yang necklace was around her neck.

* *Our main heroine likes to dress all in black in her own world. * *

In front of her on the coffee table in a vase was a single red rose that was losing its petals and a cup of green tea. On the TV, a movie sat paused, on the scene of a movie she had bought without permission.

She had bought it without permission, like she had done so many other things without permission, and now she was paying the price for those things. They were going to lock her out of her room, stop her from doing the things he loved, the things that kept her going. She couldn't fathom it…

In the back of her mind, the young lady heard their voices:

"You're a useless, lazy, selfish, worthless bitch!"

"If hitting you is the only way I can make you learn, then so be it!"

And her sister's voice, too, from before, telling her that it was no wonder their Mother wanted to kick her out of home…

* * She has a complicated life. * *

The young lady's entire body was shaking now, and the side of her face was turning bright red where her Father had struck her. So what if she did things like buy DVD's or go on the internet without permission? Was that any reason to hit her, or swear at her like they did?

The tears fell unhindered now…

* * She cries – a lot. * *

She didn't open her eyes but, somehow, she saw through the veil to the TV screen, where the picture of the young man "bending fire" sat frozen. She knew she was praying on an empty star here…

But she wished he was real…

* * Our main heroine has a slightly loose grip on reality but, in a Fan Fiction, that's probably okay… * *

She also wished she had a reason to exist.





In the celestial gardens, the black and white koi fish that mirrored the ones at the North Pole began to glow bright pink.

* * Pink is a recurring colour in this story. * *

Tai Li-Jun hadn't been watching them but, of course, the young goddess sensed the discomfort of the yin and yang spirits, and ran through the halls to the Courtyard Of Rain.

* * The Courtyard Of Rain is a place mentioned in the video game, The Legend Of Mana, for the PS1. * *

There, in front of the spirits' pond, she saw a tall raven-haired woman in pink robes standing there observing the swimming spirits.

"Qi-Feng!" Tai Li-Jun called, nearly tripping over her robes in her hurry. "Qi-Feng! Your fish spirits are glowing pink again!"

"Yes, I can see that too, Tai Li-Jun," The woman standing before the pond said calmly. "But, as you know, our laws are…"

"To hell with the laws!" The young goddess' face turned the colour of her scarlet robes – Tai Li-Jun was not known for keeping her temper. "I'm sick of seeing them suffer anymore!"

* * Tai Li-Jun has a temper. * *

"We're not talking about the fish anymore, are we?" The lady by the pond turned around, and Tai Li-Jun gasped. It was not Qi-Feng at all with whom she was talking, but the lady of Mercy, Kwan Yin.

Tai Li-Jun immediately apologized. "Forgive me, dear mercy, but I was expecting Qi-Feng! Where is…?"

"All is forgiven," Kwan Yin said serenely. Her brown eyes were soft and warm. "Qi-Feng is with Yuexia Loaren in theTempleOfDimensions."

* * The Gods all have Chinese names. * *

Tai Li-Jun's own brown eyes widened. "The Old Man Under The Moon?" She gasped. "You mean…?"

Kwan Yin nodded. "Yes – we, too, have decided to grant both their wishes. Emma wishes to go to her prince and he unknowingly…"

"Wishes to be with her also," Tai Li-Jun said excitedly. "But how…?"

"We elder gods have a way of shifting heaven and worlds," Kwan Yin said mysteriously. "Already I believe she is on her way."

"But I'm worried," Tai Li-Jun said suddenly, moving closer to the comfort of Mercy. "Kwan Yin, Emma is very irresponsible, even for a twenty year old. Which is another thing in itself, isn't it?"

"Yes," Kwan Yin nodded. "But, I believe, Qi-Feng has a way of making that alright. She may be able to tweak Emma's age a bit, to make her fit in. I myself have offered her a gift as well – the gift of my song."

"That's why I mistook you for Qi-Feng," Tai Li-Jun said in wonder. "Kwan Yin, you've given up the melody of your voice! But why? How will that help her?"

Kwan Yin's expression remained peaceful. "My child, I am indebted to do all I can to help her. I believe she will be grateful for this serenity I can offer her." Kwan Yin sighed – even without her melody, it was a peaceful sound. "She is being thrown headfirst into a new situation."

"Emma doesn't like change," Tai Li-Jun whispered. "She also doesn't like being told what to do, and she's lazy…however will she learn to get along with a prince, even if he is her soul-mate?" Her brown eyes were filled with worry.

"I don't know, my child," Kwan Yin said soothingly. "Emma is a very complex person. But, I believe we shall find, where she is lazy, he is motivated. Where he is hot-headed, she is patient. Where he is strong, she is weak. But, where she is gifted, he can help."

"You mean…wudang?" Tai Li-Jun's voice was barely above the light rain that had begun to fall. "The truest form of martial arts?" Kwan Yin nodded. "But…Mercy…Emma does not know martial art! She hates most forms of exercise! How is it that she can be the Priestess Of Wudang?"

* * Wudang means 'The True Martial Arts'. * *

"Ah, yes," Kwan Yin agreed. "But, in these areas, she will learn and, give time, he will teach her. She will master her skills as Priestess eventually, but to succeed she must put in more effort than she has been recently. It will not be easy for her. She is going to have to put others before herself for a change, but I believe she can do it. And she, in turn, will be able to reach his heart. But, even before that happens…" A small smile played on her painted lips. "I believe they'll have a hard time leaving each other alone…"

* * Kwan Yin also foretells the future, of love… * *

The smile did not extend to her eyes, however, and she thought: But, if that is the case, then we may have more trouble to contend with…she'll have to guard that power within her until the time is right…the prince won't be the only one who becomes aware of it…

All people had this power…it was born into them and, as they lost it, they grew old and died. It was there…but for people like Emma, a priestess…or Aang, the Avatar…it was dramatically more pronounced…

She's only young and innocent…please, heavens…guide her…


Prince Zuko felt the change in the room's atmosphere, and his hazel eyes immediately snapped open. The candles in his room had been yellow a moment ago but, now as he watched them, the flames turned…pink?

* * More pink. * *

The prince was speechless, as he turned around and saw that a pink light had appeared in the middle of his room and…was that a figure, appearing in the light?

It was…

A female, to be exact, appearing in the beam of pink light. He could tell it was a girl, became of the curves where girls had curves, although he had definitely seen girls who were more curvy than this one…but how was it that she was appearing in his room, and in pink light of all things?

She leaned forward in the light now, her face becoming clearer. Maybe it was the fact that she was bathed in candlelight, the light of the prince's inner element, but…

She's not bad looking… Prince Zuko thought, surprising himself slightly.

* * Zuko may be a jerk, but he's still a typical male. * *

Then, the girl's eyes snapped open. They were the exact same shade of hazel as his were, which surprised both of them…but, he still wasn't expecting her to do what she did next.

She gasped when she saw him, her eyes swimming full of tears (annoyingly – Zuko hated it when girls cried) and she leapt out of the pink light, straight at him.

The pink light disappeared from behind her, and the flames of the candles blew out, as she landed on top of Zuko.

* * It's like a scene in a movie, isn't it? * *

"Ow!" He yelled, despite himself.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed. Her voice would have been pretty except it was distorted slightly by a high-pitch, probably due to nerves.

"Don't be, just get off me!" The prince commanded.

"I'm trying!" Her voice was even more high-pitched, if that was possible. "I can't…I think my ribbon's tangled in your robes!"

"Well, untangle it!" He couldn't believe this was happening – could this day get any weirder?

"Okay, okay, I just…wait, what's this?"

* * Our main heroine accidentally puts her hand somewhere forbidden. * *

Zuko was glad it was dark, otherwise this strange girl would've seen a blush creep over his tanned face. "That," He said darkly. "Would be something that you are not permitted to touch."

"Oh. My. God." Her body was on top of his, and so he felt it go snow cold. "Oh Lord…I'm not…hey!" Her voice suddenly became angry, and her body switched from cold to hot faster than lightning. "Get your hand off me!"

* * Our favourite Prince accidentally does the same thing to her. * *

Yes, this day could get weirder. "Well move then!"

"Would somebody turn the bloody lights on? !"

The door to Zuko's room opened suddenly, and lamplight from the hallway flooded in as Zuko's Uncle Iroh entered. "Prince Zuko, I…" He trailed off, stunned into silence at the sight of his nephew struggling on the floor with a strange girl struggling on top of him, her waist tie tangled in his robes. She was wearing a skirt shorter than Iroh had seen on anyone, and had thick black circles around her eyes. The look on her face was one of absolute shock and disbelief – she did not look as if she belonged.

The look on Zuko's face, Iroh noted, was clear as day. GET THIS GIRL OFF ME…NOW!

"By the way, Prince Zuko," Iroh said calmly, as he watched the two teenagers struggle some more to detach themselves from each other, before deciding to intervene. "Commander Zhao has invited us for lunch – his ship has pulled up alongside ours."

* * This turn of events is steering more towards the movie. * *

Zuko looked shocked then angry, the girl looked terrified.

Yes, this day just kept on getting weirder and weirder…



* * The title of this chapter is the relationship between Zuko and Zhao. * *


"Commander Zhao has invited us for lunch – his ship has pulled up alongside ours."

Zuko looked shocked then angry, the girl looked terrified.


Emma's P.O.V:

* * The story begins to take place in characters' P.O.V's. * *

Zuko paced almost angrily along the length of his room, not meeting the gaze of his uncle. He also wouldn't look at me, and I just stared at the floor, feeling scared and embarrassed.

I had, somehow, been dragged into another world – and, not just any world, but the Avatar world. Unless this was all just crazy dream…?

* * Every fan character thinks this at one stage. * *

I suddenly remembered, of all things, my mascara. Dammit, it must be running! I reached up to wipe it away. And, in front of Prince Zuko, of all characters. I had always had a fan-girl crush on the prince, especially his movie-self. And, this guy was the splitting image of Dev Patel in the movie, so…

* * Prince Zuko is based off of his movie-counterpart, played by Dev Patel, in terms of looks. * *

I knew my face must be red or white, as I avoided looking at the prince.

He, however, had different ideas, as he suddenly ceased his pacing and stopped right in front of me.

"Look at me." He commanded, in a voice much more filled with authority as it had been before.

* * This is not the first time our main heroine will be told this. * *

I gulped. I'd forgotten about him being an arrogant, hot-tempered prince. I raised my gaze slightly from his feet to his stomach. Higher! A voice in the back of my mind told me, and I made myself raise my whole head, so as to look at his neck – that was all I could manage.

That seemed to satisfy him, because he went on: "Who are you? What is your name?"

"E-Emma." I said, very quietly. There was something about my voice that frightened me – it didn't sound like me at all!

* * Our main heroine's name is revealed! * *

"I beg your pardon?" Prince Zuko raised his head slightly.

"I…" I lowered my gaze again.

"Look at me when I talk to you!" Zuko said, angrily, and I flinched. "I am the prince of the Fire Nation, son of Fire Lord Ozai!"

"And Fire Lady Ursa…" I muttered, and it was Zuko's turn to flinch.

* * Emma makes a mistake in calling Ursa Fire Lady – Ursa was never the Fire Lady. * *

"What. Did. You. Say?" He asked me, in a dangerously soft voice. There was a note in his words I have never heard anybody use before – it scared me.

His tone forced me to raise my eyes, and my gaze locked with his.

My heart thudded in my chest, as the prince and I stared at each other. His gaze turned from intense to slightly questioning, and I'm sure mine wasn't as composed – I must've looked totally surprised. His eyes, which were the exact same shade of hazel as mine, bored holes into me, as if searching my very soul. I'm sure that's what I was doing to him.

I saw him as what I knew he was – a boy who had lost everything, and really only wanted respected.

I was suddenly plagued with guilt for being disrespectful, and for mentioning his Mother. Who was I to mention her name, anyway?

I dropped my gaze swiftly, and raised both hands in front of me. I clasped my left fist in my right hand, and bowed my head slightly. I had read about the Chinese salute in a book called White Tiger – it seemed appropriate to use it now. I peeked up at Zuko from beneath my lashes – he wasn't bothering to hide the stunned expression on his face now, as he glanced back at his Uncle. I too stole a swift glance out of the corner of my eye, at where Iroh stood at the door.

He was smiling a little.

I tried to calm down. I also tried to speak clearly. "Forgive me, Prince Zuko," Yikes, what was wrong with my voice? ! It was…ringing! Like bells. "I was out of line." That was an understatement.

* * Emma's voice has a similar description to the vampires in Stephanie Myer's Twilight. * *

I lowered my hands and raised my head to look not at the prince, but at a spot just past his right shoulder.

Zuko sighed. "Let's try this again, shall we?" He said, more to himself. "Who are you?"

"My name is Emma," I swallowed nervously. My voice…

Zuko and Iroh exchanged a glance. Iroh nodded slightly to his nephew.

"Very well then, Emma," Zuko seemed to be trying to maintain a good level of politeness with me. "How old are you?"

"Umm…eighteen?" Or thereabouts. Something felt wrong. I reached up and ran my hand along my throat…I felt the raised bumps of my scar, the one I had received when I was fifteen. The scar had flattened over time – it had taken seven or so years. So…now that it was raised again…did it mean I was eighteen again?

* * Emma honestly has no idea how old she is at this point. * *

Hey, I guessed anything was possible.

"Are you married?"

"I…what?" I blinked but, when I realised that Zuko was waiting for an honest answer, I shook my head and lowered my gaze. "N-no…"

"Hmm…" I could feel Zuko's gaze scrutinizing me. "In most places it is customary for a girl to be married by sixteen." He informed me.


"Though, in some places, this rule is overlooked." The prince went on.

"Oh." Wait, it's a RULE?

"Still, you don't appear to be someone from theEarthKingdom." Zuko told me.

"Oh?" I must sound like a broken record by now! And why is it so important to know my marital status? Next he'll be asking me how many boyfriends I've had!

"So, my next question is…what nation are you from?" The prince asked me.

"Uh…" I wasn't sure how to answer that. But, at least he hadn't asked me how many boyfriends I'd had, because zero isn't a very impressive number now, is it? Still, this was probably the second worst question – how the hell do I explain I'm from another world? ! If this was any ordinary scenario I didn't want to face, I'd run away. That's what I really wanted to do right now, but I couldn't! I glanced helplessly at Iroh. Wait, he can see spirits and stuff that are travelling through the Spirit World, right? I thought, remembering how he'd seen Roku's dragon and Aang that time (did that really happen?). Maybe he'll be more open to the possibility of my being an…alien? "I'm…not from…this world…" I admitted.

Zuko and his Uncle looked completely stunned – they exchanged a glance, and then looked back at me.

Zuko took a step closer to me. "You came from a different world?" He asked me quietly.

I nodded wordlessly. I could see they didn't believe me.

* * Zuko and Iroh aren't giving anything away at this point. * *

Zuko continued to stare at me with an unreadable expression on his face, until his Uncle (who was the Uncle Iroh from the cartoons only…real…whereas his nephew was from the movies) cleared his throat. "Uh, Prince Zuko…as you know, Commander Zhao is not a man who likes to be kept waiting…" He glanced at me and then back at his nephew.

"I know!" Zuko snapped, tearing his gaze away from me and going over to his Uncle's side. The two shared a meaningful glance, before both nodded. "You," The young prince addressed me, almost sharply. "Stay on this ship and do not let anyone see you." He went to the door and followed his Uncle out. "We'll talk more about this later." He closed the door with a snap of finality, leaving me in utter darkness.

I stood there in the middle of the room, all by myself, before collapsing to my knees.

"No…freaking…way…" I said hoarsely, before bursting into tears.

* * See? She cries too much… * *


Zuko's P.O.V:

"You're not going to say anything?" My Uncle asked me, as we walked along the corridor the ship.

"Like what?" I asked him, waving my hand angrily and igniting a lantern that had gone out in the corridor. All of the lanterns were out, actually, and so I relit them all with tiny flames.

* * Zuko relit them all with tiny flames. * *

I wondered where the men who patrolled this corridor had gone…probably they were already on Zhao's ship. Damn it! I hated Zhao, right down to his thick sideburns that made him look like a monkey! What was he doing, inviting me to lunch in the middle ofEarthKingdom waters? Probably he was going to mock me in front of everybody…the thought of that made my stomach curl up in frustration. Why did everybody have to insult me like they did? ! Well, not everybody. That girl, Emma, had been disrespectful at first, before she'd corrected herself and treated me with more respect. I hadn't been aware that people outside of the Fire Nation would recognize me as a prince but…then again…she'd said she wasn't from this world. "She appeared in my room in a beam of pink light, claiming to come from another world. What more did you want me to say to her?"

* * Zuko isn't used to dealing with women. * *

"The poor girl is probably a little frightened by what has just happened to her, Prince Zuko," My Uncle said calmly. "She may tell us more about what she's doing here if she has less reason to be scared."

* * Iroh is. * *

I just rolled my eyes. I had no time for scared little girls. Besides, I had an Avatar to hunt down, and bring back to my Father. "The only thing she should be scared about," I said, slowly and carefully, as we reached the door that led up to the deck. "Is what will happen if she doesn't listen to me." I stepped out into the open air, followed by my Uncle. The salty breeze filled my lungs, reminding me of the girl's salty tears. She was probably crying again right now. The thought did not do anything to settle the impatience in me.

"About staying on the ship or not letting anyone see her?" Uncle Iroh questioned, casting a glance towards Zhao's much larger warship.

I followed his gaze, feeling hatred for my rival burning into the depths of my heart as I saw the man I loathed. "Both." I muttered grimly, as I felt a pair of amber-red eyes glaring into me, smugly.


Emma's P.O.V:

Once I'd calmed myself down (and, it took a good twenty minutes) I wiped my eyes with my black waist tie as best I could, before creeping over to the door and turning the heavy handle.

"Oh, thank goodness he didn't lock it…" I breathed, and let myself out into the hall. I blinked in the light. I also actually tiptoed out, though I didn't have to because, if I was guessing correctly, all those aboard Zuko's ship were now having lunch on Zhao's ship. There, Zhao would be mocking the prince about wearing Fire Nation uniform, and the thought filled me with anger.

I walked along the corridor, hoping to get up on deck and get some fresh air. Light from large candles dotted along the corridors lit my way, as I walked silently on the metal floor, finally reaching the door that led me up on deck.

* * But, Emma's path was lit with large candles… * *

"Ah…" I said gratefully, closing the door behind me and raising my head up to the sky. "The sun…" I walked over to the railing of the ship, and leaned over the side to stare at my reflection in the cerulean waters. "And the sea…maybe this world's not so bad after all…" I could appreciate the beauty of nature. I may not spend a lot of time outside (given the choice, I'd rather be inside, watching TV or drawing) but, here, well, I may just get used to it. There were people in this world who could bend the elements. I was a little bit jealous – I've always wanted to be able to do something like that! Just getting to be here wasn't enough – I wanted more!

I sighed in frustration. Mum had always said I was selfish like that – Dad too, in fact. Maybe they were right…I realised that the last time I'd seen them both was when we were arguing. That thought saddened me a little bit – but not enough so that I started crying again. This was my life and if, somehow, I got to be in another dimension, then so be it!

I absentmindedly played with the yin yang necklace around my neck. I'd gotten it inBali, one of the three times we'd gone when I was a child. I'd added to it by threading four beads, two onto each side of the black chord that held it around my neck. Blue and white were on the left, whilst red and green were on the right. To me, they represented the four elements of this world.

* * These beads actually aren't that important… * *

Then, it hit me. I was here…in the Avatar world…this wasn't a dream, and now I got the chance to do something awesome!


"This is…so cool…" I realised, as a big pink fish with ruffled fins fanning out to orange leapt out of the water, right in front of my face. I laughed, as the water from the fish's dive splashed me, sending cool droplets all over my face. We must've still been pretty far south, since the water was so cold. I wiped the water off with the back of my hand, still smiling…and then I realised that I was being watched.

I looked up, startled, to see a huge ship (how could I have not noticed that before? !) alongside Zuko's. Zuko himself was standing on the deck, beside his Uncle and a man I had not seen in real life before but recognized instantly as Commander Zhao.

* * Emma can recognize cartoon characters in real-life upon sight. * *

My hazel eyes locked with his reddish-coloured ones for an instant, before he turned to say something to Zuko.

I couldn't hear what he said but, whatever it was, it appeared to anger Zuko, before the young prince nodded. His fists were clenched.

My heart began to race.


Iroh's P.O.V:

It was a very tense silence that followed Zuko saying to Zhao that, one day, he would reclaim his honour. Then, Zhao would have to bow before him. Zuko left the high table then and walked to the back of the room, exiting through the door in which we'd come.

After a moment, I too stood up, bowed my head to Zhao and followed in my nephew's wake.

* * Remember this scene in the movie? * *

The eyes of the other soldiers watched us go.

But, Zhao would not let us leave so easily. He stopped Zuko, who had his hand on the door, and said: "The years you've spent at sea have done little to temper your tongue!" His red eyes burned. "My soldiers have informed that you had the Avatar in your possession, but that you let him escape. Is that correct?"

I watched as Zuko's breath hitched in his throat. I could almost hear him thinking: He interrogated my soldiers? When? When I was busy interrogating Emma? "I underestimated the Avatar once, and once only. I won't do it again."

Neither Zhao nor I missed the implications of the teenager's words.

Zhao leaned toward him. "You can't compete with me. I have hundreds of warships under my commands. And you – you're just a banished prince. No home. No allies. Your own Father doesn't even want you."

"You're wrong!" Prince Zuko said angrily. "Once I deliver the Avatar to my Father, he will welcome me home with honour, and restore my rightful place on the throne!"

Zhao laughed softly, mockingly. "If your Father really wanted you home, he would have let you return home by now. Avatar or no Avatar. But in his eyes, you are a failure, and a disgrace to the Fire Nation. But then…" His gaze travelled to the left side of Zuko's face, and I felt myself tense. "You have the scar to prove that, don't you?"

"Maybe you'd like one to match!" Zuko exclaimed angrily, without even thinking. He was beyond thinking now – his fists were clenched, and he was glaring at Commander Zhao, with an intense hatred burning in his eyes.

Zhao's fists were clenched now, too. "Is that a challenge?" He asked.

Zuko nodded. "An Agni Kai. At sunset." He added.

* * Saying 'Agni Kai' sounds more dramatic than saying 'duel'… * *

"I own a dock for warships that has an arena," Zhao stated, his red eyes flashing. "It will be the perfect place for me to showcase my victory over you."

"Don't count on it," Zuko said, his voice quivering with suppressed anger. "And, when I win, you have to give up your search for the Avatar."

Zhao laughed again. "Fine – but, if you lose, then you must give up your search." His eyes searched Zuko's face. "Can you do that? Knowing that you may never set foot on Fire Nation soil again?"

Zuko replied: "I will not lose." He opened the door to the deck swiftly and marched out, followed by myself and Zhao.

I was deeply concerned for Zuko. Zhao was a Fire-Bending Master of sorts, and he was ruthless if not brutal, when it came to such things as an Agni Kai. I don't think the last person he duelled ever really recovered.

I suddenly realised that Zuko and Zhao had stopped, and were staring at something back on Zuko's ship.

Knowing full well what it might be, I followed their gazes.

Emma stood upon deck, leaning against the railing as a giant Solar Fish leapt into the air and splashed her with water. She laughed – a wonderfully ringing sound, like bells – before wiping at the water on her face. I was struck again by her seemingly childlike innocence, as well as the different way she seemed to carry herself when she didn't think anyone else was around. Behind the mask, I thought she must be a strong and beautiful young lady, and I wondered if my nephew thought the same thing about this Emma.

Because, I had no doubt in my mind that Zhao did...

Then, she seemed to sense all our gazes, because she looked up. Her face froze, as she stared up at us, and a look of fear crossed her face. Her stance became guarded, meek.

She knows. I thought, desperation flooding through my mind.

In front of me, Zuko had gone rigid, staring at Emma. I wondered what his expression was.

Then, Zhao turned to Zuko and said: "I don't know how you managed to get a female on your ship, and I do not really care. For I have changed my mind, Prince Zuko. When I win our little duel this evening, the girl – that girl, on your ship there – is mine. You will give her to me. Understand?"

* * Zhao is a jerk. * *

I suddenly realised that I didn't want to see the expression on my nephew's face, as his fists clenched again but he nodded grimly.

My insides were boiling at the implications of Zhao's words. A girl like Emma…young, innocent, pure…she wouldn't be able to handle something like that. Why is it that nobody had respect for women these days?

And this girl, Emma…a stranger from another world…why was she here? Would she be around us long enough to let us know?