Finally after two previous tries at getting this right I finally have it! I hope you all enjoy it. I know I don't give much on her description in this chapter but it will come, but there is a hint at it see if you can find it :D Warning this is self edited so I'm super sorry if there are any mistakes. My editor told me he really only wants to work on MDAD so yeah... I'll do my best though! Disclaimer time!

Alice Nyte does not own D. Gray-man!

With arms wide open
Under the sunlight
Welcome to this place
I'll show you everything
With arms wide open
With arms wide open
~Creed, With Arms Wide Open

It was night by the time I arrive where I had been told that exorcist headquarters was. I look up at the impending cliff and decide that there has to be another way into this place since I refuse to climb that high of a cliff. I walk around and soon find a dock with some boats at it. I take one of them and use the ores to head out. I soon find the entrance cave. I quickly find the dock inside and dock the boat there. I look around and there doesn't seem to be anyone around. I find some stairs and head up them. The stairs seem to go on forever before I finally reach the top. I look around and there doesn't seem to be anyone around.

"Here I thought Headquarters would have lots of people running round," I mumble to myself before I set out seeing if I can find someone. I soon start smelling food and follow the direction the smell comes from. I soon arrive in a dinning hall. I walk up the window where the food smell is coming from. I see some one cooking but he doesn't seem to hear me come up.

"Could you help me find the person in charge here?" I ask and that gets his attention.

"Allen? Wait you're not Allen. Sure deary I'd be glad to help you," he tells me confused at first but agrees to help me.

"I'm Kylie Rhodes, and I see you know Allen," I introduce myself.

"I'm Jerry, the cook here. You know Allen?" Jerry asks.

"Yeah, I trained with him under Cross. Cross dragged me with him to a few places after he sent Allen here. He left me in Turkey one night with a letter to give to some guy named Komui and an note to come here," I quickly explain to him.

"Ok come on then let's get you to Chief Komui," he said turning off the stove. He lead me through some halls until we stopped in front of a door. He knock first and went in. I walk in and see an Asian man sleep at his desk. Jerry walks over and whispers something in his ear waking him up yelling.

"Lenalee how could you!" the man yells.

"Komui she isn't here, but there is someone here to see you," Jerry tells him stepping out of the way to point at me.

"Allen? Wait your hair is too long to be Allen and the way you dress isn't the same," Komui says looking me over. I pull out the letter from my inside jacket pocket and hand it to him. As he looks it over I look around the messy room glad that Cross left me the note to take to him instead of sending one to him. He'd never read it then.

"Cross had two apprentices? Hm... Well this letter check's out Kylie. Come with me," he tells me and I follow leaving Jerry in the room.

"First we'll be doing a check on your innocence," he started to say when I interrupted him.

"Actually innocences, I have two," I tell him.

"Well that certainly is interesting. As I was saying after that we'll get your measurements and show you to your room. Right now everyone but two generals and one other are out on a mission," he informs me as we arrive at a room. We go in and I see tools everywhere. The tools make me wonder what they are used for and that it might be better to never find out.

"Alright and you show me both of your innocences," he tells me I first activate Devil's Darkness, a black cloak appears with sleeves on both arms and forming fingerless gloves on my hands. It fall down to my thighs and I leave the hood for it down. I then activate Moonlit Sonata, and a sliver scythe appears out of my bracelets. The scythe gleams like moonlight, like its namesake. I then deactivate them after he looks at them.

"A parasite type along with a type I haven't seen before but it's like an equipment type. What caused it to be like this?" he asks and I grimace.

"Actually I'd rather not talk about it. I'll say this though I was born or received the cloak one shortly after birth and the other I gained at the age of eleven," I tell him hoping that will be enough for him and it seems to be.

"Alright we have one more stop then we'll get measurements done," Komui tells me and we board an elevator. It swiftly takes us down and he introduces me to the grand generals. I'm then grabbed from behind by glowing tentacles. I quickly realize from her aura that she's means no harm and let her continue.

"95% for the first one and 98% for the second," she tells us as she sets me down.

"Is that a good thing or bad thing?" I ask.

"It's actually very good. The higher the number the better your able to use your innocence," Komui tells me. Suddenly Hevlaska starts crying out in pain.

"It's a critical point breaker!" she yells.

"Could it be someone in Japan?" Komui asks. For some reason Allen comes to my mind. Shortly after I think that Hevlaska confirms my thoughts.

"Damn he beat me to it then," I laugh to myself.

I plop down on the bed to my new room. Ironically they put me in the room next door to Allen's. Thinking over the events of today I realized that I had a long day. I take off my jacket and place it on the back of the chair in the room. I plop onto the bed and stare at the ceiling.

"Damn Allen, I can't believe you're already a point breaker. I'm right behind you though," I say out loud just to say it. I pull out my silver golem that I had created years ago but never got to work, until Cross in one of his good moods used some magic on it and it suddenly came to life. It was then that I named it Luna. The silver golem flew around the room inspecting it before coming and landing on my head and nibbing on my hair. For some reason both Timcampy and Luna like to do that. I decided then to take a nap and quickly succumb to darkness.

Too soon I was woken up by Luna biting my nose and a voice over the intercom saying that the exorcists will be returning from Japan and to report to the science lab. I quickly get up and pull my jacket back on and run out the door to the science lab, with Luna following right behind me. As soon as I get there a white gate opens up and two groups hold up signs saying welcome home. Then people start filing out the the gate. I see Allen, Cross and Timcampy, along with many others I don't recognize. I see Allen scan the crowd and soon our eyes met and I run up to him.

"Miss me?" I say and he grabs me up in a big hug. "I'll take that as a yes."

"How long have you been here?" He asks me.

"I just got here last night, Mr. Critical point breaker," I tease him.

"You know about that?" he asks finally releasing me from the hug.

"Yeah I was with Hevlaska when she sensed it happen. I should let others say hello now, besides I have a bone to pick with Cross," I told him. I walked over to Cross and started yelling at him making people start staring at us. As soon as I finished I then noticed the stares and started blushing and went and hid behind Allen.

"Crap I forgot there were people around," I tell him and he laughs. I see Komui talking to a depressing looking woman along with people smiling at her.

"Time Record, Release," I hear her say and Allen then passes out in front of me. I catch him before he can hit the floor. I carry him over to the nurses and let them take care of him. I look around to see he's not the only one this happened to. Allen wakes up within a few minutes on the bed.

"Nice catch Ky," he says using his nickname for me.

"No problem Allen. Now you get better so we can spar," I tell him and he nods his head. The nurses then wheel him away.

It's been a few days and I go to check on Allen and the others, who's names I have now learned. I arrive and find Allen not there. I for some reason get the feeling he's on the ark and go look for him there. I see this trail of food leading into a room. I knock and go in without waiting for a reply.

"There you are. You had me worried," I tell him walking up to where he's sitting. He looks like he was deep in thought about something. "Hey what's up?" He goes on to tell me whats on his mind. He tells me all about what happened in Edo and about how he moved the ark, along with how he saved everyone. He then goes on to tell me about the lullaby.

"Allen isn't that the lullaby you sang to me when we first met?" I ask him since I has been engraved in my head since then.

"Yeah it is," he tells me. I then just sit there with him and enjoy the peace and quiet because I feel like I won't get it much in the coming days.

If any one wants to see the first try at this story I'll be posting it on my Tumblr for you to read. I deleted the second version sorry to say I just didn't like it at all. I'm much happier with this version though. And also for anyone who's read Noah of Sorrow I shall be reworking it I came up with other ideas for it and I wanna redo it.

Kylie: Alice go work on your other stories you keep neglecting them.

Me: I know I do... But some of them I have writer's block on them.

Kylie: Don't make me got get the others, you know Alyx will kick your ass if you don't.

Me: Leave Alyx out of this! She's so mean to me!

Kylie: Then work! -in comes Serena-

Serena(MDAD): I blame her ADHD. She gets distracted easily.

Me: See Serena understands.

Serena: But she should get to work on her other stories.

Me: So cruel! Fine I shall work on the other's. I don't know which yet but I shall.
