You know this whole story was originally just going to be a little short in a collection of random ones but now it looks like 4 chapters. This one itself is 7 pages long in word! Jeez.

This whole thing is mostly dialog/flirting between the two building up for the next chapter and the epilogue afterwards. It was fun to write I hope it s fun to read.

Name: Edward Nashton

He answered to it anyway.

Age: 21


There wasn't much in the student file he'd take at face value. This kid was smart, but more importantly he devious. There was no doubt he might have found a way to change things to get what he wanted.

And he seemed to get what he wanted.

According to his records he'd been at Gotham University for three years already, but that was most likely a lie as well. Someone as loud as him would have lit up the staff gossip circles and he would have heard something at some point.

It didn't matter, Jonathan Crane was well versed in reading people, and that included truths.


Edward didn't come to the next class with the same showmanship he brought to the last but he still made sure to answer every question and keep the other students' eyes on him. And again he stayed after the rest of the co-eds had gone on to more social endeavors. Today he decided it was appropriate to sit himself down on the edge of his desk while Jonathan was attempting to grade papers. Now he was shoving some bread in his face, so far been attempting to ignore him, hoping that somehow the hint that a student wasn't supposed to behave as such might break through.

"University rules frown on food in the classroom, Mr. Nashton."

He shrugged in defeat but of course he was grinning as if he'd won. "You say that but you bring coffee in here everyday."

Brow knit, he reflexively reached for the thermos he did indeed keep at his desk every class.

Edward bit absently into his food, watching the other leave mark after mark with his red pen, almost like he enjoyed it. "You know, you don't have to play the scary old professor, the kids are gone."

"I don't play, I am a your professor."

"I was emphasizing the old, crotchety part. I know you want respect from these idiots but you don't have to act like their grandpa... or dress like it for that matter. I think I saw jackets like yours on in those information reals in the 70s."

Jon gave him a glare from the corner of his eye, he could have stated he dressed in what was comfortable and professional, but it would be more interesting to hit back.

"That's difficult to take from someone who's working so hard to make himself look older."

That got a smirk, the boy obviously knew what he was implying, but much like himself he preferred to continue their little exchange. "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm 21, surely you've read my file."

"You were the one who said you didn't like to be underestimated, and I would be honestly surprised if you haven't gotten you hands on your own documents to fit your needs."

"Already have me all figured out then, do you Professor Crane?" his voice dripping with playful sarcasm as he took another bite of his sandwich.

"Of course not, but I believe I'm beginning to." Jonathan kept himself distracted as well, taking a swig of his coffee. "And since neither of us believe whats in your file, mind telling me what's actually true?"


"Your name?"

He chuckled, looking over his shoulder, "Its really Edward Nashton. A change wouldn't be a bad idea, though."

"I'll assume this is your first year at the University, yes?"

"A few credits here and there never hurt anyone. No one's questioned where I got them yet."

"Why come at all then?"

"In case they do I'll have some references."

"And your age?"

"I don't know why you're so concerned about this. You can't be that much older. Start teaching just out of school, which you probably shot through. 23 maybe? 25?"

"I would like to know if I should alert the police that there's a high schooler running around on his own."

There was a pause, it was odd to hear silence when Edward was in the room, almost unsettling.

"Well..." finally. "If its statutory you're concerned about you don't have to worry."

A choked sputter echoed the room when Jonathan coughed up the coffee he was attempting to drink. That was NOT what he expected to hear.

Edward found the whole thing hilarious, covering his mouth to stifle himself enough so he wouldn't fall of the desk. "Oh man, I didn't mean to scare you." the words were hard to make out, he was laughing so hard.

"You didn't SCARE me." he stated with more determination then he would have liked. "I was surprised, no, disturbed that you would suggest something so ridiculous!"

"If you say so, Professor." still grinning like an idiot Edward returned to his lunch.

Jonathan Crane spent the rest of his afternoon visit denying any hint that he had taken a glance at the rear end that was perched on the edge of his desk... which looked juvenile in those tight black pants.

The process continued after each class and became a staple to his week that he couldn't decide if loathed or looked forward to it.

"Riddle me this, what game makes peasants kings?" Today the young man decided to pull a chair up rather then use his desk as one.

"Chess, I believe..."

"Correct." his voice always went up a notch when Jonathan answered his riddles, it gave him a peculiar amount of joy. Jon would have to look into that eventually. "You play?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Don't tell me you lugged a chess board here?"

"Of course not." the words were accompanied by an immature "Psh" noise from his lips before he snatched a blank sheet of paper from the folder Jon kept the lesson plan he was currently attempting to work on.

"I used to do this in class when the teachers weren't looking. You write down the moves, back and forth." After quickly jotting down a line of text he gave the professor a smug glance, "Though I suppose I shouldn't be telling you about passing notes, huh?"

Jonathan took the sheet in silence, implying that Edward would return the favor. His handwriting was rather pompous with wide curves, but still meticulous Encouraging something so casual with the student might not have been the best course of action... still it would be amusing to see his face when he lost.

"So you did this with your friends?" he asked, handing the sheet back with his move on it.

It didn't take Edward long to respond, pushing it back. "Hardly, they weren't even a challenge, but when you're trapped in a room for hours with a half wit droning up front you take what entertainment you can get. Present company excluded of course."

"Of course." Sarcasm, probably on both their parts. "They weren't smart enough for you." It was more of a statement then a question, the boy was getting easier to read by the day.

"Not even close. I haven't met someone able to match me yet." He gave him a smile, it seemed more like a taunt. "You've managed to be in the running though, Professor."

"I'm honored." Narcissism, Edward most likely wasn't even interested in his mind, he was interested in the fact that he had yet to be impressed with him, and wouldn't be satisfied until he received the confirmation of his intellect he felt he deserved. "So no friends to play with after class then. It would explain why you feel you have to bother me every day."

The statement didn't cut like he expected it to, it only encouraged him. "I could say the same for you. What does Professor Crane do in his off hours? Golf? Dating? You seem like the serial murderer type to me, personally."

"I work." he answered sternly to stop the inane line of questions. "I do studies, research."

"On what?" the question sounded oddly sincere, surprisingly so actually. Perhaps that's why he answered it.

"... Fear. The psychology, the causes, the reactions, the physical chemistry... It fascinates me."

He was more then used to the reactions he'd received whenever he was forced to inform people of his work, sneers, confusion, being all around disturbed and if he was lucky fear. But Edward didn't give him any of that. He simply cocked his head to the side with a smirk pulling at the edge of his lips, probably more satisfied that he got an answer then what it actually was. But still...

It wasn't like the others.

"You'll have to share your knowledge on the subject with me sometime. Oh," pushing their little game across the table their fingers touched for a second. "Checkmate."

Yes, checkmate, in more ways then one.

The next week the ended with a test so Jonathan spent the rest of the period buried in a novel while his students left on their own, one by one. He had assumed his younger friend would make himself known when his insatiable need for attention saw fit. Today, however, it seemed Edward decided to try something different. In fact, Jon hadn't noticed him until a hand reached over the text in front of him to turn the page.

"Mr. Nashton..."

"Don't mind me." Edward had pulled a chair up next to his own while he was distracted and just read over his shoulder until he was noticed. "Unless you were still reading that, I didn't think I'd have to slow down."

"Is there a reason you're so close to me?"

"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Sounds like something you'd read, Professor, surprised you haven't already."

"I have, I'm returning to it. You still haven't answered my question."

"Speaking of books, riddle me this, my author's uncertain yet my title's the same, I contain random text yet order's my aim. Read me one day and my pages are bare, try again another day and words will be there. What am I?"

He could have shoved him away but it would likely just encourage the him. With a sigh he took off his glasses and rubbed his temples. "A journal..."

"You're not bad, Professor."

"And you are rather interested in riddles, aren't you?" sliding his classes back on he gave him his full attention for once. "Why is that?"

Edward leaned back in his seat, for once putting distance between them. It Seemed he'd finally touched on something that made him uncomfortable. Of course he would never let that little fact on. "Not up to a little mental stimulation?"

"You seem far more eager to ask questions then answer them. What are you trying so hard to avoid." he paused before allowing a smile to cross his face. "What are you afraid of?"

"Nothing! I'm not a case file, Professor, stop trying to read me!" With each comment Crane made the boy made an over dramatic movement of annoyance and moved just a little further away.

"You keep trying to challenge those around you, see how much you can get away with. And you play with them to try and prove to yourself that you're smarter then them... who are you trying to impress? A teacher, those students, your parents perhaps?"

"Shut up." He got to his feet, by his stance he was ready to either flee or punch him in the face with the next word that came out of his mouth. He knew that look well. "Just... shut up."

Jonathan Crane had spent most of his life with people who didn't take to kindly to his particular brand of social interaction. He was more then used to the frightened glances and glares of disgust of any who came close enough to see beyond his professional exterior. Usually he reveled in it, saved him the time of turning them away. But the kid was... interesting at least. Anyone who can make him look forward to coming to class was...

Well he was worth more study at least.



"I said I'll stop, I apologize if I upset you."

Edward paused, fists still clenched at his side, knees still bent and ready to run. He hadn't expected him to say that, and he would be mad if he did. "What?"

"Just sit down and read."

The kid just stared at him for nearly a minute, maybe waiting for the ball to drop, for some observation about his childhood or parents, god knew he wanted to make one. Jon waited until he decided it was safe. With out a word, which was even stranger the his apology, the kid pulled his chair up and, indeed, sat down and went back to reading.

As his eyes scanned the words in front of him Jon slowly lost the world around him and forgot about their awkward exchange. That was until Edward was kind enough to remind him.

"Professor Crane..."

A sigh slipped out before he could stop it. "Yes, Mr. Nashton?"

When he looked up from the pages he found his student staring at him, intently. Green eyes were scanning his face like a machine, looking for something, something that made him nip at his lower at the thought. It occurred to him he'd never seen the boy indecisive, his mind had always been working a few steps ahead towards an end. Nothing had yet to throw him off course, except whatever was going on inside him at that moment.

… he was rather captivating when he was confused.

"Nothing." And just like that his cocky smirk returned and everything was as it should be. "I'll be seeing you later, Professor, got something I need to take care of."

"Leaving already?" It was early, usually the boy stayed through the afternoon.

"Well don't go missing me now." he commented as he got to his feet. "People might start to think you have feelings."

"Funny." he shot back in his deadpan voice.

Edward thought it was, he could hear him laughing once the door was shut. When he was sure he was gone, Jon allowed himself a smile.

Jonathan spent that night away from his usual research to go over the tests he'd given out that day. They were full of the usual dribble but his students did well, as expected under him. When he came to one with the familiar signature of Edward Nashton, he couldn't have stopped the grin on his face if he wanted to. The boy had really picked up since that first essay he turned in. Heavy words, hard research, he was deadly determined to impress him, and it worked.

The young man would get the grades he wanted if he kept this up. In fact... looking over the schedule he found this was the last piece of work he had to turn in for the semester. He was done, passed, there was only one class left and he'd be out the door...

Unless he didn't pass...

No, no, he shouldn't even be thinking about such things, it was unethical, he could get in deep trouble with the university for altering a students grades. It was favoritism, ironically not in the usual sense but favoritism none the less. He wasn't sure whether he disliked the idea of being fired or people knowing he had a "Favorite" more.

Besides, if he failed him there was no guarantee that the boy would come back. No, he would, he'd find the grade an insult to his intelligence and wouldn't STOP coming back until he got what he wanted.

But he wouldn't be happy with such an insult... he would probably refuse to talk to him, spending each class in glaring silence.



When did his job become so complicated? It used to be he taught simply so the University would fund his research, his students got good grades and he didn't have any further contact with them.

What was it about this kid? He was conniving, self absorbed, socially obnoxious and obviously hiding some sort of mental trauma that he wasn't even able to investigate

He was strange... and smart... familiar.

A sigh filled his office, that was it, they were two freaks to the world, connected by some sick strand of fate. And a freak owed his fellow freak the best, did he not?

He'd miss the kid, and god did he hate that fact, perhaps as much as he hated loosing him.