All characters are Stephenie Meyers. I don't own them I wish I did ;o)

Well this is my new story. I have the ending already written it is filling in the front chapters before that I am working on now. My good friend read what I had at the time for this chapter and she gave me the okay! I think it is a good chapter. Please read and review. I am using New York as the base town for this one. I don't live there. My sister does now. I have been there and only once. So some of it I can vouch for, mind you that was well over 15 years ago. If I get enough reviews I will post chapter 2 by the end of the week or early next week.

Central Love

Chapter 1


"No Mike I am not agreeing to that." I yelled into the phone. I was just short of tossing it out my 18th storey penthouse. "She gets nothing as per the pre-nup. I know what I signed. She is not entitled to any of it."

I was pissed off. One I had my money before I married the gold digger. Two I didn't love her any more. We had only married out of convenience and business. But yes I would agree I did love her at one time. Her father's shipping company and my money was a merger that was best for the families. Obviously years later it turned sour. Her family embezzled some or all of the money they had put into the pot to buy out a shipping company. It was when that happened my trust issues went out the window with her. I caught her cheating and slowly taking money out of my account behind my back. Tanya wouldn't have anymore than what she was entitled to. In my eyes a kick out the door and no money at all. This is why a pre-nup was signed. I had more money than I knew what to do with. I invested it. I had it tied up in all sorts of projects that she wouldn't have comprehended. I had shipping companies overseas and in the US. All she did was spend my money and take it from behind my back. I owned the majority of the shares in her families shipping company. I would buy them out and own it out right now. Well that was the plan at this point.

"Mike just make sure you go over that pre-nup with a fine tooth comb. She didn't sign under duress. She was more than happy to sign it two years ago. I want this over as of yesterday. I don't need this dragged through the press right now. We are in the middle of a deal with two Italian companies. If they don't go through there goes our Italian shipping division."

I disconnected the line and continued with my morning. I was in my weight room lifting weights when Mike called. Mike was my lawyer and a damn good one at that. He had been with me from the beginning. His father was my father's lawyer. We in the Cullen family kept it in the family. But right now family was not what I needed. What I needed right now was the punching bag. I tied on the gloves and went at it. One upper cut after another and direct punches. Therapy for the stress that she causes me to have. I should have known something like this would happen. Especially when she was going out with her sisters and friends more often than the social events that we needed to be at. I was punching at the situation. Not entirely at her. I have and will never hit a woman. My mother and father instilled that in me from a very young age. My father a doctor saw it everyday in some of the patients he was treating for abuse. I swore up and down that I would never ever do that. Even with the temper I had I never ever went after any of the females I dated. No matter how angry they made me. I just turned to my stress relievers. Working out and working.

I finished up my boxing match with the bag and wiped the sweat from my brow as I was leaving the weight room. I was greeted by my most trusted friend. My dog Jace. Black as midnight Labrador. He jumped up onto me wagging his tail.

"Hey boy. We will go out soon okay. Just let me shower and we will go for a walk in the park okay."

Of course he didn't reply but just wagged his tail and licked my hand. I headed to my room and dropped clothes on the floor as I headed to the shower. I would pick them up on the way back out. I was somewhat of a neat freak. But my housekeeper I loved. She cooked for me. I didn't cook. I entered the shower and put my head under the hot water.

I had to learn to let go of my anger to some degree. I had a bad temper. Or I have a bad temper. I could be moody and I wasn't always the best to live or deal with. I will agree there. But I didn't back down. I was not known to back down on anything. If I want it, I get it. In this cutthroat shipping business if I wasn't like this I wouldn't be where I am today. One of the top shipping tycoons in the US. I was good at what I did. I wasn't the first in the family to be in the shipping business. My great, great grandfather apparently had been a shipper. Not to the extent I was but it was in the family. Just my father decided to become a doctor instead of continuing the shipping. I can't blame him for that. Medicine was his passion. I just decided to take over the family shipping company because I was good at business. Deals and mergers and buying and selling. I was usually right on the money when it came to mergers. I was totally off the mark though when I married completing a merger that should have been in business only not in marriage.

I stepped out of the hot water and the water shut off automatically. I stepped out of the shower all together and grabbed a towel. I knew I was by myself today but I still wrapped the towel around my waist. I dressed quickly picking up the clothes I had dropped on the floor as I went. I had on a pair of warm up pants and a hooded sweater. I didn't care what I looked like today. I was still in a mood after Mike's call this morning. I would probably be like this for the next couple of days till it was handled.

I got Jace's collar and leash and we headed for the elevator. I was the top floor so the elevator stopped inside my penthouse. I had the key for it to do that. I entered my key and we headed down stairs. I owned the building too and that helped that I had the top floor of it. I had access to the roof for parties and entertaining if I wanted.

Jace was dancing at my feet when the elevator opened. He needed to get out and run. I would take him down to Pilgrim Hill in Central Park. It was just across the street. I lived on 5th Avenue on the upper East Side with all the other money spending and splurging people. Directly across the park on the Upper West Side was where John Lennon was killed in Strawberry Fields. I figured that was why Tanya loved it here so much. The shopping and the fact that she could see all the movie stars she wanted while on 5th Avenue or on Broadway. I moved her out a few weeks ago and we were technically separated. The park I loved. I walked Jace and ran and jogged on the trails. I had Mike working on the divorce papers hence the call. He was also working on drawing up the buyout of her family's shares in the Denali Shipping Company.

Once the doors closed behind me Jace was pulling me out the door. I nodded at the doorman Henry before heading out the main door. He knew I came and went as I pleased and that all the doormen were to be very wary of who was coming in the building these days.

"Okay Jace. Let's get to the park and find a stick for you."

I ran with him leading me and once I didn't see anyone I let him off the leash. He never strayed far from me anyhow. I picked up a stick and had thrown it down the pathway so that he could return with it for me to do again. Over and over again we did this before he didn't come back. I jogged down the path to see what he got into and found him jumping on a female before she reached down and petted him. I stopped short and watched him interact with her for a moment.

The female was obviously a dog lover. She petted him like she knew all his favorite places to be petted. She had chocolate brown hair that was long and down her back. She had some of it tied back from her face and I could see she had brown eyes. She was dressed in jeans and boots and a jacket. She had a twinkle in her eye like she knew what Jace needed. She smiled at Jace and started talking to him as I walked up.

"There you are boy. Who did you manage to charm?" I laughed as he jumped up and licked her face. He never did that with Tanya. He didn't like her. I guess I should have taken that as a sign.

"I guess he is yours then?" She asked when she looked up and then stood up to be at my level. She smiled at me. A big beautiful smile. She was very pretty and I noticed it right away. I smiled back at her.

"Yes. He's never done that before. Usually he's very guarded. Especially of me."

"He is beautiful. What's his name?"


"Well Jace. It was nice to run into you and your master."

"He obviously likes you."

"Bella and you are?"

"Edward." I said smiling. It was refreshing to know that before I even knew her name I knew she was a simple normal girl. "Well Bella would you care to walk with us? Most people don't walk on their own in the park."

"I'd like that. I actually wasn't by myself. My friend just left. Although she would tell me to turn tails and run from any stranger that comes up to me right now."

"May I ask why?"

"I probably shouldn't tell you this. Since I don't know you. But I just moved here with my husband and he is always working. I don't really have a lot of people I know here. I followed him since he was transferred here. He is a police officer. A detective."

"Well Bella welcome to the city for one. Two it sounds like you need to go out and see the city. Or at least try to take him out to see it with you."

"That may not happen in this lifetime." She let out a gasp of air with some of her frustration.

"Well good luck to you is in order then."

"Thank you Edward. So how long have you had Jace?"

"Since he was a pup. It will be 4 years in a few months."

"He seems to be a great dog. We couldn't bring mine. My dad has him at home."

"Home is where for you?" I would have to say the West coast by her accent I silently thought.

"Forks, Washington."

"I actually know the city. I used to have my shipping company on the west coast close to there. It's now in Seattle."

"Really! Not a lot of people know the town. It is very small."

"I admit we were looking at properties outside of Forks at one time as a west coast residence but it wasn't really responsible to have it. I am always here in New York or Greece or London."

"A traveler?"

"For work. I have home bases in London, Greece and New York. My home is here in New York."

"What kind of business is it you have? If you don't mind me asking?"

"I am what they would call a shipping tycoon. I ship all sorts of things on planes, ships, trains. You name it we probably ship it."

"Oh. I am sorry I don't know anything about shipping."

"That is alright. Most people don't or they lie about it." And then some. I had a silent chuckle.

"Well Edward, I better get back to unpacking my home. We only arrived a few weeks ago."

"It was nice talking and walking with you Bella. Take care and good luck in the city okay."

"Thank you."

It was then that a light bulb of a flash went off as a picture was taken of myself and Bella. She was alarmed. She had no idea what was going on. I grimaced and hopefully my facial features told her that I was sorry for this. It may just end up in the paper in the socialite section. It was then that my temper started to flare. Bringing my mood back to the temper that I had before.

"Bella that picture may end up in the paper tomorrow. I'm sorry before it causes anymore problems."

"You get pictures taken of you all the time?"

"Yes being that I am a multi billionaire I have them taken all the time." I paused. "I hope it won't cause a problem later for you."

"I don't think it will." It was her turn to pause. "We just met because of your dog. There can't be harm in that."

"No I suppose not." She really was a down to earth and had not a care about the socialite scene at all.

I headed back the way I came and Jace followed but kept looking behind him for her. I ended up doing the same thing. There was something about her that I couldn't place. Something told me I would meet her again someday. Today was just the beginning possibly of a new part of my life. Maybe something simplified and not so stressful.

When I made it back to the penthouse I walked into the lobby to find Mike waiting for me. He had files in his hands and with out a doubt it was my half of the pre-nup and my divorce papers ready to be served to Tanya once I signed them. I smiled and greeted him and we headed up stairs with Jace.

"What is the verdict Mike?"

"I have both files. I also had the firm do some checking into your books. We needed to nail down how much she has actually embezzled from the company and yourself. The amount over the last two years was astronomical. I am surprised no one had noticed it before. Everything is on paper and ready for you to sign. Once you sign them she will be served."

The doors to the elevator opened and I still had not said anything in response. I was reveling in the fact that this might be over quicker than I thought it would. I wasn't holding my breath. Only because Tanya would drag this out for as long as she could. We had the proof. We had the books. We had a trail of where the money had gone. My accountants were working with my lawyers. She was toast. She didn't have a fighting foot to stand on.

I let Jace off his collar and leash in the penthouse when we arrived and sat down to read the two files. I read over my pre-nup first. I remembered everything that I signed for this. I wanted to be sure I was protected as much as my company. It wasn't that I didn't trust it was more that it was for protection in the case that something like this ever happened. I didn't really trust anyone. After this I probably wouldn't for a long time. I guess in a way my eyes were opened to look for more normalcies. Let my trust go slowly.

Tanya didn't have a leg to stand on if she fought the divorce. I had grounds to terminate as per the pre-nup. I re-read the pre-nup just to be sure. I committed a lot of it to memory this time. I needed to stay on my feet. I needed Mike to be on top of everything. I knew Tanya was going to fight this. I knew her all to well. Even though we had been married only 2 years I knew her. In the last few months she had shown her true colors before all the money stealing had come out. Her things were still in the penthouse. I wouldn't let her back here unless I am here to watch what is being taken out. She had her clothes and her jewelry. She was a housewife with an itch to spend my money and then some and who ever she cheated on with better be prepared that she won't have money to bring into that relationship as she will be paying back all that was taken.

I moved on from the pre-nup to look over the divorce papers. I read what grounds I was calling for divorce. Adultery was the main filing. She cheated. Embezzlement we could not file with because she has not been prosecuted for it or done jail time for it. She had an allotment of money each month from my side of the relationship along with her own earnings from her family. I had the proof that she embezzled whether she started doing that when she cheated was what I wanted to know. Of course she was not going to tell me out right. I will have a detective do some searching on that. I had times and dates to back up my adultery claim. I had pictures. I was going to sit on that one. I knew better than to play all my good cards up front. I was good at business. She didn't need to know my business anymore and what I knew was my business for right now. I continued reading the divorce filing. Mike had pulled out all the stops. I knew he would. He had gone through his own high profile divorce not too long ago.

"Mike these look great. You pulled out all the stops. She really doesn't have a leg to stand on once we serve her. We are prepared with anything she counters right?"

"Yes. My team has everything in place. This is not a no fault divorce. With a fault divorce it could take longer. I hope you know that Edward."

"Yes I am aware of that. I just hope that she doesn't drag it out. I am really not holding my breath though. She is the type of person that will fight for all the money she can get. Whether she deserves or not."

"I need you to sign as the petitioner where it is marked then. I will file it with the court and she will be served."

I pulled out the pen from my desk and signed away. I could only hope that she got served in public and a picture taken of it. That was how I found out about her extra martial affair in the first place. Photographers follow her. She loved the photographers. I had a love hate relationship with them. Sometimes I loved them, sometimes I didn't. I laughed out loud at some of the scenarios that may end up getting played out.

"If I can request a time for her to be served I want it done in public before her beloved photographers. Rub it in that much further."

"I am sure they will find her as quickly as possible."

"I have no doubt about that."

Mike took the papers and left to file them with the court. He told me that she would be served this week. As long as she was in the country. I knew she was. She was shacked up with her new boy toy. I turned on my laptop to get my news and my deals that need attention. I had emails from family and from work. I decided to read the family ones later. There was one from my mother and sister. Their charity event for the Sick Kids Hospital was on Friday this week and they were probably making sure I was going to be there with out Tanya. I couldn't be sure if Tanya would go. Cullen Shipping and Holdings was the biggest benefactor each year. I liked to help the kids. They deserved much better in medicine and their care if they were sick. That was close to my heart. Kids are our future.

I read over my updates on my deals and put out some of the fires that needed to be stopped before they got out of control. I was still working on the deal with the Italian shipping company that we were planning on buying out and taking over. I had their books and dealings in files on my desk at my office. I was taking the day off to deal with the divorce and burn some steam. Although I did have a dinner I had to go to with some friends and family. Well it was more like a restaurant opening. My brother in law's restaurant.

Alice my sister married a culinary genius. Best food ever was all I had to say. He did their wedding food and I was in heaven. He taught his culinary skills at the Culinary Arts of New York. School for chef's and sous chefs. I think he should have just been a chef and opened up lots of restaurants. I would have another shower before going out. I was going alone. My family would be there and there would be critics and photographers no doubt. I would wear a suit instead of being casual. I would be my dapper self outside of feeling moody.

My mind shifted to earlier. Meeting Bella in the park was a good thing. It took my mind off of what was pending. She was a breath of fresh air for me. She was so utterly normal and not stuck up with the hint of power hungry and or money hungry. She was so beautiful too. I loved meeting her. Maybe I would run into her again. I hoped I would because those eyes just drew me in hook, line and sinker. The only thing that ruined it was the photographer.

It was getting late as I continued daydreaming about her. She really was a breath of fresh air. I got back into the shower and all I could do was think of her. What it would be like to be with her all the time. Only one problem she said she was married to a police officer. I am not that low as to have an extra marital affair. I wouldn't stoop to that level to cause something like a divorce on another couple. But it wouldn't stop me from thinking about her.

I knew I had to go to Greece next week for work for a week and then I would be in London the week after that before I would be back again in New York. I would be back in plenty of time for the second benefit for the hospital fundraising for Cancer research. It was the end of October. Three months away. My father was the head of the board and this year was a masquerade ball. I'd have to get Alice to find me a mask. Or have her design one for me. Knowing her she had one for me already.

Once I was in my Armani suit minus the tie I headed out the door. I grabbed my phone and called for my car and driver to meet me in the front of the building in five minutes. As I was coming down the elevator and exiting it I was greeted by a commotion in the lobby. The strawberry blonde making the big noise was none other than my soon to be ex wife.

"Edward be a dear and tell them to let me up." She said sweetly.

"No. I have gone for the evening. You are not allowed in the apartment unless I am present under the circumstances."

My blood was boiling. She had nerve. I would give her that. She could try her hardest to get up the elevator but I had all the locks changed. I had the security codes changed so that I could get in and the housekeeper. I dealt with all this the day she left.

"You don't live here anymore Tanya. You lost the right to come and go the day you took your clothes and personal belongings." I paused turning to Henry. "Henry if she attempts to enter the elevator call the police."

"Yes Mr. Cullen sir."

"I will be out for the evening."

"Yes sir."

I waited a moment before heading to the door. I watched the situation closely. Her actions told me she wanted something worth selling or upping her status. She couldn't do that any more since we are now separated. I had to laugh but internally. She was trying so hard to gain access up the elevator. Henry didn't back down. Either did Harry the other doorman. The two of them I would keep for as long as I could.

"Tanya if you don't want to be jailed for embezzlement and trespassing then I would suggest you leave. Call my service and I will arrange a time for you to come. It will have to be tomorrow. I am busy for the rest of the week." I would give her one last gesture. It would work well for me with the lawyers and proceedings. Anything else I would be tough as nails.

"I know you leave for Greece Edward. I will come while you are gone or I won't come at all." She fought back.

"I told you the terms if you are to enter the apartment. You are not creating the terms here. I am." Now she was taking my gesture for granted. I thought to myself.

I heard her grumble before she spoke. "Fine."

I waited at the doorway as she left with her assistant. I had not noticed but her sister was there with her and she was grimacing at the behavior of her sister. I took note of this and would store the information for later. I held my temper in check. All I really wanted to do was march her up stairs and have her repay everything right then and there. But I was controlling the situation as I could. She had no leeway to make any demands. I was in the driver seat and would always be in the driver's seat. I think she now knew this. Well I could only hope she did.

I watched her enter her car with her entourage. Once she had driven away I turned to Henry who was still on duty. "If she returns call me Henry okay. I will come back. But please let Harry know not to let her up. Under the circumstances that we are separated I am primary holder of the apartment. It was in my name only anyhow. I own the building as you know that. I trust you will have a good night." I ended up giving him my personal cell number so in the case that she did return he could call me directly. "Call me and then the police okay if she should return."

"Yes sir."

I left the building my mood evident on my face. I was trying to put it aside so that I could be pleasant for the opening. I didn't want to bring down Jasper's opening of his restaurant. I got into the car and closed the door. I pulled out my phone and called Mike at his office. He would be gone for the day now but I just wanted to leave a message.

"Mike, Edward Cullen. I want you to investigate the option of a temporary restraining order against Tanya for all my places of business and my home. I know that you can't do anything about the homes in Greece and London but at least here in New York you can. It would help considering she is trying to get into the apartment now." I ended the call and slipped the phone back into my pocket.

I looked out the window at the buildings passing by. My mind drifted again to earlier when I met Bella. Watching her with Jace was etched into my mind. Her beautiful face with eyes of truth and sincerity. I was truly drawn into those eyes. I could see her and I together. I know that wouldn't happen. But I could daydream about it.

The car stopped and the door opened and I exited to photographers taking pictures. Alice no doubt wanted to have it all documented. I attempted a smile and small greeting and walked into the building. Alice had done the decorating since she was the designer and decorator. She pulled out all the stops. It looked great. Chic and comfortable yet modern. I greeted a few people as I went in further and finally came upon my sister and her husband, the man of the hour.

"Well done both of you. I think it is going to make the front page at this rate."

"Edward, thank you. Please eat something there is ton of food. Jasper was up all night prepping and making appetizers and food for tasting today."

"I will get there Alice. Is mom and dad here yet?"

"No not yet. They were due to arrive after you."

"You slotted times for all of us?"

"Yes. I'm organized okay. I want everything to run smoothly."

"Yes I know your organized lil' sis but you can't control arrivals. What if I was late?"

"Then you would have thrown the schedule off."

"Whatever. Just so you know and as I am sure the press will be finding out soon enough I am officially separated from Tanya and she is due to be served divorce papers this week. I have requested a public serving."

"Are you happy Edward?"

"Yes and no. I don't like that this has happened. I will forever wonder why I did it now."

"You can't close off your heart. You will fall in love again. I know you will. And this one will last. I just have a feeling about that."

"Okay Alice." I let her believe it. I sure didn't at this point.

I took a plate of appetizers from the server that came by and tasted each one. I waited for mom and dad and ate and made small talk with some of the other guests. I always was networking and gaining information for business deals and the up and coming things. I wasn't doing business tonight but it didn't hurt to have more information that you may not need. I turned to get a drink from the server and I was starring right at her.

I looked again but it wasn't her. Somebody that looked just like Bella. She didn't have the twinkle in her eyes like Bella had. I was starting to see her everywhere now. My mind was drifting, I was daydreaming and I wanted to see her again. Just talk to her. I was never like this about a girl. I had fallen for her and I only talked to her for ten minutes.

When mom and dad finally did arrive they were followed by Rosalie and Emmett. My brother was on his best behavior. No wise cracks tonight. Tonight was a night for celebrating and eating food. Rosalie kept my brother in check all the time. She was the perfect girl for him. They were the total opposites but they made it work. She was a princess in her own right. Got everything by making people wait on her hand and foot. And Emmett fell hard and loves her with all his being. She was pregnant and he was following her making sure every step was going fine for her. I had to laugh because he always swore he would never be like that. So much for that.

"Mom, Dad." I called them over.

"Hello Edward. You never called me back. Your mother likes to hear from you."

"I know mom."

"Esme dear he can't drop everything just to call." My father said.

"Carlisle I called him 3 days ago. He didn't call back."

"You should have called your mother back." He said conceding with her.

"Well there is a reason I didn't call you back mom. I was dealing with the sham of a marriage that I have and filing for divorce. As soon as the courts get a hold of my books I am sure there will be an investigation into the embezzlement."

"Oh Edward."

"It's okay mom. I am fine with it. It needed to happen. She cheated. I don't deal with cheats and lies. You know that. I run an honest business. I am upfront on everything. If I hadn't been I wouldn't have got to where I am today. She cheated; she stole and lied about it. I am glad I listened to you both and signed a pre-nup. I just have to move some money around and buy out her families shares in the Denali Shipping Company."

"You have your proof then of what she did?" My father asked.

"Yes. I have pictures and dates and times. The divorce filing went with Mike this afternoon to the courthouse to be filed. She will be served this week. I have requested a public serving but I can't be guaranteed that."

"How long till it's over?"

"I don't know mom. I am pretty sure she will drag it out." I knew she would. "She was trying to get into the apartment when I left."

"There wasn't an altercation was there?" My father asked.

"No dad. I actually gave her a nice gesture allowing her to come back tomorrow."

"With witnesses?"

"Yes of course. Everything will be done with witnesses from here on out."

"Good, don't want to see you dragged through the mud that you are not co-operating."

"No I am too smart for that dad."

I just hoped and prayed that she didn't show up tonight and make a scene. I know she would not be served today and the filing only went into the courts today. Things needed to be processed. I just smiled and talked with family and friends and enjoyed my evening. My mood had lifted to some degree. I was agreeable for pictures. I knew that they would end up in the paper. They always did. For this I didn't mind. If it brought more attention to Jasper's restaurant then more power to it.

By the end of the evening my mind was wandering back to Bella and our chance meeting earlier. I ended up telling Jasper about it and he was watching me like I had cracked and gone off the deep end. Jasper was on the other hand happy that I had met someone that was not a diva and sounded normal. Now if I could only see her again that would be the best thing.

I said my good nights well into the night and headed home to the apartment. I had a lot to drink but was not drunk. I had a lot of food as well. So with food and drink it balanced out. I wasn't driving anyhow so I could over indulge if I wanted. These days I didn't over indulge like I used to and tonight I wasn't going too especially with the paparazzi circling around. I didn't need that I was drinking and filing for divorce to be out there. I was pretty sure the socialite pages would be filled of photographs of me and that I was apparently partying. I would take it with a grain of salt.

I exited my car on my own and told my driver good night. I headed into the building and saw that Harry was on duty. He nodded his head and said good night and I headed up the elevator once it arrived.

Entering the penthouse Jace barked but when he realized that it was just me he wagged his tail and came to me. I took him up to the roof and let him out. He did his business and I cleaned up after him to keep it clean on the roof. Then we headed back down. I took my suit jacket off and cuffed my dress shirt. I sat at my piano which I had not done in months. I usually didn't have time to play these days. But at this moment I had the urge to sit and play the night away and think about Bella.

Well what did you think? Should I continue?

I actually was standing where John Lennon died in Central Park. I have been to Strawberry Fields within the park. I visited the area where he lived and saw the apartment where he was living at the time of his death. It is an odd experience if you're a fan of his music. I have also been to Harlem but only travelled through it. I was in the Twin Towers and saw the statue of Liberty. That was the year the first bombing in the subway under the towers happened. I told you it was a long, long time ago.

Please read and review and tell me if you like or should I continue!

