Tears are Fallen Rose Petals
By Rachel*
- Chapter 1 -
Ballad of Fallen Tears
Rated: R (Lang. Violence and content)
Gender: Romance/Drama/Mild Comedy
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Address: www.Spike-Faye-Shrine.cjb.net
+ This is my second Cowboy Bebop fanfic, and it is MUCH better than the first! The 1st I didn't know the character's personalities at all! I even got Spike, and Faye's hair color wrong! Anyways, this has Vicious in it for all of you Vicious fans, except he is a bad guy soo… And Julia fans… Umm… Well, this is an S/F fanfic. NOT S/J… +
Just a little FYI there for ya. HOPE YOU LIKE THIS ONE!
= I do not own Cowboy bebop, but I wouldn't mind owning Spike ^-^
Hee! I also will not own any songs/ products that are in this story! Only the original characters and the story IDEA! =
UPDATED: 7/20/03 – Just a quick skim and some formatting!
Spike lay in bed staring at his ceiling. It was 6:30 in the morning. 'Why can't you go back to bed? Why won't you sleep a while longer?' Spike thought, rubbing his face and meddling with his hair as he sat up and looked around the silent room. He stood, and pulled on a white muscle shirt instead. The last thing he wanted was for Faye or Ed to see him dressed only in his boxers.
Spike walked into the bathroom and looked at himself wearily in the mirror. His thick pine green hair was going in every direction, not that it mattered, since it normally was anyway. "Uhh…I feel like I've been dragged though a knothole..."
"Spike?" Faye popped her head through the doorway.
"What do you want now?" He growled, glancing back at her through the mirror.
"Nothing," Faye yawned, her eyes were half shut. "I just heard something coming from the bathroom." Faye looked from his plain red boxers to his chest admiring his muscles and the perfect shape of his handsome body.
He nodded his head. "Well, it's just me so leave please." Spike snapped.
Faye wrinkled her nose together. "I wouldn't have come to look if I knew it was you," Faye taunted, she shut the door. A loud crack shot through him. Faye headed towards the main room to watch the early morning news.
"Well, you should have known I was in a bad mood!" Spike shouted towards the closed door.
"How could I, I didn't even know it was you!" Faye screeched.
"Shut up!" Spike slammed his fist into the sink. "Damn it!" He cursed holding his hand in pain. He bit down on his right hand holding back the other obscenities that threatened to spill from his pale lips.
"Serves you right…" Faye sneered, hearing the muffled scream of Spike's voice.
"You're watching channel five ten in the AM!" Faye stared at the TV as the opening sequence ran and then the screen moved in on a woman. "This morning we have a few regretful things to report." The woman was thin with long amber colored hair. "There are six deaths, two being John Does', and one a Jane Doe. However we have been able to attain some pictures of the victims. If anyone can identify the names of theses persons, please call us here, or go to the town hall morgue. The numbers should listed below."
Faye looked at the pictures on the screen. One was a man with dark long blue hair and seemed very dark and secluded looking. The second was slightly plump with red hair and yellow-orange eyes… The third however was of a woman. She had long wavy golden locks, and deep, dark blue eyes. Faye heard footsteps approach from behind.
"Julia…" Spike's face went pale and he fell to his knees. His heart seemed to stop. Everything was spinning; his chest tightened, like he was drowning, suffocating…dying.
Faye turned to see his panicked face. She ran over to him and tried to help him up, but he pushed her away. "I can move by myself…" Spike's voice was cracking, his eyes had tears in them, he wanted to cry, by wouldn't with Faye in the room.
"Spike, I'm—" Faye was cut off by Spike's harsh voice.
"I don't need your pity either. She didn't love me… We're going to Mars, wake up Jet. You can let Ed sleep longer." Spike stood up and managed to walk over to the couch where he sat down and stared blankly at the screen where Julia's picture was. A woman was speaking, but he wasn't paying any attention to her. "This can't be happening… Its not, she's not dead, no, she couldn't have died. We were supposed to die together. We were going to get married and live a happily ever-after life. A fairly tale life, heh… If there is such a thing… Oh God, this is a nightmare this isn't happening to me!" The tears in Spike's eyes fell onto the ground making a small pool of salty water. "Julia!" He gripped at his hair and pulled at it as he fell onto his side. He began to sob, actually sob. Faye watched from the doorway.
Faye bit down on her lower lip. 'But you loved her Spike.' Faye's thoughts continued to rack her brain.
Faye ran into Jet's room and shook him almost violently. He woke up with a fright. "Jet!" Faye hissed
"What?!" He jumped out of bed grabbed a gun and ran out of the room without even noticing Faye.
'Uhh… Men,' Faye let her hand run through her thin violet hair. She sighed, and walked back towards the main room and kitchen.
Spike laid on the couch his hands dangling on the ground, his eyes still filled with tears, memories of Julia screaming though his mind.
"Get up or I'll shoot!" Jet aimed his gun at the body on the couch.
"What, she sent you after me all because I'm upset?" Spike moved his arms waving slightly and then pointed to the screen.
Jet followed Spike's hand and after a second froze dead in his tracks. "Spike," Jet swallowed. "Don't blame yourself whatever you do, it wasn't your fault—" But Spike wasn't listening. The words on the TV were what got to him.
"The culprit apparently had silver hair and dark eyes. The man said he was also tal—" Spike turned off the TV and kicked if off the table with his foot. His mind ached with anger.
"Vicious!" Spike screamed. He threw his arms back hitting them into the couch.
Faye ran out into the room and over to Spike pushing herself in front of him. "Spike—"
"Back off Faye, now," Spike looked at her. His dark two-toned eyes filled with pain and anguish as he held back more unshed tears away from the faces of his friends… His family really. That's all they could be to him. He had no one else, well except for Julia, but now he had even lost her. He had lost her to that monster, the worst thing was… He never got to say good-bye.
"Spike, no." Faye looked at him sternly; into those dark, cold, pained eyes.
Spike clenched down on his teeth, and closed his eyes. He held back the urge to scream. "Fine Faye, I'll move around you, since you don't seem to care much about anything else but you and your precious self!" Spike smugly remarked and shoved her to the side of the hall tunnel. She hit her head and flinched in pain. Spike looked at her painfully, he kept on walking. 'I'm sorry Faye…'
"You think Spike knows yet?" A man whispered. He had short, dark ebony hair and ocean-blue eyes. His body was slim and well built, similar to Spike's except he was taller.
"He knows… He'll be here, and when he does I'll be the one to kill him." Vicious stood looking out a tall bay window to a hotel across the way. "Is that the hotel they'll tell him to stay at?"
"Yes, we gave the news stations the instructions. They'll be broadcasting all over the galaxy, all weekend if they have to."
Vicious smiled, his clouded-blue eyes dancing with delight... "That will be all for now, you can leave."
"Yes sir." He nodded his head and left the room.
Jet ran over to help Faye up. "You alright, Spike shouldn't have done that. He probably didn't mean it. It's just that he and Vicious have a long standing score to settle…"
"No, Spike was right. I don't care; to him I'm just a slut. That's all I am to him!" Hot tears filled into her eyes and began to stream down her china-doll face as she ran as fast as her legs would carry her.
Do tell me what you think! ^-^
Toodles always,