
I walked through the hallway and over to my locker. I opened it, sighed, and pulled out my math book. I hate math. I shut my locker and continued down the hallway. I turned a corner and saw my best friend, Sheik. I walked up to him, "hey, dude."

"Hey. What's up?" Sheik asked.

"I'm tired," I replied.


"It's Monday. Duh."

Sheik always seemed to be immune to Mondays while the rest of the school was, well, dead. Sheik chuckled. I yawned.

The bell rang and we started on our way to our first class: math. I don't know whose idea it was to give us math first period, especially on a Monday, but I seriously wanted to drive my fist through the face of whoever it was. We entered the classroom and walked to the table where we always sat with our other friend, Malon. "Hey, Link! Hey, Sheik!" she greeted.

"Hey, Malon," I replied sleepily.

"Ready for your morning nap?" she joked.

"Ha ha," I replied sarcastically, but it wasn't all that unlikely. I rested my chin in my hand and my eyelids drooped. I glanced around at the other tables. I wasn't the only one. Most of the class was asleep or getting there. Only a few people were actually awake, but they were all geeks. For whatever reason, the school administration decided that it would be a good idea to put hexagonal tables in all the math rooms and have three people per table. I think it was to encourage team work, but it meant that a third of the kids sat with their backs to the front of the class. That was the seat I always took: there was a higher chance of not getting caught sleeping.

The bell rang again and all the sleeping students immediately sat up, but only for a moment before they all sunk back into their chairs. The teacher came in a little late, but when he arrived, he droned on and on about theorems and the quadratic formula. I zoned out; Malon could teach it all to me later and it would make sense when she did.

I went through my usual day, sleeping through half of my classes, especially biology. For whatever reason, that's Malon's favorite class and she can't understand why in the world I wouldn't like it. Well, duh, because it's biology. Finally, it was lunch time. I was more awake then, and getting happier because the first class I had after lunch was history. I like history. It's all about legends and heroes. Plus, the teacher doesn't just stand in front and talk; he reenacts important battles and events and does many simulations to get us to learn. I sat with Sheik and Malon at lunch. Halfway through, the 'other' class came in.

The school was divided into two main classes: normal, and magical. Sheik, Malon and I were all 'normal'. But halfway through lunch, just like every day, we saw the 'special' students. They never attended any of our classes and always seemed above us. That was a shame because the prettiest girl in school was in the magic class. Her name was Zelda. She had these gorgeous blue eyes and blond hair that always fell perfectly down her back. She almost never put it up. When she smiled, her perfect teeth flashed and her eyes lit up.

I watched Zelda walk into the lunch room next to her best friend, Saria. They laughed and talked as they went through the lunch line, then sat down with a few of the other magic students, including two girls named Nabooru and Midna, and two boys named Vaati and Gannondorf. The magic class was much smaller than the normal class, but that was why they were set apart. Anyone who could use magic was put into that class. Everyone else suffered through, learning math and biology. They were kind of 'holier than thou' type of people, but some of them were nice. Well, more specifically, Zelda was nice.

I've met Zelda a few times because she's Sheik's cousin. Sheik lives with her family because his parents died when he was young. My mom died in childbirth with my sister and I've never met my dad, so we live with our grandma, but my dad sends checks every month to pay for our tuition.

Suddenly, something flashed in front of my eyes, blocking my view of Zelda. I heard something snap. I focused on the thing in front of me and saw Malon's hand. She snapped her fingers again, "hey, lover-boy. Pay attention. I asked you three times already!"

"Dude," I complained, "she's hot! I can't help it!"

"Dude," Sheik argued, mimicking my tone, "she's my cousin. No chance!"

Sheik and I had a pact that we would never date each other's family. We had made it as a joke when we were young, but it still held.

"Right, right," I said, remembering, "what were you saying, Malon?"

She rolled her eyes, "did you understand the math lesson today?"

"That was a lesson?" I asked sarcastically, "I didn't realize. I thought someone was trying to brainwash me." I took a bite of my sandwich.

"Har har. Very funny. But you didn't answer my question."

"No. No I did not understand the lesson."

"Okay. Thank you. Was that so hard?"

"YES!" I replied teasingly. I stood up to throw my trash away. As I turned away from the trashcan, I bumped into someone.

"Oops. Sorry," a sweet voice said. I looked up and saw blue eyes. Impossibly blue. Zelda.

"Uh, no, no," I stammered, feeling my face go red, "my fault entirely."

She reached past me and threw her trash away. "See you around!" she said as she turned away.

"Yeah, bye," I replied awkwardly. I returned to my seat and sat down under Sheik's heavy gaze. I smiled sheepishly.


"Hey, Zel, who was that boy?" Saria asked. I rolled my eyes. She was always trying to hook me up with cute boys. Granted, Link was cute, but I knew about Sheik's little 'no family' pact.

"That's my cousin's friend," I replied anyway.

"He's cute," Nabooru said, putting her chin in her hand and gazing at him.

Vaati turned around and glanced at him, as did Gannondorf. "He looks like a dork to me," Gannondorf said. He was sitting next to Nabooru. Everyone in the magic class knew that Gannondorf had a crush on her, but she couldn't be more uninterested. That didn't stop him from trying. Vaati just shrugged and continued eating his food. Vaati wasn't necessarily a quite kid; he just didn't talk much around others. He only spoke when it was just the magic students around.

I had to admit, Vaati was cute, too. His lavender hair and red eyes were definitely eye candy. I liked his personality too. He was, in all honesty, quite attractive. I know quite a few of the magic girls had their eyes on him. But he ate with our group every day. Not to seem arrogant or anything, but we're kind of the 'cool kids' in the magic class. Everyone looks up to us and wishes they were us. I'm only saying it because it's true.

A bell rang and all the normal kids got up to go to class. My eyes stayed on Link. Saria followed my gaze and got a mischievous look in her eyes, "hey, Zel. If Link asked you out, would you say yes?"

Everyone's eyes fixed on me and they all leaned in to hear my answer, "uh, yeah, I guess. But he won't ask me out."

Everyone looked sad. "Why not?" Vaati asked. Now that all the normal kids had gone, he would actually speak.

"Well…it's kind of a secret. I promised someone I wouldn't tell anyone," I said.

Nabooru pushed me to spill, but Saria respected me enough to let it go. Suddenly I realized something. I voiced my thoughts, "hey, Midna, you've been awfully quite today." Midna is usually the chatterbox in the group, so for her to even be a bit quite was odd. But she hadn't said a word all lunch period. No wonder it was so quiet today.

"Yeah," Midna said with a dreamy look in her eyes, "Link is cute."

We all snickered. Midna leapt out of her daydream and glared at us, "well he is!"

That only caused us to laugh harder. A half hour later, the bell rang and we all got up to go to class.

"Now we get to go listen to Rauru drag on about something no one cares about!" Midna exclaimed with false enthusiasm.

"Not me," Vaati said, "see you losers later." He saluted jokingly and walked off in his own direction. Most of the magic students have the exact same schedule, but a few have specialized magic and attend a few 'specialized classes'. They're more like tutoring sessions. Technically, our regular classes were 'specialized'. Either way, they were more fun than class. Vaati has one of them. He specializes in wind magic. The rest of us continued on our way to Rauru's class. Great. Boring stuff…

The day was finally over. I walked to my locker and opened it. I pulled out some books and replaced them with others. Before school begins and after it ends are the only times that the normal students and the magic students are ever in the hallways at the same time. I glanced down the hallway and saw Link talking to Sheik and his other friend…Malon, was it?

I shrugged it off and closed my locker. Saria was standing right behind the door and her sudden appearance made me jump, "holy crap, Saria! What are you trying to do, kill me?"

Her blue eyes flashed, "naw. It'd be too easy to kill you this way. I'd come up with something much more elaborate. Anyway, I wanted to ask you about the test we have tomorrow. Can I study with you? Light magic really isn't my strong area."

"Yeah, sure. Like my dad will mind. For someone as important as he is, he's pretty laid back."

She chuckled, "true. So, shall we go?"

I glanced over my shoulder at Link again before turning back to Saria. We walked out of the school and to my house to study for the test.


I watched Zelda leave the building with Saria. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Vaati, that boy with the weird lavender hair. He was gazing after her, too. When I first realized that was what he was doing, I was jealous, than angry, then defeated. I realized that there was no chance I would ever get her. But he could. Easily. I sighed, "so, what are you guys doing after school today?"

"Well, I'm teaching you the math lesson we had today," Malon said.

I chuckled, "my house or yours?"

"How about mine?" Sheik suddenly piped up.

We both looked at him.

"Oh, come on. It's not that weird. You've done it before! I have math homework too sometimes."

Sheik's a genius. He almost never has math homework. Or, any homework, for that matter.

"Alright. Why not?" I said. The three of us turned and walked out of the school, following Zelda and Saria's path as we went to Sheik's house.