AN: Hey guys! I revised the first chapter! When I first uploaded this story, I really have no idea how to add author's notes and line breaks. The latest chapter will be uploaded soon enough (for those who follows this story) so if you're new here, I only hope you would like my story. Ok now, here's the revised chapter 1!

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and other characters. They all belong to Rick Riordan, I'm just an avid fangirl ^0^


The Oracle once told that there will be a hero in whom he shall choose to save Olympus or destroy it. However, this demigod can only be a child of the Big Three when he reaches the age of sixteen. The Ophiotaurus is already kept by the gods, it can no longer be of trouble, and shall no longer be a threat, is it? We're not yet sure, it's not yet 100% sure that it's safe with the gods. We demigods wish to end the Second Titan War, Many of us died bravely to protect Olympus and our loved ones from the Titans. And we also wish that whoever will be the child of the prophecy shall choose the path to save Olympus.

Mt. Othrys, Summer 2010

Lightning strike from the skies, I bet Zeus might be in his rage mode again. Well, most of the gods did. Getting into a war really is difficult. You see, I've been into many battles before; some of them almost got me killed. I went through labyrinths, fought monsters, carried the skies for a short time and got bitten by a pit scorpion but this one is different. It's my first time going into a war, so bear with me.

I sometimes even wish that these guys will get a grip and stop the fighting so I can live my life. As I said before, if you're a half- blood, you have no chances of living a normal life. I cannot fulfill my dream to become a marine biologist or an oceanographer that's because I'm a half- blood. Here I am in the temple fighting off my archenemy, Luke. You see, this guy only fights against the gods because of his certain obsession with Zeus daughter, Thalia. (AN: For those who find this a major setback, please don't mind it. I hope you continue reading it) I find it stupid though. I mean, the person's a hunter of Artemis already, it's like a big sign that keeps on telling you: "Sorry, Thalia Grace is no longer and will never be available, please approach Lady Artemis if you have any violent reactions". Sometimes I even wonder if Aphrodite is involved in this.

My Riptide and Luke's Backbiter clashed. His red eyes met mine; I felt his anger when I look at them and somewhat gives me chills.

I took a step backward and eyed him then he charged at me. I never knew Luke could be this strong. He hit my sword very hard, my legs felt weak, I couldn't let my guard down or else I'll be dead meat.

"What's wrong, Percy Jackson? I thought you're going to put an end to this?" he sneered

"Oh hell, I will"

I swung Riptide at him an it hit his cheek, leaving another cut on his face

"I guess I put on another scar on your face, Luke."

He whirled his sword and surprised me which made me vulnerable; as a result, I felt blood oozing from my shoulder and dropped Riptide.

"This is bad" I thought

"This is the end for you Percy Jackson, too bad you're not the child of the prophecy as I was expecting."

I put a hand on my shoulder, my shoulder felt unbelievably painful. Then I realized there was poison on Luke's sword. I glared at him and he seemed to realize what I was thinking

"Don't worry, it only brings pain, it cannot kill you in any way." Luke explained

The pain is spreading throughout my body, every muscle I move I agonize in pain.

Luke was about to give me his finishing blow, my vision starts to get blurry, I felt I was about to faint. Then I saw shade of silver hit Luke. Unfortunately, Luke was able to dodge this strike; the only thing I realized is that, it was Thalia, the daughter of Zeus and a huntress of Artemis, then another girl called my name, Annabeth. Before I blacked out, I saw her beautiful gray eyes stare at me and then gone.

The Apollo Cabin is in charge of healing injured half-bloods during the war. Thalia and the hunters joined the battle with the campers. Annabeth went out of the cabin, she looked a bit relieved.

"Is he alright?" Thalia asked while the other campers and hunters are also waiting for Annabeth's reply.

"He's fine now. The poison's been removed and his wounds are being healed." But her eyes still looked worried

Everyone sighed in relief, and then Chiron went into the scene.

"May I get everyone's attention?" he called out

The campers and hunters turned to Chiron for his news

"There was a sudden retreat by the Titans during the war, we don't have any idea why they decided to retreat, even though peace might be restored temporarily, we should stay alert in case they strike again"

"Chiron, what if this is a trap? The Titans might think that we settled down for a moment since their forces backed off?" Thalia asked, her silver bow strapped on her back.

Chiron thought for a moment, Thalia has a point.

"Let's just be ready in case your suspicions are true. Is everything clear?"

"Yes, sir" they replied

Three days have passed since Chiron's declaration. Things are going quite well, the campers returned to their daily routine and Percy just woke up after three days. And for that he received one hard slap from Annabeth for making her worry.

"Seriously! Why do you have to do that?" Percy said while rubbing his cheek

"You made me worry sick! You deserve it!" Annabeth blurted out

"Like it will make me feel better" Percy muttered

"What did you say?"

"Umm, nothing! "

Annabeth did her routines while Percy keeps on following her, apologizing. Annabeth is supposed to inspect the cabins if it's orderly, it's been a job assigned by Chiron to every cabin leader to check if each cabin maintained neat and orderly. If one cabin fails to do so, they will have to do another general cleaning.

"At last, Percy isn't here to annoy me anymore" Annabeth thought

She rated each cabin from 1-10, lowest can be 1. These are as follows:

Athena Cabin: 9, books are well arranged on the shelves, only Marcus's calculator is out of place

Demeter Cabin: 10, as usual

Aries Cabin: 3, furniture's messed up because of frequent fighting and wrestling

Apollo Cabin: 7, some of the bed sheets are burned

Artemis Cabin: 10, because no one's there

Hephaestus Cabin: 5, tools are everywhere

Hermes Cabin: 4, lots of stolen stuff are there and the place is a mess

Aphrodite Cabin: 6, dresses, make-up, and shoes are all scattered on the floor

The only cabin Annabeth haven't checked yet was the Poseidon Cabin. She went inside and no one's there. Everything's in order, trident on the wall, the TV's unplugged, bed sheets are neatly folded, and the aquarium's newly cleaned.

"I guess I could rate this at 10, for the first time" Annabeth thought as she scribbled on her papers.

"What brings Wise Girl here?" a guy called out from her back

Annabeth turned at Percy

"Seaweed Brain"

Percy took her hands, but his smile faded and his expression became serious

"I've got something to tell you, let's take a walk shall we?"

"Um, sure thing, what is it you want to talk about?"

They started to walk through the strawberry fields

"Lady Hera asked me to bring something for her. I must go into some castle, I guess. Not much I know about that place but she said it's safe."

"One word of advice, Seaweed Brain, never trust Lady Hera. That goddess led many heroes astray. She might have some sort of plan or something" her expression was grim

"Hey, I promise everything's alright." He told her

"You promise a lot." She smiled "Percy, remember your other promise?"

"What's that?"

"That you will not let the prophecy come true? Do you mean it?"


"I don't want you to be the child of the prophecy. It's quite impossible to make that true, but I believe in you. You know what's best, Percy. Don't push yourself to hard to do it"

"Fine, I know you can't move on without me" he chuckled

Annabeth blushed furiously

"Who do you think I am, Seaweed Brain? I am smart enough not ruin my life because of you!"

"Do you mean it?" he chuckled

"Oh yes I do!"

Then she started to curse in Greek. Percy kissed her lips and hugged her tightly.

"Hey, Seaweed Brain can handle this, besides, if ever I'm the child of the prophecy, I will most likely choose to protect Olympus, for you."

Annabeth smiled



Percy was given only three days to accomplish what Hera ordered him to do. When he left for his quest, the campers wished good luck for the hero and in that very moment Perseus Jackson was last seen.

AN: Now there's chapter 1! I really am itching to edit this chapter for days, but I just can't because of school works. Anyway, for the newcomers, I hope you like it! Please don't forget to Read and Review!