Wah! It's my birthday today and I'm posting a chapter to celebrate! They story is now picking up the pace, but I only have one, maybe two chapter left before I am out of pre-written stuff so updates might be more sporadic. I'm also starting school in about a week so I won't have any time really for writing. Now enough of my rambling and on to the chapter!

Disclaimer: I no own!

Test my reality
Check if there's a weak spot
Clingin' to insanity
In hopes the world will ease up

Try to make it look like it's all somehow getting better
'Cause I know how to play it pretty good against the measure
Everyone started out a little insane
But you learn pretty quick how to fake it for the game
But some of you never learned to drop the act
So under that skin of yours: a heart attack
~Make a Move By: Icon for Hire

"Kylie are you ready to start?" Allen asks me.

"Of course. I know my job just do your part and we should be fine. I'll call you on Timcampy since now you'll actually take them. Are the kids ready to go?" I ask just as they come into the room.

"Yes Kylie we're ready," Konnor tells me. I don't think the boy will ever call me mum but I was fine with it.

"Don't forget how to open and close the gates Kylie. You can always escape to here if you need to," Allen tells me. Neah had recently told me I could open close ark gates. It took a lot of work for me to even get the concept but I just recently got it is why we were now heading back to the Order. Also over the past few weeks we had been planning our next moves.

"I won't. You don't forget that I love you no matter what happens or what I say after this," I tell him hugging him.

"And I love you too," he responses kissing my head.

"We had better go," I turn opening a gate near the town near the Order.

"Be careful," he tells us and we all step through the gate. I then close the gate. It had been a funny thing when I opened my first gate. Mine are more door size and not giant like Neah's or Allen's gate. We continue through the town and make our way to the Order.

We arrive at the gate where we are let inside. The first person to greet me are Lavi and Lenalee.

"Kylie your hair!" Lenalee says with a baby in hand. I knew it! They had another kid. Sweet! I won that bet with Allen.

"I got tired of dying it and the kids don't mind," I easily lie about it although it was kinda of the truth as well. "You shouldn't talk. Another kid?" Lenalee and Lavi blush madly and behind Lavi I could see little Yin.

"His name is Loki," Lavi tells me. As I look at the child he seems to have Lenalee's hair color and Lavi's green eyes. He also looked to be about a year.

"Where have been Kylie? We haven't heard from you since you called in for an earring for Konnor," Lenalee asks.

"Lost signal in Russia and I just decided to make a surprise visit," I tell her. I walk over to Yin and she hides behind Lavi more. "It's ok Yin, I know I look scary but I was there when you were born you know," she looks from behind Lavi and up at him.

"That your Auntie Kylie sweetie," he tells her and her eyes show that she understands. She lets go of Lavi and attaches herself to my leg.

"That was fast," he comments.

"Kids like me what can I say," she laughs. Both the twins look at her and smile.

"Hey Yin we also saw you as a baby too," Ryana told her and she looks at me.

"These are my kids Yin. You have Konnor, Ryana, and Zaiden," I tell her pointing to each of them. She lets go of my leg and the twins talk with her.

"Well we might as well and go see Komui," Lenalee says. Konnor sticks with me and the twins and Yin follow behind him.

"Konnor relax Komui is just going to check your innocence and then were off to see Hevlaska. Be happy you aren't a parasitic type like I am," I tell him and he seems to relax a little.

"Kylie you're back!" Komui shouts as we enter his office.

"Eh what can I say time got away from me?" I laugh.

"So this is Konnor. Well can I see your innocence?" he asks him. I nudge Konnor in the side so he would hand it over. After inspecting it we head down to Hevlaska. Once there Konnor panics when she picks him up making us laugh.

"It's not funny, Kylie. Get me down," he shouts.

"You're fine trust me," I tell him through my laughter. Hevlaska reads him tells us his sync rate is 81%. Next up is to check out Zaiden. She tells me his is at 75%. We are about to leave when Hevlaska calls me back for a second.

"Kylie there is something special about Konnor's innocence," she tells me.

"Why didn't you say this in front of everyone?" I ask her.

"Because I think you know what I mean by special," she tell me.

"You mean he's the one?" I ask referring to the heart.

"Yes so look after him carefully," she cautions me.

"I will Hevlaska. Thank you for telling me," I tell he leaving to catch up with everyone else. I mulled over this information. I knew I had to tell Allen as soon as I could because the heart could it the key to this whole war. I smirk as I continue to catch up with them since it was keep if that the third side would get the heart. I finally catch up and put on a straight face.

"So Kylie what did she want to talk with you about?" Komui asks.

"She just wanted to check over my innocences," I lie to him since it seems plausible.

"Oh ok," he tells us as he now departs us and I realize that Lenalee has gone as well.

"So how long are you staying this time Kylie?" Lavi asks.

"I'm not sure right now Lavi," I tell him. "Hey Lavi could you take the twins for while I'd like to show Konnor around the place.

"Sure Kylie," he says as he leads the three kids ways.

"Where to first Kylie?" he asked.

"The science department. Then the kitchen. Oh and we can get you and Zaiden actual uniforms now," I added on as we headed to the science department.

"Thanks Johnny," I tell Johnny as I finish up my conversation with him. We went to the kitchen and I introduced him Jerry along with Kanda since he was there. Kanda was his usual ass of a self and just ignored us. We then headed to get the twins from Lavi.

"Lavi!" I called and found him buried under three kids making myself and Konnor laugh. "Ok kids it's getting late now. Time for bed," I tell them.

"Awwww... But we wanna play with Uncle Lavi more," they both complain.

"They're will be plenty of time later for that kids," I tell them and they reluctantly get up. We then head to my room and I put the kids to bed.

"Konnor Allen's old room is attached to this room you can sleep there," I tell him and he nods and goes through the connecting door. I get ready for bed by changing into my favorite black capris and tank top. Just as I was about to lay down I hear a knock at the door. I go to the door and open it to find Link standing there.

"Link I was about to go to bed. Is there something you need from me?" I tell him.

"Sorry but Rouviler wants to see you," he tells me. I go back into the room and grab my jacket not bothering with shoes. I put in my uniform jacket and leave the room.

"What does he want now Link?" I ask him as he leads me to Rouviler's office.

"He didn't inform me of why, just that I was to get you," he tells me.

"Bloody hell. I already know this isn't going to go well," I grumble as we arrive at his office. I step inside and sit down.

"Where have you been Rhodes?" Rouviler asks right to the point.

"Straight to the point I see. Well I was in Russia where for some reason communication didn't seem to work. After leaving there I headed straight here," I tell him bored already.

"Why didn't you inform Komui that the boy you picked up is the accommodator of the heart?" he asks me and I now stiffen and figure that Link was listening in on my conversation then.

"So what if he is. Konnor doesn't know. What you don't think I can't protect him?" I ask him.

"To be honest, no I don't. If you leave again the boy stays here," he says and I start laughing which earns me a look.

"Rouvlier that boy has trouble trusting people. He's fine when he sees that I trust someone but other than that he hates people. He might not show his hate outwardly but I can tell you now he won't stay put," I now have stopped laughing and stare at the man across from me.

"That doesn't matter he will be staying here," he says. I get up and slam my hands on his desk.

"You really are screwing yourself over you know," I tell him then I leave the room. I now needed to connect Allen. I make my way back to my room and Luna greets me when I get inside. I scan to see if anyone is around before I call him. Seeing that it's clear I call him.

"Allen we have a slight change in plan," I tell him.

"How so Kylie?"

"Konnor has the heart. Rouviler knows and won't let me leave with him anymore. I need you to include him in the fake kidnapping," I tell him and he nods.

"Alright would you like me to leave one of the twins with you then?" he asks.

"Yeah, leave Zaiden with me. He's got innocence and it'll be helpful for me," I tell him.

"Alright I should be ready tomorrow. The attack will be tomorrow evening," he tells me.

"Just be careful. Also I won the bet. They have a little boy now, Loki," I tell him smirking seeing his defeat.

"Alright go to bed now. I know it's late there," he tells me.

"Kay, good night," I tell him and Luna closes up and goes to rest next to my pillow. I fall into bed and enjoy the sweet embrace of sleep.

Ta Da! Now I'm off to do some final touches on Crystal Craft and see if I can get that one up as well today. I hope you liked the chapter. And I'm off!
