Chapter 6

Once Lovino finally got to his Spanish class, his teacher immediately pounced on him.

"Lovino! Are you okay?! Did something happen that make you late!? Please tell me Feliciano is doing okay too!"

"Gawd, grandpa we're doing fine! There's nothing wrong! Stop worrying every damn time I come in late!" Yes, his teacher happened to be his grandpa, Mr. Rome, much to his annoyance. It also didn't help that his grandpa knew about his crush for Antonio.

"Well okay, everyone! Now that Lovino is here we'll get started with a group assignment, but since Lovino made everyone wait, for now all we'll be doing is picking out a partner and assigning each other parts for the project. " Everyone quickly looked at the people they wanted to partnered up with.

"Well what are you waiting for? Go get started!" And said people partnered with the people they wanted to.

Lovino hated group projects, absolutely loathed them with every fiber of his being, because nobody wanted to work with him, and it's not that he felt lonely, hell no, but it was all the sympathy and pitiful looks they always gave him, and he wanted nothing more than to punch them in the face for thinking like that.

So all Lovino did was sat in his chair, which was way in the back. He was prepared to work alone, besides, all the people in his class were idiots.

"Hey dude want to work together?" Lovino looked up, ready to say fuck off until he saw who it was. Alfred F. Jones smiled at him, full American smile and gestured to the seat next to him.

"Come on, all the other groups are full, no more than 3 per group dude so let's partner up!" Lovino wanted to punch his face, but stopped himself, Arthur would most likely bitch slapped him if he gave the idiot a black eye. Besides, Lovino was suspicious of what was up with the American ever since he saw him and Antonio together in the morning. Still, he was not partnering up with the American idiot.

"Fuck no, I'm perfectly capable of working alone, so fuck off," and he was completely determined to work alone, no way was he partnering up, partners always make things so slow.

"Well alrighty then, I'll just stay here until you agree to be my partner," The American idiot kept smiling.

Jeez, he won't understand why Arthur liked this guy, he couldn't take a simple no. Though he suppose he couldn't really judge, after all Antonio was dimwitted and a bit of an airhead, but he was way better looking than this American. Even so, he was completely ready to work alone and ignore the idiot standing in front of his chair.

"Lovi! How can you say no to this wonderful youngster? You need other friends besides Antonio! And this is a group project! So now make friends and work together," Well there goes his plan to work alone. Fuck. Not to mention the embarrassing way his grandpa said Antonio 's name. He blushed when his grandpa winked at him, but quickly passed it off. He doubted his grandpa was aware that he had a new 'boyfriend.'

"Well what do you know, we have to work together after all," Alfred kept smiling as he sat next to the empty chair beside him. Something was off about the American, now that he realized, his expression and body language relaxed and timed, it was almost as if Alfred planned this all, and it gave Lovino the creeps.

"Yeah, looks like we have too after all, you fucker."

"Jeez just Alfred would be fine, no need to use foul language buddy, " the American still held his smiling, though it looked a bit forced this time.

They both started assigning each other what parts to do, the project was mainly about knowing where the countries in South America were, an easy enough project considering it was high school.

Lovino however, waited for the question he knew would be brought up

"So, you and Arthur huh?" And there it was, the part Lovino was excited and dreaded to talk about, if only to know his reactions. And possibly Antonio 's as well if the conversation in the morning was brought up.

"Yeah, got a problem with it? " Lovino carefully watched his face to see any reaction but was only greeted by a pokerface.

"No! Of course not, it's just...surprising?" Alfred looked like he had a hard time trying to pick a word to say.

"Right," Lovino slowly said the word.

"If you don't mind me asking, how'd you, you know, hook up?"

Lovino was now never been more grateful to know that his 'get to know each other' conversation with Arthur before school started came in handy. Otherwise their whole plan would be ruined.

"We hooked up at the park. There, you happy? No more questions, " it was partly true, that's where they made up this whole plan. Which reminds him...

"Why do you care anyways? You're the one who made him angry after you asked him out for a bet," he glared at Alfred. "I bet you had fun taking that money for yourself," he wanted to hurt him, wanted to make him regret making Arthur cry when Arthur had this huge crush on him. Also, he felt obligated since he was technically the Brit 's 'boyfriend'.

"You don't understand, he was the only one I could ask, it's not like I like anyone else, and the money was just a bonus I got out of it, but I still don't understand why Arthur would slap me, in fact, if he had said yes, I would've spent that money on our date..." Alfred drifted off but Lovino could only stare at him in confusion.

"But since he's with you, here, take the money, you'll make him more happier, it's obvious he won't want me around, " his smile was so pitiful, as though he admitted defeat and handed the money over to Lovino 's desk.

But Lovino was still confused.

"Wait, wait, wait, waiiittt, are you trying to tell me, that the bet with that beer asshole, was to ask out the person you like?" He could not believe what was happening.

"Yeah, don't go all angry jealous at me! I just-I thought-maybe-" Alfred took a pause to regain himself, "look, treat him right okay? If I can't be his happiness, then you can," and there was his full American smile but it lacked the joy it usually had.

Lovino wanted to tell him, so badly that he wasn't really going out with the Britain. He wanted them both to have their happiness, for one: because he's a sucker for romance, two: because this would bring true joy to Arthur. But before he could say anything, the bell had rang, and Alfred was out of the class as though he was never here.

He could not think clearly over the confession from the American. But one thing was for sure, Alfred was head over heels for Arthur and vice versa. And Lovino felt horrible for standing in the way of their developing relationship. On the good side, their 'plan' had worked and the American had admitted to liking Arthur, and he'll tell Arthur as soon as he sees him. The bad side, Lovino still had not heard from Antonio, the tomato loving freak, and the guy that makes Lovino life difficult with the feelings he had for the Spaniard.

But he was about to, because once he steps out of his class, Antonio would be outside waiting for him, and Lovino couldn't help stop his fluttering heart. His heart was beating rapidly like it always did around the green-eyed Spaniard. This was it, Antonio 's actions in this would show how he feels about him. Lovino couldn't help think that it would turn out positive like it did with Alfred and Arthur, but he doubted. He was never that lucky about his life. Still he walked out the door to meet up with Antonio.

First thing he saw was shining green eyes, the smile that makes Lovino 's mind mush, his perfectly tan skin from being out in the sun, and his muscular arms coming out of his green tank top. His jaw was chiseled to perfection and his nose was still as cute as ever, at least to Lovino 's perception. And Antonio was leaning against the lockers beside his class, his pose radiated confidence like always.

"Lovi!~ you took forever to get out! I almost thought you'd leave me hanging, " he pushed himself off the lockers and started walking alongside Lovi.

Oh my gawd, he's standing way too close to me, I can feel his heat, calm yourself Lovi, do not blush. What's that beating sound I hear? Oh that's my heart.

Trying his best not to stutter, "I had to finish up some work, bastard, you don't want me failing do you? " Lovino decided to start of normal and tried not to look straight into Antonio ' s eyes for too long. He feared if he did, his face would start blushing and he would embarrass himself in front of him.

"Of course not! But I don't like being late to class either," he brought up a good point.

"Yeah good idea, I don't want to worry Arthur If I'm late to class," he said It so casually that Lovino was proud of himself for acting so indifferent. He made sure to look at Antonio out of the corner of his eye to see how he'd react.

And Lovino could've sworn he saw Antonio ' s charming smile turn into a right out glare for a millisecond but was soon replaced by his usual smile. Lovino didn't want to hope, but he thought for a moment he saw jealousy and his heart fluttered a bit from that.

"Ah of course, Arthur, your boyfriend correct?"


"That's definitely going to be a bit hard to get used to," Antonio 's smile looked a bit off, but Lovino didn't pay much attention to it, thinking it must Antonio being uneasy with the whole 'boyfriend' thing.

"Well get used to it, because I really like Arthur," Lovino said it nonchalantly.

"Well that's the thing Lovi, I don't think dating Arthur is a good thing..." shocked, Lovino stared at Antonio. Antonio was always too nice and gave everyone chances no matter who they were, be It enemies, rivals, or archenemies.

"He doesn't like you Lovi, he's going to leave you, whatever feelings you have for this guy are purely delusional," his poker face left no expression to read, but it was his green eyes that showed a glint of hatred. "He's going to hurt you, because that's what he always does."

Lovino never saw this side of Antonio. The cheery personality, bright smile, and friendly presence was all Lovino saw. He never imagined Antonio to have a menacing side that was so judgemental. It didn't help that his heart ache because the green eyed Spaniard had pretty much called his best friend heartless and manipulating, when Arthur was nothing like that.

"How would you know!? You don't know him well enough to start judging him!" He yelled at him, the Spaniard taking a step back at the sudden explosion with a surprised look but suddenly looked guilty, but it only lasted for a moment before putting on his poker face.

"I'm sorry about that, but it doesn't change the fact that he could hurt you, and I don't want to see you get hurt Lovi..."

"Well I can take care of myself, " Lovino 's heart raced a bit at the fact that Antonio cared so much for him but he didn't like the fact that Antonio could be so judgemental.

"Okay then, Lovi, please be careful then, " but then Lovino saw that beautiful smile that made him go mush on the inside, it made him believed that what happened seconds ago was just Lovino 's imagination.

Soon, they both arrived to class. Lovino was a bit nervous, since this was the time to act like the 'boyfriend' he should since Arthur sat next him.

"Well come on, let's head to class Lovi~"

They both entered at the same time.

Hey guys! I'm really sorry for not being able to update these last two years, the only excuse I have is that I lost inspiration :/ but I've recently been inspired again! :D so expect another chapter coming soon :] Please leave reviews! :D part of my inspiration came from you guys who are still reviewing, even if the last update was years ago :]