Chapter 17

The Awkward Moment… _ (Insert Title Here)_

A/N: As you maybe noticed, the full title is missing. That is because I'm going to be doing something similar to what I did last chapter. This time, a reviewer gave me four really good ideas. I want to use them all, but what I'm going to do is post this ONE chapter with FOUR short awkward moments, cool?

I'd appreciate it if you wrote your review in this format:

Review for first shot

Review for second shot

Review for third shot

Review for fourth shot

So yeah. All of the ideas are from the same author.

Disclaimer: I do not own PJO. These awkward moments were brought to you by Annabeth-Athena's Daughter.

So, Annaebth-Athena's Daughter, these are for you!

Hope you enjoy!


Silena is alive in the first one – it takes place sometime between BOTL and TLO

1) The Awkward Moment… When You Accidentally Don't End A Call

Annabeth's POV

"I can't believe I'm doing this."

Silena smiled evily.

"I can."

I groaned. She had somehow convinced me to have a sleepover at her cabin. Just her, me, and all of her… lovely sisters.

Well, she didn't really convince me – she totally threatened me with a bottle of designer perfume hovering uncapped over my laptop.


So now, I was in her cabin, on my stomach, stretched out on a fluffy pink sleeping bag. I was wearing some weird purple nightgown.

"Okay!" Silena said enthusiastically, "Time for fun!"

The girls sat me up on the floor, sitting in a circle. They dumped bags of make-up supplies on the floor as well as cans of hair spray and curling irons and straighteners. The girls sat in groups of two's or three's and started working on each other. Silena scooped up a straightener, a bottle of pink nail polish, and some make-up, then sat next to me.

She grinned. Without saying a word, she ignored my protests and started straightening my hair. Some other girls came over, coating my face with make-up or painting my toenails.

"Alright Annabeth," Silena said, "Time to spill!"

"What do you mean?"

"About Percy, silly!"

"What about him?"

"Do you love him?" She asked, straight forward.

"Yeah, of course – he's my best friend."

The girls groaned.

"No, do you love him… like that?"


Silena pulled a cell phone from her pocket, "Call him!"


"Just do it!"


But she was already dialing the number of the phone he had been given.

She put it on speaker.


My heart pounded. Silena nudged me.

"H-hey, Perce."


"Uh, yeha."

"Oh, hey! What's up?"


Silena guided me through the rather awkward and tense conversation.

"Ok, bye Percy."

"Bye, g'night."

I hit the 'End' button on the iPhone and watched it. I've never used one before so I wasn't sure if it had hung up or not, but I thought it did, so I set on the floor in the middle of the circle and took a deep breath.

"So?" Silena prodded.


"What do you think of him?"

I hugged my pillow to my chest. Ugh, these Aphrodites were starting to rub off on me.

"What do you want to know?"

"Do you think he's cute?"

I blinked. "Are you kidding? Duh!"

I paused. Silena grinned. I sighed. She really knew how to get the girly side out of me. I gave up trying to resist and gave in to my girly nature.

"Yeah, I think he's cute… really cute."

The girls squealed and continued to press me with questions. I answered truthfully.

"Yeah, I love the way his hair falls in his eyes. I really like his smile. I bumped into him once – his bicep is really defined. I love the way his eyes twinkle when he laughs. I love their color and I especially love his laugh itself..."

I went on and on, until I heard…

"(throat clearing) Uhh… guys? I'm still here…"

Mortified, I looked at the phone. The call was still going.

"P-Percy? W-why are you still there?"

"Didn't you hear me when I said 'wait, Annabeth, before you hang up'?"

"No… how much did you hear?"

"Uhh… everything…"




"Shut up, Lacey!" Silena snapped.

A/N: In case you didn't read TLH, Lacey is a minor character, introduced as an Aphrodite. If you haven't read TLH, no biggie, that's not really a spoiler.

If you remember from Chapter 1, I had Percy get a cell phone – that same detail applied to this moment. But no, the moments aren't all linked together.


2) The Awkward Moment… When You Confidently Answer A Question Wrong In Greek Class

Percy's POV

A/N: I don't know if they use books or not, but they do now ;)

I sighed. Time for Greek class. I scooped up my book and headed for the amphitheater.

Annabeth usually gives me a one-on-one, like she always has, but today, she had to go to Olympus for something. So, I had to go to the group class. Ugh.

I took a seat and looked for the teacher. Turns out it was Chiron. This shouldn't be so bad. After all, I took Latin with him in sixth grade and that was bearable.

"Alright, class, let's get started. Open your books to page 58."

I flipped to the page. Ugh, question-answering.

Chiron began asking questions. Then, he got to me.

"Περσέα." (Perseus)

"ναί. Μην μου τηλεφωνήσει Περσέα. " (Yes. Don't call me Perseus.)

Chiron smiled. "Ποιο είναι το αγαπημένο σας χρώμα?" (What is your favorite color?)

Uhh…" I racked my brain. Then I thought of the answer.

"Κοτόπουλο μου έχει τέσσερα πόδια."

He blinked. "Excuse me?"

Everyone around me started snickering.

"I said 'My favorite color is blue.'"

"No… you said 'my chicken has four legs…"

"Oh… uhh… I don't have a chicken…"

"I see…"

He cleared his throat, "Uh, Will…"

A/N: I don't think I translated that right but, well, blame Google Translate.


3) The Awkward Moment… When You Say Something Perverted Without Realizing It

A/N: WARNING! Rated T for, well, pervertedness. IF YOU'RE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH THIS KIND OF STUFF SKIP THIS ONE!IF YOU HAVEN'T GOTTEN 'THE 'TALK' YET, SKIP THIS ONE! If you were uncomfortable with the moment about the bra strap, definitely skip this one! This deals with… uh, what a guy goes through…

Rachel's POV

It was time for the campfire, but the Apollo cabin was running late. I was talking to some campers, when Percy came over.

"Hey Rachel," he said smoothly.

"Hey Percy, what's up?"

We fell into an easy conversation. He was setting everything up to get the fire started and so everyone could make s'mores. Finally, the Apollo guys came over with their instruments.

"Oof!" I grunted as someone accidentally knocked their guitar into me.

"I'm so sorry, Rachel!" Will apologized.

"S'okay," but then I tripped over the guitar Will had dropped when he hit me.

I reached out to grab onto anything to keep myself form falling. As it turned out, I was holding on to Percy's arm.

"Wow!" I exclaimed after feeling the muscles of his arm, "Percy, you're getting hard!"

I heard snickering, "That's what she said!" someone called out.

And then I got it. I meant his arm muscle was getting hard! Not his…

"Watch the hormones, you two!"

"Perseus Jackson, how could you? You have a girlfriend!"

"Whoa, Rachel! You're the Oracle! You're sworn into maidenhood – why do you care?"

"Yeah, that's Annabeth's job, not yours!"

"Tryin' to break our oath, are we?"

My face burned. Percy didn't look much better.

A/N: Whoa. So yeah.

IMPORTANT AUTHOR'S NOTE AT THE END! Just tryin' to make sure you can't say you didn't know about it.

4) The Awkward Moment… When Your Crush Catches You Checking Her Out

A/N: Whew! Last one for this chapter! I'm using an OC. Her name is Megan and she's from the Dionysus cabin. No, she's not the same person as Meg from Aphrodite.

Nico's POV

Megan Vine. She's so cute.

She has long, slick dark hair and warm, grape-green eyes. She has freckles across her nose, but not a lot. She's really pretty.

She spends most of her time with her only half-sibling, Pollux, in the strawberry fields. She's my age, but doesn't seem to even know my name.

I walked away from my spot on the porch of the Big House and headed for my cabin. That's when I remembered that I left my sword on the porch, where I had had it resting by my feet.

As I walked back to my cabin after getting it, I saw Megan coming towards the Big House.

I couldn't help but stare at her. Even as I was staring, though, I didn't stop walking. I craned my neck to see her walk into the Big House, still walking straight.

I kept walking until –


A girl yelped.

"Ow!" I rubbed my forehead where a giant red welt was forming from hitting it against Annabeth's shield.

"Nico! Watch where you're going!"


"Who were you looking at?"


Annabeth looked over my shoulder.

"Oh," she smirked, "Megan, huh?"

"Uh… yeah."

"You like her?"

"A lot."

"What?" I whirled around. Megan was standing right there.

Annabeth pursed her lips.

"Um, I'll get you some ice, Nico." She quiockly hurried off.

I stared blankly at Megan.

She smiled softly. She put one hand over the other, face down, then rotated her thumbs.

*Awkward turtle*

I blushed harder.

A/N: What's so awkward about an awkward turtle, anyway?


The Top Ten Go-To's For When The Moment Gets Awkward!

Alright, so, I've had this idea for a while. I want you, my readers, to not only submit ideas and reviews, but I also want you to submit a Go-To, which would be something to say to fill an awkward silence.

Exampl: The one my friends use is, when there's an awkward silence, one of them asks another, "So, how's the weather?"

A common one is the awkward turtle, but I want something you can say.

So, come up with some, submit ONE (your favorite) and I'll pick the top ten. Those top ten will be listed in an Author's Note countdown from Tenth to First, the best.

Each submitter gets a prize. You can suggest prizes, too, because I want you to tell me what you want as a prize.

You know, maybe I can use you as an OC for a moment, or I don't know, advertise a story of yours or read it or something. I don't know you pick.


- Promise