Ch 23 Rebuilding Bridges

Authors Note: Sorry for the long delay between chapters but this chapter fought me the whole time. This chapter dips way back into the Stargate series. Also alot of new characters will be introduced who will play major parts in the future. For those few critics who complain that I don't use the appropriate ranks for foreign military members, I am using the American equivalents with the exception of some General/Flag Officers. Please read and review. Thanks.

Previously on Stargate SG-1:

In the Control Room of Stargate Command.

"To contact us you may use this," Martuf said as he handed Sam a small, silver device.

"That's Tollan, they used it to contact the Nox," Daniel said.

"Yes. We are friends of the Tollan and we are friends of the Tau'ri," Martuf said.

In the Triad Chamber on Tollana.

"You said there was a third neutral Archon. That's a Tollan," Daniel asked.

"No. We have asked our friends to send someone capable of remaining neutral. I believe you have met," Travell said. A door leading into the chamber opens to reveal a Nox, Lya, who nods to everyone.

"Lya," Daniel said in a slightly surprised tone.

"It is good to see you once again friends," Lya said.

In the Control Room of Stargate Command Chief Master Sergeant Harriman was playing a transmission from a Tollan Long Rang Communication Device for General Hammond, Jack, Sam, Daniel and Teal'c.

"Get some of our people out. Stargate was destroyed," A male voice said.

"Narim," Sam said.

"All defenses failing," Narim said, "Our ships attempting to escape are being shot down. I just want you to know that . . . ."

"I'm sorry sir. That's it. The transmission just died," Sergeant Harriman said.

Previously on Stargate Atlantis:

"I give you the McKay/Carter Intergalactic Gate Bridge," Rodney said, "Thirty-four gates from both the Milky Way and Pegasus gate systems have been strategically place in the massive void between our two galaxies. Simply enter on either side, for example Atlantis, and boom a macro that I have written specially for the occasion will command each gate in the chain to store you in its buffer and forwad you along to the next and the next and the next and the next and the next untill you arrive here. Once at the Midway Space Station you simply exit the Pegasus gate system and eneter the Milky Way gate system where a similar macro designed by your's truely will forward you along to the SGC. Total travil a little over thirty minutes."

In rear compartment of Midway's Emergency Escape Jumper doctors Bill Lee, Peter Kavanaugh and Rodney McKay were waiting along with two Marines in the massive void between Pegasus and the Milky Way.

"No way. You actually like it," Bill asked Peter as they played a game of cards.

"Its his finest film," Peter said.

"Pearl Harbor," Bill said asked as looked around the rear compartment.

"Go ahead and mock it. Everybody does, but that film will endure. Its got weight," Peter said.

"Yeah. Which is why it plummeted at the box office," Bill argued.

"Two hundred million dollars domestic? That's not plummeting. I beg," Peter begain.

"Enough already," Rodney interupted, "We've been stuck here for god knows how long and you haven't shut up. Either of you. You just keep talking and talking, talking, talking, talking."

A loud sound echoed from outside the jumper.

"What was that," Rodney asked.

"Something just hit us," Bill said as he begins to get up and the rear hatch lowers to reveal Ronon and two airman. Everyone gets to their feet.

"Ronon," Rodney says.

"Where are we," Bill asked.

"Daedalus, Three-o-two bay. Saw ya, scooped you up, headed back to Atlantis," Ronon said as he walked into the jumper.

"Thank god," Peter says as he goes to pat Ronon on the back and Ronon pushes him away with one arm. Everyone but Ronon and Rodney exit.

"Midway was destroyed," Rodney said.

"Yeah. We saw. Where's Sheppard," Ronon asked.

"Lasted about a day, sealed himself in there," Rodney said after hitting the button to open the inner bulkhead to the forward compartment revealling Sheppard asleep in the pilot's seat with his headphones on.

"No wonder he didn't hear the radio call," Ronon said.

Previously on Stargate Earth:

Hank and Fa Jul both stood as everyone clapped. The took the podium together as Hayes stood off to the back and Hank spoke, "General Jul and I are pleased to announce that Earth's next three Daedalus-class ships will be joining the fleet in three months time."

In Woolsey's Office on Atlantis, Woolsey, Hank and President Hayes were talking.

"Hank have you divied out the orders," Hayes asked.

"Yes Mr. President," Hank said as they all sat down, "Ellis is supplying the Apollo for a six month stay on Langara. They'll leave tomorrow night. Carter has beamed aboard the heavy machinery and a platoon of combat engineers for the relief work on Dakara with assistance from the Tok'ra and the Hebridian government."

In orbit around Langara a lone Tel'tak stood watch. On board was Jonas Quinn, Commander Ba'al and a group of ten other Langaran people. A young man was in the pilots seat and Ba'al was in the co-pilot seat teaching the basics of how to operate the small ship.

"Now run a diagnostic on the hyperdrive," Ba'al said.

"Ok let me see," The young man sitting in the pilot seat said as he pressed two symbols and an alarm went off. Ba'al fell back in his seat, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose, "What did I do?"

"You just deactivated life support," Ba'al said before pressing the right sequence of buttons to restore life support and silence the alarm.

"Look why don't you guys go eat dinner and we will pick this up again tomorrow," Jonas said. The young man sitting in the pilot seat got up and joined the other trainies in the ring transporter. Jonas activated the rings sending them down to one of the other two Tel'taks on the planet.

"They aren't studying the material you gave them, are they" Ba'al asked as Jonas sat down in the pilot seat.

"No. I found several of the manuals I made in a trash bin," Jonas said.

"So which one of you will be joing us to train the Langarans," Abe asked.

"Neither of us," Teal'c said. The rings activated again and in there place stood Teal'c's son Rya'c.

"Commander Rya'c will be aiding in the training," Yat'yir said.

"So who will be commanding the fleet," Abe asked as he looked around.

"I will," Jonas said not looking up from the controls. Teal'c looked around with a raised eyebrow.

"Come again," Abe asked as he looked at Jonas.

"I was the only person the Joint Ruling Council could agree on," Jonas said as turned to face the group.

"Jonas Quinn has an abundance of skills that make him more than qualified. He spent over a year with SG-1 in place of Daniel Jackson. He has a vast understanding of the goa'uld written language and computer systems. I believe he was the wisest choice," Teal'c said.

"Thank you Teal'c. That means a lot coming from you," Jonas said. Teal'c bowed his head to Jonas.

"I'm not sure about this," Abe said.

"I for one agree with Master Teal'c's assessment. Jonas is the only one to show any improvement. Let alone the willingness to want to learn how to fly any of these crafts," Ba'al said.

"What is your new title Mr. Quinn," Rya'c asked.

"Supreme Commander," Jonas said.

"Well then Supreme Commander Quinn let us begin the training of you soldiers," Rya'c said.

In the Briefing Room on the Achilles, Colonel Cameron Mitchell was talking with Lieutenant General Hank Landry.

"Have you picked out your Three-o-two pilots? I understand there is an exstensive list to choose from," Hank said as he picked up a file and flipped through it. Cam looked down at his list on his laptop.

"Not exactly sir," Cam said reluctently.

"What do you mean son," Hank asked as he put the file he was looking at down.

"There are a couple pilots I've served with in the past that are great pilots and I'd be happy to do so again. However," Cam said as he trailed off.

"They don't fly for the Air Force? Do they," Hank asked intently.

"Not even the United States," Cam said as he shook his head.

"Alright son. Who do you have in mind," Hank asked. Cam looked a little shocked at Hank's question.

"Well when I sevred in Desert Storm I made a couple freinds in the Hellenic Air Force," Cam said, "They are some amazing pilots."

"Any other foreign pilots," Hank asked.

"I talked with a friend who is helping teach the Russian Three-o-two program and he told me about a young pilot who will be graduating shortly," Cam said.

In the Oval Office of the White House, President Henry Hayes was on a video conference call with the other I.O.A. heads of state. Three large flatscreen tvs sat on carts in front of the Resolute Desk. They were divided into four section. Each had a different head of state and the last had a feed of Hayes.

"All those in favour of reading in the nations of Germany, Greece and Turky," Hayes said as he raised his hand. Everyone but the Chinese Premier nodded. Hayes put his hand down, "All opposed," Only the Chinese Premeir nodded, "The motion passes. I will scheadule meetings with the respective heads of state. Any other business?"

"There is the request to allow non-american pilots to serve on American Three-o-fours," The Russian President said.

"Ah yes," Hayes said as he moved some papers around on his desk till he found the one he was looking for, "I have a request from Colonel Cameron Mitchell, commander of the Achilles. He has requested that a specific Russian Air Force officer to join his fighter squadrant, Captain Vladimir Chekov. Apparently he is an extremely gifted pilot."

"He is the best in the current training group," The Russian President said proudly, "I will have Captain Chekov report to the Achilles the day after he finishes training."

Richard Woolsey had enjoyed his two weeks of seclusion. General Jack O'Neill offered him the use of his cabin in Minnesota, which Woolsey graciously accepted.

John Sheppard and his adopted son Arkan were off enjoying a long over due vacation. The stopped in Seattle to see John's brother David and introduce Arkan to the family. As the vacation went Arkan began to greatly enjoy the teenage scene of Earth. He quickly leared how to read and write english. Then the use of a cell phone, lap top, email, MP3 player and even how to drive a car. John took Arkan on a fast paced vacation. Snowboarding in Alaska, surfing in Hawaii, sandboarding in Australia, base jumping in New Zealand, dune buggy racing along the shores of the Baja peninsula and a few other action sports adventures. The got back to San Francisco with a few days to spare so John decided to teach Arkan how to golf.

On the final day of John's leave he and Arkan were driving to Travis Air Force Base to catch a waiting Jumper back to Atlantis.

"So did you enjoy vacation," John asked as he drove north on Interstate 80. Arkan was on his lap top looking over the pictures from their vacation. He looked at John then looked in the back of the rental SUV they were driving. Stuffed in the back with their bags was a two skateboards, two snowboards, two surfboards, four helmets two with goggles wrapped around them.

"Yes Colonel," Arkan said as he looked back to John then back to his lap top. He closed out the pictures and opened his email. He began typing an email.

"Who you writting to? The blond from New Zealand or the brunette from Australia," John asked as he poked fun at how no matter where they went Arkan managed to have women fall for him. A small grin appeared on Arkan face.

"The red head from Hawaii," Arkan said without looking up from his lap top. John just laughed in response. As they arrived at Travis AFB they were directed to what appeared to be a empty airplane hanger garded by heavily armed airmen. Once inside the massive doors closed and the waiting Puddle Jumper uncloaked and the ramp begain to lower.

Sitting in San Francisco bay, Atlantis looked like a bright blue and silver snowflake. At least for those who could see it. Being secluded from the rest of the world by it's cloak. In the control room gate technicians Chuck Campbell, Amelia Banks and Chief Master Sergeant Walter Harriman were each going over seperate diagnostic screens at different work stations. Dr. Rodney McKay was also going over another diagnostic on his tablet.

"Ok. I can't find any anomalies," Rodney said, "Have any of you found anything?"

"No," Chuck said.

"Sorry," Walter said.

"None," Amelia said.

"Dr. McKay what is the news on the Stargate," Richard Woolsey asked as he and Lieutenant General Hank Landry walked into the Control Room. Woolsey was wearing his charcoal grey and red Atlantis Service uniform. Hank was wearing the new Joint Service Uniform.

"The news is our gate is perfectly fine. Absolutely nothing is wrong with it. The only two reasons I can think of for why we can't get a lock is either they havent installed their gate yet or they are still using the Asgard Time Dilation Devices Colonel Caldwell mentioned," Rodney said.

"Even so," Woolsey said, "It's been a month. Surely we should have herd something from them by now."

"From who," John said as he was descending the stairs from the Jumper Bay. Arkan and two marines fallowed carring all matter of extreme sports equipment, "Sergeant thanks for helping. Arkan take everything straight to your room."

"Yes Colonel," Arkan said as he and the marines continued down the rear stairs of the control room to the Transporter Booth.

"Colonel welcome back," Hank said in greeting.

"We haven't herd anything from Dr. Weir and her team sense Daedalus left orbit from New Athos," Woolsey said, "We can't get a lock on M35-117 the planet Dr. Weir said she selected for her people after they were to retrieve the Stargate Satellite Weapon in orbit around Lantea."

"Colonel Caldwell said that Asuran team was supposed to be checking in with the Athosians and Cutarans on New Athos once a week," Hank said.

"However we can't get a lock on New Athos either," Rodney said, "Teyla is really worried."

"I can imagine," John said as the gate began to dial in.

"Unscheaduled off world activation," Chuck said over the City Wide announcement system.

"All teams are back already," Woolsey said, "Is their an IDC?"

"Uh, Dr. McKay," Chuck said as he picked up his laptop and turned it arond. The IDC recognition software read: Midway Space Station.

"No that's not possible," Rdoney said.

"Midway was destroyed," Hank said as Chuck pulled his computer back to its place.

"Not to mention we harvested a gate from the remainder of the bridge after the original Atlantis gate blew up," Rodney said.

"We're recieving a radio transmission," Chuck said.

"Let's hear it," Woolsey said.

"Atlantis this is Dr. Weir please respond," Elizabeth's voice said over the radio.

"Dr. Weir it's good to hear from you. It's been over a month without any word from you. I don't need to say that you had us worried," Woolsey said after he tapped his ear piece.

"I do apologize for that Richard. We have been very busy," Elizabeth said.

"Well with the Asgard Time Dilation Devices you have I imagine it's been far longer then a month for you," Hank said after tapping his ear piece

"It has only been a month for me General," Elizabeth said, "But my people have been very busy. For them it has been far longer then a month."

"What do you mean Elizabeth," Rodney asked.

"Lower the shield and I will show you," Elizabeth said. Woolsey noded to Chuck who lowered the shield.

"Come on through Doctor," Woolsey said as he John, Rodney and Hank made their way down to the gate room.

Elizabeth emerged from the gate in a sleeveless cream colored shirt over tan pants and brown leather boots indicative of Ancient design. A brown leather belt with several pouches and holster dangling down her right thigh. Occupied by what looked like a metallic silver and blue Particle Magnum.

Emerging behind her was Ava Dixon in a cream and light tan checkered sweater over cream colored pants and tan leather shoes. A brown leather sling bag on her back and a Lantean Handheld Scanner in her left hand.

Closely behind Ava were two large identical men, easily six and a half feet tall with a bodybuilder's physic. They each had a pale peach complexion. They each wore a crew cut, one green the other blue. They were both wearing cream colored pants with light tan and brown leather field jacket. Brown leather boots, gauntlets and belt with holsters. Each occupied by an Asuran Energy Pistol.

"Welcome back to Earth Dr. Weir, Ms. Dixon," Woolsey said.

"Thank you Richard," Elizabeth said, "John, General, Rodney good to see all of you. If you all have the time I'd like to brief the two of you," Elizabeth noded to Hank and Richard, "Colonel Sheppard's Team, Colonel Carter and General O'Niell."

"That can be arranged," Woolsey said as he shared looks with Hank and Rodney, "But we do have a few questions first."

"What might they be," Elizabeth asked.

"Who are your two escorts," Hank asked as he eyed the two large men.

"Sergeants Brutus Green and Brutus Blue," Elizabeth said as each of the men snapped to attention and saluted Hank.

"Why did your send Midway's IDC and not your own," Rodney asked.

"That is one of the things we are here to brief you on," Elizabeth said.

On Dakara the relief and rebuilding effort had been in full swing for a month. All the dubris had been removed from the former Jaffa capital city. What buildings that remained were evaluated by Combat Engineers from Earth and Tok'ra Architects to see if they could be salvaged or should be demolished. Everywhere you looked Serrakin, Jaffa, Tok'ra and Humans from both Earth and Hebridan interacted and worked together. The construction equipment of Earth made fast work of most difficult tasks.

In the clearing in front of the stargate a series of tents formed a mini city. There were three distinct types of tents. Long, burgundy tents made of leather, circular tents of tan and brown cloth and finally rectangular tents of green canvas. A large circular tent with a high pointed top seperated the camp from the stargate. There were two entrances, one coming from the gate the other leading to the camp. Two armed guards stood at each entrance.

Inside the tent the most senior Tok'ra Architects, Combat Engineers, Colonel Samanth Carter, Captain Warrick Fin and Commander Malek were mingling with the Jaffa High Council. Several white topped folding tables and metal folding chairs were setup in two semi circles facing eachother. Between them a pair of folding tables were covered with maps of city layouts and building blue prints.

"Colonel Carter I understand you have asked your superiors to allow your team to stay to help break ground on the new city," Bra'tac asked as he approached Sam who was sitting at a table drinking a cup of coffee. Bra'tac was wearing his cream and gray robes.

"I have," Sam said as she stood. She was wearing her green flight suit and black boots.

"Have you recieved word on your request," Bra'tac asked.

"I should hear about it any day now," Sam said.

"I believe it is coming now," Teal'c said as he moved to join them. He too was wearing cream and gray robes but over top of a black sleeveless shirt, cargo pants and boots. Looking at the entrance leading from the gate a wormhole was established. A few moments later the two Jaffa guarding the entrance to the tent stepped together blocking the entrance. After a minute they parted allowing the new arrival entrance into the tent.

Lieutenant Colonel Evan Lorne walked into the tent straight over to Sam snapped to attention and saluted her. He was wearing a field jacket over his gray and black Atlantis Uniform.

"Colonel whats going on," Sam asked after returning the salute.

"You're being recalled ma'am," Evan said.

"Why? There is still a lot of work we can help do around here," Sam said a look of anger creeping on her face.

"You misunderstand Colonel, the Hammond and combat engineers will be staying. You're being recalled for a brieffing with Dr. Weir," Evan explained, "I am here to deliver the message and take temporary command of the Hammond."

"Alright. Try not to lose her while I'm gone Colonel," Sam said before tapping her radio and informing the Hammond, "I'll need your GDO."

Evan handed Sam his GDO after pulling it from his pocket. She exited the tent and began dialing the stargate.

In the Conference Room of Atlantis several people were seated around the twelve foot long mahogany conference table. Among them was Hank, John, Rodney, Teyla, Ronon, Ava and Elizabeth at one end. Brutus Green and Brutus Blue had joined the security detail guarding the gate room. Woolsey was in the Control Room talking with Colonel Ted Davidson, Commander of the USS Odyssey, about beaming Lieutenant General Jack O'Neill to Atlantis from Washington. The chiming of the gate sounded. The security team took up defensive positions.

"Off world activation," Chuck said as he raised the gate shield and checked his computer for and IDC, "Colonel Carter's personal IDC," Chuck lowered the shield and the security team stood down. Sam emerged from the gate and made her way up the steps to the Conference Room.

"Colonel welcome back," Hank said as Sam walked into the Conference Room.

"Thank you Sir," Sam acknowledged as she sat sdown across from him, "John, Rodney, Teyla, Ronon, Ms. Dixon, Dr. Weir nice to see all of you. So what is this all about?"

"That's what we were wondering," Teyla said.

"Ladies first," A male voice said outside the Conference Room.

"Thank you," Shen Xiaoyi said as she walked into the Conference Room fallowed by Jack and Woolsey. Shen was wearing a tailored blue suit with a white blouse carring a soft black leather briefcase. Jack was wearing the new Joint Srrvice Uniform. The pair sat dow next to Sam as Woolsey took the open end of the table.

"Ms. Xiaoyi I don't recall you being invited to this briefing," Hank said as Shen pulled a leather bound notebook and pen.

"Shen was in my office when I got the call," Jack said, "She insisted that an IOA representative attend this briefing."

"That's quite alright," Elizabeth said as she stood and the doors of the Conference Room closed, "Not long after Daedalus left orbit of New Athos my people and I left for M3G-913. It's an un-gated earth sized planet orbiting a yellow dwarf on the outskirts of the Pegasus Galaxy. That is were the Aurora-class ship the Asuras was left after Koracen uploaded the consciousnesses of our group into subspace. Once we secured the Asuras my science officers insisted we make major upgrades to both ship's sensors."

"You mean to the Asgard Designed Sensors that the American government gave you plans for to aid in the building of Daedalus-class ships," Shen asked interrupting as she clicked a pen and prepaired to write Elizabeth's answer on the open notebook in front of her.

"Yes," Elizabeth said, "The upgrade took a little over a day to complete. To test the new sensors both ships preformed detailed scans of M3G-913. Both scans discovered a significant pocket of naquadah close to the surface of the planet."

"How significant," Shen asked interrupting Elizabeth again.

"Ava if you please," Elizabeth said as she looked at Ava. The lights in the room dimmed and Ava looked up towards the center of the Conference room. Projection-like lights shone from Ava's eyes making a three dimensional image of what looked like a large black rock appeared with white measurement bars along the bottom and side, "The deposit is nearly two hundred seventy-five meters in length, a hundred meters thick and almost completely solid. Forty-eight thousand metric tons."

Jack let out a long low whistle and said, "That's a big hunk of naquadah."

"Elsewhere on the planet we found a couple small veins of trinium," Elizabeth began as the three dimensional image disappeared and the lights brightened the room. Ava stood grabbed her sling bag and began to leave the Conference Room. One of the doors opened to allow her exit the closed again.

"While both are interesting facts, neither explain why you were using the IDC of the destroyed Midway Space Station," Woolsey said as Elizabeth sat down.

"Actually it does," Rodney said before Elizabeth could say anything.

"How so Dr. McKay," Shen asked as she leaned forward in her seat.

"The pocket of naquadah Elizabeth and her team found is enough to make well over a thousand stargates. So they could in theory replace the missing gates in the gate bridge, "Rodney said as he looked at Sam.

"Using the remaining naquadah and the trinium they would be able to make the naquadah-trinium platting we use for the hulls of our Daedalus-class ships and the original Midway station," Sam said.

"But they would have to have known that the bridge was missing gates and how many of each kind," John said.

"I had one of my teams do a flyover of the gate bridge stopping at each point and confirming the missing gate locations," Elizabeth said.

"Confirming," Jack asked

"When we boarded Daedalus to leave Rodney and Dr. Lee prepaired a database full of all the information we would need to build ships for the nations of Earth that we have agreements with. Some of the files in that database were for alternate forms of intergalactic travel. Coincidently all information on the Midway station and demise was included. As well the logs aboard Daedalus acount for the harvesting of a Pegasus model gate after the Attero Incident," Elizabeth said.

"An incident the IOA is still fuzzy on," Shen said.

"You mean the Chinese government refuses to believe the truth," Rodney said.

"We are not here to discuss that incident," Elizabeth said before Shen and Rodney could argue any futher.

"Please continue Dr. Weir," Woolsey said.

"Once we knew where and how many of each gate type we would need we begain making the gates and placing them then building the new station around them," Elizabeth said as she stod once again, "Now if you will all stand and come with me."

"Where are we going and where did you associate go," Shen asked as everyone but her stood.

"Ava went to put the new macro into Atlantis's Dialing Computer so we may show you around the new Midway Station," Elizabeth said. Shen took a few notes. Everyone moved to leave the Conference Room.

"Just one more question Dr. Weir," Shen said before anyone could leave.

"Yes," Elizabeth said with an emotionless face.

"Who will be in control of the new station," Shen asked with a similar emotionless expression.

"It will be a joint effort by Earth and the Asuran people," Elizabeth said.

"For now," Shen said as she tucked away her pen and notebook as everyone but Elizabeth filled out of the Conference Room. Shen stood and looked Elizabeth in the eye, "But I doubt it will stay that way."

"We will see," Elizabeth said before motioning to the door, "Shall we?"

"Yes," Shen said as she turned and exited the room. Elizabeth fallowed her as they descended the main stairs into the Gate Room. In the control room Woolsey was talking with Dr. Radek Zelenka before joining everyone in the Gate Room.

"If you would please form two single file lines behind myself and Ava. Sergeants Blue and Green will bring up the rear," Elizabeth said as she came to stand in front of the gate. Everyone formed two lines facing the gate with Ava in front of one and Sergeants Blue and Green at the rear. Elizabeth looked up to the overlook balcony of the Control Room where Chuck was waiting for her signal, "Chuck please raise the Shield and dial the gate bridge using the new macro."

"Certainly Dr. Weir," Chuck said before disappearing into the Control Room. A moment later the gate shield formed and the gate began dialing. As each chevron illuminated Elizabeth took her position beside Ava. As the final chevron chimed home the event horizon formed behind the gate shield. The shield then deactivated. Ava pulled the Lantean Handheld Scanner from the pouch on the sling of her bag. She activated it and pressed a single button on the screen. After waiting a moment she looked at the screen and nodded to Elizabeth. They both walked toward and sequentially through the event horizon fallowed by the two lines of people.

Emerging from the open wormhole the site before them was impressive. The station was easily longer then it was wide. There were people moving everywehre. Fran and Fred Blue were setting up tables in a dinning area off to the left side of the room. Fran White was tending to stands filled with trade goods to the right. A set of stairs on the left side of the gate ramp led up to a catwalk that allowed enterece to the Control Room, which looked to be hanging from the center of the ceiling. An identicle set of steps could be seen on the far side of the room. The ramp leading down from the gate was solid and smooth. A few feet from the base of the ramp was a counter as wide as the ramp. Behinde it a young woman with a sun kissed complexion and vibrant pink hair in a long, braided ponytail that fell over her left shoulder. She was smiling at the approaching group and beckoning them to move forward. She wore a cream colored sweater with a low cut v that clung to the shape of her body.

"Welcome back to Midway Dr. Weir," The young woman said.

"Thank you Stella," Elizabeth said before turning to the group, "This is Stella Pink. She and her sisters, like the Sergeants, are new additions to the Asuran family. Stella can preform as either military or non military. Currently she is a Lieutenant Commander in the fleet," She turned back to face Stella, "Where is Lieutenant Reco Red?"

"Doing another security sweep ma'am," Stella said.

"If I didn't know better I'd swear paranoia was embedded in his base code," Elizabeth said as she shook her head, "Stella lets begin the tour for our guests. Ava take the Sergeants and bring back the Lieutenant."

"Yes ma'am," Ava said as she and the Sergeants moved to a door in corner to the right of the Milky Way Gate. It opened and the inside resembled a Lantean Transporter Booth. The trio climbed in and the door closed.

"Is that a transporter," Rodney asked.

"Yes they are used in place of elevators," Elizabeth said as she guided them through the layout of the gate room level, "Through out the tour please feel free to ask any questions or voice any concerns you may have. The level we are currently on is Level Three. Residing here are both stargates, two check in stations, two sets of stairs to access Level Two, two transporter booths to access Levels One and Four, a market and a tavern."

"How do you stock your Market and Tavern," Teyla asked as she inhaled a deep breath from one of the pots that was cooking in the tavern.

"Notice the Tuttleroot Soup," Elizabeth said with a smile, "We have reached a trade deal with Halling. He sells us surpluss crops and game in exchange for medicines and prepackaged foods and canned goods that we make on New Asuras. They are also available for purchase in the market."

"Why have them," Shen asked.

"The tavern doubles as a cafiteria for base personnel. Both also function as a small respite for crew members of docked ships. Currently two Travelers ships are docked with us," Elizabeth said before turning to walk up the steps. Shen pulled out her notepad and wrote a few things down. At the top of the steps was an open airlock leading into a ship. A man in a dark grey and black unifrom was standing guard in the open airlock, "Level Two is open with Level Three because it gives the station a roomy feel. People coming from the two Universal Ship Airlock or any of the Ten Jumper Docks can easily go down to Level Three or take a transporter to Level One," Five closed Jumper Docks lined one wall and a transporter booth stood at the closed end of the walk way. In line with the third Jumper dock was a walkway that led into a room that overlooked Level Three. A similar walkway could be seen passed the two Frans working in the room. On had Brown hair and the other Black.

"This is the Control Room. The only way someone can dial out of Miday is with this room. It is always staffed reguardless of whatever else may be going on around the station," Stella explained.

"If a crew member violates that order they are held responsible for whatever may happen to the station. If you fallow me, we will be taking the transporter up to Level One," Elizabeth said as she walked towards the transporter. It opened as she arrived and she climbed in fallowed by Jack and Woolsey. Elizabeth pressed a button and the doors closed. When they reopened the transporter was empty. Shen, Hank and Sam climbed in and repeated the process. Once everyone had made it to Level One the tour continued.

Halfway up the wall on all of the exterior walls of Level One was a window that stopped short of the transporter. The door across from the transporter led into the Womens Locker Room. Doors pockmarked the inner walls of the hallways. A small LED screen sat beside them at eye level listing the room's number and weather or not it was occupied. The two corners opposite the transporter looked as though the outer walls were made entirely of glass panels.

"What happens to people on Levels One and Four if the transporters stop working," Rodney asked.

"The Transporter System has been includded on the criticle systems list," Stella said.

"Level One is Questrooms, Restrooms and two Observation Rooms. This is what most of the Guestrooms look like," Elizabeth said opened a door to an empty guestroom. Inside was a set of Lantean style sleeping bunks stacked on top of each other. An LED screen was inbeeded in the wall by each bunk. An ad for the stations Tavern was playing on it. A desk and chair sat opposite the bunks.

"Bigger then then the rooms on the old station," Ronon said as Elizabeth closed the door.

"If you fallow me this way, this is Lounge Area One" Elizabeth said as she made her way to the closer of the two glass rooms. White Lantean couches and chairs spread around the open space. Everyone gasped as the reached the room and looked out the window. The sight they saw was breath taking. Dozens of Travelers ships surrounded the station. Mixed in with them were Aurora-class ships. Moving from ship to ship were dozens of Jumpers.

"How many ships are currently in orbit," Hank asked.

"Thirty-five Travelers ships, six Aurora-class and forty Gate Ships," Stella said.

Jack let out a long, low whistle and said, "That's a lot of ships."

"How many Aurora-class ships does the Asuran people have," Shen asked.

"Nine," Stella said.

"Where are the remaining three," Shen asked

"They are currently on missions," Stella said.

"As I was saying Level One is Guestrooms, Restrooms and two Observation Rooms. We are currently in one ot the two observation rooms. Each guestroom is set up to house two people. The Restrooms have both shower and toilet instalations and are seperated by gender," Elizabeth said.

"How many people can this station house," Woolsey asked.

"There are twenty-five guestrooms and a crew living space that houses twenty. With ships dock the combined life support supply allows for up to two hundred people to move through the base at any given time. Without ships docked that nomber drops to seventy," Stella explained.

"Is there a quarantine time when traveling through the station," Shen asked.

"As with the previous station we are enacting the IOA's twenty-four hour quarantine once normal operations begin," Stella said. Shen pulled out her notepad again and wrote a few notes.

"Next we will be taking the transporter down to Level Four," Elizabeth said as she headed back to the transporter. Again in groups of three everyone used the transporter. Once everyone was on Level Four the tour continued.

"Level Four is home to the Infirmary, Armory, Cargo Bay, Crew Quarters and Liquid Storage Tanks," Elizabeth explained as she opened the door opposite the transporter marked: Water & Sewage, "We have ten thousand gallons of fresh water on hand and a tank to hold the sewage. A ship comes and collects the sewage every week and another drops off fresh water."

They left the Water & Sewage room and walked down the long outer hall. Halfway dow the hallway was a inner hallway that crossed through the middle of the level. Elizabeth kept walking past it to a door marked: Crew Quarters.

"This is Crew Quarters," Elizabeth said as she opened the door and everyone walked in. The crew quarters contained twenty bunks lining three walls of a large room and a bank of lockers lined the fourth wall on either side of the door. A tv, two couches, table and six chairs occupied the center of the room, "Personal items and clothing are kept in two drawers under each bunk. The lockers give the crew more space to store extra iteams."

They left the Crew Quarters and continued aRound the outside wall to another Transporter Booth and a door marked: Power & Engineering.

"Power generation is handled by a trio of Mark II Naquadah Generators," Elizabeth said as she opened the door. Three Mark II Naquadah Generators sat on an elevated platform. Three Earth designed work stations banked three sides of the platform and a set of steps led up the fourth. The room also had a few other work stations in both Earth and Ancient designs. Fred Red was up on the elevated platform checking a wire connection from one generator to the next.

"Dr. Weir welcome back," Fred said as he came down from the platform.

"Thank you Fred," Elizabeth said, "How is everything in here?"

"Generator two is being a bit twitchy," Fred said.

"Mind if I take a look," Sam asked.

"Thank you," Fred said as Sam sat down a work station and begain looking over the diagnostic screen Fred already had running.

"Here is the problem," Sam said after a few minutes, "You have the bulk of the power generation responsibility on Generator Two with One and Three acting as reserve pools."

"Yes our preliminary test indicated that is the best way to use the generators," Fred said.

"Except you've been burning through naquadah in Generator Two alarmingly fast," Sam said.

"Yes we have," Fred said.

"I suggest distributing the power generation responsibilities across the three generators evenly. That will solve your issue of burning through naquadah," Sam said as she got up from ther work station.

"Also you should have another generator on standby should any of your primaries fail unexpectedly," Rodney said.

"Thank you. I'll get right to it," Fred said as he turned back to the work station.

"Let's leave Fred to his work and continue the tour," Elizabeth said. The group exited Power & Engineering and headed around the corner. Halfway down the outer hallway was a center hallway with two doors along the right side. One read: Armory, the other: Infirmary.

"Although we never expect to have to use either of these rooms the Armory and Infirmary are kept fully stocked," Elizabeth said as she opened the door to each. The Armory was filled with a couple crates of ammunition, a crate labeled: FN P90, a crate beside it labeled: Stunners, a coat rack with a dozen field vests and a crate labeled: Flashbangs.

In the Infirmary Mear Blue was taking inventory. The room was set up like a doctors office a counter and cabnets along the back wall. A charging dock with Portable Medical Scanner resting in it. An exam table for a patient to sit on. A couple chairs beside the door.

"Dr. Weir how may I be of service," Mear asked as she noticed the group looking into the Infirmary.

"Just guiding a tour Mear continue with inventory," Elizabeth said.

"Actually I have a question for your medical officer," Shen said as she pulled out her notepad and pen.

"Yes," Mear asked.

"In the event of an emergency surgical situation, what is the most complicated procedure you can preform with the supplies you have available," Shen asked.

"Actually with the fine tuning of the Medical Nanite Program almost any procedure can be done on the station. If the need arises," Mear said as she opened an over head cabnet and pulled out a large vial of a silver goo. Shen wrote a few notes.

"What all can the nanites be programmed to do," Shen asked.

"They can be programmed to do a wide spectrum of repairs or be programmed to do a specific task such as help accelerate the re-growth of major organs or even limbs," Mear said. Shen wrote down a few more notes before putting her notepad and pen away.

"Did you say re-grow limbs," Hank asked.

"We have yet to find a patient for the trial, but we would like to try it one day," Mear said.

"We have one final stop before we leave," Elizabeth said as she closed the doors to the Armory and Infirmary. Going back out to the outer hallway the group rounded another corner and found two doors labeled: Cargo Bay.

"This is the Cargo Bay," Elizabeth said as she pulled the doors opened. A blast of cool air hit the group and everyone but Stella and Elizabeth shivered. There were metal and plastic boxes stacked in neat rows. Each labeled with what they held, "Sorry I forgot to mention we keep this room climate controled. It houses most of the perishables used in the Tavern and Market."

"A warning would have been nice," Rodney said as he rubbed his arms.

"How do you get supplies into her from ships and the gate room," Shen asked.

"Transporter booths can hold up to eight of the containers," Elizabeth said as she closed the doors.

"What about containers too big to fit in the transporter," Shen asked.

"Anything that big in our normal shipments is not perishable and can go directly into the Tavern or Market through an airlock," Elizabeth said as she led the group back to the transporter and went back up to Level Three. Once everyone was back in the gate room Stella resumed her post at the check in counter facing the Milky Way gate. About two dozen Travelers of varying age were browsing in the Market or enjoying a meal at the Tavern. Elizabeth looked at the group, "The dial out to Earth will be in thirty minutes. Please feel free to browes the Market or grab a bite to eat at the Tavern."

Ronon and Rodney practically ran to the Tavern where they each got a large bowl of Tuttleroot soup. John and Teyla fallowed after them each getting a bowl of Tuttleroot soup. Jack and Hank were talking with an elderly man in a Travalers dark grey and black leather uniform with salt and pepper hair. Shen was talking with Stella.

Woolsey on the hand had gotten a bottle of water from Market and was now standing at the base of the Pegasus Gate Ramp, staring at the gate as though entranced by it. Elizabeth came to stand beside him.

"What's it like," Woolsey asked after taking a long drag from his water bottle.

"What is what like Richard," Elizabeth asked.

"Not having to answer to the IOA," Woolsey said.

"Sometimes its good, sometimes its not," Elizabeth said, "And believe it or not sometimes I miss not having them around."

"There is an important matter I wish to discuss with you, but at a later date," Woolsey said before taking a drink from his water botle.

"I shall set aside time for a personal vist in the future," Elizabeth said.

"Thank you," Woolsey said.

Outside the Kelownan capital city, the new Langaran joint military base was expanding rappidly. The vast majority of the base is flat empty fields. Upon which the Ha'tak and three Al'kesh of the Langaran Fleet, as well as allied ships, would sit when not in orbit. Currently the USS Apollo and Commander Rya'c's Al'kesh were in orbit. The Tel'taks and Death Gliders of the Langaran Fleet had been moved into aircraft hangers. Normally a team of engineers could be seen swarming over the Ha'tak slowly removing damaged parts of the ships hull but not this morning.

On the other side of the base was the Administration Building, Education Center, Mess Hall and Barracks. They outlined a large parade ground used for physical training sessions and major announcements. A raised platform sat in front of the administration build facing the parade ground. Facing the raised platform were two hundred ten men and women, seprated into three units of sixty-nine with a lone individual at the head of each formation. Each unit wore the military utility uniform of their sending nations military. Kelownans in grey and burgundy uniforms, Andaris in dark blue and tan uniforms and Teranians in brown and yellow uniforms. Engineers and scientists were distinguished with shoulder patches. They had been ordered to the parade ground for an announcement from Supreme Commander Jonas Quinn and the council of allied commanders in charge of their training. It was a chilly spring morning and staying in formation started becoming an issue.

From the window of his office in the Administration Building, Jonas watched the units sway in the morning chill as he sipped his cup of tea. Though now a military commander his office showed traces of the many fields in which he had dabbled in. Bookshelves filled with all manor of materials on a vast range of subjects. Pictures hung on the wall Jonas's more mundane adventures as part of SG-1. Metal tables filled with ongoing experiments he and his fiancé Kianna Cyr were conducting.

"Where are we," Jonas asked as he set his travel mug down on his desk and looked at the three men seated facing him.

"The trianees are not showing any progress after a solid month," Colonel Abe Ellis said as he shifted in his chair and leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees. He wore his beige flight suit like it was part of him. It moved with him easily from showing its well worn in status. His black boots were polished to a high shine.

"Several times my men and I have had whole groups of trainees refuse to participate in the training drills. My men are growing impatient with the attitudes given to them by the trainees," Commander Rya'c said. Though young for a Jaffa Commander, Rya'c had proven himself time and time again as a skilled warrior through out the course of the Jaffa Rebelion. When the Free Jaffa Nation formend a standing military he rose quickly through the ranks. Even the men under his command who had a couple decades of experience more then him were honored to serve with him. He wore the grey wool tunic and chain mail pants that had become standard portions of the Jaffa Military Uniform. He sat with his finger laced together in his lap.

"The engineers and scientists who have come from Terania and the Andari Federation protest when paired with each other and out right refuse to work with any of the Kelownan engineers and scientists," Commander Ba'al said. He sat plainly in light tan pants, sleeveless shirt and boots with his arms crossed over his chest. All three men shared a common feature, the look of subtle anger of people being ignored. Jonas rubbed the stubble lon his chin and looked around the room. Something hanging on his coat rack caught his eye and turned his attention back to Rya'c.

"Rya'c have your men started weapons training with anyone," Jonas asked as he got up and walked around his desk to the coat rack.

"No," Rya'c said.

"I don't think that bringing weapons in the mix is a smart decision at this point," Abe said.

"I'm not suggesting giving the men and women out there weapons," Jonas said as he puled a black clip belt off the coat rack. A holster dangled from it with a smaller clip belt at the bottom.

"Then what are you suggesting," Ba'al asked. Jonas clipped the larger belt around his waist and the smaller around his right thigh. The three men turned to look at Jonas when they herd the familiar sound of a Zat'nik'tel being prepaired to fire. Jonas was standing there with an open Zat in hand.

"I believe the proper term is motivation," Jonas said as he collapsed the Zat and holstered it. He held open the door leading out of his office, "Shall we?"

A few minutes later Jonas, Abe, Ba'al and Rya'c stood on the raised platform facing the gathered two hundred ten military members, engineers and scientists that were supposed to be working together.

"Good morning," Jonas said as he looked out over the formatioln of men and women, "I asked you to gather this morning because I want to tell you all how disappointed I am in you."

"Kelownan scum," A man from the Andari unit shouted. Several grunts of agreement came from both the Andaris and Teranians. Jonas ignored the comment.

"In the past month of training none of you have shown any improvement," Jonas continued as he began to slowly pace along the front edge of the platform.

"Yes we have," A woman from the Kelownan unit shouted. Several people in the Kelownan unit looked on the verge of anger.

"You are the best pilots, soldiers, scientist and engineers Langara has to offer," Jonas said as he stopped in the center of the platform. A sense of pride swept over the men and women assembled on the parade ground, "You have the opportunity to be trained by some of the best scientific and military minds in this galaxy," All three units stood with their heads held high, "And your acting like children," The two hundred ten men and women felt like they had been slapped in the face, "You bicker and argue because you come from other countires and your tought the hatred of your mothers and fathers. When the Lucian Alliance attacks Langara the won't just attack one nation, they will attack all of Langara. The won't care if your Kelownan, Teranian or Andari they will only see Langarans."

"Well use these ships to fight back," A man in the front line of the Teranian formation yelled out.

"Really," Jonas said as looked at the man, "How will you do that? None of you are qualified to fly them. In fact none of you have passed any of the language classes needed to begin flight training. So tell me how will you use them when you can't even read the controls?"

"I'm not sure," The man said with a mixed look of anger and shame on his face.

"Let me ask you," Jonas said as he continued to look at the man, "If you were a pilot of one of the fighters would you be able to take orders from a Andari or Kelownan squadron leader?"

"Only if my life depended on it," The man said.

"What about someone elses life? Say your assigned to be the pilot of our flagship," Jonas said as he pointed to the Ha'tak that towered over the base, "I am the commander of that ship. Would you be able to take my orders?"

"I would have to fallow your orders," The man said, "Teranian soldiers always do their duty."

"Even if it ment fallowing the orders given by a Kelownan or Andari commander," Jonas asked. The man tried to answer but stopped himself.

"I would fallow orders given to me reguadless of where the commander was from," A Kelownan soldier said.

"Really," Jonas said as he pulled an apple from a cargo pocket on his pants and pulled the Zat from its holster, "This is an apple," Jonas held up the apple by its stem, "Its a fruit from Earth. This is a called a Zat'nik'tel," Jonas said as he held up the Zat from everyone to see. He placed the apple on the platform in front of him and stepped off to the side, "The Zat'nik'tel is a sidearm used by the Tok'ra, the Jaffa and the people of Earth. More importantly it is one of many sidearms used by the Lucian Alliance," Jonas activated the Zat. A few people in the front rows flinched at the sound, "One shot from this will stun you," Jonas shot the apple but nothing happened, "Two consecutive shots will kill you," Jonas shot the apple again and it withered to a nasty brown people who could see the apple looked on the verge of vomiting, "Three consecutive shots will disintegrate any physical matter," Jonas shot the apple a third time with the Zat and the apple disappeared. Some people vomited openly, others tried to hold it in but it got the better of them.

"This is just what the Alliance can do witha single sidearm," Jonas said as he collapsed the Zat and placed it back in its holster, "If we don't stop bickering and arguing like children this is what will happen to all the people of this world or worse."

Several people look up at Jonas horrified at his last statment. What could be worse then death some of them thought. More began to vomit at the thoughts that crossed their minds.

"The Ori Occupation will seam like a pleasent life compaired to what the Lucian Alliance will do to use if we don't learn to work together, fallow orders and above all trust one another," Jonas said. People in all three units looked around and murmured coments to one another. The Ori Occupation had been horrible. Many innocent people lost their lives in all three countries. No one wanted to go through that again. Jonas cleared his throat loud enough to get everyone to quiet down, "Are you ready to show just how strong Langarans can be?"

"Yes sir," The formations yelled back.

"Are you Langarans," Jonas yelled at them.

"Yes sir," They yelled back.

"Today you start showing it. Today you will fallow every order given to you. Today you will start working together. Today we start trusting each other," Jonas said, "By this time next year I want to be able to not only fend off an attack by the Lucian Alliance but be able to crush any force they throw at us"

A cheer erupted from the formations. Abe, Ba'al and Rya'c walked up to Jonas's side.

"Motivation, huh," Abe said as he looked at Jonas, "Nice."

"Whatever it takes to get them to work together," Jonas said as he motioned to the unit commanders who began issuing orders.

"Do you really believe they will be ready in a year," Ba'al asked as they watched the units head towards different training locations.

"No," Jonas said. They all looked at him wearily, "We'll be ready sooner."

It had been a month sense the tour of the newly built Midway Station and Hank had been pondering many things he had herd that day. Today was a busy day and yet Hank still found himself thinking of what he herd the Asuran Medic say about the Medical Nanite Program.

~Regrowing limbs. I wonder,~ Hank thought to himself as he rode the elevator down from the surface to the Observation Deck of Area Thrirty-seven. Hank had opted to wear his Air Force Class A Dress Uniform instead of the new JSU. The elevator doors opened and Hank was surprised at the site before hime.

"I wanted to say what an honor it is for you all to agree to serve with us," President Henry Hayes said. He was wearing a black suit and addressing a group of men and women in various foreign military dress uniforms mixed in with thirty Air Force and ten Marine Corps officers. A small mountain of duffle bags was just behind them.

Looking around Hank saw Colonels Cameron Mitchell and William Ronson talking to one another. Cam was in a black flight suit and Ronson was in a blue flight suit. Each covered in their respective patches.

"Colonels how is everything," Hank asked as he approached them.

"Great actually," Ronson said.

"How so," Hank asked.

"Both ships should be ready for their shake downs as scheduled," Cam said.

"Good to hear. Looks like the request to allow foreign pilots to serve on our Three-o-fours went through," Hank said as he looked at the group of foreign military officers.

"Yes sir," Cam said.

"What's the president doing here," Hank asked.

"He wanted to personally welcome some of the finest pilots in the world," Cam said," Although I'm kind of worried."

"Why is that son," Hank asked.

"There are too many Russian pilots," Cam said. Hank looked at the group and counted the Russian officers. At most there should have been two not four.

"Do all of them have orders for the Achilles," Hank asked.

"Don't know but they have orders to be here," Cam said. Hank continued his count, he noted two Greek officers, four French, a Taiwanese, a Japanese, an Australian, four British, an Indian, a South Korean, four Candain and a Brazilian.

"Well even with the two extra Russian officers I count sixty-four including American pilots," Hank said. A young Airman jogged over to him and handed him a clipboard with a stack of papers on it then jogged off again. Hank skimmed over it for a minute, "Well here is whats going on. The forty American pilots will be split between your two ships. They forgien officers don't know which ship they are being assigned to."

"I take it you have their orders," Ronson said as he looked at the stack of papers on the clip board.

"Yup," Hank said, "Once the president is done I'll have you two handle the American pilots while I sort out the rest. Once everything is settled I'll send them on to you."

"Sounds good sir," Cam said.

"Hank how are you," Hayes said as he walked over and shook his hand.

"Fine sir," Hank said, "What brings you here?"

"My official tour actually," Hayes said.

"How did the meeting with the Greek, Turkish and German heads of state," Hank asked.

"Can you believe that they didn't believe me," Hayes said. Hank shook his head, "Well that was untill I had each of them beamed up to the Odyssey."

"Who had a harder time wrapping their mind around it sir," Cam asked.

"The Greek President but ultimately he believes this will help his country's economy," Hayes said as he looked back at the group of pilots, "They're all yours Hank."

"Have a good day Mr. President," Hank said as he watched Hayes climb into the elevator bond for the surface, "Alright boys let's get this over with." The three men walked over to the waiting group.

"Group attention," A Marine Captain said. The whole group snapped to attention and saluted Hank.

"At ease," Hank said after returning the salute. The group relaxed, "Ok. For those of you that don't know, I am Lieutenant General Hank Landry United States Air Force. I am the American Fleet Commander and overall Earth Fleet Commander. The two men standing behind me are Colonels Cameron Mitchell and William Ronson. You sixty-four men and women will be under their commands. At this minute I want all US Air Force and Marine Corps pilots to grab your gear and go with the Colonels. They will get you sorted out. All other officers please remain here to recieve your orders."

The forty American pilots picked up their bags and fallowed Cam and Ronson to the other side of the platform. The other pilots watched as the American pilots walked across the platform.

"Alright," Hank said to get the pilots attention, "I'll take roll call then hand out your assignments. When I call your name and rank please say here and my foreign language skills are terrible so if mispronounce your name please forgive me. Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Blake."

"Here," A blond haired man in his late thirties said. He wore a Royal Air Force dress uniform.

"Major Christopher Bell," Hank said as he looked at his clipboard again then looked up.

"Here," A man with a brown crew cut in his mid thirties said. He also wore a RAF dress uniform. Hank looked back at the clipboard.

"Lieutenant Colonel Nathan Culville," Hank said as he looked up.

"Here," A bald man in his early forties said. He wore a Royal Marine Corps dress unifrom. Hank looked back at the clipboard.

"Major Albert Winslow," Hank said as he looked up.

"Here," A black man with a short, green mohawk said. He also wore a RMC dress uniform. Hank looked at him for a long minute.

"Son tell me you lost a bet and were forced to get that haircut," Hank said.

"Something like that sir," Wimslow said. Hank looked back at the clipboard.

"Lieutenat Colonel Luc Bennior," Hank said as he looked back up.

"Here," A man in his mid forties with a thin mustache said. He wore a French Air Force dress uniform. Hank looked back at the clipboard.

"Major Jacque Benoit," Hank said as he looked back up.

"Here," A man in his late thirties with thinning brown hair said. He also wore a FAF dress uniform. Hank looked back at the clipboard.

"Lieutenant Colonel Anri Luvett," Hank said as he looked back up.

"Here," A man in his early forties with a blond mop top haircut said. He also wore a FAF dress uniform. Hank looked back at the clipboard.

"Major Antoine Guesto," Hank said as he looked back up.

"Here," A man in his early forties with a red crew cut said. He also wore a FAF dress uniform. Hank looked back at the clipboard.

"Lieutenant Colonel Melissa Ventur," Hank said as he looked back up.

"Here," A woman in here late thirties with short blond hair said. She wore a Royal Canadian Air Force dress uniform. Hank looked back at the clipboard.

"Major Andrew Williams," Hank said as he looked back up.

"Here," A black man in his early thirties with a brown crew cut said. He also wore a RCAF dress uniform. Hank looked back at the clipboard.

"Lieutenant Colonel Filmore Jones," Hank said as he looked back up.

"Here," A man in his early forties with a brown crew cut said. He also wore a RCAF dress uniform. Hank looked back at the clipboard.

"Major Felica Daniels," Hank said as he looked back up.

"Here," A black woman in here late thirties with long black hair pulled into a tight bun said. She also wore a RCAF dress uniform. Hank looked back at the clipboard.

"Lieutenant Colonel Balraj Nora," Hank said as he looked back up.

"Here," An indian man in his early forties with a white turban wrapped around his head said. He wore an Indian Air Force dress uniform. Hank looked back at the clipboard.

"Lieutenant Colonel Hitoshi Tanaka," Hank said as he looked back up.

"Here," An asian man in his late thirties said. He wore an Japanese Air Self Defence Force dress uniform. Hank looked back at the clipboard.

"Lieutenant Colonel Macalla Walker," Hank said as he looked back up.

"Here," A black man in his late thirties said. He wore a Royal Australian Air Force dress uniform. Hank looked back at the clipboard.

"Lieutenant Colonel Frederico Neves," Hank said as he looked back up.

"Here," A man in his early forties with short black hair said. He wore a Brazilian Air Force dress uniform. Hank looked back at the clipboard.

"Lieutenant Colonel Dae-Ho Jeong," Hank said as he looked back up.

"Here," An asian man in his late thirties said. He wore a South Korean Air Force dress uniform. Hank looked back at the clipboard.

"Lieutenant Colonel Wei Hu," Hank said as he looked back up.

"Here," An asian man in his mid forties said. He wore a Tiwanese Air Force dress uniform. Hank looked back at the clipboard.

"Lieutenant Colonel Arion Ioannou," Hank said as he looked back up.

"Here," A man in his late thirties with tanned skin and olive brown crew cut said. He wore a Hellenic Air Force dress uniform. Hank looked back at the clipboard.

"Lieutenant Colonel Carissa Demetriou," Hank said as he looked back up.

"Here," A woman in her mid thirties with tanned skin and black hair said. She also wore a HAF dress uniform. Hank looked back at the clipboard.

"Captain Natasha Vanko," Hank said as he looked back up.

"Here," A woman in her mid twenties said. She wore a Russian Air Force dress uniform. Hank looked back at the clipboard.

"Captain Ivan Kozlov," Hank said as he looked back up.

"Here," A tall man in his mid twenties said. He also wore a Russian Air Force dress uniform. Hank looked back down at the clipboard.

"Captain Valentina Kuznetsov," Hank said as he looked back up.

"Here," A woman in her mid twenties said. She also wore a Russian Air Force dress uniform. Hank looked back down at the clipboard.

"Captain Vladimer Chekov," Hank said as he looked back up.

"Here," A man in his early twenties said. He wore a well decorated Russian Air Force dress uniform.

"Captain you wouldn't happen to be the son of the late Colonel Abram Chekov," Hank asked.

"Yes sir," Vladimer said as he walked to the front of the group, "You knew my father sir?"

"I did. He was a fine officer and a good man," Hank said as he extended his hand to Vlad who shook it, "It is good to meet you son."

"Thank you sir," Vlad said as he dropped back to group.

"Alright. The first group I call will report to Colonel Ronson on the Bellerophon," Hank said, "Blake, Bell, Bennior, Benoit, Ventur, Williams, Nora, Tanaka, Walker, Neves, Jeong and Hu."

The called officers gathered their gear and joined the group facing Ronson. Hank saw that Cam had come over and stood quietly behind him.

"Where are your pilots Colonel," Hank asked.

"Already sent them onboard," Cam said, "Cat was waiting at the airlock to guid them through the ship."

"Alright. Culville, Winslow, Luvett, Guesto, Jones, Daniels, Ioannou, Demetriou, Chekov and Vanko you all will be on the Achilles under Colonel Mitchell," Hank said as he handed Cam a stack of pappers.

"Excuse me sir," Vlad said.

"Yes Captain," Hank asked.

"What about Natasha and Ivan sir," Vlad asked.

"I have their orders for being sent here but not to be stationed on either the Achilles or Bellerophon," Hank said.

"I asked that Natasha and Ivan be stationed be with me sir," Vlad said, "We're a team sir. We all fly or none of us do. No disrespect intended sirs."

"Colonel Mitchell think you can use two more pilots," Hank asked.

"As it happens sir I'm short two," Cam said as he looked at Hank.

"Have a good day Mitchell," Hank said before he hand two more sheets of paper to Cam and headed for the elevator again.

"You too sir. Welcome to the Achilles kids," Cam said before walking toward a stair case, "Fallow me," The remaining pilots grabbed their gear and fallowed Cam.

A few hours later Cam was at his desk in his personal quarters filling out a few request forms on his laptop. There was a loud nock at his door. Cam got up and opened his door. Standing there were a man and woman with tanned complexions each wearing a black flight suit with patches. One on the right side of the ches designating the Achilles Fighter Wing. One on each shoulder, Earth's Point of Origin on the left and Stargate Command base patch on the right. However the the name patch was in Greek, literally.

"Can I help you," Cam asked.

"We have a couple complaints Sir," The man said.

"Come in and we'll talk about them," Cam said as he stepped aside to let them in. They walked passed him and Cam closed the door, "So what complaints do you have?"

"How about the fact you stopped writing Shaft," The woman said as she smacked him on the back of the head.

"Good to see you too Carissa," Cam said as he rubbed the back of his head, "And what do you mean stopped writing I sent birthday cards."

"Here," The man said as he pulled a Fifty Euro Bank Note from his pocket.

"I told you this would happen Arion," Cam said as he pocketed the fifty.

"Seriously though you get us out here and expect us to fly a fighter we haven't been trained on," Arion said as he crossed his arms and leaned against a wall, "Get real Cam."

"He has a point Cam," Carissa said, "We're good but even we need training to fly any new aircraft."

"Welcome to the Mitchell School of Flying," Cam said happily as he clapped and rubbed his hands together, "The normal training corse for the Three-o-two is two months."

"We can do it inside of one," Carissa said.

"I'll have you qualified in two weeks," Cam said.

"Your crazy," Arion said.

"Fifty Euros says it will happen," Cam said as he extended his hand toward Arion.

"Your on," Arion said as he shook Cam's hand.

"Your both crazy," Carissa said.

"Maybe," Cam said.

Two weeks later at Nellis Air Force Base, Carissa and Arion had just finished their qualification test on the Three-o-two. Cam was waiting at the hanger in plain clothing when the two training Three-o-twos pulled in off the runway. The test administers climbed from the cockpits first and talked with one another before going to talk to Cam. Arion and Carissa climbed from their fighters and talked with one another.

"How do you think we did," Arion asked as he pulled of his gloves and dropped them in his helmet before unzipping his flight suit down to the waist.

"We're about to find out," Carissa said as she watched Cam walk toward them.

"What's the word," Arion asked.

"You owe me fifty Euros," Cam said with a smile.

"Better yet first round is on me tonight," Arion said.

"Now your talking," Cam said, "Good work. Both of you."

"Well it was nothing," Carissa said.

"I know. I know. Let me guess you had a great teacher," Cam said sarcastically. Arion started laughing.

"No our teacher was a pain in the ass. We're just that good," Carissa said.

"Now that was funny," Arion said between laughs.

On the sand covered surface of the Tok'ra homeworld the stargate was a good five minute walk ouside the capital city. The sun was just creeping up over the horizon making the crystalline structure of the city glisten. It is a beautiful sight to behold when you see it from the Stargate. Many Tok'ra enjoyed making the journey simply to see the view. However on this particular morning Supreme High Councilor Per'sus and his four personal guards had been circling the gate for the better part of an hour.

"Supreme High Councilor," The youngest of the four guards said in the host voice.

"Yes young one," Per'sus asked in the deep symbiote voice as he stopped and turned to look at the young guard.

"If you don't mind me asking," The guard said, "What is our reason for being out here?"

"My host has what the Tau'ri would call a gut feeling that I should be here," Per'sus said.

"I still do not understand," The young guard said.

"Neither do I young one but I trust my host as you should trust your symbiote," Per'sus said as he grasped the shoulders of the young guard with both hands.

"Forgive my questioning of you," The guard said. Just then the stargate activated.

"Tok'ra, kree! Chappa'ai," Per'sus ordered. Two of his personal guard took up positions on either side of the stairs coming from the stargate while he and the other two stood facing the gate just outside range of the unstable vortex of the forming wormhole. When the wormhole settled a single figure emerged from the event horizon. A woman wearing a tattered violet and grey dress with vines woven through her hair and down her arms. The gate shut down as she looked around and took note of each guard to either side of the steps as she descended them. Giving them each a smile she turned her attention to Per'sus. Whom she also gave a smile a deep smile.

"My lady it is good to see you once again," Per'sus said as he strode forward and took both the woman's hands in his.

"You also friend," The woman said, "And please remember my name is Lya."

"Of course," Per'sus said as he let his hands drop.

"You have been waiting quite a while," Lya said with a smile. The guards looked from this Lya woman to Per'sus with a bewildered expression. How could she possibly know that, they all thought. Per'sus simply smiled back at the woman.

"What brings you to the Tok'ra Homeworld on this fine day," Per'sus asked.

"I have come to ask if you had herd from the Tollan," Lya said lightly.

"Has no one told your people," Per'sus asked a hint of disbelief creeping into the deep voice of the symbiote.

"Told us what," Lya asked.

"The Tollan people were wiped out by the Goa'uld years ago," Per'sus said after his head dipped low and back up again. His voice was not deep.

"Your symbiote still mourns the loss of the Tollan," Lya asked.

"Yes," Per'sus's host said, "I too mourn but not as severely. Per'sus had hoped that once the fight against the Goa'uld was over a long and prosperous trade relationship would exist between the Tok'ra and the Tollan."

"It may still happen," Lya said. Per'sus's head dipped low again and his eyes glowed when his head rose again.

"What do you mean," Per'sus asked in the deep symbiote voice.

"I still sense life on Tollana," Lya said, "I also sense that the Tollan are in need of great help."

"The Tok'ra have no large ships to provide aid to an entire people," Per'sus said in the deep symbiote voice he paced in a small circle for a minute, "However we do know of friends of the Tollan that do," Per'sus turned to one of his personal guard, "The Tau'ri device."

Without a word the guard raced back to the Tok'ra city. Twelve minutes later the guard returned with a grey device in hand and handed it to Per'sus. Another guard then begain dialing the address of the Tau'ri.

"I ask that you accompany me to ask for their assistance," Per'sus said.

"Certainly," Lya said. The unstable vortext of the forming wormhole jumped from the gate and settled back down. Per'sus pressed some buttons on the device and then it beeped.

In the City Ship of Atlantis everyone was going about there daily routine. Calibrating sensors, checking feedback data, monitoring power usage throughout the city and uncovering what secrets the city held. In the Holo Room, Dr. Daniel Jackson had just started a search for Ancient Outposts in both the Milky Way and Pegasus Galaxies. Vala was sitting on the floor with her legs crossed and laptop in hand waiting to take down gate addresses of any potential outpost they may find.

"Daniel," Vala said.

"Yes Vala," Daniel asked no looking from the hologram avatar standing in front of him.

"First you were looking for ZPM locations, now its Ancient Outposts," Vala said. Daniel could tell she was starting to rant.

"Your point," Daniel asked as he turned to face her.

"When does it end? Asgard outposts? Furling," Vala asked as she set the laptop on the ground and stood up.

"What are you saying," Daniel asked.

"I love you Daniel," Vala said, "And neither of us are getting younger."

"Are you saying you actually want to get married and have children," Daniel said as he stepped off the platform and looked into Vala's eyes, "Again?"

"Tomin has moved on. In fact I told him to do so because I belong here. With you," Vala said as tears welled in her eyes. Daniel brushed them away. He pulled her close and held her tight.

"Dr. Jackson please report to the control room," Chuck's voice echoed over the city wide announcement system.

"What now," Daniel said as he rolled his eyes.

"It must be important," Vala said as she pulled away from the embrace and dried her eyes.

"Come on," Daniel said as he grabbed her hand.

"What do you mean," Vala asked, "They called for you not me."

"From now on if it concerns me, then it concerns you," Daniel said and they headed out of the Holo Room hand in hand. They made there way to the Transporter Booth and tapped the screen for the Gate Room Transporter. Coming out under the Control Room they made their way up the rear steps.

"Mr. Woolsey would like to see you in his office," Chuck said as Daniel and Vala reached the Control Room. As Dainel walked into Woolsey's Office he noticed that Woolsey was sitting at his desk talking with Per'sus of the Tok'ra and Lya of the Nox.

"Mr. Woolsey," Daniel said as he walked in, "You wanted to see me?"

"Dr. Jackson I believe you already know our guests," Woolsey said as he stood.

"Lya nice to see you again," Daniel said as he looked at Lya with a smile.

"You as well friend," Lya said returning his smile.

"Supreme High Councilor," Daniel said as he looked at Per'sus," What brings you both to Earth?"

"The Tollan," Per'sus said plainly.

The Odyssey was in orbit on the far side of the moon, doing a Lunar Orbit Patrol. In the Odyssey's Infirmary Hank was checking on Colonel Ted Davis. Davis had been found laying unconscious in his quarters. Now he was laying on one of the two hospital beds in the Infirmary, with a oxygen mask on his face.

"How are you feeling Ted," Hank asked. Hank was wearing the Joint Service Uniform.

"Not bad sir," Ted said as he removed the oxygen mask from his face.

"Rest up," Hank said

"Yes sir," Ted said before placing the oxygen mask back on.

"So what happened to him," Hank asked after walking over to talk with the physician assistant on duty in the Infirmary.

"I can't be a hundred percent but it looks like a heart attack," The Physician assistant said, "I've already ordered a medical scan for when we get back in rang of Atlantis."

"General Landry to the bridge," Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Marks said over the ships intercom, "General Landry to the bridge."

"I'll be back to check on him later," Hank said before leaving the Infirmary. Hank made his way to elevator and went up two floors. Stepping out of the elevator Hank made his way through the maze of halls to the bridge, "What's going on Colonel?"

"We received a message from Atlantis," Marks said, "Dr. Jackson has requested you return immediately."

"Take us back into orbit and notify Atlantis Infirmary of an inbound patient," Hank said as he sat in the Command Chair, "Once in orbit beam Colonel Davis to the Infirmary and myself to Stargate Operations."

"Yes sir," Marks said.

Back in Woolsey's Office, Daniel was talking with Lya while Vala listened quietly. Per'sus and Woolsey were discussing trivial topics. Chuck walked in the room.

"Mr. Woolsey," Chuck said.

"Yes Chuck," Woolsey acknowledged as he looked at him.

"General Landry is on his way back and Odyssey has a patient to beam down to the Infirmary," Chuck said.

"Thank you Chuck. Alert the Infirmary," Woolsey said. A few minutes later Hank beamed into the Atlantis Gate Room. Hank made his way up the main stairs and into the Control Room.

"Dr. Jackson is in Mr. Woolsey's Office," Chuck said before Hank could speak. Hank looked over into Woolsey's Office and saw Daniel, Vala, Woolsey, Per'sus and a woman he didn't recognize.

"Thanks Chuck," Hank said as he left the Control Room headed for Woolsey's Office.

"Sorry for taking so long," Hank said as he walked into Woolsey's Office.

"General thank you for coming. You already know Supreme High Councilor Per'sus," Daniel said, "This is Lya an ambassador for the Nox."

"Per'sus nice to see you again," Hank said, "Madam it is nice to meet you. To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit."

"Allow me," Daniel said, "Shortly after the Stargate Program began SG-1 made contact with the Nox. A short time later SG-1 rescued a group of humans known as the Tollan."

"I know the back story on the Tollan Dr. Jackson," Hank said As he stopped Daniel, "But correct me if I'm wrong wasn't Tollana attacked by Anubis. Their Stargate destroyed in the first wave. We presumed the Tollan people were wiped out."

"As did the Tok'ra," Per'sus said, "And at the time neither of us had significant assets to verify if it was true or not."

"I guess it slipped everyones mind," Daniel said.

"I had stong ties of friendship with the Tollan people General," Lya said, "I sense life on Tollana."

"General if there are still living Tollan then we should help them," Daniel said, "We called them ally. We owe them that much."

"Lya came to the Tok'ra and asked for our assistance," Per'sus said, "And we are happy to hear of the prospect of a Tollan rebirth. As well as well as assist in its happening. However we do not have proper ships to provide the appropriate level of aid."

"But Earth does," Hank said. Per'sus nodded, "Let me consult my superiors."

At his Homeworld Command office, Jack was typing up a news letter on his computer. He was wearing his Class A dress uniform for a meeting with the Joint Chiefs later. There was a nock at his door.

"Enter," Jack said as he stopped typing and looked up.

"Sir, General Landry is on subspace from Atlantis via the Odyssey," Tech Sergeant Laura Davis said as she poked her head in the door.

"Thank you Sergeant," Jack said as he got up and fallowed TSgt. Davis out to the Command Center. On the large plasma screen was a live feed of Hank Landry in the Atlantis Control Room, "Hank I though you and Odyssey were doing a lunar patrol?"

"Dr. Jackson asked that we return and we had a sick man that need more detailed attention," Hank said.

"What did Jackson find this time," Jack asked as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"It's not so much what he found," Hank said, "Its what our allies just informed us of."

"Ok. I'll bite," Jack said, "Which allies and what did they inform us of?"

"The Nox and Tok'ra say that the Tollan may still be alive," Hank said. Jack's face went white.

On the now cleared ground of Dakara the outlines of the the city could be seen. Major roads had been marked as well as potential locations for the soon to be built buildings. In the center of major roadways manholes were being made in regular intervals as wel as rectangular cuts along the sides. These cuts revealed Tok'ra Tunnels just a few feet under the surface. The Tok'ra gifted Tunnel Crystals to the Jaffa to house power conduits salvaged from aging ships to handle the power needs of the new city. Two sets of trinium pipes supplied by the Hebridian Government would also call the Tok'ra Tunnels home. The pipes will handel the water and sewage needs of the new city. Dakara was to be home to the first modern Jaffa city, with electricity and running water in every building. Manhole covers and grates were being cut from the hull panels of the same ships that the power conduits were salvaged from.

In the command tent that had been erected at the base of the stargate ramp the members of the Jaffa High Council were meeting with Commander Malek, Colonel Samanth Carter, Captain Warrick Fin and a Kelownana Captain who was leading the Langaran man power that came to assist in the rebuilding effort.

"The harvesting of power conduits from failing ships is going well," Master Bra'tac said as he addressed everyone in the tent, "With the continued aid of our allies we should have enough to finish the power grid for our new city."

"What will you do with the ship parts not being incorporated into your new city," The Kelownan Captain asked.

"With the help of the Tok'ra the remaining parts are being recycled back into the Jaffa fleet," Bra'tac said as Malek nodded in agreement.

"Colonel Carter has your geological team been able to locate a sufficient water source for the city," Teal'c asked.

"They have found several prospects to last the city a short while but nothing to last long term. Though they believe they have found a source that may suffice. A water and waste recycling plant will be needed for long term viability of the city," Sam said. Major Anne Teldy entered the tent and over to Sam's side. She leaned over and whispered something to Sam, "Thank you Major," Teldy left as quickly as she arrived.

"Is everything well Colonel," Warrick asked.

"I'm needed back aboard my ship," Sam said as she stood to leave.

"I will accompany you," Teal'c said as he stood.

"In that case let us recess this meeting until tomorrow," Ka'lel said said evenly.

"I agree," U'kin said.

"We will gather tomorrow at midday," Bra'tac said. With those words everyone stood and began exiting the tent.

"This is Carter, beam Teal'c and I to the bridge," Sam said after tapping her ear piece as Teal'c came to stand beside her. A flash of white light engulfed both of them and a moment later they found themselves on the bridge of the USS George Hammond, "What's going on Hailey?"

"We received an encoded subspace data burst from Atlantis that said General Landry was on his way," Major Jennifer Hailey said.

"Why didn't they just send a message through the gate," Sam asked, "For that matter why didn't he just come through the gate?"

"Ma'am three ships just dropped out of hyperspace. Reading IFF's we have the Odyssey, Achilles and Bellerophon," Hailey said.

"It would seem you have your answer Colonel Carter," Teal'c said.

"The Odyssey is hailing us," Hailey said.

"On screen," Sam said as she and Teal'c walked over to the view screen on the left side of the bridge. The screen switched from white noise to a video feed of Hank on the Odyssey's bridge. He was wearing a green flight suit with Odyssey patches.

"Colonel, Teal'c," Hank said, "How are the both of you?"

"Fine sir," Sam said, "What brings you to Dakara?"

"Your reassignment Colonel," Hank said.

"But sir," Sam argued.

"Colonel," Hank said as he halted her argument, "We'll beam over and explain it."

The video feed cut out and Sam took her seat.

"Are you alright Colonel Carter," Teal'c asked as he looked at her.

"Ma'am the Odyssey is requesting to beam two people to the bridge," Hailey said before Sam could answer Teal'c.

"Grant it," Sam said. All the military personnel stood at attention. A moment later a bright flash of white light subsided to reveal Hank and Lya of the Nox standing in the front of the bridge, "Welcome abo," Sam stopped speaking as she noticed that Lya.

"Lya," Teal'c said with a look of disbelief on his face.

"It is good to see you again friends," Lya said.

A few minutes later Sam, Teal'c, Hank and Lya were seated around a table in the Hammond's Conference Room.

"Two weeks ago Lya and Supreme High Councilor Per'sus came to Earth," Hank began, "They informed us that there is still life on Tollana."

"How can you be sure," Teal'c asked as he looked at Lya.

"I sense life on Tollana and that they are in need of help," Lya said.

"However Lya is unsure of what kind of help they need," Hank said, "To that end the Odyssey has been loaded with medical teams and suplies. Achilles has been loaded with all manner of supplies ranging from fresh and canned food to clothing. Bellerophon has been loaded with prefabricated, modular shelters and a few Naquadah Generators. Each ship is also carrying two Jumpers."

"How does my reassignment fit into this sir," Sam asked.

"You will take command of the Odyssey for the duration of this mission. I will remain here, in command of the Hammond," Hank explained before looking at Teal'c, "Teal'c, I would appreciate you bringing me up to speed on events here."

"Of course," Teal'c said as he bowed his head slightly.

"What about Colonel Davidson," Sam asked.

"Ted suffered a heart attack and has been put on indefinite medical leave," Hank said, "Though he was looking better when I saw him before we left Earth."

"That is good to hear," Sam said.

"Dr. Weir and one of her ships will meet you at Tollana to drop off a new stargate and DHD. Once it is active dial the Tok'ra Homeworld and radio Per'sus. He will then dial back and lead a Tok'ra contingent through to Tollana," Hank said. Everyone stood as the meeting came to an end.

"Understood sir," Sam said as she turned to leave.

"And Colonel," Hank said.

"Yes sir," Sam asked as she turned back around.

"You're in command of the mission," Hank said.

Half an hour later Sam and Lya were beamed to the bridge of the Odyssey. A young marine took Sam's bag and escorted Lya from the bridge.

"Colonel Marks has a course been plotted for Tollana," Sam asked as she sat in the command chair.

"Yes it has ma'am," Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Marks said as he handed her a tablet computer displaying the course data.

"Good. Give me open lines to the Achilles and Bellerophon," Sam said as she looked over the tablet.

"Channels are open ma'am," Marks said after hitting a few buttons on his console.

"This is Colonel Carter aboard the Odyssey," Sam begain, "I need a go or no go for departure. Achilles?"

"Go," Cam said over the radio.

"Bellerophon," Sam asked.

"Go," Ronson said.

"Good. All ships initiate hyperdrives on my mark," Sam began, "Three, two, one mark."

Three hyperspace windows tore open simultaneously. The Odyssey, Achilles and Bellerophon dove into their respective windows on course for Tollana.

Just outside the gravitational pull of Tollana sat the Aurora Class ship Tria. Dr. Elizabeth Weir was sitting in the command chair on the bridge while her green haired crew went about their duties.

"Ma'am, I am detecting three hyperspace windows forming a kilometer from our stern," Fran Green said as she looked back at Elizabeth from a forward console.

"Thank you Fran. On screen please," Elizabeth said. Fran nodded and manipulated a few controls on her console. A holographic screen appeared in the front of the bridge showing a view of empty space. Behind the Tria three hyperspace windows opened and three corresponding Daedalus Class ships lept forward and began moving from view.

"Ma'am the Earth ships are taking up parallel stations along side us," Commander Franc Green said as he came to stand behind Fran, "Two port and one starboard."

"Ma'am the Odyssey is hailing us," Fred Green said as he looked at Elizabeth from a side console.

"On screen," Elizabeth said. The holographic screen change from a view of empty space to a video feed of Colonel Samantha Carter with the bronze Odyssey placard on the far wall behind her, "Colonel Carter it's good to see you."

"Likewise doctor," Sam said, "Have you completed any scans or detected and radio signals?"

"We have," Elizabeth said, "Though we have not located any radio signals we have located a mass of life signs around a fading energy signature in what looks like a partially ruined city."

"Have you attempted communication," Sam asked.

"Not yet," Elizabeth said, "I thought it best to wait for you."

"Seeing as the Tollan have no clue who you are," Sam asked.

"Precisely," Elizabeth said.

"Stand by here while I move in to attempt communication," Sam said.

"Understood Colonel," Elizabeth said befor the video feed cut out and the holographic screen winked out.

On the bridge of the Odyssey, Sam took her seat in the command chair.

"Marks notify Achilles and Bellerophon to hold station," Sam said.

"Yes ma'am," Marks said as he began typing a message.

"Take us into orbit," Sam said to the Helmsman.

"Ma'am Achilles and Bellerophon have acknowledged the order to hold station ," Marks said as the Helmsman brought the Odyssey into a high orbit around Tollana.

"Good," Sam said, "Give me a wide spectrum broadcast and direct it towards the populated area," Marks's hands flew over the keys of his work station and he nodded to Sam who said, "This is Colonel Samantha Carter, commander of the Earth vessel Odyssey, calling any surviving members of the Tollan people. Please respond."

The whole crew of the bridge was silent as they waited for an answer. They looked at each other with tense expressions.

"I repeat this is Colonel Samantha Carter, commander of the Earth vessel Odyssey, calling any survivng members of the Tollan people. Please respond," Sam said. Lya walked onto the Bridge flanked by a female security team member. Lya smiled at Sam. Sam smiled back and spoke again, "Narim are you there? It's Sam."

The bridge crew looked around at each other confused. They all knew that Colonel Carter had been in the Stargate Program from the start. As well as was one of the most respected and revered members to date. However none of them knew of her personal ties to the Tollan.

"My scans are showing that our message is getting through ma'am," Marks said, "They may even be recieving it but they might not have a was of transmitting a response. If you want I can beam a portable transmitter down."

"No. Prepair a landing party. Full protective equipment," Sam said as she got up from her command chair, "Have them meet Lya and I at the Jumpers. Notify the rest of the response group that we are going down to the planet. Marks you have the bridge till I return."

A short time later in the port side hanger bay Sam was pulling on an Improved Outer Tactical Vest and Modular Integrated Communications Helmet. A group of medical personnel and a few security escort marines were waiting for their assignments.

"No thank you," Lya said as a young marine tried to hand her an IOTV, "I won't be needing that."

"I'm sorry ma'am but Colonel Carter has ordered," The young marine began.

"Corporal," Sam said as she cut off the young marines argument.

"Yes ma'am," The young marine said.

"Colonel," Dr. Carolyn Lam said as she came to stand beside Sam. Carolyn was dressed in a black BDU, IOTV and MICH.

"Carolyn how are you," Sam asked as she clipped the chin strap of her MICH.

"A little uncomfortable in all this gear but I understand your reasoning," Carolyn said as she set a large red medical bag down on the deck of the hanger.

"Really? You do," Sam asked as she placed her hands on her hips and looked at Carolyn.

"I am the daughter of an air force general," Carolyn said.

"Oh right," Sam said as she double checked that her Zat was secured in its holster, "Your team will be in Jumper One with Lya and myself."

"Understood," Carolyn said.

"Oh Carolyn," Sam said as she touched Carolyn's arm.

"Yes Colonel," Carolyn asked.

"When we make contact and are given the go ahead to set up, radio Lieutent Colonel Marks and have him beam down the new DRASH Field Hospital," Sam said.

"Wow the IOA is going all out in backing this mission," Carolyn said in a surprised tone.

"When they read the reports on the level of technology the Tollan had they went all in," Sam said.

"I thought the Tollan didn't share their technology," Carolyn asked, "Maybe the IOA seems to think that the Tollan can be bought?"

"Not likely," Sam said as Lieutenant Lou Miller walked up to the pair of them.

"Excuse me ma'am," Miller said.

"We all set to got Lieutenant," Sam asked.

"Yes ma'am," Miller said.

"Alright everyone eyes on me," Sam said as she walked over and stood on the ramp of Jumper One, "For the duration of this mission, I do not care if you are military or civilian, you will obey any and every order given to you. So far as we know the Tollan people have been cut off from the gate network and other outside contact for seven years. They may be hostile to visitors, to that end before we land will try again to establish radio contact."

"If we can not establish contact, the security teams and myself will be the first ones out of the Jumpers. We will establish a secure perimeter to begin setting up a base camp," Sam continued, "If we establish radio contact we will fallow instructions for a landing zone and take things diplomatically. Does everyone understand?"

"Yes ma'am," The military members echoed.

"Yes Colonel," The civilian members said. Sam turned and looked at Lya. Lya smiled and nodded.

"Alright people to your Jumpers," Sam said as she turned and walked into the Jumper.

In the remains of the Tollan capital, times have been tough sense the near annihilation of there people at the hands of Anubis's forces, sense their betrayal of the people of Earth. A Tollan Security Force Officer stood on each corner as people tried to go about their lives. An officer was standing outside a building that had become the makeshift Hall of the Curia and office of the High Chancellor. The man visually scanned up and down the walk way that the Curia Hall resided on. Seeing nothing he smiled to himself and looked up at the vibrant blue sky enjoying the calm clear weather. Just as he was about to do another visual scan he saw a small yet bright flash of light high in the sky. Feeling concerned he stuck his head in the front door of the Curia Hall. Seeing his commanding officer standing outside the door to the inner hall he called to him.

"Hey Commander," The Officer said.

"What is it? Do you have to go to the bathroom again," The Commander asked.

"No sir," The Officer said, "I saw a bright flash in the sky and I thought I should report it sir."

"What kind of bright flash," The Commander asked as he walked towards the officer.

"Like a reflection off a moving piece of glass Sir," The Officer said as the Commander walked passed him and out onto the walkway.

"Where exactly," The Commander asked as he looked up into the sky.

"Right about there," The Officer said as he pointed high in the air to his left side. The both watch for what seemed like an eternity and then the flash of light winked again. A feeling of dredd washed over the Commader.

"Stay at your post," The Comander ordered as he rushed back into the Hall of the Curia. He burst through the doors leading to the inner hall and the ongoing Curia session.

"What is the meaning of this intrusion," A middle aged woman sitting at a large half circle desk facing the rest of the Curia demanded.

"High Chancellor please turn on your Vid Monitors Communications Relay," The Commander said as he came to a stop.

"Need I remind you that we have very little power and it is being used soley to keep the remaining medical facility going," The High Chancellor said.

"I know High Chancellor however there may be space capable ships decending into our atmosphere," The Commander began to explain, "If there are they may be able to help us."

"And how would you know if there space capable ships decending into our atmosphere," The High Chancellor asked as she stood up, "Were you not gaurding the door to the inner hall?"

"My subordinate at the main door said he say a flash of light in the sky, like a glare off moving glass. I went to investigate and when I looked where he said he saw the flash, I saw it as well," The Commander explained. Members of the Curia began whispering to one another discussing this new event and voicing their personal opinion on weather or not communication should be attempted.

"Silence please," The High Chancellor said in an authoritative tone. The entire room fell silent, "If we attempt communication we may be risking the lives of everyone who depends on the limited amount of power we have. Meaning if we attempt communication and any lives are lost due to the power drain we, The Curia, are responsible for their deaths. Take a moment to think that over," Members of the Curia looked to their left and right staring each other in the eyes. Searching not only each other but also themselves for the right answer, "All those in favor of a communications attempt."

"Aye," The Curia members sounded in unison.

"All opposed," The High Chancellor asked. No one in the hall made a sound, "Very well. Let's proceed."

The High Chancellor sat as she pressed a couple buttons on her desk. A set of glass panels rose up from the storage slots along the front of the desk as blue lines sectioned off the panels into sub screens. In the middle a large rectangle was filled with static.

"There is a faint signal. Let me fine tune it," The High Chancellor said as she pressed a couple buttons on her desk. A voice started to crackle through the static.

"Repeat, This is Colonel Samantha Carter of the United States Air Force of the planet Earth is anyone recieving me," A woman's voice said.

With the quick press of a single button the High Chancellor readied herself to speak, "This is High Chancellor Madara of the Tollan Curia. We are recieving you Colonel."

"High Chancellor, it is my privilege to inform you that we are here to provide aid to you and your people," Sam said as a live video feed of her face appeared on the vid monitor. Many in the Curia broke down in tears of joy.

"That is wonderful news Colonel," Madara said as she whipped tears from the corners of her eyes.

Within hours the relief teams from Earth were fully set up around the Tollan capital. A full DRASH Field Hospital had been setup along side the last Tollan medical center. Naquadah Generator stations were positioned around the city to provide power to what remains of the city. The prefabricated modular shelters were being set up in a field a few miles outside the city. The new stargate had been placed right outside of the Curia building. A detachment of fifty Tok'ra had come through and began assisting in medical and engineering capacities.

In the Hall of the Curia, Colonel Carter, Lya, Per'sus and High Chanellor Madara where meeting in her office. An Earth computer tablet lay face up on Madara's desk with an aerial view map of the Tollan capital.

"We brought along alot of fresh and prepackaged foods for your people where can we set up to begin surving meals to everyone," Sam asked.

"Beside the medical facility your people set up," Madara said, "That way once everyone has been given a medical evaluation they can go have a warm meal," Madara wipped tears from her face.

"Is everything ok High Chancellor," Sam asked.

"The aid your peoples have given is more then we could have ever hoped for," Madara said, "Given what our leaders did."

"We tend not to judge an entire people based on the actions of the few that lead," Sam said.

"I'm sure Colonel Carter hasn't asked because there are more pressing matters to attend to but I'm sure we all want to know," Per'sus said, "What happened to the members of the Curia who turned on Earth?"

"What few members of the Curia that had survived were prosecuted and imprisoned for the crimes they committed against both the Tollan people and Earth," Madara said.

"Where are they being held," Sam asked.

"In a small compound at the inoperable trinium mine south of the city," Madara said. There was a chime of the doorbell while Sam swipped the screen of the tablet till she found the mine Madara spoke of.

"Yes," Madara said as a young Tollan Security Force Officer walked in her office.

"High Chancellor moments ago a Jaffa walked through the stargate and asked to see you," The young officer said.

"Did he say who he was," Madara asked.

"Teal'c of the Free Jaffa Nation," The young officer said.

"Teal'c is here," Sam asked looking up from the tablet.

"You know this Teal'c, Colonel," Madara asked.

"Yes he is a long time friend of mine and is a Councilman on the Jaffa High Council. He served with me on SG-one for nearly ten years and knew the Tollan that I did," Sam said.

"Teal'c is a good friend to have High Chancellor," Lya said.

"I agree," Per'sus said.

"Show him in," Madara said. The officer left and returned a few minutes later fallowed closely by Teal'c dressed in his tan and grey council robes.

"Greetings. I am Teal'c, a councilman on the Jaffa High Council and representative of the Free Jaffa Nation," Teal'c said as he bowed his head.

"I am High Chancellor Madara of the Tollan Curia," Madara said, "What may I do for you Councilman?"

"I have come in advance of a small fleet of Jaffa ships that will stand gaurd over your world untill such time as you and your people can protect yourselves from outside threats," Teal'c said.

"How many ships Teal'c," Sam asked.

"Two dozen Death Gliders, six Al'kesh and a single Ha'tak," Teal'c said.

"What do we owe the Free Jaffa Nation for this defence fleet," Madara asked.

"Nothing," Teal'c stated flatly.

"Nothing," Madara questioned.

"This is the aid that the Jaffa add to that already being given by the Tok'ra and the Tau'ri," Teal'c said, "May this be the begining of diplomatic relations between our two peoples."

"This is certainly an impressive first step," Madara said as she sat down in her chair and took a deep breath.

"Are you ok High Chancellor," Sam asked.

"This is all so much to take in," Madara said as tears began to flow down her face.

"Why don't we give the High Chancellor a moment to collect herself," Per'sus said.

"No no," Madara said as she stood up with tears still welling in her eyes as she wipped her face with her sleave.

"The amount of aid rendered by the people of Earth, the Tok'ra and now by the Jaffa is breath taking," Madara said.

"It is all thanks to the concern of Lya," Sam said.

"The Tollan people owe our live to you Lya, and to the people of Earth and the Tok'ra and now to the Jaffa," Madara said, "How can my people ever repay this debt?"

"It was my hope that after the fall of the goa'uld that a long and prosperous trade relationship grow between the Tok'ra and the Tollan," Per'sus said.

"Although it was a result of being threatend by the goa'uld the Tollan Curia had repealed the law forbidding the trade of technology," Sam said.

"And Earth was in negotiation for Tollan technology," Madara said.

"While we are no longer interested in the Tollan Ion Cannon there are other technologies that the Tollan have that peek my personal interest," Sam said.

"Can I assume that the Jaffa have interest in Tollan technology," Madara asked as she looked at Teal'c.

"In the future," Teal'c said, "We too are rebuilding our capital with the help of Earth, the Tok'ra and other allies."

"I need time to think on this request," Madara said, "And to discuss it with the Curia as a whole."

"For the time being why don't we leave you to your thoughts High Chancellor," Per'sus suggested.

"I agree," Lya said, "Let us go help where we can."

"I'll catch up," Sam said as Per'sus and Lya left the office, "Teal'c please radio Marks and let him know of the inbound Jaffa ships," Teal'c bowed his head and left the office. For a long moment Sam stood silent in the High Chancellor's Office before she mustered up the courage to speak again, "High Chancellor I have a couple questions of a personal nature."

"Oh well," Madara said in a suprised tone. Clearly being caught off guard as Sam's comment, "Please proceed Colonel."

"When our two people first met, I became very close with a Tollan man named Narim," Sam explained, "Did he survive the attack?"

"He did," Madara said. Sam let out a hard breath.

"Is he still alive," Sam asked.

Authors Note: Again please read and review. Also sorry for the long wait between chapters.