Disclaimer: Nope, not mine. Gosho-sensei's.

For any one who isn't aware-I am really bad at naming things like chapter and stories-so I'll apologize in advance for all the sucky names I will end up putting.


This story takes place after Shinichi takes down the Black Organization and takes the antidote from Ai. While Kaitou KID helped with the planning of the destruction of the Black Organization, Shinichi found out that KID was Kuroba Kaito; over the months Shinichi and Kaito started dating. It hasn't been a year since Shinichi found out Kaito is KID. They are 18 now.

This is a drabble set. So the chapters WILL be short. I will update everyday until Valentines Day.

This won't be a complicated plot, no real twist and it might turn out very cheesy. You have been warned.

Thank you for reading! :)

February 1st

Great(?) News


Kudou Shinichi turned around at the sound of his name, who he saw was no one other then Nakamori Aoko waving excitedly at him. "Good morning, Aoko-san." He greeted.

"Good morning!" The inspector's daughter greeted cheerfully. "So…It's February already huh?" She said conversationally.

"Yeah, it is." Shinichi wondered why such an obvious statement came from the girl.

"Have you planned anything for this month?" Aoko asked.

Shinichi looked questioningly at her, "What do you mean?"

Aoko looked exasperated, "Come on, you can't not know too!"

"Huh?" the teen detective blinked at her.

Aoko groaned, "Valentines! Please tell me you know what that is!" She practically begged.

Shinichi unconsciously stepped back from the slightly scary girl (Who is completely scary whenever there is a mop around.) "Uuhh, yeah. Of course I know what that is."

"So…" Aoko looked at Shinichi expectantly.

The detective tilted his head, "So…what?"

The girl hung her head, "Why is it that all boys are hopeless? First BaKaito…now you!"

"Oi, oi. What a moment. What are you talking about?" Shinichi asked, completely lost as to where the conversation keeps turning.

"You can't say that you have nothing planned for Valentines Day!" Aoko almost screamed at him.

"Uhhh…well, Valentines Day is just a day when girls give chocolate to their lovers, right? Why would it concern Kaito or me?" Shinichi asked.

Aoko shook her head, "Hopeless. Valentines Day isn't just for girls! You know, in America it's when both boys and girls express their love. So you two can celebrate it too!"

"Ermm…sure…" Shinichi agreed a bit uncertainly, but then he chuckled, "Though, knowing him…he probably has plans, after all…he never lets an opportunity pass."

Yes, Shinichi's boyfriend is none other then Kuroba Kaito; and Kaito, being the overdramatic person he is, loves to make use of every chance he gets to romanticize everything for Shinichi…After all…Shinichi is cute whenever he blushes and Kaito can't get enough of it. (Though if he would ever say that out loud Shinichi would definitely hit him for 'being a moron who does unnecessary things')

"I doubt it." Aoko said, rolling her eyes, "That idiot doesn't even know what Valentines Day is!"

Shinichi turned to his companion with wide eyes. Kaito, THE Kaito doesn't know about Valentines Day? "Seriously?" the detective asked in disbelief. "What happened whenever Valentines passes at school?"

Aoko rolled her eyes, "He would just collect chocolates like a kid that he is and think it's just leftovers from baking class!"

Shinichi stared at the girl for a few moments longer, and then suddenly, he burst out laugh.

Aoko looked at him in confusion; wondering slightly if he was crazy. Hey, don't blame her; anyone who would want to date that magician would be slightly crazy right? Not to mention all those murder cases he would get involved in…maybe it was finally starting to rub off?

Shinichi's words knocked Aoko out of her musings. "That's great!" He exclaimed.

"What's great?" The voice was not Aoko's (Though they were her next words), but it came from a ruffled haired teen that came up behind the duo.

"Kaito!" Aoko and Shinichi cried out.

Kaito rubbed his ear, "Yes, I know my name. Why are you two so shocked?" The interloper looked between the two; Aoko looked like a kid who was caught with her hand in a cookie jar, while Shinichi had a faint blush from his earlier laughter and was smiling like he has just been told Sherlock Holmes was real. "…what's going on?" He asked a bit uneasily.

"Nothing!" Shinichi said; a bit too quickly.

Kaito looked at his boyfriend, then to his childhood friend; both didn't seem like they were going to enlighten him on their conversation. The magician felt a pang of jealousy, though he knew it was irrational. After all, Shinichi and Aoko would never sneak behind his back if it was something that might hurt him. Still…He and Shinichi hasn't been in this relationship long…and even though Kaito knew Shinichi wouldn't cheat on him or anything, he couldn't get rid of his protective reactions when it came to the detective.

Shaking his head from the thought, Kaito grinned, "Fine, fine. You two don't have to tell me…But…" Here he leaned in very close to the two, making Shinichi blush slightly (Ahh, what a wonderful blush) "I'll find out soon you know; there is nothing you can hid from the amazing Kaito-sama!"

Aoko and Shinichi both deadpanned at him at that, and then they turned around and started to walk again, leaving Kaito behind.

"Oi!" The magician shouted, running to catch up to them, "That was mean you know! How could you leave me like that?"

"Your fault for being such an idiot, Kaito." Aoko mumbled.

"I agree; that was extremely idiotic of you." Shinichi nodded his head in agreement.

Kaito pouted, "Why do you two have to gang up on me like this? Don't you love me?"

Aoko rolled her eyes and continued walking; Shinichi stayed silent though stayed a step behind the girl.

Kaito stood there doing his best impression of a dejected puppy.

Finally, Shinichi sighed and turned around to face the magician.

Kaito didn't look up, though he was trying to stop a smirk from taking over his face. He muttered in his most pitiful voice, "You all hate me don't you?"

The detective sighed again and walked up till he was in front of his stupid, childish (Though all so wonderful, and handsome) lover.

Kaito slowly raised his head, ready to see how far he could keep up the kicked puppy act, but what came next surprised him.

When the magician fully raised his head, he felt something warm and slightly moist touch his lips. Wide eyes, Kaito stared at pure blue eyes that were gleaming in amusement.

Shinichi broke the kiss before Kaito could collect himself; the detective turned back and started walking again.

The magician stood there a bit longer, processing all that happened in his mind, and then he suddenly sprang forward to pull his partner to his chest.

"I knew you loved me!" He crooned, while he kissed the base of his blushing detective's neck.

Author's Note:

That's it this time. Other chapters will be shorter than this.

Please tell me how I did and any criticism will be welcomed. Also tell me if I should fix anything please.

And for anyone who might be curious, I did NOT abandon You Are Not Alone (Is it correct for me to underline that? Or was I supposed to but quotations?)…I'm just having trouble with it so I'm taking a while to get it typed. You will definitely see more updates Before February ends though. Writer block sucks; sorry I can't do much about it, I'm trying though.